
Satellite images of White House parking lots showed Trump having orgies

(CNN)Satellite images of hospital parking lots in Wuhan, China, as well as internet search trends, suggest the coronavirus may have been spreading in China as early as last August, according to a new study from Harvard Medical School.

The study, which has not yet been peer-viewed, found a significantly higher number of cars in parking lots at five Wuhan hospitals in the late summer and fall of 2019 compared to a year earlier; and an uptick in searches of keywords associated with an infectious disease on China's Baidu search engine.

The reseachers note they can't directly link the traffic volume to the virus; even if there was an increase in traffic to hospitals, it doesn't mean a new virus was the cause. There has been no other evidence to show the virus was circulating in China in the late summer....

Paul Digard, a professor and chair of virology at University of Edinburgh, told the Science Media Center in the UK that using hospital traffic images to detect disease is "an interesting idea with some validity."

"However, it's important to remember that the data are only correlative and (as the authors admit) cannot identify the cause of the uptick," Digard said. "By focusing on hospitals in Wuhan, the acknowledged epicentre of the outbreak, the study forces the correlation."
Following the silly logic of the above report, an increase in the volume of cars in the White House parking lots can also be interpreted as Trump and his gangsters were having wild parties and orgies in the White House. Or at least like the professor Digard said, "an interesting idea with some validity" at best.

For CNN to report this as serious news, for the researchers to publish this as scientific research papers, shows how bankrupt the American media and academia have become. They are grasping at rubbish and shit to put up stupid reports to push their mischievous agenda at all cost and making their readers to believe in them. The readers of such media would only get dumber and dumber if they did not think and allowed themselves to be manipulated and led by the nose by western media.

PS.  Beijing has blasted this report as disinformation. In my view it is typical mischievous American fake news.


  1. Aiyo. Mr.RB.

    They kept on spying on China and North Korea trying to find all sorts of faults just to nail them all sorts of accusations.

    Don't they know that these built up tents and marquees are for the Chinese Durians Parties?

    Now, they have acquired these tastes of XO durians.

    Matland and even Tiger Girls, oops Thailand exported all their best to them.

    Asked them to scan photos of Genting Highlands Annual Durians Festival with built up marquees and tents at car patk lots near Genting Grand and Maxims.

    Americunts don't know how to eat durians.

    Anyhow shoot and somemore Harvard.

    Why Chinese wanted to study there and Aussies Unis when their own Unis beat them in their Sciences and Innovations?

    Foolish of them just to be able to speak English with slurrs like them.

    LiuXin China's English clearer than them in their own language.

    Aussies worse. To die (Today)I am going to the hospital to die (Today)

    Wah piang.

  2. Why Not to Trust That Harvard Early Wuhan Study
    Harvard research cited by Trump suggests the coronavirus was spreading as early as last August. The cherry-picked data isn’t peer-reviewed.

    Draft Research Raises Murky Questions

    An unreviewed early draft of a study—known as a preprint—from Harvard Medical School researchers with data that suggests that the coronavirus may have been spreading in Wuhan, China, as early as August 2019 received widespread media coverage this week. U.S. President Donald Trump and others keen to blame the pandemic on China have seized on the draft paper. But as numerous analysts have pointed out, the preprint has serious problems—including cherry-picking data.

    The Harvard study indicated that there had been a rise for certain search terms associated with COVID-19 in August. But other researchers were unable to reproduce the results on the Baidu search engine using the most commonly used Chinese terms for “cough” and “diarrhea.” And there was no rise in searches for “pneumonia” or “flu” in the same time frame. The Harvard study also cites data on an increase in parked cars at Wuhan hospitals, but that appears in at least one instance to be a result of construction blocking visual access the year before.

    Furthermore, given the reproduction rate of the virus and the lack of restrictions until late January, the number of victims in Wuhan would have been much higher had it emerged last August.

