
The third round of CECA improvement talks went by in darkness

There were some reports in the media of the third round of talks to improve the terms of the CECA for greater cooperation and ‘mutual benefits’ or win win for both India and Singapore. How did it go and what were the great changes made to benefit Singaporeans were still not spoken or reveal in the media. Hope this is not going to be another state secret that Singaporeans need not know, it is good for Singaporeans and that’s matter.

What were the pretentious thinkers or pseudo thinkers thinking and decided to do in such a massive agreement between a giant and a dwarf, a third world country and a first world country, a country with 1.3b people and a rock with 5m people? The inequalities and incompatibilities between the two countries are so enormous and stark that anything thought equal and fair, equitable, would not be fair.

It is so easy to say we open up to India and Indians coming here and India likewise opens up for Singapore and Singaporeans to go to India look superficiality so equal and fair. Is it? Can Singapore afford to open up to allow 1,300,000,000 Indians to come here so that 5,000,000 Singaporeans can go to India? Can the pretentious unthinking thinkers say an open door policy between the two incompatible countries is fair and equitable?

How many Singaporeans would want to go to India to be paid in rupees compare to how many Indians would like to come to Singapore to be paid in Sing dollars? How many Singaporeans would like to live happily thereafter in India after having lived in HDB flats with basic necessities like clean water and flushed toilets within the flat as against shitting in the bushes or on the road sides and with no potable waters?
How many companies from India would be coming here and how many Singapore companies would be going to India? Is 1:1 fair, 1:100 fair, 1:1,000 or 1:1m fair and acceptable?

What about the hundreds of thousands of Indian universities and colleges and their millions of graduates coming here versus the less than 50 universities and colleges, actually less than 20 and their graduates flooding the job markets of both countries? Fair, good, insane or madness?

A 1 percent Indian labour/worker/professionals landing in Singapore is 13m versus a 1 percent Singaporeans or 35,000 Singaporeans, if the Singaporeans really think they could earn a decent living and given decent jobs that made the move palatable or good, make any sense?

Can Singapore absorb the 13m Indians coming into the island without upsetting the social fabric and sensitive racial balance in the island? Would Singapore become another third world country instead if this is to happen? What about the quality of our life, our public services, professional services, our infrastructure, our lifestyle, would they be better or worse?

How good is the CECA for Singapore? It is definitely good to India without question. Would the upgraded CECA lift Singapore to the next level of economic development and improve the quality of life of Singaporeans or sink Singapore into a third world sink hole?

What were agreed in the third CECA that benefit or hurt Singaporean’s interest? Do Singaporeans have a right to know?

For sure, the visible impact of this silly and indiscriminate open door policy are as follows: Our employment/job market is now controlled and manipulated by foreigners to the detriment of Singaporean job seekers. The IT industry is dominated and controlled by foreigners. The banking and finance industry likewise is controlled and dominated by foreigners. To a great extent the academia and research agencies and mouth pieces of many such agencies are dominated by foreigners.

Where have all the Singaporeans gone? What have happened to them?


  1. Gambling only come to a square off.if one is immortal.and no end of
    Gambling chips.only ends in a draw.

  2. @ hopeful hopeless cases,

    RB, what leads you and everyone else to believe that things will change for the better, just because of some jaw-wagging gabfest,made somehow “official” because the govt declared it so?😂

    A lot of cock-talk is peppered with the derision that the PAP are essentially a bunch of “dumb cunts”...just like the narrative about Trump being “stupid”. Yet, both the PAP and Donald J are “winning”...the PAP for much longer, and the Sheeple are being screwed more. IMO, these top-dogs are way smarter than the Sheeple lah. The top-dogs are the minority, the Sheeple the obvious majority. Yet when it comes to the calculus, the MINORITY shits all over the MAJORITY, almost all the time. I would call this a trend, and I do like following the trend if I were to place a bet based purely on odds.

    Even if they were to release an “official statement” of what went down during the talks, can you really trust that statement/ narrative as “true”. Also, unless you were present you don’t know what was discussed at the bars/ functions/ dinners/cocktail parties which is where a lot of the “horse-trading” occurs. As a former “fly-on-the-wall” insider, I can attest to this.

