
John Bolton the repulsive warhawk & Anti-China rogue

                    John Bolton the repulsive warhawk and disgusting Anti-China rogue.
            It is important to take note of what others always say of USA. America always takes advantage of others by guiles and deception. Lying is an American culture. US can tell lies straight to your face without blinking an eye. They masquerade lies as truth and as part of its insidious propaganda they can repeat all lies repeatedly millions of times so that people unconsciously begin to take it as truth. Trump like all past American presidents and politicians are consummate dishonourable liars. So is John Bolton, Peter Narvarro, lighthiger, Pompeo, Schiff, Schumer and many more others who are also China haters. Also the world is constantly reminded by native Americans that "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted."

John Bolton , just by his look you know he cannot be trusted. He has an inhuman look like that of a cross breed between the hyenas and the leopards. Indeed he looks damn bloody horrible and repulsive like that of a poisonous snake, a cobra which needs to be killed and destroyed for the safety and security of all non-white countries. He is an inherent warhawk and like those warhawks, rogues and savages in the American administration, in CIA and the Pentagon he is aversed to peace on earth other than in USA itself. He and his likes of savage white Americans and its western allies or poodles advocate permanent wars. With permanent wars they aim to make humongous profits by the hundreds or thousands of billions of dollars in sales of weapons to all warring parties in wars fomented, incited and instigated by the Americans.

The sinful money from wars and the pains, sufferings and disasters of of others will forever keep the Pentagon's Military Industrial Complex humming non-stop with activities. The Pentagon's Military Industrial Complex war industries contribute 70% or more of USA's annual GDP. So wars are important and a way of life to the Americans for it is an important factor to their economic survival.

China spends all its energy and money on trade, commerce and civilian industries for the well being and better livelihood of mankind in a win-win situation for every country in this world. China is opposed to American policy of beggar your neighbour. China is sincere in wanting to share its wealth and prosperity with all countries especially third world countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America. Therefore to this end it has for decades been helping third world countries in building schools, hospitals, infrastructures like roads, railways and ports as well as industries to uplift them from poverty. But America has since after the Second World War been selfishly interested in exploiting poor countries rich resources to enrich itself especially its bankers, business tycoons and commercial conglomerates or in short the 0ne percent of its elites . So in view of this and all the harms USA is doing to this world the third world poor countries it is of the utmost significance that every government in third world countries must constantly alert their people to the danger of the untrustworthy white Americans whom the native Americans have been warning us for hundreds of years that white men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted.

Third world countries must beware when USA economic hitman or officials appear at your doorstep with promises to help treat them like poison or leper and keep them away at a safe distance. More often than not their promise of help turn out to be obtrusive as when they through agency of help in their total control IMF and World Bank tend to exploit and impoverish the victimise countries while at the same time enrich America tremendously.

Remember when things are good for your country you never hope to see the Americans or white men. But when the white Americans do appear at your doorstep you can be sure they have evil intentions.


Monday, 17th December, 2018.


  1. How to trust the white Americans when all their doctrines are covered with ill and evil intentions? When they first went to America they justified their invasion of Native American lands through "The Doctrine of Christian Discovery". When they invaded Mexico and took huge swathes of Mexican lands they justified it with their "Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny."
    Using the same doctrine it went on to invade Hawaii, Guam and other Pacific Ocean island kingdoms. And now it wants to conquer the whole world and hold every other country in submission to their total domination and hegemony it adopts the "Doctrine of American Exceptionalism" and the "Doctrine of American Illateralism."

    The world must unite to take down the Evil Empire or face subjugation and slavery by white men.

    Enough of white men's poison.

  2. The sad fact is that much of the world had already been indoctrinated into believing the evil empire as the angel, and all those that oppose the evil empire are the devils. Russia, and lately China, have been on the receiving end all along as the template embodiment of anything bad or evil.

    We have come to this stage without realising that we are already enslaved by the white American doctrines, whether we want it or not. Politically, culturally and mentally we are being westernised in varying degrees. Those educated in the West look poorly at the institutions of the East as backward and not worthy of emulating. How to change this mindset?

    The irony is that we can't even be united in purpose, trying to take down the evil empire. China against Taiwan, North Korea against the South, India against Pakistan and even the minnows of ASEAN at each other's throat at times. And yet there are those who want the evil empire to prevail and enslave them rather than siding with China, with communism never losing its bad connotations over the centuries. Communism is always bad, like the chanting of the animals in 'Animal Farm' - "Four legs good and two legs bad". Animals cannot think?

  3. When the Americans are unable to compete fairly they started pointing fingers and blame others for their woes and beall. They will accuse you a myriad things and reasons for the debacles of their own making.

  4. The bloody Americans like to bluff about human rights and democracy. Every where they go they kill and invade. They have been killing non whites for hundreds of years. Ninety-eight percent or over eighty-five million native Americans have been butchered and genocided during the past four or five hundred years when white men go berserk on their wild savage spree of invasion and killings. Even now the few surviving native Americans are not left alone for they are put in reservations which are actually euphemism for'slave concentration camps' where they are grossly illtreated and where their women folks are subjected to injections to inhibit fertility to stop them from procreation.

    When they use criminal act to kidnap Meng Wenzhou, the CFO of Huawei they commit the greatest travesty of human rights.

    They have shown the precedent that it is alright to kidnap others for ransom . Now all other countries have the right and liberty to kidnap white people for ransom if they deem fit.

  5. America's CIA is the biggest criminal organisation in the world. It indulges in not only kidnapping but also in assassination, murder and killings of other countries' leaders who refuse to toe American dictates to carry out regime change. CIA is the world's largest trader and trafficker of drugs, opium, heroin, cocaine and ice. So it is totally abhorrent for US to speak of human rights and democracy when they don' practise it.

  6. @ MAD man

    I agree. The guy has been caught spinning intel for his own agenda before. He is definitely a troublemaker and a shill for the ultra-right wing nationalists.

    Trump chose the right guy...a mad man in lock step with his MAGA idea. The difference is Trump is not a war hawk, he has shown surprising restraint compared to the "compassionate democrat" Obama. But John Bolton is definitely a trigger-happy dude, always pushing Trump to "go further".

    At least Trump was a registered democrat for most of his life. This fella is more right wing than hitler.

    Good choice Donald! You certainly have a bum-buddy there.

  7. Right Anon 7.32

    When the Americans Sneeze, the Little USAs or por lam pars catches the Cold.

