
Living under the American white lie

Stephen Roach of Yale University could not hold back any more when faced with daily barrage of American white lies about China. In his article in the Straits Times titled, ‘Is China really cheating?’, he wrote these two paragraphs to start his dismissal of the white lies.

‘Repetition breeds reality. Such is the case with allegations the United States has leveled at China in their budding economic cold war.

Across the American political spectrum, it is now taken for granted that China forces US companies to transfer critical technology in order to do business on the mainland, engages in rampant hacking and theft of intellectual property (IP), and massively and unfairly subsidises its high tech industries – all of which contribute to fears that the country poses an existential threat to America’s prosperity.’

Roach ended his article with these two paragraphs,

‘China is far from perfect and must be held accountable for verifiable economic transgression. But America’s case against China is based on anecdotes and shaky evidence.
As a trade war now morphs into a cold war, the current US administration would be wise to stop relying on such “alternative facts” to wage its battles.’

The gist of the article is that the Americans have been making wild allegations based on fake information and hearsays not backed up by data and facts. American companies operating in China, under JVs, are willing partners that agreed to share technologies and trade secrets. No one is pointing a gun against any party in such joint ventures. They don’t have to operate in China, don’t have to do business in China. The allegation of force is hogwash.

The important point, as Roach said above, the daily and constant repetition of these allegations after a while would make the innocent readers take these allegations for granted. Many would shoot from their mouths using these allegations unconsciously as given fact or alternative truth, just like some bananas screaming that Kim Jong Un is a womanizer, a spent thrift, someone who drowns himself with luxury while his people suffer from poverty, that he is a murderer, etc etc. They spout such nonsense without thinking because the Americans have been planting these ideas in their heads through repetitive postings in the main media.

Living under the white lies is one thing, making a fool of oneself by quoting the white lies as the truth is another. Asians must start thinking and not make a fool of themselves by allowing the Americans and the West to plant their white lies in their heads as if they are the truths. Many Asians have been made a fool of by relying on western media and living under the spell of white lies without noticing them and strutting around like they are well informed, but actually well fed by white lies.

Grow up and start thinking. It is so pathetic that after all the education and exposure to the world and could still fall victims to fake news, misinformation and white lies. Even an American professor could not stand this nonsense anymore. The biggest culprit in propagating these white lies and fake news is the main media. Period.


  1. The native Americans have been warning the world for centuries that "white men speak with fork tongues and cannot be trusted" yet many people in third world countries especially the political and business leaders have fallen for American lies and insidious propaganda. Perhaps the people do not really know how wicked the white Americans are. Or perhaps as Stephen Roach said when the American government tells lies repeatedly over a long period of time it takes on as truth by the people subconsciously. Or perhaps many of these leaders have vested interest in being pro-American for their personal interests, benefits and aggrandizement. This can be seen in some of the Asean countries where the sentiments of the leaders are with the Americans and their media intellectuals especially those in the mass media disseminate shameful dishonourable lies and misinformation about China. Their mass media also constantly reprint insidious articles from US mass media which are full of insinuations, innuendos, disparaging and damaging remarks against China.

    Hopefully these awful pro-American leaders will wake up to their senses and stop helping paddling the lies, disinformation, misinformation and propaganda for the Evil Empire.

    Eagles Eyes

  2. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 10:34 am

    More than 25.3% R&D professionals of the whole world are working in China. In contrast, the number in Trumpland is 17% . China published more science and technology papers than Uncle Sam and other countries. China spent more than $408 billion on R&D with an increasing rate of 18% while Uncle Sam spend more than $496 billion on R&D with an increasing rate of 4% in 2017. Based on PPP China spends more money on R&D than Uncle Sam. It is therefore no longer a secret that Uncle Sam sees China as a threat.

    It takes every opportunity to tell half–truth or lies to spite Chinese advances. China is going to reclaim its historical position as the most innovative culture in the world. China is likely to come up with many new inventions and innovations that history will regard this period as the Chinese 21st century renaissance.

  3. Trudeau, that Canadian Boy PM asked Sinkieland PM for support in Cananda-China Dispute.

    Peesai PM said must obey Rule of laws.

    Is he referring to China's wrongful or Cananada's wrongful Rule of Laws??

  4. The pro-West leadership in Singapore is scared shit of China's rising power and influence in the whole world.

    China's soft power (diplomatically, economically, politically, scientifically, technologically and culturally) is spreading like wild fires all over the world, from Russia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, and even into the US-British running-dogs countries in SE Asia.