    Then there are the back-channels of diplomacy. You are talking about TRADE here...in which the economic and financial effects have a direct bearing; if not a severe impact; on the opportunities and therefore the wealth, security and FUTURES of the tax paying citizens of both cuntries.

    I would say the realistic outcome of these meetings is same as before, with enhancements, which will probably not be in favour of the Sheeple-poreans.

    India and China are on the ascent lah. They have HUGE SUPPLIES of labour educated “just enough to be competitive” by their respective cuntires. What I would say is that Sheepl-poreans are WAY WAY WAY BEHIND when it comes to street-smarts compared to the hungry and motivated ChIndians. The Sheeple-poreans best response is to get on the internet and call their leaders nasty names, and have their own little camp-fire sing-song where “Misery Meets Misery” at Hong Lim. That’s it. No Further Action.

    Minority will beat Majority again. And again. and again. 🤡 Sampai tua.

  3. Najib and his gangsters thought so, that the party would never end. They were in control, in charge and could continue to screw the people forever, anyway they liked.
    The rest is history.

    Do not underestimate the forces of history and the Invisible Hand.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ RB

    >> Do not underestimate the forces of history and the Invisible Hand. <<

    Don’t underestimate the force of the Visible Iron Fist lah. 🤣💪

    Please lah. Before corrupt fuckers like Najib/ Marcos/ Thaksin etc were caught and stripped of power, they did INCREDIBLE DAMAGE and kapored plenty of money. Najib got caught. Thaksin and Marcos escaped.

    You, along with the majority just cannot let go of your cognitive biases...in this case The “Just World” Fallacy. Up to you all lah. Believe what you like.

    One question: How’s that working out for you? 😂🤣

  6. Before corrupt fuckers like Najib/ Marcos/ Thaksin etc were caught and stripped of power, they did INCREDIBLE DAMAGE and kapored plenty of money. - Matilah

    This sentence is key to everything.

  7. @ 942

    >> time to make your escape plan and move elsewhere. <<

    I don’t agree 100% with that. However I do agree that new ways of looking at one’s personal situation, and the future for one’s family is definitely required.

    There are many options available. Should you

    1. Stay put and FIGHT
    2. Fuck it and fuck off with 100% of CPF
    3. Do nothing and TAHAN some more
    4. Join the PAP (if you can’t win ‘em, join
    5. Apply “The Hotel” strategy---keep
    Singapore citizenship, live/ work
    elsewhere playing the
    ARBITRAGE long-game
    6. Commit suicide

    The choice of course will depend on the individual. I have chose option 5 which for 40+ years has delivered outstanding returns, although year on year swings have occasionally been volatile.

    Your life. You choose. You’d better choose---or the PAP will make the choices for you. 😫☠️

  8. Rb, well that likely explained why few hundred thousands sinkies moved overseas including my kids. Not many good jobs here for sinkies.😰😰😰 knn

  9. No point kpkb kpkb and kpkb. Waste time.

    We are today like that because of the massive 70%!

    Do you seriously think it can be 50.99% at the next GE?

    Just look around you. Many many many SGeans bo-chup lah!

    Do a Sg Harapan at the next GE?


  10. @ all

    RB: >> Can Singapore afford to open up to allow 1,300,000,000 Indians to come here so that 5,000,000 Singaporeans can go to India? <<

    Of course can lah! Our cuntry was built on immigrant-power. So we can do the same for India! 😜
    Come Sheeple-poreans, we go India work OK? Earn rupees, plenty plenty... 🤑

  11. Matilah's number 2 choice is the best for Singaporeans. But as we all know Singaporeans are mostly gutless sheeples. They are kpkb kings and queens, but when it comes to the GEs, with a few hundred S$ the can be bought. Spineless and gutless and like Uncle Redbean always say, " STUPIDITY HAS NO CURE ". Matilah's number 5 choice is good but few can afford to select that. To work and live elsewhere and at the same time enjoy Hotel Singapura is definitely out of reach for 85% of Singapore Sheeples.

    Well, at the end of the day, the option for most has to be number 3, do nothing and TAHAN all the shit.

    Good luck Sheeples.

