
Boy PM and girl FM lost in the world of adult politicians

Little boy Justine and little girl Freeland are now lost for words as what to do next with the arrest of a third Canadian by China. The only thing they could do is to regurgitate the phrase ‘rule of law’ to hide their lawless arrest of an innocent Chinese citizen. But this would not work anymore and after repeating it over and over again it becomes so lame, sounding to hollow and hypocritical.

Oh yes, they can still go crying to bid daddy the USA. Try to threaten China with the military might of the Americans. The Chinese would tremble when threaten by the American aircraft carriers. No? It won’t do either. China today would take on the Americans if needed to. The temperature and tension are rising and China is not going to back down and be bullied by this little USA. China is going to teach the little boys and girls a lesson in politeness and not to be rude to people carrying a bigger stick.

I think there is one possible way to get out of this tricky situation and come up on top for Canada. Try to get help from Singapore. Singapore had a great experience handling a similar situation like the Canadians when its armoured vehicles were detained in Hong Kong. How did Singapore do it and successfully got its armoured vehicles back? The details are classified of course. The only thing that could be gathered was from the information available in the media.

One thing, the Canadian ministers must talk tough. Apply the rule of law on China and demand the return of the Canadians arrested or else face consequences, like real. Next Canada can hire our retired diplomats who are very experience in handling China to assist them. Yes, Canada can learn from these diplomats to punch above its weight and give China a few black eyes with their loud mouth undiplomatic diplomacy. China would definitely cower where hearing the loud voices and rhetoric against them.

To add more pressure, hire some of the anti China journalists or expurts to write articles to smear China, calling China a bully, not following the rule of law. Keep publishing such articles in the main media to embarrass China. And there are many hostile Americans, Jewish and Indian writers that can reinforce the message, to attack China repeatedly.

When all these forces are working in unison, China would capitulate and release all the Canadians arrested. And Canada can continue to play with its ‘rule of law’ to detain Meng and even extradite her to the USA for 30 years of imprisonment. And China would not be able to do a thing. QED.

Retired diplomats can still be very useful in handling international disputes and can be paid handsomely for their experience and expertise in managing China. In this world today, only Singapore has diplomats of such standing, reputation and stature that would make China tremble when they opened their mouths. Just their looks would send shivers down the spines of Chinese leaders.


  1. Rb very funny leh

  2. @ mainstream media as entertainment,

    The talking heads on the 24 news cycle are yakking away as they usually do in situations like these. Everyone made a huge mistake in underestimating China’s response. Imagine if Singapore was the patsy here and arrested a Chinese executive at the behest of their “tua kee sugar daddies” in Washington. Our super-scale ministers can’t even handle a 92 year old Indian-masquerading-as-Malay dude, their kalam kabut has become a source of entertainment for populations in both cuntries. How the fuck are they going to handle the situation if they fuck up and anger China?

    Anyway, both the Canadian AND Chinese governments will the the ones that will ultimately get “schooled” here. By none other than Donald J Trump.

    The MSM and the Sheeple have nothing better to do than to play The Blame Game --- pointing accusatory fingers at both sides and engaging in non-productive cock-talk. Twitter, Weibo, Gab and other social media sites, as well as blogs and forums are filling up with “opinion” and ANALysis. All of a sudden everyone is a geopolitical ex-spurt, spurting vomit and cum all over the internet.

    Meanwhile DJ Trump, after partially shutting down the govt, is planning to use this situation as a form of “leverage” to once again get his way. The US Presidency is occupied by a glorified developer and contractor --- a real life American version of our beloved Puah Chu Kang. They are uncouth, unpleasant, unreserved and amoral. They’ll turn on friends, and collude with enemies, just as so it suits their purpose. They will muddy waters so no one can “catch fish”. Whatever opportunities present at the moment, they will EXPLOIT if they can turn a profit for themselves.

    I don’t even put it past Trump that he will sell out his Five Eyes Partners and do a deal with Xi. “Make America Great Again” is wedded to the underlying hidden agenda (not so hidden lah) of “Make Trump’s Ego Even Bigger Still”.

    Anyway, that’s my 2-cents Kopitiam Think Tank theory. Let’s see who plays who and who walks away with the “prizes”.

    When opportunity comes knocking, Trump gets rocking. 🤡

  3. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 21, 2018 12:30 pm

    Much Ado About Nothing. Singapore playing an unlikely role as peacemaker. Just like it played host to Trump-Kim summit. But this time bill them the cost. Unlike Uncle Sam who is steep in debt, Canada and China are loaded. If that happens, Singapore can set up shop as another permanent International Court of Arbitration. The fake one at The Hague made US$30 million on South China Sea ruling. Provides jobs for retired diplomats, ex-generals and ex-ministers. Uncle Sam can also make money if its 7th Fleet escort Trudeau and charge Canada for the service.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ My nose and the smelly rat who's hiding:

    Two words: Peter Navaro.

