
Mischievous article - It is China's fault again

Blood jades: The dark side of Myanmar's trade with China

(Updated: )
The jade trade between Myanmar and China is worth an estimated US$30 billion a year - about half of Myanmar’s GDP. But jade mining is a bloodstained business built on drug addiction, slave labour and massive environmental destruction. Who should be responsible for the dark side of jade?

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/blood-jades-the-dark-side-of-myanmar-s-trade-with-china-10694720

I watch this 6 minute clip presented by Channel News Asia. It talked about the primitive mining processes of jade in Myanmar and the low skilled labour that went scouring for jade in the country side and the mines. The poor workers took to drug addiction and many even died when mines collapsed or when there is a landslide.

Who is responsible for this? According to the author, China is responsible. Why, because China is the biggest buyer of jade. Oh, logical thinking. Is China involved in the mining? No. Who regulates the mining, the mines, the mine owners, the pay of the workers? China or the Myanmar govt or the mine owners? 
The role of the Chinese jade merchants is simply to go to the jade market in the streets and shops to buy jade. They have no role in the mining of jade. Everything is controlled by the Myanmar govt. Incidentally Chinese companies would not be given licence to operate jade mines in Myanmar. This is a national treasure that only Myanmese are allowed to engage in.

So, why is China responsible for the plight of the workers, their deplorable working condition, the exploitation of the workers, their drug addiction? Who employed these workers, paid them, who supplied drugs to these workers? China?

The CNA commentator interviewed a Myanmese in the clip and the Myanmese also conveniently claimed that China, the Chinese govt is responsible for the plight of the jade workers. Believe it? Third world mindset, blame others. I can't blame the author Pearl Forss because as a white man, all the problems in the world are created by China and other counties except by the whites. The whites are the angels and the saviours of human civilisation through conquest, invasion, colonialism and imperialism. China is the bad guy in everything.

Here in the jade industry, if the Chinese would not be the buyers and not spending billions annually in Myanmar, there would be no problem of jade workers suffering from exploitation and drug addition. They would live better lives and Myanmar would be richer. It is all China's fault. China should stop contributing half of the Myanmese GDP and Myanmar and the Myanmese would be richer and happier people.

My recommendation is for China to cease buying jade from Myanmar and all the problems would go away. Maybe if the white men were to start buying jade from Myanmar instead of China, the fate of the jade workers would be better. They would intervene and tell the Myanmese govt how to run the jade mines and imposed safety regulations, minimum wage and hygiene and good living conditions for the workers.

This kind of  one sided mischievous articles blaming China for everything in the world, even the exploitation of jade workers, when China has no right to interfere, is the modus operandi of subversive western media. They simply accused and alleged that China is responsible for the plight of Myanmese jade workers even when China has nothing to do with them except spending billions as buyers of jade. Unwary and unthinking viewers would simply be taken in by this one sided presentation of the author.

The same logic can be apply generally to Singapore as we buy everything from the rest of the world. So if the farmers or fishermen were ill treated, took to drugs, underpaid in their countries, the Singapore govt is responsible. Is this logical thinking or subversive reasoning? 

Next time if you patronise a hawker centre, make sure the old uncles and aunties cleaning the tables are not badly treated, paid well, and not indulging in drugs. Because as a customer, you are responsible for their welfare and good health, not the employer or the govt.

The whites would continue to create such rubbish and stir up shit to smear China and the Chinese people given the opportunity, and the little USAs would be ready and most willing to give a helping hand. This is the same western smear like China giving cheap loans, helping to build infrastructures but if the recipient country miscalculated, mismanaged then it is China's fault.

PS. How would such articles be classified, fake news, disinformation, mischievous article or responsible/irresponsible or objective news? 


