
Huawei – The Americans spreading fake news and white lie

Was Saddam Hussein’s WMD fake news or American white lie? Some western idiots and bananas would still say not sure, still in a state of denial that their godly white Americans cannot lie and would not lie, that Saddam still could have hidden his WMD somewhere but not found.

The latest fake news and white lie is that Huawei’s 5G technology is a national security risk to America and the 5 eyes countries. Raising national security and security threat is the American’s escapee, an excuse it is using everywhere and every time when they deem fit, when all other reasons failed to make sense. China’s buiding islands in the South China Sea is a threat to American interests and security, Huawei’s supremacy in 5G technology is a threat to American national security etc etc. Everything is a threat to American interest and security, read American dominance as the Number One super power.

The sicko John Bolton started another white lie. China’s investments and aids in Africa is another form of colonialism. This white colonialist is accusing China of colonizing Africa? Who colonized Africa and robbed the Africans of their wealth? Who hunted down Africans and turned them into slaves to work in the cotton fields? Who practiced apartheid in Africa? Oh Africa has its own ‘bananas’ that believed the whites are the gods sent to help them even after centuries of deprivation and inflicting poverty and war in all the African countries.

By making such allegations, particularly in the case of Huawei, when no American company could come near to Huawei in 5G technology, the Americans hope to shut Huawei out of the American market. They also put pressure on their allies to ban Huawei from their respective markets. Some like Australia and Japan would be most willing to do so for their own reasons. Britain is hesitating as they know that without 5G they would lack behind when competing with China and other European countries. The British are too smart to miss this boat just like when they jumped into the AIIB as founding member.

Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and several other European countries would go ahead to welcome Huawei into their market. What the Americans have done by spreading this white lie and restraining their allies to use Huawei is to keep them in the dark ages of communication technology. They would be left behind because of the American pressure. Would the Brits want to be left behind while France and Germany ran ahead with 5G? This is exactly how and why the ‘has been’ American Empire would degenerate further and lack behind other nations by their backward and selfish policy to shun the latest 5G technology.

I bet the British would turn against the Americans again in this as they fear being left behind in this technology race to the future. The British has been declining since they lost the empire and cannot afford to fall further behind to other European countries like Germany and France for not embracing Huawei’s 5G technologies. It is suicidal for the British and those that abided by the American pressure and lie not to use 5G. This is how the Empire will fall and fade into oblivion for not wanting to face the new reality repeating what happened to the Qing Empire in its dying days.

Huawei has the technology that is most relevant and wanted by all the countries wanting to move forward, not backward to Stone Age. It is not only a super technology, it is a technology that would change the world. The Americans are gripped with fear of Huawei’s 5G. A good product is a good product by any names. The American allegation is just a red herring to stop Huawei but did not come up with any evidence to support their allegation except casting doubts. Huawei is not guilty unless proven and does not need to prove it is innocent. But the white men are now expecting Huawei to prove its innocence just because of the American allegation and lie.

PS. When a country uses Huawei’s 5G and equipment, the equipment would be installed in the respective country and would have its native people managing the system. In other words they are in control of the system and equipment and could manage and prevent any mischief using the equipment, protecting their national security. So what is this American white lie about Huawei’s security threat? Huawei’s staff would not be in control or in charge of the equipment and system. Once they have accepted the system, they could ban Huawei’s staff from the system.

The main objective of the American white lie is to kill Huawei and its 5G technology. Period. And it is the Americans that are violating a UN Resolution on trading with Iran, not Huawei, China. The US is the only country imposing this sanction against Iran when Europe and the rest of the world are abiding by the UN Resolution and permitted to trade with Iran. This American sanction is not UN approved but a unilateral American sanction. Why no Europeans were arrested for trading with Iran?

PS. China arrested a third Canadian.


  1. When the white men realized that with a rising China, one day in the future they're going to live in a world dominated by the Chinese, they freaked out.


  2. v v quiet!

    where are all the fANs?

    still sleeping? wake-up!

  3. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 20, 2018 10:36 am

    Canada must be reeling in shock. China's response to Canada's abduction of Sabrina Meng is overwhelming. A 3rd Canuck is now being detained. PM Trudeau must be sweating and waiting for further instruction from his master, Trump. Canada has to decide whether it wants to be a friend or a foe of China. The abduction of Sabrina Meng who was on her way to Mexico was a hostile act. China's fury is fully understandable. White supremacy robbed China of her dignity in the past. Canada underestimated China's resolve and treated the Chinese with utter scorn.

