
They just killed George Floyd and they are doing this....


'We felt like we were going to die in that car'

Two black students, Taniyah Pilgrim and Messiah Young, were dragged from their car in Atlanta, Georgia, last weekend by police officers. Two officers have been fired and all six are facing charges.

You can't believe that they would still be doing this to the blacks after what had happened to George Floyd. It is in them, the police force, to using excessive force, abusing their authority and power over the blacks. Their actions here were uncalled for, so much force and violence on two harmless black teenagers.  Watch the 2 minute clip to under the fear of the police by the blacks.

They really treat the blacks as criminals, sub humans, no human rights.

'Six Atlanta police officers have been booked after charges were filed against them related to a tasing incident in Atlanta on Saturday night.

The officers were filmed in downtown Atlanta breaking windows of a vehicle, yanking a woman out of the car and tasing a man. Both were later identified as students from Spelman College and Morehouse College.

District Attorney Paul Howard announced charges against the officers on Tuesday.'  CNN

Surprisingly of the 6 policemen, only one is white.


  1. Trump told them to dominate. If Trump tells them to exterminate, they have to follow. Remember, Trump is a War President cum Law and Order President. Whatever!

    The more I think of it, the more I believe Trump will still be in the White House after November. If this unrest goes out of control, which he is masterminding through his provocation, he may impose martial law and we may see the rise of Dictator Trump.

  2. Hello President Xi,

    Where are you?

    You must stop all three manslaughters.

    Show your powers as a World Leader.

    Made Dotard Trump feel small and insignificant.

    They crying for your help. Show your influence and power.

    Even their other Whites in other countries also protest at their brutality.

    ASEAN and tau sian. Cannot say NOT our businesses.

    Talk a lot but all ballless.

    1. The world media is dominated by the whites so if Xi did that. It will be twisted into something else. So don't anyhow suggest unless u want to be sodomized by our bro who specialises in it

  3. Xi had Global Times. CGN network. Liu Xin my favorite hostess with perfect English better than any bananas.

    Also had Mr Chua aka RedBean powerful MySingaporeNews.blog

    Even read by Donald Trump and seeching with anger.


  4. Hi Virgo, how did you find out Trump read my blog?
    If he did, he would have nightmares.

    1. Oh, Mr RB. He loved Singapore as a staunch Ally and our PM also said USA is a Resident Protector in this region.

      Also. First Class por lam par treatment in Singapore meeting Handsome Boy Kim of North Korea.

      Spend millions of tax payers monies just to have International Recognition of beautiful and clean Sinkiekand.

      They have not seen Little India and the Dorms and also Kreata Ayer Market and Hawker Centre.

      Also, Desker Road, Veersamy and Petain Road.

      So Dotard Trump thought ai sei man usually exclaimed by the Englishman that there is a Singaporenewsblogspot. Must be a good website that praises HIM as God or reverse as DOG to high heavens that he start reading it.

      My GOD! This is like Second Global Times CGTN carbon copy where they laughed and cursed me till I do not know where to hide my water face.

      Seeching with anger. Felt like ordering my Seventh Fleet to dock at Changi Naval Base.

      And POFMA that pesky pest called Red Bean.

      Anyway, in Sentosa Capella they served me RedBean Desert like those last dish Chinese wedding dinner and I loved it so much.

      So. I excuse Mr Red Bean this time. Xi, my good friend also loved that Redbean desert.

      Can be a good friend today and bitter enemy tomorow.

      My Mother ALREADY called me an idiot when I was only six years old.

      Many do not know that I am suffering worst mental sickness than that Dr Jekyll and Hyde.

      Better hide in my bunker. These protesters are coming for my skins.

      Actually, I brave brave one..just pretend only.

      My urine and shits nearly out when they besieged the WH.

      Not going to delve into Mr RB's blog again as my temp raises worse than having COVID 19.

      Oops, should be Wuhan Virus from China. You asked Xi about it.

      Now even George Floyd is also from China.

  5. Trump can read meh? Asked to quote any verse from the Bible and he sidestep the question by saying that the Bible is very special to him and he does not want to talk about anything in it.

    Asked whether he hid in the White House bunker when protestors broke into the fenced up area, he said he did not go into it, but he went in just for a little while to inspect it. Two contradictions in one sentence! That is the President of the USA!

  6. There are some conditions and prerequisites that China must meet in order to be considered a real superpower. These are:

    1. China MUST increase her nuclear arsenal from 100 or 200 warheads to at least 2,000 warheads in order to counter the nuclear threats from the Evil US Empire.

    2. China must have the ability to project military power and prowess to any part of the world in order to enforce, keep and maintain global peace and order.

    3. China must build and maintain many strategic military bases around the world in order to facilitate the projection of military forces at any time anywhere.

    4. China must have many strong and reliable allies throughout the world to give moral, political, financial and military support and cooperation in any crisis.

    5. China must possess controlling or strong influencing powers (both hard and soft powers) over a number of international bodies, e.g. UN, IAC WHO, etc.

    Without achieving such conditions and prerequisites, it is very difficult for China to compete, let alone challenge, the Evil US Empire in the international stage.