    China's military is developing and improving faster than expected, yet her military budget is still way much lower than the US. Her quantum jump in military weapons, aircraft and naval capabilities in leaps and bounds will in no time overtake US military might. That is why the US is now gravely afflicted with introspection, leading to escalated aggressive stance against China and anything Chinese.

    China's scientific and technological advancements, in conjunction with military, at a speed nobody has ever dreamt of, are going to contribute greatly to all mankind now and into the unforeseeable future.

    The pro-West leadership in Singapore, and other parts of SE Asia, will inevitably be swept away by a revolutionary political tidal wave within a very short span of time, when the conducive catalyst materialises. It is only a matter of time. So, enjoy while you can, power-hungry and money-greedy elites with uncaring faces!

    Stop punching above your weight, because really and truly, you do not have any weight; not even feather weight. You are existing at China and Chinese People's mercy. Get that into your big heads.

    From: Sufferer-in-Silence, but silence no more.

  5. True, the Americans are definitely behind times with most of their their energy spent playing politics internally, and telling lies externally (such as described in the post) to salvage a desperate situation of being losers. What a joke that Americans recently asked to borrow China's 嫦娥 space technology to do moon experiments. It's like asking an enemy hey may I borrow your night vision camera. A really proud moment for China.
    One point I would mention. There seems to be a lot of bitterness in the redbean article that some countries are mindlessly toeing the line in subservience to American lies. I would suggest a bit of sympathy for such behaviour. Specifically if you look at Singapore, American investment is highest of all countries. Surprisingly Singapore "investment" in usa is also among the highest from.Asia. why? I googled and got some data of the Singapore "investments"in USA. It seems that any multi national headquartered in SG (e.g olam) with investment in usa, is counted as Singapore company. Hahaha. The real Singapore company presence in USA, are merely a handful like singtel, creative, OCBC, and some small time fashion or medicinal companies. How pathetic and dangerous situation. We have almost zero industry, our investment abroad are Fake News, so where do we get foreign currency to survive since everything nice need to be imported? What else can we do but remain a slave country for life and not anger the big guys. There is a difference between being honest and absolutely correct, and being able to put youtiao and kopi on the table every morning. All politicians are paid to lie, bear with it, as long as we know the truth that it is a lie, live and let live.

  6. @ RB

    It is good to see that "heavyweight" academics are not total govt stooges (like certain cuntries) and are prepared to use good old skepticism to challenge the narrative which everyone accepts without hard evidence.

    Economic espionage, financial securities fraud, accounting malfeasance... these are not confined to any one cuntry. Where there's money and power involved, there will be cheating. But just because there is cheating by certain individuals doesn't mean that the entire cuntry where those individuals are is cheating.

    Is there cheating in China? Of course there is! WTF, go there and live for awhile lah, and do business there. So many Singaporeans kena MAKAN. But many Singaporeans also made a shit load of money. Is there cheating in America? You tell me...the cuntry of
    AAA-credit rated Mortgage Back Securities and Credit Default Swaps...America went one better: They legalised cheating. No one went to jail.

    One thing I have a problem with...these relationships between the Chinese govt, Chinese big business and fucking Wall Street. Not good lah. Danger. BTW Stephen Roach is part of the Wall Street crowd.

  7. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 12:13 pm

    Uncle Sam thought that accusing China of ‘stealing’ would place it on a higher moral ground. Copying has been falsely equated with stealing. China copies, just as the US copied, when it “stole” leading edge rocketry secrets from a defeated Nazi Germany. Thomas Jefferson once said that inventions cannot, in nature, be a subject of property. And China will be prosecuted by the WTO if it really steals technologies from other countries.

    The whites think they are superior than the yellow and the black. They cannot admit that other people can be as good as they are. Even if China succeed in economies and academics, their prejudiced minds will believe that the only reason of Chinese success is that China steal from them.

  8. Slowly, in time, Wall Street will be controlled by Chinese Financiers.

  9. Titania
    I cannot understand your outright declaration that "copying is not stealing". There are two kinds of copying. One is using something or someone's idea generically, e.g. if I saw someone using a fan to blow over ice to cool a room, and I build a similar device, this is not stealing, like your Thomas Jefferson quote.
    However, as in all things, the devil is in the details. In the above subject example, if I were to take the other bloke's device, tear it apart, reverse engineer everything down to the software codes, the gear ratios, whatever blueprints, without permission, that is definitely stealing.
    There is such thing as IP and Patents you know. If something is patented, it is stealing if you copy without permission. In this modern world, there are hardly any more generic ideas anymore which when reused can qualify as exempt from being branded as plagiarism.
    If you want to succeed in an inventi fast, you either have a team of super smart scientists or specialists, failing which, you just copy (aka industrial espionage). Personally I believe the Chinese are smart enough to develop everything from scratch without violating patent rules. The Americans couldn't believe it, have no evidence, and simply locking up anybody they suspect. That is wrong. But it's myopic of you to say outright with no qualification that copying is not stealing.

