
Life after 60 - Chan Meng Hui ran 101 marathons passed away at 89.


The above is a clip produced by Channel News Asia on Chan Meng Hui. He did his 100th marathon at 85. He started running in his 50s. He is an inspiration for the seniors not to give up on your physical body. Keep running and keep it healthy and functioning.

The South East Asia Masters is coming to Singapore on 3-5 May. This is the first time it is being held together with Singapore Open Masters. Venue is likely to be Bishan Stadium. Start training and join the fun. It has all the events like a school sports day, track and field events. It is not about winning but about getting down on the track, in the stadium with all the seniors reliving a time when we were young, like school boys and girls again.

If your timing beats the qualifying time for the Asian Masters in December in Kuching, Malaysia, you would be eligible for a fully paid air ticket and 50% subsidy for accommodation to represent Singapore in the Meet.

If you want to peep at the qualifying times, send me an email. It is in Excel and I am unable to post it here. Below are a few samples of the qualifying times.

Men Age/Time in seconds

100m   55/14.08   60/15.02   65/16.05   70/17.02   75/18.58
200m   55/28.76   60/30.25   65/32.28   70/38.27   75/40.25
400m   55/84        60/95        65/104      70/110      75/140

Women Age/Time

100m   55/17.34   60/18.24   65/18.95   70/19.28   75/20.15
200m   55/28.25   60/29.31   65/30.15   70/31.03   75/31.95
400m   55/95   60/102     65/120      70/170      75/179

PS. I will be running in the 100m for age group 65-69 in the SE Asia Meet and will be in the 70-74 age group in the Asian Masters in Dec. I am doing about 15 sec and hoping to go below 15 sec.


  1. Mr RB, Age is just a number.

    Some are blessed with Good Fortune of Health rather than Wealth.

    Salaute Mr.Chan Meng Hui leading a full and colourfullife.


    Hope that you Mr Chua will live till 101 and ran 89 races.


  2. Titiana Ann XavierFebruary 24, 2019 10:22 am

    To Redbean, never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. Here's wishing positivity and good luck. May you be successful in your respective matches and win over your opponents by showing your skills.

  3. Hormat Bro Chan.RIP.
    His sporting fighting spirit lives on & a motivations for others to emulate, never give up on our limited physical ability but to carry on the sporting espirit de corps to as far as we can. Physical body gone but the spirit lives on.

  4. Run marathons no match for running politics. Look at Mad Hatter --- 93 yrs old & still able to walk briskly unaided & giving headaches to 3.3M sheep on a 700 sqkm rock.

  5. Yes.must carry on the torch.

  6. Rb, u are damn fit. When I was 18 I also can not do 15 s for 100m. Now close to 70, I need like 30 s so that rule out my participation.😭

  7. Virgo, are you mad? Mr. Chan already dead and you are wishing him to live till 101?

  8. Red Bean, it has been a long time since we last met.
    15 sec for the 100 meter.... Salute man

  9. Hi LKW, long time. Thought you gone undercover; )
