
GE2020 - I can't breathe...by SSO

Below post is by SSO on the fear and helplessness of Singaporeans. Singaporeans are strangled, stifled, suffocated by what is going on around them. Money in their life savings can see cannot touch, watching their backs for fear of Sue, lost their jobs but lan lan have to accept the hundreds of thousands of foreigners stealing their lunch and screwing them as losers in their own country, their children after spending a small fortune to get a university education ended up as part timers in fast food shops or as Grab drivers, can find a permanent job while foreigners flying in from God knows where could easily find a job with their funny or fake degrees....Can't breathe, no jobs, no money to live on...and facing the threats of more foreigners coming in to steal their lunch....

It's Time To End PAP's Monopoly Of Power And Strangulation Upon The Citizenry!

PAP has been in unfettered, total command and control of our country and people, our constitution and laws, our parliament and representations, our economy, trade and industries, our education and social engineering, our ministries and statutory boards, our institutions and infrastructures, our politics and political power, and our lives and livelihoods for far too long.

In other words, the PAP has an extremely powerful grip upon all of us - our children, families, our future. This state of strangulation is not only very undemocratic, unhealthy, ungentlemanly, unhelpful and undesirable but also very extremely stifling and precariously dangerous. It cannot and must not be allowed to go on and on indefinitely. It has to be checked and stopped. NOW!

PAP has been converting foreigners to become New Citizens, who are most likely grateful to being accepted by the PAP and therefore invariably will be beholden to the PAP. These "beholdenly grateful" New Citizens are bound to vote for the PAP, the ruling political party. This action of getting new pro-PAP voters must be seen as a sinister move that undermines the moral fabric, unity, integrity, and sovereignty of our nation. The people are totally powerless to do anything to stop this subversive and divisive strategy of the PAP to prolong its political and economic powers forever. There is only one hope that we can depend on.

This one hope is for every voter to realize the present predicament that we are in, that the PAP has manoeuvred and fixed us in.

This hope is to, therefore, for every voter to turn their vote into the pen that is mightier than the PAP's lightning sword at the polling stations on 10th July 2020.

It is time to stop the PAP's Monopoly Of Power, Absolute Power and Strangulation! The time is NOW!


  1. Mr RB.

    PAP claimed that WP is lying to the voters that they may be wiped out by the PAP in this GE.

    Why NOT? After what they did to them accusing them of improper accounting and all that's shits in the Courts.

    Scared that the voters will in turn voted the WP as they feared that they be wiped out.

    But, in their own lan par, par lan can tell the voters that they may also be displaced by the Oppositions.

    To scare the voters to vote for them.

    So, what's the difference? Kena wiped out and also same anology been displaced?

    See the looks of their fears as time running out for them.

    Trying to do damages control with all their blunders and agenda been demolished by the Oppo.

    Aiyo, Kwan Imm temple still NOT allowed to pray inside.

    Praying that they be really whacked and kicked out of their fortress.

    Good to see them as nomads like Georgie Yeo who once told Sinkies that they had no class to talk to him.

    Now, a wandering salesman kena plucked and played out by the Nehs that he brought them in.

    Whether can see the ex PAP Ministers and MPs at supermarket stacking toilet papers and condoms.

    After all they easy to find jobs as these are their cronies.

    Come July 11, the aftermath would be real sweet.

    Unfortunately, cannot cheer with the OPPO parties as no assemblies.

    PAP knew that they be crying like GY when the results are announced. That's why no assemblies allow.

    Also, they be delaying lots of results to try to recount and look for any extra ballot boxes.

  2. It is a devious scheme to hold the election at this time.

    No rallies allowed. Lots of chicken wings and lollipops thrown to the peasants. Using the COVID19 fear to scare the shit out of the 70% zombies. Fear of the massive job losses on the cards if they delay the election to their disadvantage.

    So, what better time to hold the election than NOW?

  3. The biggest fear mongering is to tell the people the opposition is going to form the next garment and the economy will go down.

  4. Now PAP played threatening game.

    Sin, oops Sim Ann said if Bukit Panjang were to go to SDP. Holland - Bukit Timah TC plans of what's upgrading and lifts would NOT be applicable there.

    Wow, so Cock, should be Chee sure that Holland- Bukit Timah would be still under them?

    Using their usual threats.

    Whole world be laughing that Sinkieland's MPs only good to clean drains and dustbins and not on National Parliament on the liviehoods of their citizens.

    What's so difficult in running a Town Council?

    So many Mangement Companies can do it.
    No need useless MPs.

    Wah, Oppo wards no benefits and privileges.

    What's about Oppo wards no need serve NS and pay Taxes?