  4. The late eminent British Professor Joseph Needham once said, "Every modern science and technology has its basic foundation in China." "Give China a hundred years peace and China will produce wonders in the world."

    It is not even a hundred years since China regained its self-respect and dignity as a sovereign independent country on October 1st, 1949. It seems in the last thirty years China has registered more patents than any other country. In the case of 5G China is well ahead of America and the rest. The United Nations have endorsed China's 5G and given China the green light to install 5G structures and facilities for the next hundred years after the expiry of American dominance of 4G operations in a couple of years time. America is trying to defy the United Nations decision to award China to operate 5G round the world in the next century. America has been collecting billions of dollars in dues from other countries for the use of 4G in the computer and internet. America is a sore loser. It refused to accept the United Nations decision to award China the right to operate its 5G being the most advanced in the world. By fabricating lies and negative stories about Huawei's 5G the despicable US government is trying to buy time for its laggard American companies to catch up with Huawei. The evil untrustworthy US is using various facets of concerted efforts to put hurdles against China and Huawei. It is not only telling wide open lies against Huawei but also trying to irritate China militarily in the South China Sea and East China Sea. It is arm twisting its allies viz Australia, New Zealand, England and Japan to stop the use of Huawei's 5G. It is using other diplomatic means to influence other countries in Africa and Asia not to subscribe to Huawei's 5G technology. However the more it tries to discredit China and Huawei the more disappointment and setback it will face because many Asian, African and South American countries are already cooperating with Huawei in setting up more than 10,000 5G operation stations and facilities in their countries. Granting that everything goes well and the USA fail to disrupt Huawei's 5G operations than 5G will be fully operational in the stated continents and countries by 2020 to 2025.

    The latest news is Modi's India has decided to accept Huawei's 5G in joint venture to set up 5G operations in India. Also Russia and most East European countries are cooperating with Huawei in the setting up of 5G in their countries.

    America the sore loser can go on protesting and churn out fabricating stories and lies against China and Huawei but it will be to no avail. A sore loser does not make America look great. America has never been great for it has from the beginning a monstrous terrorist country with blood in its hands. So how can the dotard Trump claim he wants to make America great again. In fact every thing he and his administration is doing is horrible and abominable and will bring America down faster. Nobody believes in America now for it is always telling lies, distorting facts and fake news in its vast propaganda machine and organisation.


    Thursday,20th December,2018

  5. "The latest news is Modi's India has decided to accept Huawei's 5G in joint venture to set up 5G operations in India." -- that's only invite for trials lah. Knowing them - Snake in the Eagle's shadow - cannot trust, contract still can go to others.

  6. I still have to say that the blonde with two large melons continued to be one of my favourites leh though I think Asian girls are the most beautiful in this world. But I am a melon man so the blondes do have something to offer😀

  7. Rb, I think uk and France has reservation so they are not on board yet

  8. @ balanced view---listen to what the dissidents say:

    Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok has a lot to say about the CCP. He makes it clear he is passionately Chinese, loves his country and his fellow Chinese. But he HATES the CCP, Xi in particular and wants to --- in his own words --- ”take them down”.

    When China lost Deng Xiaoping, it was like Singapore losing Lee Kuan Yew, or the USA losing JF Kennedy. These were great leaders, despite their human failings and faults, which we all have. Although I don’t subscribe to the “Great Man of History” theory, there is no doubt these individuals --- through their leadership --- helped alter the course of their nations, for the better. Unfortunately their successors often fell way below the high bar they set. In our own cuntry, The Son has failed to fill the big shoes left by The Father. What a fucking let down.

    Although Xi has “crowned” himself “Emperor” For Life, he is a mortal and all mortals have a finite shelf life. Whilst Xi has done some good, he also has done lots of bad shit --- like massive surveillance of Chinese citizens and the internment and re-education of Muslims Uighurs.

    The latter is a disaster waiting to happen. ISIS and Al Qaeda are weak now having been walloped by the US and Russia...and virtually the whole world who’ve gotten sick and tired of their terrorist shit. However, I see the day when ISIS or Al Qaeda or some “hybrid” splinter group start terrorist activities in China as a response to the Uighur nonsense. Just wait...it will happen. I’ll bet money on it.

