
President called prostitutes, Supreme Court judge in sexual assaults

Trump has been exposed several times for calling prostitutes and for groping the fairer sex. These could be quite normal activities of individual indiscretion and no one would pay much attention on such private matters. But the president of the USA…? And his nominee to the Supreme Court judge bench has been accused and exposed for sexual assaults and related activities, revealed in public hearings and reported in the mass media.

What is striking in both cases is the lack of shame in both individuals in high offices with not thinking that they are still fit for public office. And what is also striking is that the whole American society did not see anything wrong or offensive in these acts committed by their leaders, a president and another going to be a Supreme Court judge, listening to cases on injustice, crimes, immorality, sexual offences etc etc. And they have been fabricating such sordid stories about Kim Jong Un and his late father of womanising to discredit them as unfit for public office.

Still not getting it? Ok, just imagine that one is the president or PM of Singapore and the other is going to be appointed to our very own Supreme Court. How would the Singaporeans and the mass media here react to them? A speaker and an MP had resigned and faded away quietly.

In the USA, the two individuals are strutting around with no sense of guilt or shame. It is like a new normal, nothing unusual, nothing undesirable, nothing to fuzz about. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the characters of these two men in high offices. They are fighting to stay in high office despite the revelations in public hearings.

In the little red dot, even a legal divorce would not speak well in some people’s minds. Personal indiscretion is an absolute no no. No scandal is allowed if one is to hold public office. Maybe this is one of the reasons why our political leaders and leaders in high offices are paid so highly and so highly regarded, like immortals, no smears.

Are the American way of life and moral values something that we should emulate as the desirable way going forward? Would Singaporeans accept our people in high offices, in public offices, to have similar indiscretions as Trump and Kavanaugh?

What do you think?


  1. That's why Little USA Policians r paid so high with out of this world Millionares salary even its opponent also agree to it. As what the late old man had said check the integrity of ur MP before u votes, after entering into to monarchy its going to be be priest hood u kno.

  2. Shamelessness n dishonour have become the defining leadership characteristics of Bigie YouSA n smallish YouSA.
    Voters most pathetic n blinded to continue voting the Leeder who is very sick, sissy, incompetent n hen-pecked by wife, n appt same tunnel trained pappies generals with no mkt n business experience n crazily love collecting n squeezing more money from sillyzens.
    What have the big Dot n small dot become?

  3. That's why S377A must not be repealed, to prevent the highly decayed morality of the USA from creeping into Singapore !

  4. Sex Perverts from the USA are raised to highest office and highest court in US of Asses and become an American Sex Perversions Culture. Together with deviant assholes bandits, they are championed as the in-thing and exported all over the world.

    The decadent behaviour and corrupted mind then spread and set in into every society around the world, slowly but surely.

    It has come to past that even a higgly esteemed ex-representative of Singapore at the UN has become corrupted in words and and in mind, encouraging assholes lovers to stir shits in Singapore and topple the only existing essential law that hold at arms-length from proliferating their decadent life-style and corrupt the innocent minds of the young, the future generations.

    Such a disease is the worst of all diseases. It is even worse than stupidity has no cure, because it not only has no cures but can also spread like wild fire throughout the human world, until the end of time.

    This is becoming the norm of the worldly and the law of the corrupt!

  5. Anwar was also accused of sodomy but he maybe next malaysia pm.

    Trump is dealing with evil powers who are too pro globalisation.

    ''For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.''Ep 6:12

  6. The papies have no sexy news. How do sinkies think the papies used their cpf? Making sinkies lives better? Beware of those who look so clean/ stainless/ innocent.

  7. Would Singaporeans accept our people in high offices, in public offices, to have similar indiscretions as Trump and Kavanaugh?

    Singaporeans may not accept but they will vote for these people if these people are from PAP.

    Still remember Singaporeans voted for PAP even in a by-election when the seat was vacated due to indiscretion of a PAP MP?

  8. b ...your Bible knowledge needs proper interpretation...DT n the Americunt global dominant dollar n values me-first, money is king n win at all costs system looks very anti-christ leh.

  9. Can Sinkies imagine a Sin Career Diplomat Faggot addressing a World Forum.

    lt shall be the damnest shame any trbe and nation can suffer.

    No pervert of any kind should be allowed to teach the World about anything when the perverts have warped understanding of basic proper human behaviors.

  10. Titiana Ann XavierOctober 06, 2018 12:49 pm

    The late President Kennedy did it with an actress. Ex-President Clinton did it with an intern. Incumbent President Trump did it with prostitutes. Good Christians blindly followed the dictum: Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone. Nobody dared to sanction their leaders. Congress slept. So did the Supreme Court. Both are protectors of the people. Uncle Sam's presidential sexual predators are rebuilding a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

  11. @ RB

    Culture is culture. Singapore culture is unique, and therefore so are its politics. Political systems evolve out of the prevailing social culture. There's no getting around that.