  1. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 24, 2018 9:09 am

    China and Myanmar have good business and military ties with each other. Precious and semi-precious gems are exported to China. Jade is a big earner of foreign exchange for Myanmar as jade is popular among the Chinese since ancient times. Myanmar is part of BRI. China has many on-going projects involving the construction of infrastructure in the country. This has aroused much jealousy and China bashing is pervasive in western papers. The white men are trying to drive a wedge between China and Myanmar. To make matters worse, Aung San Suu Kyi is no longer the darling of the whites.

  2. Wow , if u click the CNA author Pearl Forss, it leads to https://www.channelnewsasia.com/author/7734274

    Displaying 5 out of 5 results, all his 5 articles were very anti-China, and that's certainly a very obvious anti-China bias !

  3. Doesn't that prove that CNA has an anti-China agenda?
    Who are the people behind all this?

  4. If they continue to publish anti China articles, they would eventually severe all goodwill with China and be left on the wayside by China.

    Who is given approval for all the anti China articles pretending to be objective and reasonable and fair comments?

  5. CNA may need to wake up from its bias. Maybe it needs to balance out by doing a series on the biggest buyer, America, of illicit drugs in the world for the past many decades and the harm it had done to the the poor farmers, families, & countries.
    And another series on USA being the greatest polluter and consumer of the world in the past decades and its harm to the environment and many nations & people.
    Bloody hypocrites.

  6. CNA please do a series on USA on wars, invading countries without weapons of mass destruction & the killing n harming of so many nations, peoples & families.

  7. In this article by Pearl Foss, a western caucasian writer there is definitely an underlying hidden agenda to cast aspersions on China and the Chinese people and to obtrusively paint an ugly image on China to damage China's reputation. We are surprised why Channel New Asia broadcast such a feature in which the writer slanted his views damaging to China and the Chinese people. As a Chinese I am definitely offended by its bias and prejudice.

    Regarding the workers, taking drugs, heroin and narcotics the blame must clearly and definitely go to CIA. CIA has been operating drug and narcotic rings throughout the world since the end of the Second World War. Their operating theatres have always been in places like Europe, Middle East, The Golden Triangle ( consist of Burma, Thailand and Laos ), Indo-China, South East Asia, Australia, Central and South America. The tremendous huge annual profits from drugs and narcotic trade and trafficking are used to fund the Pentagon's Military Industrial Complex and its conduct of permanent wars throughout the world. Thus the chief responsible for CIA drug and narcoting trade and trafficking will ultimately end at White House in Washington .

    I had written seven articles on CIA Drug and Narcoting trade and trafficking ( Part One To Part 7 ) dating 14th November, 2016 to 20th November, 2016 . These articles give a detail description of CIA's evil drug and narcoting trade and trafficking and can be found in Redbeanforum.com under Global Affairs.

    That's hope in future Channel New Asia should be more discerning when they choose to broadcast any features on China by western writers.


    Monday. 24th December, 2018

  8. Western writers are on an agenda to create a distorted public understanding of China so as to isolate the Middle Kingdom.

    American intervention and transformation attempts outside US borders all ended in extreme chaos, countless civilian deaths and large-scale refugee migration.

    Countries which have gone through the so-called powerful "democratic transformation" advocated by the US through military coercion and political involvement, such as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Ukraine, are deeply mired in a quagmire of civil wars and division. After making major adjustments to its security strategy, the US is now trying to make China the main target of intervention.

    This year, destructive measures for intensive intervention in China's internal affairs, including the Taiwan Travel Act, Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act and Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018, are US attempt to seed chaos in China just like it did in the Middle East.

  9. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 24, 2018 2:03 pm

    On 25 August 2017, Rohingya militants launched simultaneous attacks on more than 30 police posts, killing 12 members of the security forces. The CIA was suspected of training and arming the Rohingya. Uncle Sam was attempting a regime change. Myanmar troops backed by local Buddhist mobs began burning villages and attacking and killing Rohingyas in response to the 25 August attacks. Huge numbers of Rohingya civilians fled to Bangladesh. Myanmar is now being accused of ethnic cleansing by the whites. Canada revoked an honorary award given to Aung San Suu Kyi for her failure to solve the Rohingya crisis.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. As a Chinese in Singapore, I am offended by the bias and fake news being allowed to be published by CNA.

