
Hong Kong Virus has same origin as 'Wuhan' Virus

The lunatics and mischief makers in the White House have been lying that the Covid19 virus originated from Wuhan and calling it 'Wuhan' Virus to put the blame on China. The rest of the world knows where this virus originated, from Fort Detrick, USA. While spreading the lie that the virus originated from Wuhan, China, they are also doing everything they could to hide the truth of the origin of this virus.

They were incensed when WHO refused to be dragged down by their lie to condemn China as the origin. Trump then cancelled the American financial contribution of US$100m to WHO. He went further to withdraw from WHO when it approved an EU initiative to investigate the source of this virus. By pulling out of WHO, the USA is out of reach of WHO. WHO would not be able to conduct investigation in USA and Fort Detrick. Thus there is no way for WHO to prove that Fort Detrick is the real source of this virus.

There were other indirect means to find the truth, but the Americans cunningly blocked all access to them and blackout whatever information and data that could be made available to WHO. One sneaky way is to conduct as little test as possible to hide the real spread of the virus in the USA. The other measure was to stop the conduct of antibody tests started by Governor Cuomo of New York. Cuomo's first week test and preliminary findings revealed that 20% of Americans had been exposed to this virus and the antibodies in them could be traced back many months before the outbreak in Wuhan.

By slamming the breaks on further testings and not disclosing more details, this track to prove the origin of the virus from Fort Detrick many months earlier than Wuhan has been blocked. And they would not conduct posthumous test on the tens of thousands of Americans that died pre Covid19 and wrongly diagnosed as from common flu to severe the linkage to Covid19.

The Americans continue to spread the lie to insist that Wuhan, China was the source of this virus. The Hong Kong Virus has a mirror image of the 'Wuhan' Virus in the way it was implanted and spread. It started in Hong Kong, and the same master mind, the Americans. And like the 'Wuhan' Virus, it started with only one city, but spread furiously across the USA, the real source of the virus and affecting hundreds of cities. The Hong Kong Virus is the virus of violent protest in the streets, and this is now happening all across the USA, exactly like the 'Wuhan' Virus.

Both came home roost in greater anger and rage.  The Americans are having a taste of their own medicine, and more painfully than in Wuhan and Hong Kong, China. The Americans think they could stir shit everywhere, especially against China and China could not hit back. They never count on Him up there that could do China a big favour by sending the virus in hordes back to the USA. And now He also sent this Hong Kong Virus of violent protest, onto the streets of USA. In both cases, carrying the bible also no use. When He is angry with the devils, He will destroy them.

What you sow you shalt reap.


  1. It's Karma or Universal Law of Cause and Effect in real action moving at a Fast n Furious pace, so much so that even Dwayne Johnson came out to voice his opinions against tat Dotard with words like where r u. What goes around comes around, wat u do unto others & others shall do unto u even much more..

  2. The World must acknowledged that the USA (UAssA) is the culprit that is causing so much miseries and pains to their citizens and their livelihoods.

    They must jointly put them in the International Criminal Court to prosecute them and have justice for all.

    The Evil Wrong doers with their specially engineered genetic biological virus that supposed to cripple China and all other coloured people so that they can ruled Supreme in this World.

    This is their Doctrine of Evils purging of the other coloured beans that had been in the genes from generations to generations.

    Their hypocrisy Religion of Love and Peace and that theirs is the only True GOD.

    Their Crusade against others not conforming to their orders.

    Reports that this particular virus is killing the coloured human beings is confirmed by so many sources

    Heavens defiled their evil deeds by having the same to kill their own in bigger numbers.

    From their behaviours especially the Leaders of the USA, normal unbiased human beings can clearly seen that they are the Ones in this evil deeds with their unusual and nonchalant attitudes.

    Spouting all sorts of cures and vaccines indicating that they are ones with the ready antidotes at hand.

    Had to sacrifice a few hundred thousands of their citizens to die initially so as not to disclose their foxes tails.

    To them, what's a few hundred thousands when they been killing by the millions for century.

    All evidence pointed to the Ameicans guilts but unfortunately the Coloured Beans of the Rest of the World are ALREADY been castigated into eunches.

    No one dared to raise a whimper against them.

    Still praising them as a Resident Protector of the World and Asia.

  3. No forget the anti-China virus that the India nationals bring to Singapore when they come here, ranting against Singaporeans as being racist because they detest the majority race here, disappointed that the beautiful tiny city state is not populated by more of their own kind.

  4. Now they are also trying to spin away the murder charges against the four cops. Just watch and wait and you can be sure the other three will walk away relatively unscathed, while the main murderer gets a lighter sentence. They are just working furiously to cook up a story, produce fake evidence, discredit original videos, claiming Chauvin just gone nuts and even tying George Floyd's coronavirus infection in some way to his death and weaken the prosecution's case.

    I was hoping they really bring out the troops. There are reasons why they hesitated. Bringing out the troops to confront the protestors is an exact reflection of what happened at Tiananmen Square. They have to face the consequences of doing that, and it will not be far different from what they had been criticising China for more than thirty years, not to mention it will tear away whatever moral authority they have to continue criticising China at Tiananmen. Chinese people have long memories, and are waiting for a chance to respond. That is why they say 'A gentleman's revenge after ten years is never too late'. Even thirty years is not a problem.

    America is in a total mess. Everybody is blaming somebody over what happened outside the White House days ago. And that event is causing lots of division among Trump and the States, the Clergy, the Pentagon, past defence chiefs and igniting fierce criticisms against Trump's daughter and son-in-law Kushner over their involvement in the fiasco. Last but not least, people are asking why, of all the reasons, they took that photo op without including at least a Black leader, indicating it was all about the promotion of White Supremacist propaganda.

  5. Hong Kong is history. China is going big in developing Hainan Island to take over. That is why China is letting Hong Kong go to the dogs. But keeping an eye on the imperialist dog's involvement in the unrest is still China's responsibility.

    The UK can take all the terrorist they want from Hong Kong. China should really not raise any serious objection, just feign cursory irritation. Three million terrorist can leave Hong Kong, and China can easily send another three million from the mainland to make up the numbers.

    As if Brexit is no longer a problem, Johnson's backside is terribly itchy to offer three million visas for Hong Kong people to settle in UK. Already much negative reaction have surfaced among the Whites in UK over the move.

  6. If Singapore offers the three million Hongkies citizenship, the PAP will hit its 10 million population target. Just nice!

    1. Hi Anon.

      Brilliant idea!

      Hong Kongers became Singapore citizens and PRs.

      Wow, won't be so boring in the near future when they can lead the limp and lifeless sinkies into protests and riots.

      CNA viewships will shoot sky high.

      Viewers loved action but not in your own country.


    2. More ROBUST and Lively Living in Singapore.

      Good idea!

  7. Another thing, Hongkies have eyes on top of their heads. They see Sinkies no up, same as the snooty Indians living in condos.

    Then we have a tripartite battle of Sinkies vs Indians vs Hongkies. Like the WWE triple threat matches.