  12. To keep track of CECA, just setup online alerts with Times of India newspaper website, using keyword "CECA". The ahnehs report it like it is. Unlike Shit Times.

    Btw, I more than **QUINTUPLED** (5X) my portion of portfolio in Ahneh stocks since 2009. Their stocks have hit a rough patch in recent months, but I'm still keeping a significant percentage of my portfolio in Ahneh stocks. Over the next 30 years, ahneh companies have better potential than Cheena stocks.

    Complements my war stocks well.

    BTW, the extremely good performance of Ahenh stocks over the last 10 years have led to many india Indians in S'pore being very yah yah .... Many of them in finance, IT, engineering do invest in their local stocks as well as properties.

    I will be too, if I were one of them --- earn good salary in SGD, invest back in ahneh assets that grow my wealth at 5X-10X. What's not to be yah yah about?!?

  13. @ 1042

    >> Matilah's number 5 choice is good but few can afford to select that. To work and live elsewhere and at the same time enjoy Hotel Singapura is definitely out of reach for 85% of Singapore Sheeples <<

    OK, maybe if I give some more context, it’ll be clearer.

    I arrived in Oz in the late 1970s / early 1980s (I won’t give the exact date, for obvious reasons), about a week after NS. I emptied my bank account and sold everything I had of value as a young ex-koolie-kang. Managed to scrape together ~5k. Lucky I had a places to stay with family and family-friends.

    The 1st 2 years were fucking hell. No money. No car, broke-ass student, a bit of part-time work here and there. Managed to get a car at the end of year 1, it was a piece of shit $500 job which I used to fix myself, along with the help of good friends.

    Except for the times where I could get really cheap airfares (twice), for 10 years I essentially stayed in Oz. Being forced to do so was probably a good thing, as I built my life up slowly, slowly. By year 7, I was ok, looking to buy a Porshe or a 2nd hand Lamboghini. Hey, I’m Singaporean lah. Mesti ada style, ok? 😜. My girlfriend and my mother ganged up and threatened to cut me off if I bought anyone of those cars...fucking women...potong steam lah. Anyway good lah. I didn’t blow that money (and probably die) on a piece of ego-massage. I bought (one of many) sensible Honda Civic. Petrol ~ 40 cents per litre, laughing lah.

    And so on...I continue to ARBITRAGE my Oz PR and Singapore citizenship, enjoying the benefits of both cuntries, and moderating the downsides, as the cases may be.

    Anyone can do this lah. I dont consider myself anything “special”. It helps if you start out young, and don’t owe the govt. any NS time. You definitely cannot “run away from NS” if you want to keep your citizenship and not upset The Man I had hassles with the Singapore embassy, because had to apply Exit Permit every year. I was lucky, one time they gave me multiple-trips...but only one time. Every application you had to fill in the same stupid form asking you the same stupid questions. A bit sian, but no matter. Small price lah.

    If you are willing to tahan a bit of discomfort and uncertainty, in the long-term your chances of “success” (whatever that means) improves.

    Good luck! (yes, you need good luck too!)

  14. @ 1048 "War Stocks"

    >>. Over the next 30 years, ahneh companies have better potential than Cheena stocks. <<

    I share a similar belief. Especially if China invests in India.

    It's already started.



  15. If the PAP is smarter than you think, then it's time you wake the fuck up. It's time to make your escape plan and move elsewhere. Don't let the PAP's stranglehold strangle you till you cannot breathe. That will be too late.

    But still keep your citizenship so that you can vote.

  16. RB seriously your Common Sense alone is much more than all our ministers & PM add up. So all these paper generals n Cambridge garduates have proven too much easy public money have not made them corrupt but surely made them either Stupid or unpatrotic.

  17. Matilar, I think u are a changed man based on all your postings lately.good on u.😀

  18. Matilah in his post above says " If you are willing to tahan a bit of discomfort and uncertainty, in the long-term your chances of “success” (whatever that means) improves. "

    Hey Matilah, what planet have you been living the past 30 or 40 years? Young people of Singapore are the same material you and I are made of. They are the " strawberry " generation, or don't you know? They cannot stand any discomfort or any hard work in the sun. Must have aircon environment to work in. If they encounter 10% of what you had during your 1st years in Oz, they would chabut home to mummy and daddy for the comfort of home.

