
The Indians are really smart and out to take over Singapore and the world

I received this pic in my mail. The first thing I asked, is Stanchart an Indian bank? Obviously no. I think it was started by the Brits, got international shareholders and Singapore is a major shareholder. But if you look at this list of top executives in Stanchart, you can't get away thinking that it is an Indian bank or owned by India. And its main business is in Singapore and Hong Kong. How many of the top management staff are Singaporeans when the Indian govt is not a major shareholder, maybe not even a shareholder? Would DBS become another Standchart in the making with more Indians taking over in top management?

How could a non Indian bank be employing so many Indian top executives? This seems to be a trend in many western banks and MNCs and gradually in Singapore owned companies. The Indians are on the move and taking over the operations of these financial institutions and many western MNCs and Singapore MNCs, and in due course more will follow.  

There seems to be a standard operating procedure, like carefully designed, planned and executed, that when some Indian top executives got employed in some foreign companies, they would pave a path for more Indians to join the management, and more and more of the existing staff, including Europeans, Americans and Singaporeans, would be asked to leave the organisations and be replaced by the Indians. 

I must say the Indians are really smart and focused in what they are doing. Silly Singaporeans are no match for them, not even Southern Indians. They came, they saw, they conquered. They are not only interested in taking over big organisations. Do not be surprised that Singapore is on the card. The influx of Indians and Indian money to buy over Singapore is carefully executed and you can see and feel their presence. This little island can easily be bought over by a big country when they planned for it. 

The sillies and dafts in the island would not know what is happening in the name of meritocracy. In the name of meritocracy they would kill their fathers and mothers to make way for the so called talented, even fakes and cheats. Singaporeans cannot blame the Indians for taking over the companies and country eventually. It is no fault of the Indians. They are invited to take over and buy over everything. There is a willing seller, very eager to sell everything or give everything to the so called talented in the name of meritocracy and globalism. 

Singapore will be taken over by foreigners in no time, without any resistance from the daft Singaporeans. They deserved to lose everything they built, or their forefathers built, to the foreigners when the latter have a plan and execute it consciously and meticulously, and effortlessly with the daft helping them along knowingly or unknowingly. 

What would Singapore be like in another generation at the rate the Indians are taking over everything? Would Singaporeans be celebrating National Day in the not too distant future and calling themselves Singaporeans or something else?  Or would they be driven out by new owners of this island?

Can Singaporeans do anything to prevent the island from being taken over by foreigners, by the Indians?

Are meritocracy and economic growth valid or silly reasons to bring in foreigners to take over our country and let Singaporeans become third class citizens in their own country?

Would Singaporeans still be signing this is our country, this is our home?


  1. Good morning Mr RB

    Don't think they have the Big Monies to buy over overseas companies.

    Only went in as salary men and women and slowly and steadily brought over their kins, goats and cows into these companies as these dafts especially the Whites trusted them more than the Yellow.

    Then, when they had full Control, their bosses would be like Puppets to them.

    The Yellow had the means to take over but their own yellow and the Whites were afraid of them.

    As they would took over and made them their employees in no time.

    For they're smarter and more hardworking than their predecessors.

    The Whites and the Rest especially the Browns simply feared the yellow Prcs.

    Not only Kwa Lan but brash and farked them off.

  2. Good morning all
    Standard chartered sudah lepas la.. more important..what about op chart of temasick n gic.. forget the board of directors who probably won't know that sundials doesn't work at night.. what nationally are the worker bees who steer all the horrific investment decisions..show their pics la...)))

  3. We read with seething anger . . .

  4. I heard the foreigners happily singing, 'This is my country, this is my home.'

  5. This is my country, this is my home.
    We are all coming, we are all staying.
    We are not going home.
    For this is our new home.

