
Another new political party called Red Dot United

In a virtual press conference on 29 May 2020, political veterans Ravi Philemon and Michelle Lee announced the formation of a new political party - Red Dot United. Ravi Philemon and Michelle Lee shared the goals for their party, and explained the need for another credible voice in Singapore's political landscape.

Instead of joining existing parties, Red Dot United was created because there is distinct space in Singapore's political landscape for their party to bring new perspectives, ideas and methods. There is also a need for a party to keep asking hard questions and to seek solutions. With Red Dot United, Singaporeans will therefore have another good choice to consider for future elections.

- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/ravi-philemon-and-michelle-lee-form-political-party-red-dot-united

This is another piece of good news for Singaporeans and for democracy. In democracy, the most important element is the right to vote, the freedom to choose your own representative to Parliament. Right to vote is number one, whether the person one voted goes to Parliament is secondary. It would be good if he goes to Parliament, a bonus. If not, never mind, just feel good that one has the right and chance to vote.  

Singaporeans are so lucky, with so many choices of political parties and people standing for election. And so many voices to be heard, inside and outside of Parliament. This is an exemplary form of democracy. The best on earth.We should tell the world we are number one in number of political parties per 100,000 people.

I  think we, all of us in this blog, can also form a political party called Redbeans United.

Our mission should be talking cock about Singapore and International Affairs. We would also be offering an alternative voice to be heard.  The voters also would have another choice to vote for a new party and its candidates. The Singaporeans would be very thankful to have another new political party and more political rallies to attend.

I would encourage all the members of political parties that are not happy with their parties for whatever reasons to resign and form new parties. The more the merrier. And they can all become little Indian chiefs and maybe by a stroke of luck or accident, they can also become millionaire ministers and PM.  The thought of it is so intoxicating, like day dreaming, building castles in the air. Pure entertainment.  Better than viagra.

What do you think?


  1. Actually, embarrassing to see Singapore got so many tiny ineffectual opposition parties, so many opposition figures wanting to be heads of their own-self created parties.

  2. Good news or bad news? It is yet to be seen. It depends on the results of the next Generals' Erections.

    It depends on how many Generals got erected, just like how the Indian ex-Speaker of the White House got erected as the Malay President while officially identifed and recognized as an Indian by Birth on her Birth Certificate as well as on her Identity Card.

    Instead of amalgamating, uniting and consolidating, the Opposition Field is now more splintered than ever before.

    There are too many Indian Chieftains (metamorpherically and literally) but too few Indians (metamorpherically).

    Too many cooks had spoiled the soup in the past. Too many Indian Chieftains are going to spoil the Opposition's unity and reputation further.

    Politics on the Red Dot has become an opportunistic part-time, both to the Ruling elites as well as to the disunited unruly Opposition non-elites.

    How can an alternative coalition government be viable under such circumstances?

    The voters simply do not have any choice but to vote for the known Devil instead of gambling with the Deep Blue Sea.

  3. Mathematically speaking, even in a 100 party system with each party having 1 or 2 members, they can still form a coalition govt if all the PAP loses most of the seats in a GE.

    And hypothetically, all the 1 or 2 man party could agree to come together to form a coalition party, they can still be the ruling party and form a govt.

    But, but, even two persons can disagree so much that they can become political enemies, so the chances of such a situation happening is close to zero.

  4. In the USA there is a big clown in politics.

    In Sin, there are hundreds of little clowns in politics.

  5. The old adage of Too Many Cooks Spoil The Soup.
    SG has too many Chefs such that its Red Dot Soup might be all spoilt liow lah.

  6. Just close eyes and vote Opposition.
    The purpose is to get Opposition voices into parliament.

    Our PAP parliament is just a groupthink right now.

  7. Great
    time for Sinkies to enjoy Drama, Wayang, 戏剧/闹剧 at Parliament Session.
    The More lndian Chief shall be the More Dramatic, Fascinating and Entertaining. Definitely
    lots better than seeing the Law-makers sleeping iñfront of the Camera.
    the More Diverse Composition of the Cabinet, the More Ideas shall be explore for the Good of the Society.
    for more Different Parties to get the Best Fighters into the Political Arena.


  8. Hahaha... good morning everyone on this beautiful Sunday morning.....

    Not say I want to say....

    Such a tiny tiny city state there is so many many many many many many many many opposition parties!

    It is very very very very very very very very difficult for opposition parties.

    Not that I want to pour cold water, the opposition parties got NO zero chance at all at the next GE.

    Many many many many many many many many think that PAP sure pow chiak.

    Many many many many many many many many forecasted that PAP will smelly smelly 8o% with 1oo% seats! Yes 1oo% seats! Both H SMC and A GRC will go back to PAP!

    Anyway must salute the candidates from the opposition parties. Not easy!
    Not easy!

    Wishing all parties..all the BEST-est at the next GE!


  9. Good Morning
    to All.
    Time for Sinkies to enjoy living for the short remaining good time.
    lt is gonna be very challenging for anyone to run Sin, no matter who, how talented and from wherever.
    Fate is destined and sealed for Sin.
    Whilst Nature has endow it with a strategic geographical location that made Sin one of the Prosperous and Richest Land on Earth, the Endowment has lost it's significant and is fast diminishing to zero.
    it has to resort to selling Sin for survival. But,
    as a tiny barren rock, selling it to survive is not enough, it has to pawn the Sinkies. Both Measures can only last maybe a generation or two.
    the COVID-19 Contagion has came in to shorten the Survival Rate.
    either hunt for greener pasture, spend and enjoy living or prepare for a challenging future.
    Good Luck to All, take care and stay Healthy.

