
Covid19 - Singapore's great achievement

 Singapore has successfully tested all the 350k foreign workers (guesstimate) in the dormitories. Of the 55,104 infected cases, the majority are from the workers in the dormitories. I am unable to figure out how many of the 55,104 are from the dormitories but from the daily statistics of Singaporeans infected that is relatively small, plus those outside the dormitories, my guess, 10 percent of this total or max 20 percent, it would mean total number of foreign workers in the dormitories infected could be from 44,000 to 49,000. 

The number of foreign workers in the dormitories is about 350,000. They are either infected and considered cured, or have been exposed and have built up resistance to the virus, ie herd immunity has been achieved among the foreign workers. It is a miracle that with so many of them infected, the community spread among Singaporeans and those outside the dormitories is very small and Singaporeans could still live their lives quite freely other than wearing masses and keeping safe distance from each other.

The big news, not sure it is a good news, is that the 350,000 foreign workers have been given a green light to resume work in the construction industry. What does this mean? Would they be confined to the construction sites only and return to the dormitories after work? Or would they be set free to move and mix with the rest of the Singaporeans? They have the herd immunity but not the rest of the Singaporeans? What kind of risk factor are we talking about if the foreign workers, many asymptomatic, and many ex infected and could still be harbouring the virus, are to let loose on the streets and to fraternalise with their girl friends?

I got the feeling that the govt would not be so adventurous to let them out on the streets and would still keep them in the dormitories for their own good and for the good of the rest of the Singaporeans, locals and visitors here, ie to and fro from dormitories to construction sites and no where else.

To set them free among the Singaporeans and locals and others in the island is expecting another miracle to happen, that the foreign workers would not be transmitting the virus everywhere they go, shopping and playing and socialising. Singaporeans and others living outside the dormitories that have no herd immunity would not be infected by the workers from the dormitories. And there would not be a spike in the number of new cases.

What do you think?


  1. Don't know leh except to say very scared

  2. I think no need to worry so much. Singapore Ministers all very clever ones. They will be able to solve any problem or all problems as they come. That's why they called themselves "outstanding" talents that deserve "outstanding" remunerations!

    55,104 infected - most "recovered" already and only 27 deaths. Some more those who died are cases with past medical conditions (who doesn't have past medical conditions har?)

    Can ask two questions or not?

    1. "Recovered" means what har?

    2. "Outstanding" for what kind of talent har? (Is it outstanding for "Bullshitology"?)

  3. India dorm worker >>> Pinoy Maid girlfriend >>> Elderly Employer >>> DEATH !

  4. Hi a very very good morning to everyone.

    Not to worry lah!

    We have 4G Mr Heng! He is the man! This is very very important!

    Sg will be very very Heng!

    We will be very very Heng!

    So....no second wave! No! No! No!

    Sg will be very very Heng Heng Heng!

    So don't worry lah!


  5. Release the 350,000 HERD of sex-starved Bulls from their cages into the Heartlands to do Bull-dozing works with the sex-starved Indonesian and Pinoy Cows would be infiltrating the Corona into Sinkies' HDB flats to infect the Ah Kong and Ah Mah to make them die earlier, so no need to worry about having an Aged Population. This is what Dotard Trump is doing - using the Corona to get rid of unwanted people speedily. Cruel and inhuman but effective and efficient.

    As long as can still be in power and collects $millions, what's wrong with helping some old folks go to Heaven earlier?

    There is always the 61% to blame, if any bad things happened, right or not?

  6. Hope they are not stupid and reckless enough to let the foreign workers roam free to share whatever virus still in them with love with their girl friends and Singaporeans and locals.

  7. Actually, frankly without these 350,000 migrants workers with their 55 over thousands infections. Sinking Land ALREADY long time declared virus free like New Zealand.

    No more tortuous masks wearings for old folks like us walking long distance hard to breathe and dared take out for a breather kena 300$ fines.

    All because taking care of Others babies. So maganimous and tax payers MONIES.

    Taking care of Indians from India with so much better care than.their own Givernment.