  9. Re: 12:32pm

    You are an idiot and the same despicable character 'b' but now write nonsense under anonymity.

    Stop posting your rubbish and nonsense in this intellectual blog .

    Re: Matilah 12:33pm

    The dissident Guo Wengui aka Miles Kwok could be a funded US agent to create choas and instability in China to hamper China's peaceful development. He is a faceless traitor who will sell his country for a penny and should be shot forthwith.

    Matilah I am surprised an intelligent and well read and well informed intellectual like you can be so gullible as to believe what US claims about what China is doing to the Muslim Uighurs. Only those diehard muslim militants, separatists and terrorists are roped in for re-education and training in occupational skills to equip them to find a proper place in society when they are released after being reformed. Matilah , you certainly don't want China to do the same what the white Americans have been doing to the native Americans and that is just simply kill and genocide them and for the few surviving native Americans where they are kept in nicely named native reservations which are actually euphemisms cor concentration camps where the native Americans are left to suffer hunger and their women folks are injected with some form of chemical to make them infertile and therefore incapable of procreation. The white Australian government is doing the same thing to the original inhabitants of Australia, the aborigines. Matilah you can do more research on the topic if you wish to clarify the truth of what I am posting here.


  10. Otto Warmbier’s family seeks US$1 billion in damages from North Korea - ang moh tua kee

  11. China versus diehard muslim Uighurs militants ; Singapore versus peaceful bloggers - which is worse ??

  12. If Otto Warmbier (a nobody)’s family seeks US$1 billion in damages from North Korea, Meng Wanzhou (Huawei CFO)'s family should seek US$100 billion in damages from Canada

  13. @ southernglory

    Miles Kwok (Guo Wengui) has made it very clear that he is not anti-China or the Chinese. He loves his country and is passionately Chinese. I don’t even detect the slightest “banafication” in his character. Trust me, as a banana, I can spot another one before they even blink. Guo is *very* Chinese; from his core.

    so to label him as a “traitor”, I think is misunderstanding the situation, and just equating The Govt and The Leader with the rest of the nation and its people. THE STATE IS NOT THE PEOPLE. I think that’s where your cognitive dissonance and “confirmation bias” lies. There are MANY dissidents in China who attack the govt, not their fellow Chinese. I think it is important to make this distinction or risk falling into the same traps as the culturally-biased western media.

    There are Americans who hate their govt, but love their cuntry. In Singapore, there are MILLIONS who love their cuntry, but dislike their govt, and only vote PAP because of the lack of viable alternatives.

    Guo is probably NOT as pure as the driven snow, and has probably done some bad shit. Of course his enemies will be the first people to bring up his misdeeds. That’s not a “new play” when it comes to demolishing the veracity and reputation of your opponent --- everyone does it.

    I trust the MSM like I trust “alternative medicine” --- which is a big fat zero as the “bullshit factor” ranks high in both. I do however consult, commune and occasionally break bread with Islamic groups (they know I an atheist or “kafir” but they’re fine with it), in Perth --- where I live --- and those people have told me stuff about the Uighur situation. You might argue that what they say is anecdotal, and I will agree. However whilst narrative can be a more subject account and loaded with personal opinion, there is some important “signal” (real information ) in those opinions which keep popping up again and again when I speak to different individuals.

    The Chinese governments (plural) various wars with spiritual groups and religions is well documented, not just by western media, but by the people themselves. It is not surprising why this is. Firstly, Marx himself was no fan of religion. Also, spirituality means individual SURRENDER to some body of ideas, and this is A REAL THREAT to The State and its authority. It doesn’t have to be a communist or fascist state. Most govts and most rational leaders want to keep religion out of the polity. Of course they don’t succeed because spirituality and religion are powerful and “sticky” in the sense that the harder you push against them, the more their adherents cling on and push back.

    So when I draw a conclusion that the present Chinese govt is playing with fire when it is interfering with the Uighurs, I don’t do so lightly.

    Last thing, please stop thinking that I am in any way “intelligent”. I assure you I am not. I consider myself just an average guy. Maybe even below average. And I an 1000% absolutely FINE with that. I always set the bar low enough so that I can “achieve” and stay happy and lazy. I do however encourage everyone else to work hard and “strive for excellence”, and for intelligent people to do awesome shit. Let’s face it, when the best of our species is motivated to excel and exceed expectations, the less-capable and lazy fuckers also benefit --- DISPROPORTIONATELY. 🤣😂

  14. Matilah, please stop displaying your idiocy here ok?

    I love you, I like you, I have nothing against you.

