
What are Singapore's intangible strengths?


Noting the Future Economy Council, formed in 2017 and led by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, had already been driving such preparations, Mr Chan highlighted the things that set Singapore apart – its intangible strengths.

He noted that while many investors have chosen to locate and expand their businesses in Singapore, this was not based on factors such as the availability of natural resources or cost.

“They chose us because of our strengths, which are not easy to replicate elsewhere. We are open, and connected with the world, we are trusted, we are united and stable as a society, and we have a skilled workforce,” he said.   CNA

Chan Chun Sing is flying Singapore's intangible strengths as the key reason why foreign investors chose to invest here. What then are these intangible strengths of Singapore? In short it is the system and the people. The system is created and developed and maintained by the people, a product of the people, the early Singaporeans, the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations.

What has happened to these generations of hard working and disciplined Singaporeans? They are ageing and passing away, and being replaced by funny and unpredictable third world wildlife that are pretending to be law abiding and hardworking and disciplined workers like our earlier generations. They are very nice....some said.  Just you wait. Just wait till they find their footings and be more familiar and confident of the environment and the timid kiasu, kiasi, kia cheng hu Singaporeans, and then only will their true colours emerged. Wildlife would be wildlife.  That is why they are kept in cages and not allowed to roam free. Even after years in cages, when released, they would return to their wild behaviour at the slightest opportunity.

If these wildlife and third world beans are that good, they would not be here, their countries would be just as good or better than Singapore. To believe that they are the talents to replace our hardworking and disciplined Pioneer and Merdeka generations is foolishness.

Our intangible strength has been compromised and would not be the same again. Remember what LKY said about the tenacity and vigorous of the culture of our early generations? What have they been replaced with, contentious, cheating, racist, lying, back stabbing third world work ethics and culture? Whatever work cultures or values the new wildlife brought with them will determine the intangible strength of Singapore for good or for bad as we go forward. Only the blind would not be able to see the stupidity of it all, like exchanging Singapore dollars for rupees and exclaiming very good and pretending to be happy about it while the smart ones are exchanging their rupees for Singapore dollars.

Is Singapore bringing in the right mix of people to strengthen its social fabric and the work ethics and talent of its workforce, or doing the opposite? What kind of intangible strength is Singapore hoping to develop under this stupid open leg policy for wildlife to come here to replace Singaporeans and calling them talents when they are armed with fake or funny certificates and CVs?


  1. We call upon the PAP 4G elites to correct their mistakes and follow the right path of taking care of the interests of ordinary Singaporeans.

  2. Sinkieland current strength is TO BE ABLE TO STEAL OTHER PEOPLE LUNCHES. What do yah think the foreign investors r here for? To park their monies? To have good return of their monies? Safe to park their monies or estates? Neh..These so called capitalist investors r here To Suck Up The SG & Exploit on the systems like cheap labor, no minimum wages, no or little human rights, very weak labor unions, escape their home land taxes, tax holidays for some enterprise startups, exploits loopholes of FTAs/CECA, backdoor 'foreign talents' to replace local workforce, exploitation of labor market etc..

  3. Wrong. Sinkies strength is how to lose their lunch and still pretend everything is fine, and asking more foreign fakes to come and steal their lunch and think this is a good thing.

    1. ..mmm, u may hv misunderstood the actual meaning. Should be read like this: Sinkieland current strength is that "its G (aka Ah Long San) ask Sinkies To Be Able To Steal Other People Lunches.." ( got it? G got no other better idea but to resort to ask Sinkies to do tat ? )

    2. Right you are Anon 9.14

      See Straits Times daily forum pages of how naive and foolish Sinkies defending the Migrant Workers and their Talents.

      Could be letters written by their own kakis or even the Shits Times staff themsleves.

      Today, we had one naive young punt lady by Eva Ho Hiu Wah - immigrant from Hk. Name sounds like Hongkies praising the migrant workers and telling Sinkies not to be so selfish.

      Wah Piang, do NOT know how many pubic hair on her as yet and with no real life bitter experience yet tired to sprew gospels to all and sundry.

      This is the Stupidity of young Sinkies who had been brainwashed and influence by their propaganda.

