
Covid19 - No Americans allowed

The Americans have for the last 70 years been using sanctions and isolation to control, suppress and oppress countries that it regards as enemies. Many countries have been made poor, very poor and their people suffered generations of poverty because of the evil and wicked American policies of isolating these countries from the rest of the world, no trade, no cultural or whatever exchanges. Countries like Cuba, North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, Venezuela and many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia are still in grave poverty not because their govts were incapable of raising their standard of living, to improve their economies and the lives of their people, but because of the oppression and suppression by the evil Empire using the useless UN to do the killings.

The evil men and women in Washington and the White House are celebrating everyday in luxury while their victims, hundreds of millions of people, are suffering under their oppressive isolation policies. And the rest of the world could not do anything about it. China, by a stroke of accident, was set free from this containment and isolation policies and quickly made up for loss time to become rich and prosperous. But China is still relatively weak vis a vis the evil Empire and could not break the chains of isolation placed on the rest of the world. It would take time and for the rest of the world to join force with China to put an end to the oppression of the evil Empire.

But the world need not despair.  No country at this point in time, or in the near future, could bring down the evil Empire while they dominate, dictate and oppress the rest of the world. The ONE up there will bring justice and fairness to all and set the world free from the evil Empire. HE has sent a clown called Donald Trump to destroy this evil Empire by making the evil Americans thinking that Trump was their saviour from going down into the abyss. And they rallied behind this clown to facilitate and speed up the pace of the decline of the evil American Empire.

Sending clown Trump is not enough. HE sent in his invisible army of viruses, in Covid19, to eat up the evil Empire. They cannot run, cannot hide from this virus.  They are hapless and could not fight back. Better still, don't fight back. And that is what Trump is doing and telling the Americans and the evil Americans blindly followed him without question.  They keep on celebrating and partying as if their world would never end.

Now the infection rate of the evil Empire is the highest in the world, hitting nearly 3m and nearly 200,000 death and growing rapidly at 50,000 daily across the USA. The infection rate is the highest in the world and growing exponentially in a reckless way, uncontrollable, for HE is in control and setting up the Americans for destruction.

Europe has started the ball rolling by keeping the Americans out of Europe from fear of more infection by the diseased Americans. No Americans allowed! This new trend, 'No Americans Allowed' will spread across the world. No Americans will be allowed in foreign soils. The Americans are worse than lepers, diseased and must be isolated and die in their homeland, once untouchable by any country. No one can think of invading and defeating the Americans militarily. HE has his plan, to exterminate the Americans in American soil and save the rest of the world from being fried by the American nuclear arsenal. The enemies of the Americans are invisible, sent by HIM to take out this evil Empire for good.

No Americans allowed, in any corner of the world. The American Dream is dead. That was what Trump said in his run up to the White House. He will make American Great Again, but not before burning it down to the ground, turned to ashes and to reemerge as a new country, free from its sins of the past. America will be great again, after it is destroyed for the good of the world. Only then can a new America rise again, a multi racial America, not a white evil America.

No Americans allowed. Stay in your homeland. The Americans will be locked down, isolated from the rest of the world by HIM.


  1. Dotard TRUMP should now called Handsome Kim to shoot an Atomic bomb and finished them all.

    No need unnecessary sufferings.


  2. What China has achieved is the biggest fear of the evil USA. That is the main reason to mask all the talk about security issues, unfair trade, human rights violations and other spurious claims.

    If other countries follow suit China's advancement trajectory, with all the aid that China is giving, where does that leave the USA? The UN, IMF, World Bank, all beholden entities to the USA to inflict poverty on the rest of the world would be left without victims to capitalize.

    That is the reason why the USA wants China to collapse and not because of national security, unfair trade or human rights. And with China's collapse, that means communism is still the failed system that the West has been touting for ages.

    If the USA wants to take the moral ground to promote human rights, they must first of all show the world that they walk the talk. For example, interfering in Hong Kong is a farce when the USA's human freedom index falls far below that of Hong Kong. How can they say that they are fighting for Hong Kong's freedom when they are nowhere near to Hong Kong's No. 3 ranking in the world.

    Pompeo talks about the fear of the new security law in Hong Kong regarding USA citizens. Isn't it ironic to say that when there are tens of thousands of USA citizens working in China itself, and where has he ever expressed any fear of the law in China concerning those USA citizens? Is he insinuating that the security law in Hong Kong is more stringent than those in mainland China? In that case the Chinese citizens on the mainland are not being treated as badly as what the West made them out to be!

    Heaven has seen all the evils that the USA has inflicted on mankind and Trump and the virus are working hand in hand to bring the big evil down. Some in the EU, Whites themselves, have reached deep into their conscience for supporting the USA in it's multiple wars of destruction and inflicting sufferings all over the world, and are distancing themselves from Trump.

    But yet others, non whites, are taking up the cudgel to beholden themselves to the evil empire. You can see them all around South Asia and surrounding South China Sea.