    But I just want to sodomise you.

  15. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 20, 2018 3:23 pm

    White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has referred to Islam as a “barbarity” bringing darkness to Europe. Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo has depicted the Global War on Terror as a holy war between “radical Muslims” and Christianity. Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, who has resigned sits on ACT’s advisory board. ACT is the largest anti-Muslim group in the U.S. with 280,000 members. Uncle Sam has condemned China for setting up re-education camps to rehabilate radical Uyghurs as concentration camps. it is trying to instigate Muslim countries to become anti-China. Trump’s many bigoted statements and actions denigrating Muslims are well known. Yet Uncle Sam supreme court decided that none of that matters. That is hypocrisy.

  16. Southerglory1, first of all I don't know why u attacked that dude. He merely expressed his liking for white blondes since the post touched on USA. U could just ignore him but u have to label others. U probably think u are very smart. I also don't know how glory u are but u look like an idiot to me at least from my viewpoint.

    If I am not mistaken, u often post some articles that will get u attacked by USA drone or locally Kena lim Kopi and risk being sodomized. I don't know how old u are but whatever, it's no fun to be sodomize. Even RB now wanted to sodomize Matilar!

  17. just to provide 2 cents of my thought in this topic without any political bias. I hv worked throughout my working life in the ICT industry and recently hv done extensive research on the 5G technology. The national security concern on 5G network is real, based on technology point of view. It is not about letting HW staff to handle the equipment or not, the supplier have the capability to access remotely to every system/network they supplied even without telco approval. Having working in HW HQ for almost 10 years, it is against my value to disclose insightful info but what I can said is that, with the bottomless financial muscle, HW has the capability to concur the 5G business in the whole world; other players like Ericsson and Nokia will be gone in the 5G world, just like what they have suffered in the 4G business. Besides the speeds, the architecture of 5G is very different from previous generation of mobile technologies. As a neutral opinion, the world need a balance view, a fair playing field.

  18. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 20, 2018 7:45 pm

    Huawei 5G technology is cheaper and better than its western competitors. The Evil 5 Eyes are spreading rumours that Huawei is putting in backdoors to allow the Chinese government to spy on state intelligence and corporation networks to pursue economic, political and military goals. The reverse is true. Once Huawei monopolized the 5G market, Uncle Sam will be unable to put backdoors which it is doing with 4G. When Trump complained that his iPhone was not secure, he was advised to switch to Huawei.

  19. @ RB,

    Please lah, argue my points. ad hominem attacks --- of which I am far better at than you can ever be --- are not arguments or rejoinders. That area of China, close to central Asia, Turkey etc. is a hot spot which flies right in the face of the CCP's "Three Evils" doctrine: Seperatism (check!), Religious fundamentalism (check!) and terrorism (check).

    I don't gamble, but I place bets. The CCP are playing with fire over there. Nevermind ISIS or Al Qeada. It is easy for the CIA to "spot opportunity" and fuel the fire. They are EXPERTS at those kind of destabalising tactics.

    As I said, I place bets. Bets are based on PROBABILITY. All actions generate a list of probalistic outcomes.... or "knock-on effects", aka "externalities" aka "unintended consequences". Muslims tend to be EXTREMELY TOUCHY about their (fucked up religion.

  20. P.S. Whilst there is little doubt that ALL religions have their violent nut-case fundamentalists, Islam stands out as unique. I'll stop there. But unless you're arse up and head in sand, you know what the fuck I'm saying.

  21. So from all the talk cock & sodomy in all the comments, sounds like war stocks will do very well over the next 10-30 years. I'll let you guys know how much more millions & 1000s of percent I've made in 2028 and 2038.

  22. Withou Irony self proclaimed patriots are discarding names their parents gave them and giving themselves foreign names.

  23. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

    P.S. Whilst there is little doubt that ALL religions have their violent nut-case fundamentalists, Islam stands out as unique. I'll stop there. But unless you're arse up and head in sand, you know what the fuck I'm saying.
    December 20, 2018 11:05 pm

    Matilah, this statement of yours needs to be screwed again. Your self professsed banana mindset is so skewed and biased that you would not see the wrongs of the white fundamentalists. Oops, the western media would not called them so and no one would associate them with the word fundamentalist.