  5. After GE 2015
    When Singaporeans nearly voted out the entire Opposition.

    I really give up on fellow Singaporeans.

    But I will continue to vote Opposition.
    Because I think they deserve my vote for trying so hard even when there is clearly no hope.


  6. A very good afternoon to everyone....

    What so surprising? Not surprising at all!

    Living in Sg is like that loong loong loong loong loong loong loong loong time ago lah!

    What can you do? You tell me lah! Tell me lah!

    Only.... kpkbssssssssss and TCSSssssssss! After that... only lan-lan!

    Really.... what can you do?

    Hahaha Hahahahahaha......

    1. @ 1.09pm

      You are absolutely right.

      There is nothing I can do except to keep voting Opposition.

  7. Is that all you can say? You tell me lah!

  8. Be like Hougang. Almost 30 years opposition. Don't say say only.

  9. Hi 154pm....yes! Hahaha....

  10. In the past, most Sinkies fell for ungrading. But such attempted bribery failed to work in Hougang.

    The PAP touted that upgrading will keep on increasing the value of their HDB flats. But now, that argument fell on the PAP's face and those who fell for the trick are now left to lick their wounds, realizing, too late, that their prized HDB flats will become a zero pile of gravel upon reaching 99 years.

    Who lied to who? Who voted who to lie to who?

    Why is this issue not highlighted in this election or have I missed something?

  11. Vote PAP to bring in more foreign talents to create jobs for Sinkees.

  12. By now Sinkies should know the good chain effects of the Oppositions critisms on various issues as brought up by them.

    Now, they offering 2000 Our local Unis places for Singaporeans.

    See how affective, ooops effective.

    So Sinkies must vote more OPPO MPs to have them listened and step their brakes on favouring the Foreign Trashes.

    By now they still don't realise the good effects then they are real dumb.


  13. Hi all

    When come to GE, SINGAPOREANs are very very kwai kwai!

    Will this GE still very very kwai kwai?

    We shall see......

  14. SGreans cannot break the curse, when go into polling stn come this Friday, they will mostly be so scared to death when their NRIC & Name r read loudly to them & they will mostly likely be so afraid & spellbound to mark a cross on the PAPies box, for the some seniors who r PAPies haters will 'ba boh do' blur blur mark a cross at the PAPies box thinking a cross is a PAPIES rejection votes, the returning officer on that day will announced that PAPies's return to power with supermajority of votes, Sgreans will again got to tahan or suffer another 5 more yrs...

  15. Scary message from PAP:

    PAP seeks 'not just your mandate, but your strong mandate' !

    More strong PAP = more CECA India nationals!

  16. // More strong PAP = more CECA India nationals! //

    More strong PAP = more GST + more Foreigners + more incre8se in anything !
    PAP will be Heng Ong Huat Ah Everyday till next erection. Sinkies will Pay & Pay till wallets kosong, Si Liow Lah! Better not cast the votes to the Whites men. Vote with a clear mind & wear a talisman to ward off that 'PAPies Spell' when the Eld officer read ur IC & name aloud or juz wear an ear plug pretend never hear, last but not least don't mark a cross on that 'flash' logo & pray and pray that the Whites won't get supermajority. If every one do their part as above, then the whites men will be jobless lio. So is it possible let's wait n see..

  17. Singaporeans voters must exercise their voting bargaining chips to have PAP listened and heed their unhappiness.

    You can put them up there and also you can out them down below.


  18. After the 2008 financial crisis, many firms sought to boost profits by cutting costs, starting with labour. Instead of hiring workers in formal employment contracts with good wages and benefits, companies adopted a model based on part-time, hourly, gig, freelance, and contract work, creating what the economist Guy Standing calls a “precariat”....

    The precariat is the contemporary version of Karl Marx’s proletariat: A new class of alienated, insecure workers who are ripe for radicalisation and mobilisation against the plutocracy (or what Marx called the bourgeoisie). CNA

    1. The PAP supported this as their cronies and them bottom line of profits would be tremendous.

      Also no need cumbersome retrenchment policies.

      Our NTUC - Wow Unions for workers joined in the scheme as Sai Kai Members or Triaparite to protect the Workers Rights?

      Another Traitous Act.

      Sinkies are daft to be con by them.

      Thinking these are the best where we can have our own leisure to enjoy on our own.

      Strawberry fun loving easy life's as supported by their parents hard work softies.

      Not knowing within a wink of their eyes they be reaching retirements or even not wanted by the so called employers at middle range 40s and 50s.

      Had to eat grass or collect cardboards or crockery at hawkers centres or drive Grabs Pai Hong chias
