
China cannot report 14 new Covid19 cases daily

BEIJING: China reported 14 new COVID-19 cases for Tuesday (Jul 21), up from 11 cases a day earlier, the health commission said on Wednesday.

Of the new infections, nine were in the far western region of Xinjiang, according to a statement by the National Health Commission. The other five were imported cases.

The above report by Reuters is unacceptable, humiliating to Trump and his gangsters in the White House. When the Americans are reporting 70,000 or 80,000 cases a day, how can China make this kind of report, 14 cases! This cannot be, this must be fake news. China is hiding something. China please be transparent.

Yes, China must be transparent and report as many cases as the Americans. Only then would the Americans say the Chinese are telling the truth. Never mind if the Americans were lying, under reporting, under testing when the daily cases in the USA could be in several hundred thousands daily.  The Americans always tell lies as truth. China always tells truth but reported as lies by the Americans. Remember Saddam Hussein and his WMD? The idiot Colin Powell went to the UN and wave a pack of washing powder to accuse Saddam Hussein of having chemical weapons, using chemical weapons, as the truth. And 911, another big lie used to invade Afghanistan and to kill Osama Bin Laden.

China, please tell the truth that the Americans want to hear. If China does not know what the Americans want to hear, or what to report, ask the professional fat liar called Pompeo. He is an expert in telling lies as truth.

Oh, are countries still banning Chinese from travelling to their countries when the daily cases have dropped to single digit as some of the cases in China are imported? What about countries banning the Americans from travelling to their countries since Americans are having nearly 100,000 cases daily? 

Or Chinese are banned but diseased Americans are welcome, never mind if they bring in their Covid19 virus to spread around?

It is so painful to hear China only had 14 cases. It is so unbelieveable. It must be a lie. Only Americans tell the truth even if they under test and under report their infected cases. Just believe that the lying Americans, from top liar Trump, a congenital liar, to professional liar Pompeo as the truth tellers.


  1. Mr RB.

    The Americans will made a hue and cry of Xinjiang NINE cases.

    Why NINE casese in Western Region of Xinjiang?

    Human Rights Violations?

    Racical Discriminations?

    Purging, Genocide of Xinjiang inhabitants?

    They will make a Mountain out of mole hill to criticise China.

  2. Just how many cases of police abuse against the blacks everyday in the USA?
    At least a few blacks will be killed by their police brutality across the country.

    The protest is raging on in several big cities and Trump is using unidentified men in camouflaged gear to pick them up from the streets and wheeled away in unmarked cars to unknown destination, and dunno alive or dead after that.

  3. China must prepare for war with the White Gangsters. Australia is spear-heading the attack. No matter how China reacts to the Whitemen's threats, they are gearing up for the quick and isolated attack on the South China Sea islands claimed by China.

  4. Forget about Australia. That little country pretending to be a big power is only a loudspeaker with nothing to show. China got to free their submarine caught by fishing nets the Chinese laid for them. If China did not do so, their sailors would have died without China firing a shot.

    Just use fishing net enough to cripple their submarine. Still dare to talk big. The Chinese Coast Guards have bigger ships than their antique naval ships.

  5. USA truths will hurt the rest of the world. What truth they told ended with the destruction of Iraq. Let us say Iraq was destroyed by manufactured truth.

    If USA truth be told, their infection rate should have been about ten times or more. That is the unpalatable truth. Four million infections is the sanitized truth. Only American exceptionalism can get away with such lies.

  6. The USA is sore that their version 1 US Military Virus did not put China down, more so with the Chinese able to bring it under control by moving all hands to the pump. And they did it in style, though very cautious steps must still be in place to prevent Version 2 of US Military Virus from introduce insidiously.

    America, please note that China does not want to become great by being No. 1 in infection and death. And with that Trump can bang his marbles in the Oval Office.
