
Sino Indian border fist fight

'India and China have never even agreed on the length of their "Line of Actual Control" frontier, and each side uses different frontier proposals made by Britain to China in the 19th century to back their claims....

"China, with its better infrastructure, with its better military capabilities, perhaps thinks that this is the time to push India, to see how far India will go," Pant told AFP.'  CNA

The above is reported in CNA on the recent border scuffle between Indian and Chinese soldiers. 20 Indian soldiers were dead and there were undisclosed casualties on the Chinese side arising from unarmed hand to hand combat between the two sides with no bullets fired. As expected, loud mouth India claimed at least 45 casualties on the Chinese side. Indians always win, like the Americans.

The AFP report is as usual seen from the western eyes, that India and China were using the 19th Century British proposal for negotiation. This is outright false and misinformation. China would never use a map arbitrarily drawn by a mad white man during the British Empire, scrawling whatever he liked as part of the British Empire as a basis for negotiation. China would not accept such nonsense from the British against its national interest. It is the Indians that are using this British so called maps to tell the Chinese that the disputed land belong to India because they think they have inherited the British Empire and whatever the Brits claimed to be part of their Empire.

And there were many instances of India pushing the barrier and crossing into Chinese territories to harass Chinese soldiers. Doklam was a good example of India attacking Chinese construction workers in the name of defending Bhutan's territory. And in this instance it was the Indians building roads into Chinese territory. The cocky and arrogant Indians think that they are more powerful and better equipped to defeat the Chinese soldiers, not like the AFP report above that China was pushing India with its better infrastructure and military capabilities. India is the aggressor, just like the 1962 border war but when got walloped, claimed to be the victim.

China has lost patience with the constant incursions, provocations and harassment of the Indian soldiers and have built up its forces in the region, and ready to take on the Indians if they continue to be reckless and adventurous.

The only way the Indians could win a war with China is a talking war. There is no way the Indian soldiers could match the might and military sophistication of the PLA. The PLA is the only military force that had fought the mighty Americans in a massive conventional war in Korea and won. And this was during a time when the Americans were at the peak of their military power while China was at its weakest, just coming out of a civil war with the KMT and the destruction by the Japanese in WW2.

India could not even win a war with Pakistan but daily telling the world how capable it is and how ready it is to fight and win a war with China. If China could thrash the Americans at its best, with basic small arms against air, naval and heavy artillery weapons from the Americans, what is there in the Indian military to fight against a China today with some of the best weapons and well armed and trained PLA?

The Indians better stop their nonsense and seek a negotiated border settlement with China than craving for another war with China when it would be simply a mismatch of military and economic strength. It would be suicidal for India to even think of launching a war with China.

Make peace and cooperate to grow and prosper with China is the best way out for India...and stop spouting nonsense about how superior India is vis a vis China. A slum country acting and behaving as if it is a super power.  The world is only talking about G2? Anyone heard of G3?


  1. The soldiers on both sides are under strict orders not to use firearms. So they cannot shoot bullets, and can only use their fists, rocks or wood in any confrontation.

    China therefore send PLA soldiers to the border who are well versed in martial arts, though it isn't clear whether they are more specialized in Wing Chun or ShaoLin.

    1. Probably MMA warriors lah.

  2. Smell a rat here?... perhaps this India-China border war could be somehow started by some white men of the Western World to create a stir or disorder amongst the two. Guess who will be the beneficiary of this stir?..

  3. If China and India go to war, who will benefit?

    The one who will benefit is the instigator.

  4. The braggarts spoiling for a fight with China, talking about impatient, what is Modi waiting for, China pushing too hard, why Modi so silent, gloves are off....

    Fight lah, don't just talk and talk if you dare. So cocky and arrogant, acting like they are the Americans. 1962 humiliating lesson forgotten already.

    This time China would not pull back once they moved into the disputed territories.

  5. Wah!
    What happens if the CECA Indians in Singapore support India?
    What about the Indian foreign workers?
    Will Singapore be in danger?

    PAP - What do you think?

  6. China must recover all its territories taken away by foreign powers when it was weak. Time to settle scores!

  7. If CECA Ah Nehs fight PRC Ah Tiongs, Sinkies would just eat popcorn and watch the show, from their windows.

  8. An editorial published Wednesday in the Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party newspaper, said India was being encouraged by the US in its border standoff with China, which has been steadily building relations with India’s military.

    The editorial said that "Washington needs a country like India to spearhead attacks on China".

    "The arrogance and recklessness of the Indian side is the main reason for the consistent tensions along China-India borders," the editorial said, adding that China "does not and will not create conflicts, but it fears no conflicts either".

    The most dangerous combination is for the warmonger USA and the pretender India to gang up. The former wants to perpetuate wars everywhere, the latter wants war to show the world that it is a strong and gungho military power. Together they would start wars everywhere.

    1. RB,
      u r really speak of that Devil ~ UaSsA.
      What goes around comes around. The Universal law of cause & effect or Karma will spare no effect to do its job, let's see...

  9. India is clearly the trouble maker, currently fighting with three countries - Nepal, Pakistan and China - on border issues.

    Nepal’s National Assembly today (Thursday) unanimously passed the Constitution Amendment Bill to update the country’s political and administrative map incorporating the territories India is currently encroaching.

    The ties between the two countries came under strain after India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated an 80-km-long strategically crucial road connecting the Lipulekh pass with Dharchula in Uttarakhand on May 8.

    Nepal protested the inauguration of the road claiming that it passed through its territory. Days later, Nepal came out with the new map showing Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura as its territories.

  10. The fact that lndia is taking on Pakistan, Nepal and China concurrently, shows
    that lndia is the Most Powerful Country in Asia. lt could be as glorious as it was during the Sri Vijaya and Majapahit Era.

    PM Modi is a fearless lndian Chief.
