
Be warned, do not anyhow wear Indian clothing

A husband-and-wife real estate agent couple have elicited backlash after they posted a property listing video online and it attracted attention for all the wrong reasons.

In the video, the duo — Jasen Tan and Shiqi Lim — donned traditional Indian clothing, made gestures that appeared to be mimicking Indian dance moves, and spoke in poorly-pronounced Tamil and Malay. 

Photo credit and quotes from mothership.sg.

I thought it would only happen in Malaysia, but now in Singapore also. In Malaysia, a Malay actress had to apologise for wearing Indian clothing in a commercial ad and was attacked for doing so. Now this couple, housing agents, wanting to sell a flat to Indian buyers thought it was good to dress up in Indian clothes and doing a bit of Indian dance, mimicking Indians, and were attacked as being insensitive.

Non Indians, especially Chinese, must be extremely careful about the sensitivity of Indians about their culture and dresses.  Do not anyhow put on Indian dresses, mimick Indian dances etc etc or face the prospect of being attacked, as insensitive to Indians.

As a majority, do not assume that you understand how the minorities feel and be very careful not to do things to offend the minorities.  Just stay clear from putting on Indian dresses. You may think it is fun but the minorities may be offended. But if you visit their temples and they made you wear their dresses, it is ok.

The above couple have apologised for their insensitivity. Shanmugam may want to consider coming out with a new law and guidelines on what is allowable to wear and what is not to prevent such insensitivity from becoming a hot racial issue. It is so dangerous for the innocent and insensitive Chinese to do something like this and be accused of being racist. Better to nip the problem in the bud.


  1. BANGKOK: Protesters in Bangkok on Saturday (Sep 19) repeated demands for the Thai monarchy to stay above politics and under the constitution in the biggest demonstration yet since a military coup in 2014.

    1. The current king unlike the last one is more interested in his harlem

  2. Aiyo, Sinkies especially the Chinkees mostly balls carriers and sebok.

    In any campaign, they would go to the extreme to show their egos. Fine example the wearing of masks. They will design their own one up to show their meetle their smartness.

    One stupid Pay And Pay campaign a class to be hawkers and you have dozens of them prograting for them. Easily conned to be slaughtered.

    Every damn orders simply obeyed to the dot. Like Robots.

    Just to earn a few dollars that can sell their Souls and licked balls.

    Now Indians a lot in Sinkieland and they wanted to capture their markets.

    So, they had to gain favours from them just to be like them.

    Chinkees will do anything to earn that extras and be one up on their own.

    Why that Lau Goh wore that Indian dresses and no one makes any comments but praises.

    Daft daft indeed

  3. Yes, yes, someone must tell lau goh to stop wearing that Indian dress and be sensitive to the feelings of Indians.

    Don't try to look like another Modi.

  4. If ex-PM Goh Chok Tong can wear Indian Costumes, so can all other Singaporeans. If any one wants to take issues with Chinese or Malays wearing Indian Costumes, please have the balls to take it up with the highest authority in Singapore.


  5. Yes Sir!

    Yes Sir!

    Yes Sir!


  6. That pole is standing tall like a sore prick.

  7. Singapore's Demography and Population Density

    As of June 2019, Singapore's population stood at 5.70 million.[5.86 million today - an increase of 160,000 in one year].

    A large percentage of its population are non-residents.

    Of its total population of 5.70 million in 2019, 4.03 million were residents (citizens & permanent residents), and 1.68 million non-residents (after rounding).

    Singapore is now the second-densest sovereign state in the world, after the microstate Monaco.

    Not content with being the most expensive country in the world, Singapore is going to score another gold medal in a few years time by overtaking Monaco to be the Number One Densest Country in the world! That's why there is a new ministry called the Ministry of Sustainability having set up to ensure long-term sustainability and survivability.

    Singapore is a multicultural, multi-religious and multiracial country w,ith Chinese (76.1% of the citizen population), Malays (15.0%), and Indians (7.5%).