  10. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 3:59 pm

    I cannot understand your outright declaration that "copying is not stealing".

    Let me teach you since you are too dense to understand. To copy is to use it for reference. No crime. Stealing is a crime. Even a child understands that.

    1. Titania my dear
      Lets say in the exam, you wrote an essay which scored A+, then I photocopy your script, make very small changes, and I got all the credit, and people say how brilliant I am, you are perfectly happy? All I have to tell the professor is I used somebody's script "as reference"? I am telling you again, copying the generic idea is no crime, but the devil is in the details,what was the "IT" being copied, the idea or the execution thereof? I find your arguments rather shallow and your viewpoints not sustainable. And you made an unnecessary comment in your post.

  11. This Humbleideas is really sick in the brain. Need to be sodomize lar. He thinks that he is smart and knows everything. Everytime want to find Titiana. Really sick in the brain.

  12. All they wanna do is to divide us. All the time bs about west vs east or east vs west. Majority people just want a happy life with no war. But a small number want a lot to themselves so they creating all these divisions and make the mass majority fight among themselves so these small minority can gain at expense of majority. Be smart and not fall for the trick. THe world is enough for every family for a landed house, nice car and 4 day job.

  13. He’s mentally disturbed

  14. Eh Humbleideas, I suggest you talk to “B”. Same kind. Good luck.

  15. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 4:31 pm

    Uncle, you are very long-winded. No professor is so stupid as to accept a plagiarized piece of work with "very small changes". Can you get it into your head that copying is no crime. Stealing is a crime. That is the difference. If you still do not understand I can teach you till you get it.

  16. I found it very strange that some people presumably Singaporeans enjoy a very partisan approach to discussions,to the extent of creating a cult mentality, as in, any thing said by a person they like is right any thing else is taboo and must be condemned. Ironically, this is exactly the nature of cadres of a particular party, to which these strange people presumably oppose. I wonder whether at all in singapore, there can be more healthy discussions head on into topic details and less of lunatic fringe commentaries. Tang Ku Ku.

  17. Hahaha. Titiana you go girl....

  18. Titania,
    Why would the professor be "stupid" to accept the work, if copying is acceptable based on your theory? Its because the prof knows that copying wholesale is wrong. Copying us not stealing only if the idea is generic. If someone found that durians can power a car, and I used the idea to make such a car, I am not stealing, because that is a generic concept. The world is more complex than your one dimensional view of it.

  19. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 4:50 pm

    Uncle, it was you who brought up the case of the professor which seemed to be as stupid as its creator. Not me. Copying is no crime uncle. Stealing is. This is Lesson No 3.

  20. Titiana, good job. I think this Humble Idea is not humble and has no new ideas. He is just too old to learn new tricks. Better known as NOT-Humble And No-Ideas. Hahshaha....

  21. Walau eh this “NOT-Humble And No-Ideas really buay tahan. Something wrong up there.

  22. Living Under An Extra Efficient Singapore AGC

    The Singapore Court of Appeal directed both the AGC’s lawyers and Mr. Li Shengwu’s lawyers to make legal submissions addressing questions such as:

    1. What written laws, if any, allow the Singapore Court to exercise substantive jurisdiction over a person located overseas in a contempt matter?

    2. Whether the AGC can rely on a newly enacted law to serve documents on a person whose alleged contempt of court was committed before the law was enacted?

  23. 28 jaw-dropping innovations that show why China's leading the....




  24. Titania
    A smart person like you surely understand why i bring up the subject of the professor and the scripts. You said that copying is not stealing, and unashamedly I presented you a scenario where in I copied your script 99.99%, and was praised very much after that by professor. If you dare say, now, " its fine no problem brother, go ahead copy and get the credit,its not stealing, no sweat brother,", then, I promise you a will seal my lips, before you and keep my silence forever. I have a feeling you do get my point, but its embarrassing to back off. I understand. Its human nature.

  25. @5.02.

    Good one. Hahaha

  26. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 18, 2019 6:30 pm

    Uncle, I am not buying your crap. Now go write one hundred lines. "Copying is not a crime. Stealing is."

  27. This old man refused to give up. Another UG.

  28. HumbLeNoIdeas really talk nonsense. Titiana, ignore him.

  29. Today's headlines:
    1. TCB forms new opposition party.
    2. Mindef to buy "a few" F35s.

    Oh btw, copying is stealing of intellectual property. That's why now Uni's have AI to auto detect if your work is >40% similar to elsewhere. If so will be given fail & warning, or can even face expulsion.

