
China banning all food and edible products from the US on national security ground

For security reasons, the latest ban coming out from China is food and edible products from the US. Soya beans, corn, pork, wines, seafood, all food and drinks, agriculture products from the US would be completely banned from China with immediate effect.

Food is top on the agenda for national security. Imported food is existential threat to China. China cannot allow another country to use food to poison its population. And given the wicked intent of the Americans and their labelling of China as their enemy, it is very likely that they would poison their food and sell them to China. How they are doing it can be very complicated and can take effect over the long term and may not be apparent in the short term.It could be a time bomb in the making.

This awareness that the Americans are out to destroy China as a country and as a people has led to many changes in the perception of Americans and how to protect China and the Chinese people from being destroyed by the evil Americans.

To start with, the rampant occurrence of swine fever in China is now looked at from a very suspicious angle. The Americans could be behind all the swine fever outbreaks that seemed innocent at first glance. Now this is no longer seen in this context. There is high likelihood that the Americans are behind all the diseases and epidemics in China. The recent spate of swine fever came immediately after the trade war when China responded to ban pork and other American produce to China. The swine fever spread caused a lot of culling of pigs and leading to a shortage of pork in the country. This would put pressure on China to lift the ban and has to import pork from the US. The swine fever is definitely linked to the trade ban.

China is taking all precautions necessary to protect its people and this existential security and safety threat cannot be ignored and must be taken very seriously. Food security is national security and food from the US is a national threat to the well being of the Chinese people.

This is a scenario and a narrative that China could make given the fake accusation by the Trump Administration of Huawei being a national security threat to the Americans without any evidence to prove. It is just crying wolf and China too can cry wolf and cut off trade with the Americans. When the Americans can play dirty, China too can play dirty.

American cars could be next to be banned. The American cars on Chinese roads can be very dangerous and take lives of Chinese people if flaws are built into the cars to crash and to kill. Watch it Trump, your lies and fake news and misinformation can come back to you and affect all Americans negatively, bankruptcies and killing more American farmers. You can go on to sacrifice the well being and lives of the Americans farmers, but for how long?

Oops, oops, I must declare here that this is fake news in case idiots cannot understand.


  1. Rb, alamak. Is the food ban in your article also fake news? I know the car one is.😰

  2. China should stamp on all UaSs products with "UaSsA Ban" products n services juz like the "Halal" foods for Muslims ( no offense to the Muslims ) to be internationally recognized like iso.

  3. Oops, oops, I must declare here that this is fake news in case idiots cannot understand.

    Idiots are a minority lah, maybe 30% or less of all Sinkies who can vote.

    As long as Sinkies can make lots of money and have good life in high cost Singapore, they are not idiots. This is my definition of what is not an idiot.

    OK lah, they may be idiots in other matters but doesn't matter lah.

  4. If Trump can become billionaire and even President of US, he is not an idiot lah.

    If he is not an idiot, he will not create greater harm to American interest, despite some who think he did, from the actions that he took against China.

    Trump knows that China can take retaliatory actions, but he has also assessed that these actions will not do much harm to America.

    On the contrary, if Trump did not take those actions against China, the harm to America will be much greater per his assessment. Hence smart Trump did what he did against China.

    Smart Sinkies also know that voting for PAP as govt may not be good for them. But voting for the Sinkie opposition as govt will be even worse, or so they assessed.

    So just like Trump, smart Sinkies are choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

  5. You tell me lah what is real in this world!


    Fake can be Real! Real can be Fake!.....????????????!

    We live in this fake fake world!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sure got black market one. I'm betting in the future some fella will be caught...or at least, suspected.

  8. 10.33am anon, don't try to be smart and make fun of others. I think u need to be sodomized larπŸ˜€

  9. Are you sure anon 11.04am you can still marikita?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @ spoken plain and simple, 1033

    >>As long as Sinkies can make lots of money and have good life in high cost Singapore, they are not idiots. This is my definition of what is not an idiot. <<

    So damn true. Why you all complain complain...got NO GRATITUDE type. Who say's it has to be 100% "perfect" (what's that, anyway?) to enjoy one of the most spectacular standards of living in ALL of mankind's history.

    Singapore, so fucking awesome, and it rocks so hard.

  12. Singapore, so fucking awesome, and it rocks so hard.
    Matilah 11:52 am

    Awesome indeed, as long as smart Sinkies know how to rock, and not necessary hard.

  13. ...as long as smart Sinkies know how to rock, and not necessary hard.
    12.16 pm

    U mean rock it soft also can meh? How?

  14. @ 1216

    Yah, how. Rocking soft is like fucking a babe with a limp dick. Turn up the sound, and drink tongkat ali!