    1. We r Sinkapore ...We r SingFor-riegns ...

  6. As mentioned before, joke among Sinkie workers in some offshore banks that once upon a time, head of the foreign bank based in Singapore would go around giving angpows to staff comes Chinese Lunar New Year. Nowadays, they observe Diwali.

  7. That's why Ah Heng already said b4 SG is not ready for a Indian PeeAm ( sori me not racist & not against Thamao becom PeeAm neh) else the entire banking & SG pools shall becom AhNehLand lio.

  8. Please note that only 38.76% are against the current trend of Singaporeans being supplanted by foreigners, especially India nationals, in the workplace.

    As GE 2020 shows, 61.24% support the PAP's pro-foreigner policy. The PAP clearly has the mandate to continue!

  9. If the Indians wants to take over the world, they also have to take over global Chinese companies and Chinese banks, which are global leaders, not just Chartered or HSBC which are not.

    And if they do take over Chinese banks, we better think twice about putting our savings there, because Indian run banks have the habit of ending in bad shape, through fraud by it's own staff, or insolvent.

    But Sinkie Government thinks otherwise and thinks highly of Indians running the National Bank. After all, they have the mandate, all 61% of it!

  10. How to trust leaders who thinks cotton wool comes from sheep. And that is from one who hails from a prestigious overseas university.

    I am flabbergasted even, though I just had a lowly, locally, kampong style education.


  11. Hi a very very very very good morning to everyone.

    Don't talk about Sg!

    Otherwise I will ##£&#@*#£&¥€¥&&!!!

    Sg is like that liao loong loong loong loong loong loong loong ago.....#£@&£#&@££¥π׶∆!!!


  12. Today is not the day to play this broken record lah!

    Where is our resident sodomiser? Do the job!

  13. 61% tells the PAP it is mandated to allow Singapura to become another Indian state, aka Indiapura.

  14. RB,

    Take a look at the lucrative top honchos jobs at Citibank, DBS, GIC, Temasek, Subsidiaries of Temasek, All GLCs, etc. And see who are in the Boards of Directors, Top Management Teams and Human Resource, Public Relations, Communications and Operations Seats.

    Singapore has been "sold" by PAP leaders consciously, knowingly, systematically, deliberately.

    That's why I told Shamemugam "no point do soul searching".

    How to find the souls where there is none existing?

    Better tell, through the grapevines, 20% out of the 61% to WAKE UP NOW!

  15. I must agree that Singaporeans, or at least the majority, voted for this policy.

    So let it be. Next time we sing another national anthem. Singapore does not belong to Singaporeans but to foreigners.

    1. aka SingaForeign...

      We r SingaFor ...
      We r SingaForeigns


  16. Just sometimes back these Indians employed by Singapore government to run Standard Chartered Bank had caused the bank to lose hundreds of billions of dollars that the government had to call for capital injection failing which the bank had to declare bankrupt and close down. Why does the Singapore government still allow these black ants to remain in their jobs instead of showing them the door. Are these Indians so sacrosanct that they cannot be sacked or replaced for incompetency. Why are they still allowed to collect the tens of millions in salaries and perks at Singapore tax payers' expense.

    The government even recruited an India Indian to be employed as CEO of DBS though DBS was started by Singaporeans mainly with Chinese capital, well organized and ran by Singapore Chinese, with all connections both local and overseas built up by Singaporeans and making huge annual profits of many billions of dollars yet our government must recruit an India Indian to be the CEO of the bank. The bank was so well run and managed by our local people and every department in the bank was so well and efficiently run by locals that even if the CEO and managing director go on a year leave the bank would still make billions of dollars in profits. But the sickening and intolerable part is that this India Indian chief has been recruiting staffs for DBS from his Indian villages to replace local blue Singaporean employees in the bank.

    If Singapore Chartered Bank is blindly allowed by the government to have about twenty or more Indian directors at the top of the bank I shudder to think how many times more of the same India Indians are sitting at DBS. These are only the top echelons collecting hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries and perks and allowance, what about the mid-level officers. They must be in their hundreds. No wonder blue Singaporeans are being eased off to leave the banks and young graduates found themselves facing a stone wall in their interviews with India Indian interviewers that they continue to fail to get employment many years after graduation.

