
Canadian boy PM exposing his stupidity

OTTAWA: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday (Jun 25) rejected calls to step in to halt the extradition trial of Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, saying it would risk more arrests of Canadians overseas to pressure Ottawa.

His comments were in response to a letter penned by 19 Canadian former lawmakers and diplomats, backed by the family of ex-diplomat Michael Kovrig, urging Ottawa to free Meng....

But their proposal is shortsighted, he said.

It would, he explained, "demonstrate to China that all they or another country has to do is randomly arrest a handful of Canadians to put political pressure on a government to do what (they) want," he said.

And that "would endanger the millions of Canadians who live and travel overseas every single year."

"We cannot allow political pressures or random arrests of Canadian citizens (by foreign governments) to influence the functioning of our justice system."


The above AFP report only reveals how stupid this boy is. His stupid reason for rejecting the proposal to exchange two Canadians charged with crimes that would lead to death penalties against a fake commercial crime of Huawei executive is ludicrous.  He is prepared to risk losing the lives of two Canadians for his involvement in an American political conspiracy which has nothing to do with Canada and nothing to gain for Canada except to be called 'good boy' by Trump.

And he is alleging that there would be more arbitrary arrests of Canadians by China if he did the exchange.  Now who did the silly arbitrary arrest of a Chinese citizen on transit in a Canadian airport in the first place? And how did the two Canadians got arrested for espionage if this silly boy has not agreed to arrest a Chinese citizen on the calling of the Americans? He cannot see his own stupidity in getting himself and Canada involved in a political conspiracy to start this sad story and stubbornly wanting to continue down this dreadful road that would not only lead to the life imprisonment or execution of two Canadians, but also the economy and trade between China and Canada.  To this boy PM, the lives of two Canadians are worth losing to play the dirty game of the Americans.

All for what? For being in the good book of clown Trump and his gangsters in the White House? The Canadians should slap this idiotic boy to wake him up from his folly and save the lives of the two Canadians and the Canadian economy and not looking like another silly ass in the world stage.

Children should not get involved in the dirty games that adults are playing without knowing what is happening. They will end up the losers.  Unfortunately this idiotic boy cannot see it.


  1. Mr RB.

    He is afraid that Dotard Trump will screw his arse if he does so.

    Just next door and that FAT prick could be very painful for him.

    So, prepared to lose his own Canadians then lose his previous arse.

    Wait till China prepared to fire squad them, then he would beg for mercy and asked Elder Bro for help.

    Dotard will say.You deal with them yourself. When did I asked you to arrest that Wan?

  2. I think we should cut him some slack. Given US is their near neighbour and the biggest trading partner and the ground sentiments towards China, he is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. And he hasn't exactly been provocative too. The ones deserved to be whacked are those Down Under. Pure stupidity in Biting the hands that feed them and still doubling down.

  3. Yeah, I agree with Anon 4.53

    The ones down under, being descendants of exiled UK convicts, are the most racist human race on earth.

    Just because the USA is behind them, they are acting like the de facto attack dog of the evil empire and leader of the Australasia group of countries. They think that being white, they are free to dictate to those non-whites in this part of the world. But they failed to realize that they are being led by the nose by the evil empire all along. Hopefully, Indonesia will deal with them when the time comes.

    On a separate note, China must watch very carefully the direction taken by India and Japan, the two most dangerous potential enemies of the PRC. India understandably is using the conflict with China to divert attention away from the COVID19 problem escalating at home and getting out of control, just like the USA. Japan, as always, the back stabber and never in doubt will take on China in the event of a war with the USA.

  4. Virgo I am glad that u agreed that the dude be sodomized jialat jialat to to wake up

  5. "Mankind is itself the destructive cancer of all cancers in the Universe. And, Politics is the most cancerous of Man-Unkind. Countries being controlled by Hitler-Type ambitious, deceitful and ruthless political animals are the most destructive of all! The ills in this World are mainly created and caused by such ambitious, deceitful and ruthless political animals."

    - by SSO 26 June 2020

  6. Hi SSO, will post your piece I mentioned earlier tomorrow to start the weak with a substantive post.