  3. Tiny Singapore's 44,800 confirmed COVID-19 cases has already exceeded the halfway mark of China's 84,870 COVID-19 cases, according to Johns Hopkins data.

    "Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of the benefit of hindsight." Lawrence Wong, April 9 2020.

    “If we were to be able to rewind the clock, one could say that these safe distancing measures needed to go much further.” Josephine Teo.

    That's PAP 4G competency . . .

    1. Strawberry generation walk also fall and sprained leg.

      My goodness, you want these spolit brats PAP candidates to be your MPs?

      Cannot eat hardships and bitter gourds.

    2. Played until no more ruses.

      Sprained legs also headline.

      Want sympathy votes?

      Want to win another 69.9%?

      Simple have one more if possible of AMK GRC to go off at this time and the daft sinkies will cry their eyes out and have 70% again.

      Heard some news that he supposed to go for prostate ops but still around.

      Wow, real painful with that filament wire poke thru your Yul Bryner Bro tiny hole.

      Now ops no joke. Can be eunch.


  4. India is eyeing joining the 'five eyes' to counter China. Wishful thinking! Whites do not trust non whites, not even their own black citizens.

    But it will be great if India joins and gives the 'five eyes' a black eye instead!

    At one time the Japs in Africa were elevating themselves by demanding White status, but found a hard landing instead. Now Indians are trying to be the new 'fake sahibs'.

  5. The Indians think they are whites and as good as the whites. But the whites only believe in the whites, nothing but whites.

    See how they treat the blacks in the USA? In UK, many Indians were attacked on the streets by the skin heads because of their colour.

  6. "The Indians think they are whites . ." - hey! that's what my lady colleague always say about the expat Indians in our office, where foreign nationals constitute 90% of our media company's workforce. !

    1. Vote Opposition to cancel Lee Hsien Loong's CECA policy.

  7. Yes, CECA is a curse. Must kill this unfair and dangerous agreement before it kills more Singaporeans.

    If Singaporeans still don't scream at it, the bastards and traitors would think it is ok, no need to do anything as long as the people did not complain.

  8. "Citizens are entitled to decide who is allowed to come and work in their countries and who is entitled to share the obligations and rights of citizens with them." - Martin Wolf in "Democracy will fail if we don't think as citizens" The Financial Times (July 6, 2020)

  9. In Democracy, the state belongs to the people. The people must decide what is good for them and the state.

    In reality, the few elected have hijacked the power of the citizens to do what they want without consulting the citizens and often against the interest and good of the citizens.

    The elites are abusing their power as elected representatives of the people to go against the people.

  10. https://news.yahoo.com/covid-19-may-not-originated-143843488.html

  11. Despite the dismal situation of the COVID19 pandemic worsening everyday , US is acting mischief sending 2 aircraft carriers to SC Sea while China is conducting naval excercises.

    This unnecessary provocation right at China's doorstep could have dire consequences if there is a misfire. Unfortunately, some US cheerleading nations in this region are in support of them, including Japan and Vietnam with both having forgotten what US has done to them in the past.

    Many European nations are more circumspect in their dealing with China but the 5Eyes countres led by their instigator in chief are more confrontational. And now UK is reversing course by banning Huawei. So what exactly is the fuck with these Anglo Saxon countries??

    1. Hi Anon 1.36

      Once a bully, always a bully until kena whacked chia lat chia lat then they would know that they are NOT invincible.

      Tired to bully China. In other territories, they are the Tigers in their jungles.

      Have to let their Children or spouses come and pick their bones.


    2. Chinese saying you cannot be King of the Beasts in others jungles.

      They the locals knew their terrains better than you.

      You want to fight a war in their homeland?

  12. What you read in the papers about US carriers in the South China Sea are half truth. The Americans just talked. Their aircraft carriers would not dare enter the South China Sea or any sea nearer than Guam. The eyes in the sky will be watching and tracking them. The DF21s and DF26s will be locking onto them. One push of the button and that will be the end of them. Sitting ducks waiting to be blown up. And they know how vulnerable they have become.

    China has absolute control of the South China Sea, East China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

    This is the new reality.

  13. US confirmed COVID-19 cases now at 2,935,008 - just a whisker away from the 3 million mark !

  14. Clap, clap, clap.
    God works in His own mysterious way to destroy this evil country.

  15. The US confirmed cases is only about 10% of the story. The other 90% of infected cases have not been highlighted nor tested. The spread if uncontrollable now.

    Remember Trump asking his people not to test too many. The lesser the testing, the lesser the infection rate is revealed. And they keep talking about China being not transparent!

    Now, India is in the same situation together with Brazil. These two countries have followed the footsteps of Trump in taking a nonchalant attitude towards the danger of the virus by reopening too soon. These three countries will be the runaway horses taking positions 1, 2 and 3 in infections and death. Trump is making America Great Again, while Modi is doing likewise for India.