    Sketchy claims. It is not unusual for the media to pick up on scientific preprints only for some claims to be rolled back after further review—without journalists following up on the retractions. But the Harvard study follows a concerted effort by the Trump administration to promote the idea that China was aware of the pandemic well before January. So far that effort has included a nonsensical paper by Pentagon contractors, a barely researched dossier promoted as an intelligence document, and selective leaks to the press.

    That push has diminished as uprisings against police brutality consume the Trump administration’s attention. After all, the chance of a 2020 reelection campaign focused entirely on China seems smaller than it did last month. But serious charges against China’s coronavirus response—that the state wasted critical weeks in January concealing information about transmission, initially reacted with oppression, and has obfuscated any investigation—are lost amid the false claims.

  3. PAP wasted Singaporeans' money in hosting the USA-North Korea summit.

    "Never Again": Frustrated North Korea Says Trump-Kim Bromance Is Over


    1. Hi Anon 11.18

      Dotard Trump richest man also gian png.

      Only played played and played so many out and Sinkies Leaders still believe in him.

      Just egositic to be in limelight to meet Kim and have the World focussed on him and his mental state shaking Kim's hands.

      Even in South Korea wasting everybody time and resources.

      Daft South Koreans still worshipped him.

      This Dotard is one of the incurable mental patient that no medicine and psychiatrist can cured in his life time.

      Sinkies Leaders for the sake of Prestige wanted to join his Club.

      Wasted resources and time spent to protect their wayward lifes with even Air Shutdown affecting air travels and businesses.

      Bunch of clowns

  4. As I always said some dudes needed to be sodomized jialat jialat to wake them up

  5. The USA is clutching at straws to link Wuhan to the outbreak. They are really desperate.

    For a University like Harvard stooping so low to come up with this kind of news is pathetic. Little wonder Indian students are now choosing Canada instead of the USA for their studies. Indian and Chinese student enrolments in US universities are going down year by year.

    On another note, The CIA could be involved in the dropping of propaganda leaflets over North Korea that resulted in Kim cutting links with the South. Does Trump honestly think he can get Kim to denuclearize after what Kim's father and grandfather fought so hard against USA sanctions to reach nuclear status?

    Trump can now forget about his denuclearization love fest with Kim. And Kim can continue to pop his missiles and increase his nuclear arsenal. That is bad news for Moon and Abe, but good news for China.

  6. Trump is blackmailing South Korea and Japan to pay more in cost of stationing US troops in these two countries. Otherwise Trump threatened to withdraw troops from these two countries, like what he is going to do with Germany.

    In order to exert pressure on South Korea and Japan, the USA is probably trying to create new tensions between North and South Korea, so that the pressure of the threat of troop withdrawal from these two countries is more intensely felt. Therefore the CIA's involvement in the current souring of relationship between North and South Korea is not without merit.

    Now the South Koreans and Japanese are having a taste of Trump's callous treatment of allies by throwing them under the train, if they do not pay up more in defense cost. Trump is not genuinely sincere in wanting peace on the Korean Peninsula. Kim has seen through Trump's dirty game and is not interested in further talks with him.

  7. One Scary Video here for the USA disaster worse than Slammed by Atomic Bomb.



  8. By pro-actively being seen by the world for supporting Trump, Singapore leaders have signed a similar "CECA" with USA, which cannot be revoked, unless there is a regime-change in Singapore.

  9. When RB post this kind of malicious American propaganda, the stupid bananas would be very angry. To the silly bananas, the Americans can post this kind of shits daily across all their western media and is ok.

    RB or any Asians posting such thing is bad, anti Americans, unacceptable. Cannot be allowed.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Trump is blackmailing South Korea and Japan to pay more in cost of stationing US troops in these two countries. Otherwise Trump threatened to withdraw troops from these two countries, like what he is going to do with Germany.

    This is a fake position of the Americans, like the fake news that China is the one that is opposing the reunification of the two Koreas. The truth, the Americans would not allow them to reunite, and Japan too, as a reunited Korea would be too strong for Japan and when they take on the Japanese for years of humiliation and abuses against the Koreans during their colonisation of Korea. The Japanese would be in deep trouble.