    1. Sincere Apology.
      to correct significant to significance in my comment above.

      Anon 11:14am

  10. After 3 months..red dot United will be red dot disunited..
    PAP election slogan should be
    You know what we need? More constituencies..let's shift the electoral boundary to cover single hdb block or cluster housing.. that way we'll have a 10000 seat parliament..another first for Singapore!!!

  11. With so many Indian tribes, and Indians running from one party to the next, trying to be chiefs, like playing musical chairs, it is indeed embarrassing.

    When is Redbean United Party going to be registered? Do it fast or you miss the wagon!

  12. Hi Anon 11.14

    You are right! The good times are over.

    Greener pastures may not be that many, seeing the turmoil in White countries and backlash against Chinese in those countries. Rather grind with the familiar than suffer under the unfamiliar and hostile environment.

    The old will survive. They have gone through many difficult times and been through thick and thin. The worry is for those that have been living their whole existence in times of plenty. This will be their defining moment.

    But the good life cannot last forever, and coping with the bad times may not be easy for those not having gone through adversity. Most worrying is the servicing of debts. 60% cannot cope being out of a job for more than six months. And we have not seen real joblessness and sufferings like the fifties and sixties yet.

    And we have yet to see the real picture when complete reopening comes around and business people rethink whether to restart or close down for good. Life will not be the same again.

    1. Hi Anon 11.53

      Sinkiekand in months ahead will be this gloomy scenario as seen and anticipated by you.

      Good for a change if can see our Grace Disgrace-Fool been kicked out of Parliament with her arrogant attitude of demeaning my living standards and become a high class contract swabber or food distributor in the Migrants Workers Dorm serving the Indian Nationals.

      Likewise, some of the PAP Ministers or MPs at markets, malls as lining up and temp taking ambassadors/dess.

      Or at Supermarkets arranging the diapers and condoms.

      Now, the High salaries PMETs are being downgraded to be holding these jobs as tamed by that pesky virus called COVID.

      But, this scenarios in our sweetest dreams or nightmares.

      The Loose sand group of one upmanships among our opposition parties will be a Real Dream to make this come true.

      Every one of them thinking that they are smarter than the other.

      Even though many are just phua tang sai.

      All wanted to be Indian Chiefs but not Indians.

      This is the metalities of Sinkies.



  13. Hi 1114am and 1153am

    Very very good afternoon to both of you.

    If Sg is going to be so Siong Siong, why are both of you still waiting for? Or just tcss and kpkb only?


  14. The most divisive force in Singapore is the PAP.

    Singaporeans will never be a nation until PAP is voted out.

    True or not?


    1. So do you hope to have a Sg Harapan?

    2. @ 1.38pm

      PAP is a road block.

      PAP's policies prevent Singaporeans from uniting as one united people.
      - look at all the foreigners PAP is bringing into Singapore
      - taking our jobs
      - making Singaporeans unemployed
      - destroying Singaporean families.

  15. Dear Anon 12:33pm.

    We are Loyal Sinkies that are prepared to go along with the Fate Of Sin.
    Mati pun
    jadi orang
    Faham ?

  16. Silly Singaporeans better keep yelling everyday about losing their jobs to foreigners. If not the stupid fools will say among themselves that no one complain so must be no problem. No complains means people are happy or at least they don't mind.

    Keep complaining if you want to be heard and something changed.

    1. @ 3.17pm

      Complain no use.
      We must anyhow just vote Opposition even if the Opposition is Ah Meng the orang utan.

    2. 3.45pm anon. In politics be serious lar. Don't talk cock of voting orang utan unless u wanted to be sodomized by orang utan. It will be very jialat as orang utan birdie is even larger than tuakee.

  17. Do you think PAP ideology is the same as Nazi ideology?

    Millionaires = superior white Aryan race

    Anybody who earns less than $500,000/year = Untermensch

    Untermensch - a person considered racially or socially inferior.

  18. PAP has transformed from caring for the underdogs (commoners, poor and simpletons) to caring for the topdogs (elites, rich and highly cunning).

    Like NTUC, PAP has grossly deviated from its primary objectives and has become self-serving and self-indulging. So are all the Ministries and Statutory Boards under its total control.

  19. Get out of my elite uncaring face.

  20. Why so disappointed with everything? GE is just round the corner and good time are coming. Please stay calm, confident that all will be roses. Our elite PAP government will look after us. CECA is good for Singapore because it is to create jobs for Singaporeans. As the man said, Singapore needs cheap labour to survive.

  21. A Tale Of Two Cities Led By Two Men, Two Wives, And Two Sets Of Laws, with A Ruling Communist Party Disguised A A Democratic Party.

  22. Heil Kuan Yew

  23. CECA is good for Singapore because it is to create jobs for Singaporeans. As the man said, Singapore needs cheap labour to survive.
    June 14, 2020 8:30 pm

    KNN, all the good jobs, including the top job, in DBS given to foreigners. You think foreigners coming here only for cheap jobs. They are here to steal your lunches.

    Still dreaming like daft Sinkies.

    1. If you want a good job, vote Opposition.

    2. 10.09pm I agreed with you. That guy still sleeping mode needed to be sodomized jialat jialat to wake up

  24. Could Red Dot United be doing the bidding of the White Party? Formed just before the coming erection? To ensure three-cornered fights?

  25. Some opposition parties are formed just before erection. For what? Doing the PAP a great service by creating division, just as what Harban Singh did in the early days. And Singh really caused the opposition to lose much credibility and plenty of thanks from the PAP.

    How did Harban Singh have so much money to lose in deposits is also the subject of much speculation.
