
Opposition Parties, Intractable, stubborn, selfish, inflexible - No More

The sun rises from the West. The inconceiveable has happened to the opposition parties in Singapore. The days of being intractable, stubborn, selfish, inflexible, not negotiable are over. The days when every opposition party was thinking only of itself, refuse to cooperate, negotiate, refuse to butt when contesting in the GE and stubbornly engaging in now win 3 corner or 4 corner fights are looking like history if what were happening in the last few days are going to be the new ethos of the day.

Kenneth Jeyeratnam of Reform Party has graciously concede the West Coast GRC to Tan Cheng Bock's Progress Singapore Party, a GRC Reform Party had fought for several GEs. This was unthinkable a few days ago but it happened. And People's Power Party has given way to Reform Party in the single seat Radin Mas constituency to avoid a 3 corner fight.  Can anyone believe this is happening in the opposition camp?

If this is the trend going forward, there could be more amiable settlement and lesser 3 corner fights in this GE and puts the opposition camp in better light. In past GE, the inflexible and recalcitrant stand of the opposition camp were a joke, making them looking so silly fighting a no win GE with 3 and 4 corner fights when a straight 1 to 1 fight was already a lost cause. It made the voters wondered what the hell was going on, why contest when it was sure lose with weak opposition candidates engaging in 3 corner fights against the incumbent PAP.

Let's hope this new trend will be the order of  the day. Let's hope no silly loser party would still insist on 3 corner fights to guarantee losing the contest and even their deposit money. There is hope and optimism with these two announcements. There is an awakening, the scale in front of the eyes have been removed and the opposition parties are now able to see more clearly and to put themselves in a better position, a more credible position, to contest this GE.

Another positive news is that Jee Say has dissolved his Singapore First Party so as not to dilute the opposition camp. With Ang Yong Guan in the camp of PSP, maybe more of Singapore First members would follow suit to strengthen the PSP.

But be prepared, be sure that there would still be some clowns surfacing to spoil the broth, for obvious reasons...clowns are clowns.

No more heroes or prima donnas in the opposition camp. Every party must be flexible and be willing to do some horse trading to give themselves a better chance to challenge the incumbent party and to replace them. The voters too would have more confidence when they see the opposition parties are serious and are acting seriously and rightly and strategically to want to represent them and to win the election.

May the force of goodness be with the opposition camp. When the opposition camp can get their acts together, it will shake the earth and send fear to the ruling party. No more easy walkovers because of stupid infighting among the opposition camps.


  1. RB,Good Morning.
    This is a good sign & good start for the oppo parties in Sinkieland.
    Salute to RP Kenneth J to give way to TCB & SingFirst dissolution of its candidates jumping to a stronger oppo party. Glad to see Oppo United as it's like David vs Goliath in this watershed election. Hope that Sinkies will wakes up from their slumber & makes a wise choice in this coming GE. Oppo Stay Safe Stay Healthy Stay United hooyah.....

  2. Opposition Party PSP is giving the PARies a SEA, Air & Land fights, TCB candidates also hv experiences from the Marine, Aerospace & Army background...Hooyah mann...

  3. Don't be so happy cause I think this lim fellow going for 3 parties fight. Can't remember is full name or party name but he is a lawyer.

    1. Lim Tean my friend.

      His PV aka People Voice is aiming like LTK when he first started out to have a better chance in Parliament.

      From there, build up their strength.

      I find Lim Tean definitely much better than the the other kuching kurap NSPs and that Steve naked Chia.

  4. RP knew that their chances are remote in their last 28 plus percentage in West Coast lah.

    That's why they conceded WC GRC to TCB.

    Now squabblings over their SMCs seats in other constituencies.

    Three corner fights in three or more SMCs where they think better chance for them instead of GRCs.

    RP knew their strengths as lacking in many contests. So better contests in SMCs.

    Even now CSJ also contesting in the Bukit Batok SMC and not helming any GRCs.

    Last time had no choice but to helm a GRC as Chief of their Party. As afraid that members may accused him of selfishness if fight in a SMC for himself. Thus their mistake that for long unable to enter Parliament.

    Hopefully, now better chance.

    PSP in three or four corner SMCs contests. So still cannnot said that they are cooperating fully.

    Opposition parties in Sinkiekand still thinks that their Party is one up on the others.

    These are the usual mentalities of Sinkies who always thought that they are smarter than the others and yet killed themselves to outsiders foreign trashes. Especially amongst the Chinkees Sinkies.

    That's why others always exploit our weaknesses here. See Michelle Lee as ex PSP members out to form what's RED DOT just because they are not chosen to be running for Elections.

    Hopefully, the Social Media in the coming days will uncovered all the dirty linen of the Papies candidates who arw seen to be elitist and arrogrant.

    Those who know them in their social and other contacts hopefully will bring them down to downfall.


  5. Why are the photos of PSP candidates in the independent.sg site all looked so horrible?
    Is this a deliberate act to discredit them, to make them look unacceptable, at their worst? It does not take much effort to put some decent looking photos as there are plenty of photos available.

    It seems that it is done deliberately, picking the worse photos to post.

    1. Hi Anon 9.07

      Shits Times will have their people taking photos of Opposition Parties in their worst moments when they lose their cools etc.

      They would put the Papies candidates as elegant and humble etc.

      See today's Fool Me Ha? with their ten years back photos with that CECA Indian idiot of West Coast GRC.

      See their recent photos all fair fair fat fat including that Cotton Kee Chiu Guy with their good sleep, good food and good lives luxuries. Not forgetting Good Farks.

      This is the main Media tactics as instructed by the PAP.