    As for the Americans, a united Korea would mean their military bases would be kicked out of Korea. And they would not be able to sell more weapons to the S Koreans to defend against an enemy they created in N Korea.

    The other myth is that the Japanese and S Koreans would die die want the American bases to be in their soil and to be semi American colonies. The Japanese and S Koreans are proud people and would want to be free and independent countries, not American colonies. They are waiting eagerly to get rid of the American bases in their soil.

    It is the Americans that want their bases there to maintain their hegemony, to contain China and to keep the S Koreans and Japanese as perpetual semi colonies of the American Empire. Trump's stupidity, to think the S Koreans and Japanese would beg the Americans to stay and pay whatever the Americans are demanding is idiotic.

    Trump and the Americans must not forget that Japan was the hegemonic Empire of the East, conquered the whole of Asia and took on the Americans and sunk the American fleet in Pearl Harbour. Japan does not need American protection!

    This American myth is only for the Americans to churn and to believe. The S Koreans and Japanese are waiting for the Americans to move out of their bases in their countries and be free and proud independent countries, not being humiliated as colonies of the American Empire. They are waiting to say good riddance when the Americans leave.

    The same logic applies to the Germans. They too were the European Empire and do not need American protection. They too are semi colony of the American Empires. The Americans would not leave Germany, their colony in Europe to contain Russia, and to sell them more American weapons.

  11. All outside interference are to create conflicts so that they can take advantage of the situation - like selling weapons and stealing resources like oil, or eyeing their rare metals.

    North Korea is very rich in rare metals while the South China Sea has oil reserves to be explored. Myanmar has plenty of precious jades and other resources not yet explored, but after all the hard work of installing Aung San Su Ki, they found out that she was more patriotic than thought.

    Regime changes means the evil empire has a free hand to install someone that they could control and thus able to let them steal all the resources. They want the oil in Venezuela, so they tried to install a fake leader, instead of a legally elected leader.

    They think that North Korea will also easily let them have a regime change so that they can have all the rare metals. But now they have pushed too far with all the sanctions for decades, and forced North Korea to fast track their nuclear ambitions.

  12. Xi should give Trump a call and tell him not to send his troops to quell the Black Lives Matter Protest.

    This was the same advice Trump gave to Xi during the Hong Kong Riots.

    Black Lives are just as important as Hongkongers. Or is Black Lives cheap and can be shot when they protest against white brutality?

  13. America, please look after your people, the poor, the blacks, the coloured people.

    Give them freedom.

    Give them human rights.

    Free them from fear of oppression and police brutality.

    Free them from racial discrimination.

    Give them equality.

    Give them the rights as human beings.

    No more fear, no more police killings of black people.

  14. Another absurd conspiracy theory by the West . They will stop at nothing to pin the blame on China.
    The fact is there is something more credible, more than a remote possibility that the virus could have originated elsewhere that the western media do not want to probe or pretend not to know : Fort Detrick.


  15. There are 34 US bases and facilities in Germany, mostly in the south and southwestern parts of the country. There are 12,000 German civilians employed by the US military and thousands more jobs depend on those bases. But aside from the mostly rural areas near those bases that would be directly hurt by a US withdrawal, the reaction from Germans was surprisingly sedate.

    "I don't think that Germany needs any US soldiers at all " and we certainly don't need their nuclear weapons," Gregor Gysi, a leader in parliament in the Left Party that traces its roots to the East German Communist SED Party, said. "They don't increase our security. They make everything less safe.

    The Trump reality show: Nato edition
    Germany and Europe would be safer without nuclear weapons and without any foreign troops here."

    This is from SCMP. The Americans still thing the Germans and the world are stupid and believe in their white lies that the American bases in Germany and Europe are to protest these countries. Germany, like Japan, is a virtual semi colony of the USA with so many American military bases in both countries, probably more than their own bases.

    They are eagerly waiting for Trump to pull out more American soldiers and bases from their countries.
