
The Vision of a Singapore MP - by SSO

My Visions If I Were A PAP Leader

Firstly, my vision as a PAP MP is $$$$$.

I visualise how to gain as many as 30 Director posts and make it happen. If each Directorship pays me $30,000 a year, I would get $300,000 more for 10 Directorships, and $600,000 for 20, and $900,000 for 30 Directorships. And I only need to attend one or two Board Meetings a year, basically I go there to rub shoulders, drink beer, have fun and talk cock. Easy money, no work at all.

As PAP MP, I also have the privilege of using funds allocated by the PA (People's Assassination) to me as Grasslooters Advisor for my own political advancement under the guise of improving my constituency and helping constituents. Easy money to kill two birds with one stone.

Further, as a PAP MP, I too have the honour to run the Town Council and make full use of the funds allocated to my Town Council for my personal political adventures and advancement. Easy money again. Same as above.

More, as a PAP MP, I can suka suka absent myself from Parliament sessions - which are only held 4 to 5 times a year. And I can sleep in Parliament if I am too tired because of my chasing around for more and more money for my own family's and my in-laws' families comforts and future.

And I only need to meet the people (MPS) once in two weeks, for two hours each. During these MPS, all my works are done by the slaves and running dogs. Even writing letters and posting letters to various Ministries are done by my balls-carrier side-kicks and cronies. I just sign the letters and walk around looking important.

And when General Elections come, I have NTUC charlies and RC grasslooters to help me do all the dirty works. I just go around shaking hands and put on a pretentious smile once a while for photo-shoots.

And if I have my own business firm or if I happen to work for Temasek Holdings or GIC, I would fight for more foreigners to be employed in my firm, or in Temasek or GIC. I visualise how much money can be saved by employing foreigners instead Singapore kpkb losers.

Secondly, as a PAP Minister. If I happen to be a Minister, "ho say leow"! I don't need to do any work at all. All my works are done by the civil servants. My Permanent Secretary plans and supervise everything. I don't even have to think. All my thinking are done by the scholars Think-Tank in my Ministry. Not forgetting the expensive consultants I employed too.

As PAP Minister, my vision is more $$$ - more than being just an MP. I visualise how to increase my multi-million dollars salaries and 15-month bonuses in various lucrative investments, especially in those that I have insiders information. Who is to know if I don't talk? Who is the wiser? Singapore has no whistleblower lah . Who dares?

Who says PAP MPs and Ministers have no visions?


PS. Posted on behalf of SSO


  1. Hey bro u be careful lar as u are crossing the line soon. Unless u can tahan sodomy better be careful

  2. Why As An MP I Need So Much $$$

    I have to explain why I need to get 30 directorship posts, if I become an MP.

    Firstly, I need to be paid at least $500,000 a year, if PAP asked me to join the party and stand for election. Otherwise, someone may say that I am a mediocre, therefore not qualified to be a PAP MP.

    Secondly, I will tell PAP recruiting agent that I have to take care of my in-laws as well as my parents, in addition to my own family. So I have to be paid at least $2 million a year. As I am now earning more than $2.5 million per year, getting only $2 million per year is a big sacrifice for me.

    Thirdly, as the MP's allowance is only $15,000 per month or $180,000 per year, it's not enough for me. So, I need to get about 30 directorship posts in order to collect another $900,000 per year, making a total of $1,080,000 per year.

    But that is still insufficient for my huge expenses. I need at least $2 million per year. Other MPs like the Anus Surgeon may settle with owning only 2 cars. I need at least 5 cars. I need a Ferrari for myself, a Lamborghini for my son, a Bentley for my wife and two Mercedes for my parents and my wife's parents. Maintaining these five petrol-guzzlers will cost me at least $50,000 (including petrol, servicing, chauffeurs, instalments, road tax, erp, car parking and insurance) a month already.

    Next, my monthly household and entertainment expenses amount to another $50,000 per month easily.

    I also have to pay monthly instalments for my 2 bangalow houses, 2 terraces and 4 appartments which I bought overseas. Yes, I collect rentals but overseas rentals are very low, not enough to cover my monthly instalments. Unlike in Singapore where rentals have been artificially jacked up until every rich foreigner wants to dump their money here and screwed up our chances for a piece of the meat.

    However, through pulling strings via the backdoor, I have managed to purchase two luxury units of Roof-Top Town House at District 10 at a special discount. It is not corruption. It is normal practice for contractors to offer special discounts to VIPs during the launching, you know?

    All my properties cost me some $70,000 per month to service. So, I need at least $170,000 per month altogether. That means $2,040,000 per year. That is my minimum requirement. So, if PAP wants me, I must at least become a Minister. Not a just an MP or Minister-of-State, please. Pay too low for me lah.

    Yes, it's all about me. I am very money-face. Money, like love, makes the world goes round. Money can buy prestige and dignity. Yes, buy dignity too. Don't laugh lah. Don't be jealous lah. Who don't like money? Please tell me.

    1. So these Ministers and MPs do NOT have HDB pigeon holes in Sinkieland.

      No wonder they have this ruling that BTO applicants cannnot have any private properties here and elsewhere.

      My poor sucker friend at this old age then applied for a BTO flexi 2 roomed and had to sell his apartment in Matland within six months of getting his keys to the flat.

      So many PRs and new Citizens, you think they do NOT have second property or properties in their own homeland ?

  3. Sounds just right, like an immortal. One day was Ah Beng next door. After becoming MP or Minister, becomes natural aristocrat and knows all.

  4. As a Sin PAP Ruler,
    I shall scoop as much wealth as I can whilst in Office. The Money shall be invested overseas preferably in countries that have no Extradiction Agreement with Sin.
    I will have safe sanctuaries in as many places as possible with arrangements with my Good Frens Political Dignitaries to safeguard my Family and Fortune. This shall ensure that my Family, Kin and Clan can live in Opulence and Life of Plenty Forever.
    It is this simple and I shall simply have it arranged and scoot off at the slightest sign of trouble.

    Cheers Folk.
    Good Luck to You too.

  5. If
    I am top civil servant or CEO of CLC and GIC,
    I shall do what my Political Boss does and why not ??