      Wait till the day when they starved, it's be too late.

      Young Sinkies thought that they are invincible with many toilet papers qualifications and good Times are forever.

      Without real jobs, can use them to clean your backsides.

  4. If we don't give jobs to PAP's CECA Indians
    - then the CECA Indians will not want to become citizens in Singapore

    That is why Singaporeans must become Grab car drivers ... and give our high salary jobs to CECA Indians

    If you want to keep your job;
    You will have to vote Opposition.

  5. " Wrong. Sinkies strength is how to lose their lunch and still pretend everything is fine, and asking more foreign fakes to come and steal their lunch and think this is a good thing."

    By saying the above U Have Already Surrendered & Give Up all ur right s to the PAPies. If every Sinkies think this way then Sinkieland Sinkies will really Sink liow.

  6. Anonymous said...

    ..mmm, u may hv misunderstood the actual meaning. Should be read like this: Sinkieland current strength is that "its G (aka Ah Long San) ask Sinkies To Be Able To Steal Other People Lunches.." ( got it? G got no other better idea but to resort to ask Sinkies to do tat ? )
    June 17, 2020 9:27 am

    I will support this if it is true. Unfortunately foreigners are stealing Sinkies lunch in the restaurants and Sinkies are trying to steal foreigners lunch in the hawker centres.

    1. Ha..ha..ha..

      Jus read the sentence carefully "...Sinkies To Be Abe To..." Unfortunately, most Sinkies were unable to steal those high paying PMETs jobs in the job market but to resort to driving Grabs, Security or other low pay jobs..

    2. Juz ..VTO lah!

  7. Actually R there any courses available to help train & equip Sinkies with the Skills To Be Able To Steal Other People or Foreigners Lunches of good or high pay jobs ? WDA, WSG, E2I, private training agencies.? ANY?

    1. @ 9.49am

      Yes. There is such a course to steal jobs back from CECA Indians.

      It's called "Anyhow just vote Opposition"

      Only the Opposition parties will cancel the CECA Agreement.

      Cancel the CECA Agreement to get back our Singaporean jobs.

      Vote Opposition.

    2. ..woah..u r a spot on man!

  8. CCS himself is a fake (fake scholar, fake general and fake politician). How can one expect a fake to speak sincerely from the heart. He has been trained all his life to use only his head.

    1. If not wrong 'cottons come from sheeps' fellow is related to the old man, he can say wat he wan but actions speaks louder than words, he will know his result when time comes..

  9. The whole PAP cabinet is the intangible asset of Singapore. Without the PAP Singapore will be another fishing village. Be thankful Singaporeans. You are blessed.

    1. Sori dude, the above is only true up to Yr 2015, when the old man up the lorry The current 4G drop the balla, see the daily coronavirus update will make one worry how these bunch of 4G buggers handle the case, they r clueless running of what's happening. Perhaps they gonna invoke the old man names or chant the old man mantra like 'Corona Medeka Berhanti' or 'Corona Majulah Mati'...

  10. Don't worry the GE is round the corner. PAP already giving speeches on TV.Why are the opposition so quiet. They should be given time on TV and spaces in Straits Times to voice their ideas. I guess this is Singaporean equality. Vote for yours and your children's future.

  11. // The whole PAP cabinet is the intangible asset of Singapore. Without the PAP Singapore will be another fishing village. //

    The reverse is true.
    Without Singapore, the PAP Cabinet Ministers will be beaten up by racists whites in America.

  12. If we want our HDB flat prices not to fall to zero value ... we have to vote Opposition.

  13. If we want to get back our CPF money, we have to vote Opposition.
    - any Opposition Party also can

    1. Don't be desperate and stupid lar to vote any opposition party. Must use your brain also.

    2. PAP has made me desperate.
      I think PAP is anti-Singaporean.

      So I will anyhow vote Opposition to sabotage the PAP.

      I am using my brain.

  14. @ 3.56pm

    Is it true?
    The entire PAP cabinet are just a bunch of honorary CECA Indians.
    Talk cock and sing song very clever.
    But PAP cabinet cannot deliver on their promises.
    Just like CECA Indians.