    In an indirect way, CNA is subtly arousing racial hatred against the Chinese in Singapore, China and all over the World. We, as a people, must not tolerate such irresponsible reporting that are bound to create racial tensions in our country.

    Westerners with Anti-China and Anti-Chinese (implied, hidden, disguised or otherwise) must be brought to task under the Sedition Act and not be encouraged or condoned to freely air their views to create hatred amongst our people, especially when foreigners are now increasingly taking over the control of many aspects of Singapore citizens' life and livelihood.

    CNA must also be taken to task. Period.

  12. @ neo-progressive western liberalism forces you to follow their “morality”:

    OK, this is a clash of cultures between the old “mind your own damn business” standard of morality and the prevailing “how you do your business, live your life, how you think and what you say is my business and I will stop you by any means fair or foul” philosophy which drives the progressive neo-liberals of the west, infesting western academia and the various political economies of these indebted “welfare democracies” which are (thankfully) all going BROKE because they tekan people way too much. Unfortunately our expensive govt is copying some of their ideas….but that is a separate conversation.

    The fact that this neo-progressive liberal is employed as a writer and journalist by our CNA is a SIGNAL that our public discourse is slowly being shifted toward this fucked way of forcing their “morality” onto the whole world. Since they are globalists and do not respect the sovereignty of cuntries, they consider their “way” to be “THE WAY” for everyone living on planet Earth. Climate change, LGBTQ rights, animal rights, human rights, labour rights, living wage rights, environmental rights, political and civil rights, women’s rights, children’s rights….kanninahbeh...apparently all of us are so fucking “wrong” we need to be “corrected” by RIGHTS. Consider these people the foot soldiers of the UN, sweeping the globe and changing the culture by introducing RIGHTS which need to be funded by TAXES and REGULATION.


  13. ...angry rant against progressive GLOBALISM continues...

    So cuntries in the developing world, and others like India and China all kena “rights auditing” by the progressives. Of course China FAILS lah. China must do this, China must do that...China bad global citizen blah blah hoo hah vomit vomit vomit...every fucking day and night without fail in the progressive-dominated global media conglomerates.

    Before you all take a shot at white race shit, save your vitriol lah. Western progressive liberals are the force whose NUMBER ONE TARGET is western “civilized” (that’s debatable!) societies. For e.g.: you cannot use the pronouns “him”/“her”, or “himself”/”herself”. You MUST (or face angry sanctions and a scolding) use “er” or “zie”, i.e. “erself” or “zieself”. kanninabu chowcheebye what the motherfucking fucking fuck man??? 😠😡😠😡

    These are “gender neutral” pronouns because not being gender-neutral is SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION, and also presumptuous in assuming peoples’ genders by the way they look! (no shit man...apparently we’ve all been saying it wrong for 200,000 years! 🤪). Just to keep you all up to date, there are about 50 genders now, and “gender fluidity” gaining wide acceptance (thru force). So on Monday you can be 50% male, 25% female, 15% transgendered and 10% whatever-the-fuck, and the whole fucking world has to change to accept you or face the consequences of being “BIGOTED”.

    I use gender as one example. There are just too many to hantam, so I leave it to you all.

    OK, back to the jade mining. Remember the principle: How you do your business is my business.

    Since China is buying this “blood jade” (like the Mat salehs and Arabs Jews and bridegrooms all over the world buy blood diamonds), therefore China is to blame lah...because they offer THE INCENTIVE for these Burmese motherfuckers to continue their lucrative business.

    People like buying shit at a good price. For years Nike, Apple, American Apparel and others were making their products in China, Vietnam, India etc in conditions which did not (even come close) to “western standards of factory production”. And so the progressives exposed and shamed those companies who were providing their customers with VALUE and their shareholders with DIVIDENDS. Plus don’t forget: those low paid workers all had JOBS...the alternative was unemployment, child prostitution or rural living where one is subjected to the vagaries of NATURE --- one drought or flood wipes out entire communities and their economies for YEARS...i.e. years of inescapable POVERTY and destitution.