    Also not so many businesses tanked and KAPUT. During SARs period, we all worked as usual in offices and lifes and businesses as usual.

    This is the Greatest mistake made by the Papies for having their perceived never ending constructions to line up their pockets and have ten million POP.

    Kena Popped than its too late.

  8. Singapore's virus-control reputation is tarnished because of the daily reported imported COVID-19 cases from India.


  9. PAP's reputation of efficiency and effectiveness is severely tarnished both at home and internationally. LHL can even attempted to compare Singapore with New Zealand at the early stage. Then had to eat his humble pie when New Zealand records zero infections and opens up her economy, Singapore in the other hand just started to see the escalating crescendo of the infections hammering hard at the congested and unhygenic dormitories, averaging about 300-400 per day.

    Meanwhile, the low records of community spread has been deliberately held low because there was no effort to make a systematic screening and testing of all the common folks, one by one, to cover the whole population in order to make 100% sure that the community spread is under complete control.

    As it is, the cocky and arrogant PAP elites are taking chances, depending only upon the statistics of those who have sought medicinal treatments for their respiratory illnesses or related problems. Such statistics cannot be taken as a good and accurate measure of the actual numbers of infections in the community. Even a 12 year old child with average intelligence knows this. Why top scholar brains do not know, or deliberately don't want to know, or pretend don't know?

  10. BREAKING NEWS! Putin says Russia’s Health Ministry has approved world’s FIRST Covid-19 vaccine – his own daughter has been vaccinated.

  11. This is a good one to read.

    Below article is by Lee John. I took the liberty to cut from All Singapore Stuff, and pasted here for all to read. I have not asked any permission from the author nor from All Singapore Stuff. I hope they don't mind.

    "As GE 2020 comes to a close on our tiny island, rapid massive political developments continue to unfold across our border even as their ex-Finance minister, now one of the leading Opposition MPs was arrested on Thursday evening for graft in anticipation of snap polls.

    How does this concern us one may ask? I do not fault the politically apathetic or novice for being unaware of what occurs across each other’s border has an impact on the populace! Just as the new Malaysian PM was sworn in a coup before their Movement Control Order was imposed, our Cabinet was also installed last week following conclusion of polls.

    What accompanied next was the targeting of political dissenters, using either the police or Judiciary. What politicians fail to or do not wish to understand is the ramifications this will have on maintaining trust in State Institutions. The Courts and police exist for the sole purpose of keeping us safe and apprehending criminals and syndicates, not civil activists, bloggers or other politicians.

    If such a trend persists across ASEAN, it will lead to further revisions of the Crony Capitalist and Rule of Law Indexes by other developed countries to impose tariffs and downgrade trade ties with the EU and US, citing breaches to certain international agreements and therefore, requiring sanctions similar to that of Hong Kong. This will in turn, affect the already declining economy and ultimately, our livelihoods when corporations fear their own victimisation if they fall out of favour with a hybrid regime.

    Thus, we the citizens of Singapore have the enormous burden on our shoulders to keep the integrity of our political system and ensuring the independence of each of the 10 State Organs by depoliticising key appointments. We must demand greater transparency from our MPs in the way Judges, Auditor and Attorney Generals, Commissioner of Public Service and Police chief are appointed on the advice of the PM.

    Additionally, it raise eyebrows and give rise to suspicions when the police, prosecutor and judge handling political cases are rewarded as with the upcoming criminal defamation where all 3 officials received promotions ahead of the trial in October this year. I’m surprised no MP in the House raised any query on this!

    Though Supreme Court judges in the US are politically affiliated as propagated by Indranee Rajah, she failed to mention that all civil service appointments there are nominated by the President and can only be approved by their Legislature, in comparison to ours where our own reserved President lacks the moral authority and persuasive powers owing to several controversies surrounding her ascent to the Istana.

    Finally, I end with the words of the SDP election slogan for fellow Singaporeans to think about this National Day: “Trust is not what you say but what you do!”"

    ASS Loyal Reader
    Lee John