    That is the reason for the importation of the Indians and PRC Chinese into Singapore to do the work the strawberry youngsters of Singapore cannot or refuse to do.

  19. ///That is the reason for the importation of the Indians and PRC Chinese into Singapore to do the work the strawberry youngsters of Singapore cannot or refuse to do.///

    Hahaha .... you think if they can get jobs back in their home country with just 1/2 of S'pore salary, they will want to come here to work?!?!?

    Do you know that many india-indian white-collar workers can't tahan even walking under S'pore sun?!? They need air-con. Forget about expecting them to work in non-aircon environment.

    For many of them, the salary here must be at least 3X-5X before it's worth it.

    Also for many of them (the poorer ones from countryside), they can't even get a job if they stay in their home country i.e. salary = $0. So a $1K cleaner job or a $500 maid job is a blessing.

    Those foreigners who come from bigger cities & with degrees (nevermind if longkang degree) have increased their asking salaries over the years.

    I started working with white-collar india-indians from 1996 ---- back then their typical salary was $1.4K .... today many won't bother to come to S'pore for anything less than $3K.

  20. Many of the India Indians in MBFC and Raffles Place are earning $10k and many earning more than $30k a month.

  21. @402

    Aiyoh, relac lah. I definitely don't tell people how they should live. Occasionally i offer opinion. I share my experiences, but I certainly won't claim “I did it entirely on my own… I've got the magic system!” I will cop to being lucky. And to be "lucky enough" to get plenty of help from others...far too many to list.

    It is natural human tendency to claim credit when one is successful and blame others when one it not. However, very few people who claim to be educated and rational (by self evaluation...not the best way) totally discount LUCK because it is too “woo woo metaphysical” or “superstitious” or the province of the unsophisticated, mystical, unintelligent and ignorant. Now you know why "self-improvement" is a multi-billion dollar global business.

    LUCK, in my opinion, is simply the existential experience of randomness. Good luck is a probabilistic outcome (of randomness) in your favour, bad luck the complete opposite. At the end of the day you need good luck on your side. You can have all the training in the world, access to abundant resources, be at the very top of your game, on your way to bigger and better things….then get wiped out by a speeding drunk Ferrari driver as you travel peacefully in a taxi (ring a bell?) or die suddenly from some other random event. RANDOMNESS aka "luck", ALWAYS HAS THE LAST WORD.

    In Asia they're called the "Strawberry Generation". In the West they're known as "Snowflakes", and just lately (about 3 weeks ago), "NPCs" or "Non Player Characters" (a term from the gamer community). This new epithet so offensive there have been calls to ban in under law. Can't take criticism, can't handle the slightest discomfort...what to do? Nothing. Leave them ALONE.

    I tell my fellow uncles and aunties who have nothing good to say about these youngsters or their attitudes: "Relac lah, they can learn; they can change. Life TEACHES all of us the same lessons over and over...until we LEARN"

    Lastly, here is another one of my pet peeves. This mindless pursuit of SUCCESS. Don't misunderstand: I am 100% meritocracy-free-market guy. If you create VALUE over and over, chances are your rice bowl will never be empty. If you don't...you better hope that others are charitable.

    I'm talking about the mindless, neurotic OBSESSION with success. You see it in every advertisement, every fucking billboard in every newspaper, magazine, website...whatever. There are gurus who sell books and videos, and online courses, and seminars. And the people (many of them can hardly afford the cost, but they are desperate) flock in the MILLIONS, all over the motherfucking planet.

    This pursuit of success is now a RELIGION. "Be successful. You have to be successful...or you're nothing!" Or as I call it: Suck-cess FOOL. There are millions of Suck-cess Fools, and many more in the making. In fact, Singapore is a Suck-cess Fool Cuntry. 🤣😂

    If that is so great, how come so many Suck-cess Fools are unhappy and discontent? Hmmm...

    Anyway, may randomness be GOOD to you. 🤓😁

    Peace out. (Drop microphone)

  22. CECA could also meant Con Ethnic Chinese Agreement! (As far as the black ants are concerned). In reality, it is what has been happening. Local Chinese majority has been sidelined and ostracized like plague.