    Navaro is very lucky that Xi is China's leader. If Vladimir Putin was president od China, this fucker would have been poisoned or assassinated in some way a long time ago already.

    The other possible rat is John Bolton.

    Why? Firstly we must re-visit the "reason" for Sabrina Meng's arrest. This is a matter of LAW ENFORCEMENT (although the "in-built" political opportunity is a huge bonus). Here’s the simplified breakdown:

    1. US-patented (i.e. protected by the US govt and laws) technology is licensed to Huawei.

    2. US has trade sanctions in effect against Iran,which means absolutely no exports of anything US is allowed to be sold in/ traded with Iran.

    3. Huawei is accused of doing business with Iran, using US-patented technology that Huawei continues to PAY FOR in their products and services. (fuck lah, business is business lah. You already paid lah, shut the fuck up, dun kachau)

    4. Therefore Huawei had VIOLATED US sanctions, therefore arrest Sabrina Meng.

    I know, it is a very flimsy case.The biggest irony is that Huawei --- the planet’s biggest telecoms hardware company --- is paid a huge UNDISCLOSED AMOUNT (confidentiality deal) in patent licensing fees by none other than USA’s Apple Inc for using its tech.

    **[To all you iPhone/ iPad fanbois and grrls….you should have bought a Huawei. Your Apple shit only works because of Huawei tech 😱. Suckers].

    Another thing the western media conveniently left out:
    Huawei is the world’s largest filer of patents for new tech. It can go out of the manufacturing business and just allow others to use its tech collecting huge licensing fees every year and paying dividends to shareholders.

    Bolton? Navaro? They (or people like them) are the ones who “pechah lobang” to US patent law enforcement to get Huawei into court….without Trump’s knowledge, behind his back.

    Not surprising lah. In Washington, the backside-playing is part of everyone’s normal daily activity.

  6. Sinkieland Kapo half bucket shits dipolmats or Mats or Mad dare teach Chinamen how to suck eggs.

    Wasted 800K nearly 1 million for the Kim-Trump Summit. Nothing concrete finalised in their summit. Dotard just played game

    China can keep the Hot Airs over their expired shelf lives diplomads in their pockets.

    China can hasten the installation of the Radar Defence and Military Air Base in JB as earler proposed to Najib.

    Why they demanded that JB now wants to control their Air Management? First step to strangle Sinkieland Air Defence.

    For too long just like Pedra Blanca as managed by Singapore and later they will also lose the rights of their Air Control when our Papies bring matter to ICJ.again.

    The Ang Mohs were mostly for Sinkieland as they are Hallehulah against the Muslims.

    As for the Maritime Waters, they pushing for more limits for extension of their bases.

    So, Sinkieland better shut up or else we be in deep shits.

  7. Really? Trump didn't know?
    How old are you?

  8. @ RB

    I'm younger than you, but you're a dumb cunt man or is either too careless or lazy or both to read and understand simple fucking English.

    ...so let me break it down for you...like I'm talking to a retard: 🤣

    The charges against Huawei violating sanctions go back to 2012, when Obama first put them in.

    I'm saying Trump didn't know that someone probably on his staff "pechah lobang" and went ahead with the arrest in this instance, not on the whole Huawei thing which is ongoing for years now.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_sanctions_against_Iran

    Read the part about Huawei.It's conducted by the US DoJ and OFAC....long time case already lah.

  11. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 21, 2018 3:25 pm

    A third Canadian citizen, a lady teacher from Alberta is the most recent casualty in a diplomatic standoff between China and Canada. She has been identified as Sarah D. McIver. She had been working illegally and was being held in administrative detention. The Canadian government announced the detention on Wednesday but did not release Ms. McIver’s name. The three detentions are clearly in retaliation for Canada’s kidnap of Sabrina Meng on 1st December. Sabrina Meng’s kidnap has provoked a diplomatic crisis between China and Canada. China is subtly warning Uncle Sam that it should not demand the extradition of Sabrina Meng.

  12. Trump has finally fired Mathis --- now he can go full on fuck the world mode :)

    Hope he starts some major wars.

    Big orders & big business for war companies.

    Lets me buy war stocks on the cheap too, when ball-less investors & speculators sell out at any price! 👍


  13. @ war stocks...ok for now

    @ 429

    You'd better do your research. Just because Trump has a big mouth doesn't mean he's a war hawk. Please do yourself a favour and go to Twitter to get the gist of his "foreign policy". Basically, he's telling the world to go fuck themselves as America is sick and tired of playing Global Cop, and costing the taxpayer trillions for nothing in return except hatred and no thanks from the cuntries America is supposedly "defending".

    But, in your favour, the Military Industrial Complex doesn’t give a shit about who is president. Dwight Eisenhower warned the citizens about the MIC in a famous speech. You are talking about a seriously decorated general, all-American military career man, and he was dead set against too much focus and blowing of money and lives on theatres of war.Of course, the defense industries hated the speech, because --- as you well know from your portfolio --- war is big business and is funded by taxpayers, and debt taken on so that future generations are on the hook for repayment.