    Chinese Singaporeans make up the majority of the population and the Singapore government is mainly run by ethnic Chinese, with the past two Prime Ministers and the present one being Chinese Singaporeans. The government has recently reiterated that Singaporeans are not ready for a Prime Minister from other races yet.

    There are also Eurasians in Singapore. They are about 1.0%, after many of them having been emigrated to Australia in recent years.

    The Malays are recognised as the indigenous community and given special privileges.

    Since independence, the demographics of Singapore have been broadly organised under the CMIO (Chinese-Malay-Indian-Other) system of categorisation. However, in recent years, there are other nationalities taking up citizenship. These form only about 0.3%. But, like the Indians, they are growing steadily year by year.

    Singapore government has said that there is no fixed target for population growth. What exactly does that mean? What do you think?

  8. Woody woodpecker wore Indian-Modi dress. During CNY, Hari Raya or Deepavali, the different races (esp top politicians and MPs) also wear dresses of the other races, and even dance to celebrate the occasions. Are they wrong also for being insensitive ? Y none of the other races complain, and why only complain against the Chinese couple who dressed Indian dresses decently ? Was it just because someone is unhappy of the couple dressing and w/o good reasons ? We are a multi-racial society......united people regardless of race, language or religion..., correct ? I think the multi-millionaire politician in charge must quickly come out with solution on what dresses are allowed or not allowed, otherwise, another clever guy will complain again in the future.

  9. At the rate of 160,000 (or even more) growth per year, in 10 years Singapore's population will reach 5.86 + 1.6 = 7.46 million people. In 20 years time, it would reach 9.06 million. And by 2050, 30 years time, Singapore's population will easily be 10.66 millions!

  10. Singapore's own national birth rate is around 30,000 per year. That means 130,000 are imported PRs and New Citizens per year.

    That also means foreigners overwhelm local production by 4.3:1.0.

    Can you all see the long-term impact?

  11. Singapore government has said that there is no fixed target for population growth. What exactly does that mean? What do you think?
    September 20, 2020 10:30 am

    Answer, let it grow, let it grow like lallang or wild fire. No target means can be anything, 10m or 100m.

    So it can be 10m, 15m or whatever, not planned, so it is alright. They said no target, So clever answer.

  12. We never plan for it. So don't blame us for the increase.

  13. Oh, this garment never plan for anything. It happened, let's move on.

  14. But The Xia Suay Paper General CCS (Cotton Come from Sheep) said he planned for 3.5 million jobs for 2.5 million Daft Sinkies leh. One thing such as jobs got planning but population no planning. The what the fxxks spent so many manhours and so much money on coming out with Population Blue Paper and then Population White Paper. All become Toilet Paper?

  15. MOE should put a stop to the wearing of specific cultural costume for all school performances and festivities celebration (kindergarten, Primary, Secondary) if someone other than from the same ethnics group.
    Send a clear message that it is not right to wear other races costumes.

  16. Wah, now must be sensitive towards Indians. What to do? Indian President, Indian Senior Minister, Indian Law Minister, Indian Chief Justice, Indian Central Bank CEO, now ordinary Indians also exerting their superiority complex mirroring their caste system.

    Singapore Chinese be prepared to face dark days. Can I use the word 'dark'?

  17. Hahaha

    This Government never plan for anything, so says Anon11.02.

    Anything wrong just 'Patch and Pray' or PAP for short.

  18. Thailand protestors want the King to stay above politics. So they protest!

    But in many instances, ordinary Thais call out the King to settle disputes involving political impasse, especially after military coupes, making Thailand a country of 'revolving door PMs' like Japan. It is too complicated to understand. Is there any invisible hand in all this?

  19. Do you think they plan for their million dollar salaries and bonuses and promotions?

    1. Hey bro, be careful as u are implying something that u may get sued till your pants dropped. Tuakee then took full advantage of u and sodomized u jialat jialat then u cry father cry mother also no use

  20. In Singapore Indian can become Malay, donkey can be a horse, cotton can come from sheep, so what is the problem? Chinese can dress as Indian.