  15. U mean rock it soft also can meh? How?
    12:20 pm

    Ask the anon 11:04 am sodomiser expert lah.

  16. U mean rock it soft also can meh? How?
    12:20 pm

    Pound it, that is rocking it hard. Tickle it, that is doing it soft.

    Both also can. In fact should do both, not simultaneous but one after the other.

  17. I already boycott buying, using and eating and drinking anything from USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Poland and Japan.

    Japan is another evil - arm-twisted Singapore to lift ban on products from Fukushima nuclear radiation proliferation and contaminated areas - especially vegetables, fruits and fish.

    The other countries are using Genetically modification technology to increase and expand their yields. GMO is very harmful to the ecosystem and also to the human body in the long term.

    Eat, drink or consume them at your own peril.

  18. Hi anon 1224pm

    I think anon 1104am cannot marikita liao!

  19. Internally, Americans are fighting among themselves on MSM, Congress, the Courts, between judges and DOJ etc etc, all purportedly generated by the Russians helping Trump to win the Presidency.

    Perhaps this is a very strategic move by Putin, and perhaps in collaboration with China to end the Petrodollar hegemony. Russia or China alone cannot bring down the evil empire's dominance.

    Externally, China is doing the groundwork by projecting it's soft power and long term planning with the building of infrastructure all over the world to hasten the day the Petrodollar ends its global hegemony. The US is now fighting tooth and nail on every front to prop up the US$.

    Externally, Americans are also fighting with everybody on trade, ideology, technical innovations, space race etc etc and the Chinese Government is spearheading the fight on many fronts.

    Russia and China are no pushovers like Syria, Iraq and other small potatoes that the US can sanction, create unrest and then take over their resources, be it oil or others or even for strategic location for their military establishments. These two are nuclear powers, no doubt with small nuclear arsenals in comparison to the evil empire, but they can still eliminate the whole of continental North America if it comes to the wire and total extinction. That is why North Korea still remains standing today, not because Trump is in love with Kim, and that is why Iran is still so keen on going nuclear.

    Just his morning when I happened to listen to the acting defence secretary of the US speaking at the Shangri La dialogue, I really squirmed and almost puke when I heard what he said about entities in this part of the world trying to destabilise the region and using force to establish dominance. He failed to realise that this description fits in exactly with what the US is doing here and could be a reference to themselves. He forgot that when he pointed his finger at China, three other fingers are pointing at himself.

    How people representing the present US administration could all be brought together and can lie with a straight face, really is a feat that only Trump could accomplish. But then birds of a feather flocking together is not an empty saying.

    Most analyst now, more than ever, recognise that Angela Merkel of Germany is now the de facto leader of the free world. She is more level headed, measured in her response and surprisingly a very strong minded leader too. Trump on the other hand has made America the laughing stock of the whole world, and no more leader of the free world.

    Does that tell anything about where the evil empire's role in the world is heading? Irrelevance of course when the Petrodollar falls!

  20. It is perilous eating what we have today, but eat we must, whether we like it or not.

    GMO has all the hidden dangers that has never been revealed, because big farming conglomerates are powerful and influencial. Experts and analyst are paid to say what they are paid to say or not to say. But nowadays there are big fat mangoes, bananas, soursop, and other exotic fruits of sizes that you can never imagine twenty years ago. And not to forget durians all year round. Strange or not?

    Seafood from the ocean are not safe either with all the toxic contamination. Don't think that fishes from fish farms are safer because they can be worse. Those fishes are fed with growth hormones and all kinds of funny stuff to prevent diseases, so by eating them you are the collateral damage.

    Chickens and other farm animals grow so fast, that they are becoming really fast growing food on the table. And eating them probably caused all the fast growing body parts that pop up in all the unlikely places.

  21. ...keep talking silly about how good the Americans were and how bad the Chinese and Russians were.
    RB 5:07 pm

    America has good and bad lah, just as the Chinese and Russians also have their good and bad lah.

    For Sinkies, America is good because they can use Microsoft, Google, facebook, Android etc and Sinkies dream of going to American universities or even emigrate there.

    For PAP, they trust American weapons and fighter jets more than Russian or PRC ones, u know.

    Even Xi Jinping sent his only child and daughter to Harvard, u know.

    My colleagues who are PRC turned Sinkie citizens even told me they take Sinkieland only as a stepping stone to ultimately emigrate to America or Canada. And while they are still here, they will vote PAP for giving them better life than they could get in China.

  22. Trump on the other hand has made America the laughing stock of the whole world, and no more leader of the free world.
    4:27 pm

    This one u say one lah, not PAP said. LOL

  23. Trump calls the American farmers patriots. Only thing is, being called Patriots does not pay the bills as someone mentioned. Well, they can always depend on Trump to hand out subsidies. It is all transparent, but they are demanding that China stop giving subsidies to Chinese manufacturers like steel, aluminium, solar panels etc. You figure it out!