    If the government allows these unjustifiable injustices to fester in Singapore and keeps on turning a blind eye to the ugly situation it will be like sowing the seeds for future turbulence and turmoil in Singapore.

    Singaporeans are very angry with this atrocious situation. The government must listen and act forthwith immediately before it is too late and dangerous.

    A loyal patriotic blue Singaporean.

    Eagles Eyes

    1. Hi Eagles Eyes

      MOM or Mother of All Workers exclaimed that there are so many unfair hirings that discriminated against Singaporeans.

      MOM or Mother cannnot even take care of her own broods of children even in her own territory.

      How to overcome the Invaders from bringing in more and more of their own to overrun the locals??

    2. U r rite..they collected all the monies & blue blue said it's not their own problem, it's like an accomplice in a robbery case pretending didn't see it, it's an act of treason & betrayal of the highest order!

  17. Singapore dafts dare not to even protest in Hong Lim Park, let alone protest in the streets or riots. Or topple the money-minded self-agrandising treacherous people in power?

  18. As for me, I saw this coming years ago, even before LHL took over. Therefore, I have prepared my family with a Plan B.

    Singapore will become Sinkaput one day. No doubt. It cannot survive another 55 years.

    By the way, by curtousy of the coronavirus, Singapore's 55th Birthday's most outstanding gift for most outstanding performance is 55,000 infections Record!

    Well Done! Multi-Millionaires Task Force!

  19. No wonder the India Indians are so arrogant. They looked down on Chinese uncles guarding their condos. Even local Indians are now acting in tandem. Look at the Sham, the hatchet man of the PAP! Isn't he arrogant? Look at his face, his words, his actions!

    1. Let him be watever he wants lah. When the times to up the lorry, he will hv to answer to His Creator or Karma.

  20. A Singaporean told me these are jobs that Singaporeans did not want.
    Singaporeans want to be Grab drivers and food delivery man and man.

  21. Not a surprise. The voters wanted this.

  22. Breaking 55,000 COVID-19 Infections On Singapore's 55th Birthday!

    From CNA: "The number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore has crossed the 55,000 mark, with 175 new infections reported as of noon on Sunday (Aug 9)."

    What an excellent timing! The well-trained obedient servants must have coordinated the timing in order to please their Master, by presenting a Birthday Gift on Singapore's 55th National Day!

    What a great achievement! The PM should reward the Multi-Ministry Task Force with an extra fat annual bonus at the end of this year!

    According to the official report, the 175 newly detected infections include one community case and three imported cases, bringing the total number of detected cases in the Singapore to 55,104!

    (In Cantonese, 55104 means quickly surely die, or surely dead very fast)

    Ministry for Health also reported that the sole community case was a 57-year-old Singaporean woman who was "tested after she sought medical treatment for prolonged acute respiratory infection symptoms."

    In other words, if she did not seek medical attention, she would not have been detected, and MFH would not be the wiser. This shows that the detection system for community infections is terribly lacking in any sense of urgency.

    So, all the talks about community infections coming down to only two per day are actually giving all of us a false sense of safety and security. We need to know exactly how many of such cases went undetected and are still out there mingling at coffee shops, shopping centres, etc. to freely and easily spread the Coronavirus to others stealthily, randomly, and unpredictably?

    The fact that it has taken the Task Force more than six months and yet the spread of the COVID-19 disease in the foreign workers' dormitories is still going on, tells that someone must be taking this COVID-19 Pandemic too lightly.

    Do you know what is going to happen after the next two months? With the relaxation of more rules and restrictions, the COVID-19 Coronavirus is going to be very happy. Just you watch the next wave of infections rising up like tsunami!