    So as a counter to my observation that Trump isn’t a war hawk, I would say that you could be right, but not for the reasons you suggest. I would suggest that the Military Industrial Complex is mightier than Trump. Trump might be able to fight the Dems and his Twitter haters, but the people who run the defense industries, the lobbyists and the congressional and senatorial representatives who promise their electorates “Jobs Jobs Jobs”. People might hate war, but they like high-paying jobs in the defense sectors….sectors where you can inflate the price of everything and book LARGE PROFITS for your war business.

  14. John Bolton is a warmonger. He's a really dangerous guy. Trump might also not last his presidency and even if he gets voted in again (by some twist of fate), he'll only be in office for one more term --- MAXIMUM. whoever comes after him,is anyone's guess.

    I suspect people like Bolton and Navarro are the fucking snakes in the administration. They're like the Cheney and Rumsfeld of Bush ver. 2.0 Administration. Bloody Bush GW is such a blur king, Cheney and Rumsfeld had jolly good time calling the shots and playing fuck with the cuntry and the world. GW was a political lightweight and essentially a clown. Cheney and Rumsfeld were “lau peng” (old soldiers) from the Regan days...long time political operators with their hands in lucrative defense contracts in companies where they were either on the boards of, or senior executives. i.e. they MADE MONEY from war.

  15. @Matilah,

    Yup I know trump is basically a ball-less egomaniac who'd run away at the first sign of danger, if he didn't have 1000-to-1 advantage and surrounded by people able to take a bullet for him.

    This makes him infinitely easy to manipulate & to push the red button.

    War hawks are usually non-military men with no or very limited military service, and safely away from the actual line of fire. Their motives, like Trump, is often self-enrichment and self-benefit.

    Those with extensive military experience, especially in actual war and having soldiers die under their command, are usually more balanced (like Ike). Theirs is more of a quiet but determined and steely approach.

    With both Mattis & Kelly leaving, Trump is basically left to play locker room games with armchair strategists and pretend soldiers like Navarro & Bolton.

    Basically a very real potential for increased defense spending, which translates to medium to long term performance for many defense contractors.

    The transition to a multi-polar world also helps.

  16. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 21, 2018 7:27 pm

    Uncle Sam telecom conglomerates are in shambles. They no longer produce smart phones. The manufacturing base in Silicon Valley has been closed down. Smart phone companies increasingly rely on China not only for cellphone production but also for the development of intellectual property. At Global Mobile Broadband Forum 2018, Huawei released the “All Bands Go to 5G” strategy for the evolution towards a 5G-oriented wireless target network. This strategy provides for future development of the wireless network in three key aspects: simplified site, simplified network and automation. China has won the race against Uncle Sam to build a faster nationwide 5G wireless network. Uncle Sam is compelled to use dirty tricks to prevent China taking the lead. 5G enables countries to experience disproportionate gains in macroeconomic impact compared to those stuck with 4G.

  17. Asians still do not get it. Angmos will play dirty if they are losing. Beware of dirty tricks on the way.

  18. B I am happy to see a sensible post from u. So no need for u to take your medicine. That is sodomy from Matilar 👍😀👍

  19. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 21, 2018 9:33 pm

    Yes "b" you are absolutely right. Good job. I am so impressed with your good comment. Keep it up.

  20. @ 550, no adult supervision left, PARTY TIME!!

    General Mattis, Rex Tillerson, General John Kelly et al did a great job as “supervising adults to a problem child”. Now that they are gone,it is like a 16 year old rich kid with a case of booze, a bag of weed and the keys to a garage of fast cars with no adults to supervise his behaviour or to take the keys away from him. So he is going to be stoned and drunk, and driving a lethal land-missile along the public roads. The story has no happy ending.

    Fuck me, what happens next will be “entertaining” 🤣😂

    Goodbye to mature adult behaviour. Hello wild, drug-crazy youth!

  21. Matilah came to Mr RB's blog and caused Heavens And Earth Turmoil.

    How can you come into People's Terriority and called people all sorts of names.

    Mei you chia chow.

    Bananas first class.

    Mr RB today angry no more postings.


  22. December 21, 2018 9:33 pm>>

    I am not anti us or anti china. I tried to give two sides of the story so one day, maybe, they will understand each other and make peace. World peace is beneficial to all. Merry Christmas.

  23. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 22, 2018 9:15 am

    @ b

    It is true. A coin has 2 sides. So no worries. I understand. Merry Christmas to you too.

  24. Just posted. My laptop behaving like a snail.

    Oh, not to worry about Matilah. That is his way of expressing friendliness.

  25. @ don't sweat the small stuff

    You see Virgo, RB is one cool happy camper. He gets me. 😎