  21. This is going too far. The government must put its feet down and put a stop to these racist and caste mentality in Singapore. Otherwise, we will not be able to live harmoniously and happily together again.

  22. Problems Of Marrying Other Nationalities

    Short-term visit passes, which are typically between 30 and 89 days long, are given to some foreign spouses of Singaporeans.

    But the pandemic has made it difficult for the spouses to move in and out of the country as before.

    ICA has approved nearly all pass extensions and considers the difficulties caused by the pandemic.

    Some couples said they had been granted one- or two-week extensions, which caused them anxiety.

    It has become a pattern that every month or so, Ms Melissa Teo would have to worry about the possibility that her husband may be sent back to his native South Africa if his short-term visit pass (STVP) expires and his extension application gets denied.

    Her husband, Mr Thapelo Molekoa, has extended his STVP around five times. If his pass expires, he will not be permitted to remain in Singapore and will need to book a flight home — a difficult prospect amid Covid-19.

    Question is: Did he marry a Singapore citizen merely to be able to remain staying in Singapore?

    Moral of the story:

    Marriage is not child play. It is a big and serious decision to make. To many, it is a once in a lifetime decision. There before you made up your decision, you have to consider all the problems that you may encounter. Some problems can be foreseen. Most cannot. But whatever problems you may encounter later on in your marriage, you will have to live with them - warts and all.

    Don't ever push the blame, whenever you encounter problems in your life, to someone else, especially your parents and your government.

    1. I think may be in her case she can't resist as not many African tuakee in sg. I guess that is the price she has to pay for enjoying tuakee but at the marriage expense. Only if she knows you don't need a tuakee to be satisfied and happy

  23. My precious niece, a professional accountant, "fell in love" with a crook, oops I mean a cook from Hong-Kong working in a restaurant in Singapore.

    After his work contract expired, she applied for short term pass for him over FOUR years. Each time it's either 14 days or 30 days. Each extension is for only one week.

    Once the extension expires, her husband had to return to Hong Kong and stay for three months before he could be allowed to enter Singapore again. It went on like this for FOUR SOLID YEARS!

    Finally, my niece divorced him because she found out that her Hongkee husband was quietly keeping a concubine in Hong-Kong on the sideline.

    She has two children with him and she has brought up the boy and girl by herself all the way for the last 20 years, at the same time caring for her aged parents.

    That was the ultimate consequence for her marrying a foreign nationality without much thinking put into it before committing herself to a Hongkee crook, oops Cock, oops I really meant COOK.

    1. Dude sometime it's hard to explain what love can do to people. At k east your niece has 2 lovely kids with her. You should not be so judgemental else I think the resident sodomizer can not take it and will like to sodomize u jialat jialat

  24. Sg is not made for sinkies.
    Its made for malaysians lah.
    They come here, no need ns, earn big money, retire big back home with all cpf and interests.

  25. PAPists can make big mistakes that cause people to vomit blood, get stroke and died but sinkies cannot wear indians clothing? Dumb or dumber?

  26. In Singapore if you are Indian you are top of the food chain. PAP govt loves you. Wherever you go you can flex you muscle. If you are one of the imported Talents you will be above the law. All Sinkies will have to kowtow to you.Enjoy the hospitality while in Singapore.

  27. But that 'condom' dweller had a stern warning from the police for flexing his muscle at the security guard. He thinks he is still in India and can do that where the caste system is still being practiced. Outdated mindset!

    Just imagine Indians looking down on their own kind in India. Can you expect them to behave in a civilized manner towards other races?

  28. It's ok. Since the great financial crisis, I've been earning good money from india indians.

    Just buy a bit every month into ahneh stocks (banksters call this dollar cost averaging).

    So everytime I see a bunch of them in Chennai Biz Park or India Biz Park or Mumbai Bay Financial Centre, I will give them a big thumbs up sign & tell them to work harder.