    Good luck Singaporeans!

    SSO - 10 Aug 2020.

  23. Anon 3.34pm

    The worse has yet to come.
    If the G let their guards lose, many will suffer, already many companies r bleeding or shut down, the next wave no one can guess wat will happen but the 61% had already asked for it so Sinkies deserves it.

  24. Dr Lee Wei Ling posted in her Facebook to tell us that she has a brain disorder which is not curable.

    According to medical experts in the Unlawful States of America, the disease can take 7 years to progress to ultimate demise of the sufferer.

    May I wish her a miracle cure to happen within the next one year. May God show kindness and compassion. May God let my wish come true. May Wei Ling recover from her brain disorder and live to 100 years old!

    So Help Us God!

  25. Anon 5.11pm

    OMG. The World is so Unfair.
    O Almighty God, Allah, Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva & the Most Supreme Ultimate One Please bless Dr Lee WL to be cure of her disease & liberate her of her sufferings. Wish Dr Lee WL a speedy recovery.

  26. The PAP elites made Singapore so overcrowded with the huge foreigners influx until there's a need for a pedestrian code of conduct when they walk on footpaths.

  27. They sold Christmas Island (which belongs to Red Dot) to the Whites.

    Now they are selling Red Dot to India. Or should I say let Red Dot be colonised by Indians.

    India have their caste system. I wonder what caste will Sinkies be classified under?

  28. Sky fairies to let Dr Lee Wei Ling to live ip to 100 Yr Old ?
    Hav You who gav her a medical condition which She is an expert and heads a Dept that specializes in the Subject.

    those who made the Kind Wishes also ask their almighties to let him live 100 years more.


    1. Hav You ASKED
      Yourself who gav her the Condition......?
      ASKED to be added to my earlier comment at 1105 Pm.

      My bad.

    2. 11.11pm anon. What talking u lar. Catch no ball leh. If can catch your balls squeeze till your face turn blue then u know

  29. What's wrong with leadership and management in Singafore?

    First NOL gone! Sold to French consortium that turned it around within one year. Some more, with profits. Doesn't it ring a very loud bell?

    Now, Keppel Corp too is going under.

    Temasek has evoked a clause in the offer made in Nov 2019, before COVID-19 Pandemic came about, and just chicken out of her offer to purchase up to 51% controlling shares, because of Keppel's heavy losses in recent time (mainly due to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic).

    What next for Keppel Corp? Sell to French consortium again? Or rename Keppel Corp to Keppel Corpse?

    If anyone were to examine the Board Of Directors and the Management Team of Singapore's big business entities, you will generally find four things in common:

    1. Appointing scholars and academics to run the organisations, perhaps thinking that they are God-sent to Singapore: The Jacks of All Trades (but Masters of None, except MBA).

    2. Appointing people with no experienced, or experience in the wrong fields, to heln the organisations. Oh, yes, credentials are aplenty of course, and probably also smooth or impressive talkers also? Or could they have been pulled into the organisations by long and strong ropes (not strings, which are not too strong).

    3. Appointing foreigners to seat in important positions of influence, instead of as advisers or consultants. Thereby, allowing them to have full control of manpower or financial decisions that affect organisational resources and performance.

    4. Old dogs cannot learn new tricks is a truism. Not just an old saying. Allowing a person to stay far too long in an organisation where he/she has become too big to be moved, replaced or sacked. In other words, he/she has made himself/herself an Empire that he/she has become the Only Indispensable Emperor or Empress Dowager. This is does not only gives a bad image to that organisation but is also bad for business, new ideas and progress in leadership renewal. Most crucially is that losses are easily and usually covered and manipulated until the organisations go under or go bust, until it is too late and become too big to allow it to fail. So, ultimately taxpayers' money becomes a very expedient but expensive commodity to save the day.