    This is what high-and-mighty RICH western progressive liberals don’t and refuse to understand: Economic development is a LONG HARD ROAD. The west took 400 or so years. Thankfully for them it would have been longer but they colonized and plundered other cuntires and each other, and so they got rich. So now it is Asia’s turn. It is Africa’s turn. Instead of championing development which raises living standards and lifts people out of POVERTY, these rich ENTITLED shitheads choose instead to tekan China and the developing world.

    Tell them to go FUCK ZIE-selves! 🤬😠

  14. For centuries the West colonised the poor countries of Asia and Africa, and plundered the resources and made full use of the cheap labour of those countries to make the West rich. Helping the people of these poor countries to progress was never their intention.

    Rather it was the agenda to keep them poor and therefore unable to progress and develop, thus enabling the West to dominate and lord over them for centuries.

    Now that they realise China can and will compete successfully with them in many fields, they know it will be a matter of time for the rest of the world to progress to within their level, with all the aid that China is giving to those developing countries in Africa and Asia.

    Coupled with the gradual erosion of the Petrodollar's hegemony and the massive debt burden of the US, the continued domination of the West has been put in serious doubt. This is causing much unease among the Whites, and the current trade issues and sanctions are all about trying to reverse the course of progress initiated by China.

    It will not succeed and may led to global conflict and winner takes nothing, absolutely nothing left to be taken.

  15. Northerglory, how credible are you on your research on CIA involvement in drug trade? Is it also fake news?

  16. @ Encounter with a fat, jealous cunt-bitch, Bnagkok circa 2011

    So there we were, at the stunning skybar at Lebua State Tower, Silom Rd, Bangkok. Me and my bros, 4 of us enjoying a “sausage party” getting drunker, and dirtier in the conversation. We had finished a tough week and were just hanging out and unwinding, and priming ourselves for a night of debaucery...what else to do in Bangkok as overpaid, over-privileged 50-something expats?

    I spot a client, we make eye contact, I invite her over to join us. a friendly gesture I was later to regret and feel great remorse and anger for. She is a middle-aged Australian woman, around 80-90 kilograms in heft, and unmistakably hard on the eyes. I recommend a Dirty Martini, made “extra dirty”...which I think is the best version of the fmed drink in the world, made up here at the skybar. The conversation is cordial until...she turns to one of the guys (a soft spoken American --- a rarity indeed) and asks if he has a “girlfriend”, since it’s already established that all 4 of us are bachelors. (wink wink). My Yankee friend responds that indeed he does; he’s been dating this woman for a year, she’s a music teacher and they plan to marry the following year.

    And then she responds ”That’s lovely. Congratulations! How old is she?”.

    ”She just turned 18” replies my American pal, proudly. And then the shit hits the fan….

    The fat Aussie cunt-bitch launches into a TIRADE of Absolute Morality --- her version of course. This LAND WHALE leaves nothing uncovered, she goes for the whole darn salacious narrative of how middle-aged male LOSERS exploit Asian women,and how most Asian chicks are complicit sluts. I hastily signal the bartender to close the account. I pay and say a hasty “goodbye”, beckoning my bros to get the fuck out of there ASAP. As this fat cunt is a client, we cannot argue back, or give her the comeuppance she so richly deserves. Downstairs,I call the boss and tell him what just went down, and the bastard (a banana Chinese Malaysian) laughs his balls off. ”Don’t worry lah. If she complains to me, I know what to do lah. Go and enjoy. Show our mat saleh friends how Asian guys are the world’s champion fuckers lah!”

    Even in Bangkok, it seems you can’t get away from western progressive liberalism and militant feminism which is a subset. Thank god the Universal Brotherhood of Randy Men still look out for each other...especially if wild sex is involved.