    After China found alternative sources for their farm supplies etc and enters into long term contracts with these alternative suppliers, would the US farmers be able to get back their market share, even if the trade thing is settled?

    Moreover, this time around, China will learn, besides Huawei, from what happened to Mexico, having a trade agreement with Trump second time around. yet got screwed by him big time. This is another interesting development unfolding. Trump is intent on crashing the global economy and start another world war.

  24. CANADA - The Evil Racist Country Of The Devilish White Criminals

    An indigenous schoolgirl was repeatedly failed by the system meant to help her in the years leading up to her death, a Canadian children's advocate says.

    Tina Fontaine's death renewed calls for an inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada.

    Her body was pulled from Winnipeg's Red River on 17 August 2014, a week after she was reported missing.

    A new report has found that she was often unable to access services despite clear indications she needed support.

    The teenager's 2014 death sent shockwaves through the city of Winnipeg and galvanised support for the better protection for indigenous women and girls.

    Make no mistakes. Yes, White Supremacists are still very much active and alive - actively, proactively, deliberately going about ruthlessly decimating and eliminating the indigenous, original, natives of the very land the Devilish White Criminals have robbed, stolen and occupied. The same thing the Israeli Jews are now doing to the Palestinians.

  25. Changing Tide, Changing Fortune

    The world is now undergoing a big shift in geopolitical alignment, when the only super-power USA is clearly losing its shines, gribs and chips. Desperate to maintain its dominance and control of the world, so that it can continue to print its worthless US Dollar and spend big, talk big and behave even bigger.

    Near home, Malaysia (a Malay predominant state) is responding positively and actively towards China's courting and gladly fall into China's Sphere of Influence.

    Back home, Singapore (a Chinese predominant state) is ironically girating towards India for safety, security and economic growth. This is in addition, to Singapore's permanent love-affair with everything White - from white uniform to white-wash, from white lies to Whitemen.

    Visionary leadership has brought Singapore where it was 20 years ago - from Third World To First. Will another visionary leadership bring Singapore from First World To Third? Looks like it. Difficult to predict but present situation (over the last ten years) looks like it is definitely, positively and productively gearing towards that direction. Well, if can't get Third, Second is good enough.

    People say: Fortune take turns to turn. It's usually true, unless a miracle happens.

    10 million population. 7 million foreigners and 3 million locals. This is an excellent recipe for troubles, endless unpredictable troubles. Gigantic troubles beyond any imagination. But not to worry. Singapore has fantastic leaders. Leaders who can fantasize well. Especially when each and everyone of them could do easily become multi-millionaires overnight, just with a stroke of their magic pen!

    Once you are a multi-millionaire, you can fantasize anything you like in Singapore. So, don't worry, Singapore will continue to rock and roll. The tide of fortune will also rock and roll down the hill.....

  26. 2.26pm anon and the few idiots before him, u think very funny is it? I personally don't do doremi but if really needed like if u ask for it, I am willing to sodomize u with a condom but for climax, I will need you to open your mouth and off the condom and shoot into your mouth. This is to make sure the Essence is not wasted. πŸ˜€

  27. Good news. Trump has declared Trade War with India, just after he declared Trade War with Mexico and War with the US's own Silicon Valley.

    On the one hand, Trump congratulated India's PM Modi for his re-election victory. On the other, Trump gave Modi a gift he will never forget - lifting of India's Third World Status and imposing Terror Tariffs on all India's exports to the US.

    What Will PM Modi's reaction be? Go and hug Trump again, like before?
    Or show Trump his middle finger?

    It's time for India to wise up. Whitemen speak with fork tongue. A snake is a snake. No matter how, it will definitely bite you, even if you are very nice to it. Never take a snake as your pet or friend. It bites. It hurts!

  28. Back home, Singapore (a Chinese predominant state) is ironically girating towards India for safety, security and economic growth. This is in addition, to Singapore's permanent love-affair with everything White - from white uniform to white-wash, from white lies to Whitemen.

    Visionary leadership has brought Singapore where it was 20 years ago - from Third World To First. Will another visionary leadership bring Singapore from First World To Third? by Anon 3:06am.

    I fully agree that Singapore is very far sighted and always planning for the future. Their premises must be India being the world's number one super power in 100 years time. So better prepare for it today.

    India is the way to go, that is why you see more than a million of them are here today with many in high places, especially in the universities heading many departments and faculties. India is the future Singapore is banging on.

  29. Singapore will be ruled and controlled by the East India Company again. Wonderful! So wonderful! Just wonder and fooled.