    The same glaring problems can also be found in the leadership and management of the various government organisations and agencies. That's why transparency and accountability have become such a huge issue. Plus all the ridiculous cloaks and daggers to maintain absolute secrecy about someone's remuneration and bonuses, that cannot meet scrutiny and sunlight!

    While real gold is not afraid of fire, paper cannot cover that fire. One day, in the not too distant future a new government is going to run the country and the truth must be revealed at all costs. No stones should be left unturned. Justice must prevail over Cunningham!

    We may not live to see that day. But our future generations will.

    Maybe I have spoken too fast? Not thinking deep enough?

    Maybe our future generations would be replaced by CECA-Engineered Back-Door-Entry India Indians?

    That's why I say that the Fair Consideration Framework is not fair, and does not work, but only a frame with no human face. It is just a frame up.

    CECA Indians have been deliberately exempted by the FCF (which can also be the initials for "First Cover-my-ass First"?). Look into that document (or toilet papers) carefully.

    That is the reason why it is not fair to other foreign companies, especially those from China and Taiwan.

  30. Paying so many millions of dollars to those old dead woods who pretend to look busy and useful but actually fooling around with gigantic domes of public funds and making huge losses year after year.

    For Keppel Corp, the losses have started at least five tears ago. Yet the same dead wood has been collecting multiple of $millions salaries and huge bonuses as rewards for making those years of losses.

    Is that justice or crime to the shareholders, who are actually the taxpayers?

    That's criminal breach of trust?

  31. India insists the world opens to their migrant labour and 'talents' whule keeping the lid against foreigners working in their country. Some conditions which are not in their favour, ie not baojiak and they pulled out of RCEP. One minor skirmish with China along disputed Himalayan territory and they ban all Chinese apps and stoke up and display anti-China natuonalism among the people. For all the hate on Trump, he doing right by soon banning Indian doctors who also conquered medical institutionss in the US after seeing thousands and thousands of American medical graduates going unemployed. Only 'some' small nation is welcoming them with open arms.And legs. We should not be against the blue collar lowly paid labourers who are here our houses and infrastructure which locals do not want to be in but all these questionable PMETs who have and still competing and displacing our very own.

  32. The recent skirmish at the Sino Indian border was due to a cocky colonel leading a bunch of unthinking soldiers and marching into Chinese side of the LOC to pull down Chinese army tents.

    And the cock asses blamed it on China for crossing the LOC. Only Modi dared to own up that the Chinese did not cross the LOC. It was the Indian soldiers that crossed the LOC into Chinese side.

  33. Nowadays the assumption is that academic achievements must equate to business acumen. The best in academic theory may not necessarily made good business decisions.

    You put highly paid scholars sitting at the top of GLCs and they are good in going by the books and not doing anything out of step to jeopardise their positions. That is sure to stifle the ability of the company to grow and compete successfully.

    But because there are so many paper generals out of the army, police scholars etc they had to create positions for them. How many more MPs or GLCs can they create to absorb those making way for new cohorts returning from overseas scholarships? They want to monopolise the cream of the crop from being lured by the Opposition and this is what we are getting today.- yes men running failing corporations that others have been able to turn their fortunes around upon taking over.

    1. Aiya bro.

      REAL businesses people are NOT FROM the bookworms scholarly types.

      They only good for Administration work. NOT even operational works.

      Real businesses people are maverick. Street SMART and with guts.

      Plenty of foresights and with intuitive senses.

      NOT following to the dots of philosophy and management.

      Our past businesses people are usually half past six in their educational levels but SMART in their other brains.

      Scholarly types with strings of papers will not take risks in businesses.

      They prefered comfy lives with lots of summer holidays like the Chow Ang Mohs.

      A business is like pedaling a bicycle. Once you stop pedalling you fall.

      Scholarly ones have no endurance and patience in doing business.

      See the likes of Tan Lark Sai and Lim Goh Tong.

      Where got string of toilet papers. ?

      Genting boss with an Empire.