  30. Singapore - India News (Updated: Jan 15, 2019)

    Good news for India job seekers: IT firms including Infosys, TCS start hiring, details inside


    Meanwhile, one of the largest e-tailer firm Amazon has highest openings based out of India.

    According to its official website, Amazon has as many as 1300 vacancies in India across various roles. Most of the openings are in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai.

    Neighbour China has 467 jobs while Japan has 381 job vacancies

    Australia and Singapore have 250 and 174 openings respectively.

  31. If Singapore choose to buy cheaper but just as good top-end Russian jet fighters instead of very expensive American F-35s, sure kena US sanctions . . . . .

  32. There is a huge difference between plain copying and improving on a copy. The high speed trains that China is building is a good example. China copied or borrowed a lot of high speed train technology but did not stop there. China improved on them and is the holder of many high speed train patents developed from existing technology.

    This is the same as the West copying the use of fireworks/gun powder and turned the concept into more deadly weapons of war.

    China may not be the first to make mobile phones but they improved on them and make them more usable at cheaper prices. China may not invent 1G, 2G, 3G or even 4G technology, but China is innovating and improving on these technologies to create 5G.

    China is not simply copying like making copies of western products to sell in the market. China is not selling Apple, Samsung, Ericsson etc etc, but creating and producing new products using the same concept.

    So what is the problem, what is the issue? If China is plain copying, they could be sued till bankrupt. Why is China not being sued? Just because someone built a rocket it does not mean other people cannot build another rocket or a better rocket.

    The allegation that China is stealing American technology is bullshit. Heard of the phrase, one does not need to reinvent the wheel? There is nothing wrong with inventing a better wheel. Is this copying?

  33. In modern world there is such thing as patents & copyright licensing. As long as companies have negotiated & paying mutually agreed fees to use or modify or improve then no issue. It works both ways, otherwise African companies, Indian companies, US companies, ST Engineering can always copy & tweak & improve on China technology such as Huawei 5G or 6G with impunity.

  34. Who summon me?

    Everyone can open company and sell pineapple tart. Some can see pineapple, some cannot see pineapple, when I eat it, I still can taste pineapple. But I dunno their pineapple from which country, use what soil, put what brand fertilizer. Still I swallow it. So scary. Must be a problem created by deep state and Illuminati. OooOooO so scary.


  35. A newly released Pentagon unclassified intelligence report authored by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) comes to some shocking and alarming conclusions concerning China's rapid advances in advanced military technology in answer to the question: "What are Beijing's strategic intentions?"

    The report finds that as a result of “acquiring technology by any means available” — especially in the areas of naval and missile systems, including intermediate range missiles and hypersonic weapons, capable of allowing missiles to travel at many times the speed of sound — China's defense tech is not only at the cutting edge but “In some areas, it already leads the world.”

    The report says the advanced jets could enter operational use by 2025 in what would be another huge milestone for the PLA, and of extreme worry to a US military committed to continued sailing through the Taiwan Strait and other "international waters" routes near China.

  36. China is already in full control of the Straits of Taiwan, South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean as far east as Guam. When there is a war, all hostile ships, especially aircraft carriers would be sitting ducks in these areas, and be sunk.

    The Americans know this and the first thing they would do is to sail their naval ships out of this danger zones, out of the firing range of Chinese anti ship missiles.

    China's J15 and J20 are in full production and will be the main battle aircraft of the Chinese air force.

  37. Some said Whites good.
    Some said Chinese good.
    Some said Whites bad.
    Some said Chinese bad.
    All self interests most of the time.
    Check those with excessive power n money is wise whether White or Yellow or Black.
    All live n all died. But why died harshly n prematurely? Even as we get old n older we know appointment time coming.
    So do justly, love mercy n walk humbly before God is best. Enjoy the works of your labor n your gifts. Take care.

  38. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 19, 2019 6:08 pm

    First introduced in 2015, MIC25 was designed to break China’s reliance on foreign technology and narrow the gap with Western powers in advanced manufacturing technologies. Uncle Sam believed it was an insidious attempt by China to force foreign companies to transfer western proprietary technologies to Chinese joint venture partners.

    The Chinese want to excell and lead the world in IT, AI and robotics, aerospace technology, ocean engineering equipment and hi-tech ships, high speed rail technology, energy saving vehicles, power-generation equipment, new materials, medicine and medical devices, and agricultural machinery. The 5 Eyes are watching with trepidation. Uncle Sam has initiated a trade war, instigating nations to ban Huawei 5G and provoking China over Taiwan. It is futile. China will prevail.