    You can argue that white men fucked the world. I would argue that fat,unattractive white women (i.e. ~70% of all white chicks) are on a global agenda to fuck up fun-loving guys --- of ALL races. 🙄

  17. @ karma 323

    Sure, my fellow brudders have their preferences: tits or ass, race, athletic or curvy, good conversationalist/ intellect, or even dumb and with "daddy issues". For horny guys...we have a HUGE menu to choose from.

    I like African and Indian girls...the dark-skinned beauties. Having spent about two-thirds half my life living in western demo-crazies, I quit having “white-fever” long long time ago. So I don’t really “fixate” on that.

    Whatever floats your sampan lah. And remember, the motion of the ocean is more important than the size of the sampan. When you look at Asia and how POPULOUS it is, you know there’s a lot of serious fucking going on. 🤩

  18. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 24, 2018 3:55 pm

    Uncle Sam cannot compete with China. Myanmar is constructing the Myitsone dam on the Irawaddy River with 70% funding by China. PetroChina is developing the Shwe oil field in the Bay of Bengal as well as a natural gas pipeline to connect it to Yunnan. President Sein recently estimated that China has invested nearly $14 billion. Myanmar exports gems, natural gas, rubber, timber, rice, beans, corn, and sesame to China and imports vehicles, machines, electronics, iron ore and fertilizer. In total, bilateral trade reaches almost $6.5 billion annually. Sino-Myanmar close relationship is making the whites envious. Its propaganda is focused on disrupting and undermining Sino-Myanmar friendship. By joining BRI, Myanmar hopes to eliminate poverty.

  19. @ Trump-sters of the world:

    Merry Christmas from Michael Moore and his new documentary:


  20. Merry Christmas from Morocco and its new tourism documentary:


  21. @ 402

    Eh, Jo...it is good form to warn readers if the nature of the linked content is brutal. Please lah. Many people are very sensitive to such things, as it is NORMAL do be horrified. Please, next time give warning lah. Thanks

    [To readers] -- The linked video is graphic in nature and shows a person being murdered in the most horrible way. Don't click the link if you don't have the stomach for this type of content.

  22. Myanmar used to be a close ally of China. China had been giving aid to Myanmar for a long time. I believe the relationship is still stable.

    The West had been trying to coax the Myanmar people to get rid of military rule, so that they can manipulate the non military Government of Aung San Suu Kyi, to distance Myanmar from the influence of China, and that is exactly what they are trying to do now.

    But the Rohingya crisis has thrown a spanner in the works. But they will still try hard to destabilise Myanmar as well. Just watch further the development of the Rohingya story. It will all be to the detriment of the non military Government of Myanmar going forward.

    The West would probably throw all the blame on China if the Myanmar drug trade had mostly gone to China's way, but it was the West that created the drug addition habit, and the drug trade flourish out of Myanmar as well. They have no grounds to point the finger at China, which they will do if they could find any flimsy reason to do so.

  23. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 24, 2018 5:36 pm

    Myanmar is of strategic importance to China. In WW2, the Japs mounted a blockage and no supplies could reach the Chinese by sea. The Burma Road provided a lifeline. It is still in use. Today, the Chinese are worried that the Straits of Malacca will become a choke-point should war breaks out. Uncle Sam's submarines will sink Chinese ships with ease. China is constructing a multi-billion-dollar deep sea port in Myanmar's Kyaukpyu town along the Bay of Bengal. It can avoid using the Straits of Malacca once hostilities break out.

  24. Commentary: China doesn’t deserve its bad rep over Christmas

    Many countries around the world don’t list Christmas as a public holiday yet China is commonly singled out, says Tom McGregor.

    Tom McGregor
    By Tom McGregor
    25 Dec 2018 06:37AM (Updated: 25 Dec 2018 06:40AM)
    Share this content

    Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/does-china-ban-christmas-chinese-celebrate-holiday-season-11059080

    This is an interesting article in CNA online on how the media twisted and published biased one side mischievous reports to smear China.