      They have all sorts of angry photos of CSJ portraying him as an saboteur and made the voters scared of him.

  6. Sg Mp allowances as part time job is better than many sme CEO pay. That is why many OPPO jokers wanted to try their luck year in year out cause plus after two terms got pension for life. Many are real jokers lar.

  7. SG voters definitely hope that all opposition parties settle the issue of the 3 or 4 corners by the eve of nomination. If there are 3 or 4 opposition candidates from different parties contesting against the Papayas, it will make the voters scratching their heads at the voting booths. They (the anti-papaya voters) will have to decide which of the 2 or 3 opposition parties to put a cross on the ballot papers. Thus, this will dilute their votes for the oppositions, and very likely the Papayas will win.

    I hope the the opposition parties should not to dig out bad records or smear the Papayas' candidates, even the Papaya candidates have bad characters or past wrong doings. Let the keyboard warriors or others surface them out, but they must have concrete evidence or proof. The oppositions should just concentrate on their agendas during electioneering.

    With the above in mind, we wish the oppositions many success to secure more seats than the previous GE.

    1. You are right KT.

      Every PAP constituency there are already those brains dead old aunties and even some lau angkors who are been bribed over by their RCs and CCCs with their free abalone porridge,chicken lice, two dollars bus rides to Sinkieland wonderland and also durian parties in Matland.

      These are the sia suay beans as behind their backs sneered and suaned or shamed by the Papies and yet they still supported them. These form their backbone of support.

      So, it's best that one to one fight.

      Just like the Presidential Election where TCB lost because of too many choices.

      So many votes will be diluted.

      It's better to get the balance anti Papies supporters with just one choice.



  8. Hahaha....

    Very very good morning everyone!

    Any initial projections of GE 2020?


  9. West Coast GRC- TCB- PSP.

    Fool Me Ha can be COVID 19 swabbers at the Dorm with 2800 salary as sanctioned by Ho Jinx.

    CECA Indian can migrate back to India.
    As once out very hard to face life as ordinary Sinkie in Sinkieland again.

    Just like our Georgie Yeo who is now a nomad.

    The heavy weight Minister that they tried to put there also be send packing.

    As KNNCCB, my Ministers one by one handing me letters when they knew that we are losing. By LHL.

    Who shall I handle my letter to?

    To my late Father?

    PSP will secure at least two SMCs. CSJ will beat that CECA Indian with their fire hoses unable to work in.the fire.

    Aljunied will be KAPUT. Hougang still got chance.

    Hope LBLian in as woman of principles and backbones.

    Also, hope Lim Tean PV also win some seats. Then we will have an interesting Parliament for us next five years.
    TCB- to be continued.


  10. It is good that some have left PSP to form new Red Dot Party. Their repetitive posting of awful photos of PSP candidates smell a rat. This is not done casually, as practically every photo looked bad.

    There are so many moles in opposition parties waiting to do damage to them.

    1. Hi Anon 11.04

      As TCB said many people with BIG egos always think that they are smarter than others.

      Some worse, are traitous and can even sell their own colleagues and ex comrades for their self interests.

      Sinkies, especially the Chinkees had these type of attitudes.

      Never know that most of them are just mediocre and phua tang sai.

      Being spite, they can be moles to the PAP to split votes.

  11. ST Headline: PM Lee Hsien Loong unveils PAP's manifesto, its central focus is on working together to overcome Covid-19 crisis.

    But working class Sinkies' central focus is to get rid of India CECA !

  12. Lim Tean (PV) will be a good voice in parliament.

  13. lt is up to voters to seek a change. lf the People
    are comfortable with the Greedy and Nepotic PAP Regime,
    there is little the Alternative Parties can do.

  14. Wow PAP Elitist GM Candidate has to defend some many unfavourable comments on him.

    Before battles already kena blemished.

    These Papies candidates mostly had easy paths to their careers and lifes thru don't know what's sorts of ways and mainly are how lian and condensing.

    This Election good online battles. Maybe as Heavens Ways. Only the old aunties and some ankors might NOT be in the know fully of their arrogance will be fully exposed thru the social media their dirty linens.

    Anyway, these are the daft and dumb brought over by Pap long time ago with their greedy and selfish attitudes.

    Many online Singaporeans will have better perspectives of their Opposition Candidates and shits of the Papies candidates.

    May be a reckoning about to happen on Change.

    1. 11000 signatures against his standing for the GE.

      Why waste time and breath?

      Just simply VTO the whole lot.

      One GRC for the Oppo gained.

    2. One down.

      Ivan Lim NOT standing.

      Hope MORE to go.

      Give beautiful grandma stories.



  15. Hahaha....

    What are àthe bookies projections and betting % between pap Vs opposition parties?


  16. Beware Of Pseudo "Opposition Parties!

    For many years and many General Elections, voters have been deceived by pseudo "opposition" parties that are either pro-PAP or PAP's stooges. These peanut parties are only in the contests solely to divide and dilute voters' support for the opposition camp and thereby to spoil their candidates' chances in the elections.

    It is not difficult to single out such pseudo "opposition" parties. They will pretend to cooperate but their in the final analysis, their negative criticisms and projections of fellow opposition parties and/or candidates give them away

    Such is Opposition Politics in Singapore, and also elsewhere.

  17. The best chances for opposition candidates, if they are confident of giving a good fight, should start with a SMC. In this way the loss of one candidate is not so hard on the party, rather than putting all the credible candidates in one GRC and getting wipe out badly.

    Start small, build on little victories rather than trying to swallow more than one can chew.

    Since most Sinkies have all along been strongly against GRCs, candidates must take this into consideration when formulating battle plans.

    All the best to the opposition in this coming GE.