    Ask, how many were killed by the Muslim fundamentalists and how many Muslims and Arabs were killed by the white 'fundamentalists' in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan, not to mention elsewhere?

    Who were the fundamentalists that 'genocided' 100m American natives? This kind of facts would not stick inside your banana head. You would simply forget and not want to know.

    China should learn from the white fundamentalists and genocide the 30m Muslims in Xinjiang. They should send a study group to the USA to learn how to do it. Unfortunately the Chinese though branded as the bad guys were never as ruthless as the white fundamentalists and would not seek such a solution to wipe out the Muslims in Xinjiang.

    What are the really bad fundamentalists? Just because they would not use this fundamentalist tag on themselves does not mean that they are not fundamentalists. They are the worse racists in human history.

  24. @ Redbean the racist:

    Ya ya ya, Redbean the undisputed champion of China using childish arguments to bolster his overtly racist case. Nevermind, I'm a free speech guy...you go for it man! 🤣

    Sure, the people from Europe and the European diaspora (US, Canada, S America Africa...the whole planet lah) has done many terrible things in the past. But the also have REFORMS like The Civil Rights Movement. Today's taxpayers are also paying for the sins of the past as the "victim economies" of many cuntries are now fixed as political institutions.

    Fo example, I pay taxes to help Abo cunts who apparently are still so "psychologically scared" they need their lives to be funded for generations by WELFARE. Fucking hell, I never abused and Abo, although I've smacked a few for fucking with me. [Side note: the worse racist attack I've experienced in Oz Land was by a gang of Abos. They did the "slant eyes" shit and shouted shit like "ching chong"...yeah, you get the drift. Abo cunts]. Now I am not diminishing the horrible shit whites from the PAST did, but I am an immigrant...why should I have to pay into the "victim economy"...which never helps victims anyway but serve as a freebie for administrators and managers. 6 figure pay, lifetime job...why not? Sweet deal lah.

    The west tends to apologise for past mistakes. In Asian society, past grievances tend to carry forward to subsequent generations.

    OK, you still haven't addressed my BET on soon-to-occur-something-in-the-future of Islamic Fundamentalist TERRORISM attacks in Xinjiang area.

    Like I said, I beat you at name calling anyday, old man. Addrress the fucking issues, you piece of Han Chicken Shit.

  25. Matilah is not a racist! Just read his comments above and judge yourself. He learnt well from his white masters. Just give a tag so someone and redirect the attention to that someone. By calling RB racist, so he is not a racist, just like calling the Muslim fundamentalists so the Americans are not fundamentalists.

    The Muslims in Xinjiang are lucky to be in China. If they were in Nebraska or Montana or whatever American states, they would be gun down and the survivors would be sent to the reservations, ie hard labour in no man's land, the poorest and barren land in America, to survive on their own, if they could survive.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @ specious reasoning RB:

    >> The Muslims in Xinjiang are lucky to be in China. If they were in Nebraska or Montana or whatever American states, they would be gun down [...etc etc...] <<

    "Singaporeans are lucky to be in Singapore. If they were in Malaysia/ Phillipines....." blah blah blab blab ya da ya da..... you get the idea of this "Rebean Special" type of argument.

  28. Ahem, I must have poked the right hole. Painful huh: )

  29. Instead of infecting the blondy bush, me thinks that Mat got infected by those generous bushes.

  30. Uncle sam is playing the blame game again lah. Spending so much on playing war games and cannot keep up with china and blame china for everything loh. Uncle is not very sophisticated one.

  31. Oz should go after the big corporations that moved their profits overseas and not those abos. They cannot be blame for the gov lack of guts to go after big corporations owned by so and so. Gov in many parts of this world only bully the small little men on street but do not dare to go after big corporations that have done great disservice to those locals.

  32. b you talking sense. The backlash economic roots lie not with China, who is made a scapegoat by the USA. Its the huge profits of US investment banks like Goldman n MNCs like Apple, who disproportionately hide their humogous profits in offshore centres n gross over compensation of their top executives. For many years this resulted in much less taxes collected by Uncle Sam on these octopuses n less benefits to the man in the street. GFC in 2008/9 confirmed the privatize of profits to a few elites n the socialize of losses to the public.
    Always expect politicians to screw up n hit the wrong button.
    Today the world is swept by politicians blindness, led by Trump making all kind of screwed up decisions.
    More trade means peace.
    Much less trade means chaos n war coming.