    Singapore culture is largely based on hierarchy of authority. And SIngaporeans are good with that---they WANT that, so they keep voting for "strong central authority". The basic unit of society is the family, and the group. You cannot accuse the authority of anything without proof, unless you are willing to face criminal and legal consequences. The governing principle is conformity to particular "policies" outlined by the authority.

    In the US, it is very different: The basic unit of society is The Individual. Therefore no individual has the right to control any other individual---everyone is under the same law. You can criticise, ridicule and slander the authority without fear---in fact, your rights to do so are protected in and under law. The governing principle is the PROTECTION of individual liberty.

    Singaporeans will never accept the level of individual freedom that exists in the USA, and makes it the only cuntry in history not based on "territory" but IDEAS instead. Freedom/ liberty have very high prices which Singaporeans are not willing to pay.

    So not to fear people. You will not get the "craziness" of US "morality". You will continue to get top-down micro management by an authority who does not take kindly to criticism, ridicule. Your lives will be planned for you, so really, don't worry. Continue in blissful ignorance...it is OK to be an automaton.

    Contrary to belief, Individual freedom is not a "right" in nature. It is a "right" which has to be fought for, and continually paid for.

  12. At home, we should never accept people who never served NS to become Members of Parliament to lord over us . . .

  13. Who comprise this "we' at home? They are your parents, grand parents, uncles and aunts, grand uncles and grand aunts, distant relatives, neighbours, etc who formed the 69.9% who voted the PAP to be your government, to be your rulers, and to lord over you.

    The PAP leadership search and select their candidates from the pool of people they single out to be able to tow the party line (loyalty is subjective) and other criterias. Previously, under the Old Man of the Lee, certain important principles were followed, but once the son took over, these principles were diluted and then thrown into the rubbish chute, collected by the Bangladesh workers and discarded by Sembco smelly rubbish collection trucks, and sold to China!

    That's why China is getting stronger as a society in the world stage and as the Number One Economy, surpassing the USA. While Singapore is getting weaker as a society, as a people and as a nation. (Singapore is not a country), China is becoming the Number One Superpower in due course of time.

    Don't stir and wake up the Dragon. Let the Dragon slumber. For when the Dragon wakes up, it is going to slaughter the Eagle for food. Its hunger for food, knowledge, strength, prowess and power knows no bounds. Its fury against evils wields no limits.

    Who comprise this "we" in the future of Singapore? Definitely, it cannot be the 69.9%. It cannot be the uncles and aunts nor grand uncles and grand aunts. The "we" will come from the imported New Citizens. This collection of 3rd World Scavengers will be so hungry and cunning that they will eat all you licals alive!

    They will rise as the majority, a force for evil not for good! They will then take over the control od Singapore one sure day. When the tsunami hits, the Sinkies won't even know what hits them. So just continue to be naive, just continue to import more third world scavengers and convert them to citizens and make them obliged and obligated to cast that VOTE for YEW!

    Foreigners keep invading your little piece of rock, what has your NS soldiers done? Have you the ability to defend your nation? Can your NS soldiers drive those foreign invaders out? If no, what is the use of NS? To defend against an imaginary energy, while the real enemy has already gained a foothold right in the midst amongst you, eating your lunch and dinner "for you and with you!"

    Daft Sinkies are still in oblivion, in self-denials, in euphoria and in a mesmerized trance, taking traitors as your leaders and friends?

    Stupidity really has no cure.

  14. Hi Whoever.

    Let the Daft Sinkies wake up and find themselves been slaughtered by the Aliens.

    They just deserved their fates. Starhub first tranche of 300 is just the beggining of more to come.

    Not enough pain yet. 69.9% still thinks life is still rosy.

    The Papies now just covering the coming unemployment tsunami by still deceiving the dafts.

    CCS had sounded that if the Trade War up another notch, Sinking Land would be in trouble. He just wants to blame Dotard.

  15. What would happen if the population becomes 15% Malay, 30% Indian, 10% Pinoy, 10% others and 35% Chinese? Would it happen and if, so how?

    Remember, all the progress and economic prosperity in SE Asia were mainly contributed by the Chinese population in the respective countries. Those that have Indian majority like those in the Indian Ocean would lag behind in development and economic progress. Forget about the clean and green stupidity and smart cities when till today, more than 60% of the Indians in India still have to shit, in the bushes, no home sanitation.

    And remember what would happen when the Chinese become a minority in the respective countries in SE Asia. Your lives, safety and prosperity would be endangered.

  16. 834...actually accurate observation.

  17. The writing is already on the wall. That's the reason that those in the know are desperately enmassing their personal and family wealth, preparing for the ultimate, like there is no tomorrow. Only the dafts and idiots are oblivious as to what is happening.

  18. Well u can not blame the dude. If u have watched the younger stormy Daniel not the aged one today, u can not tahan also. The movies are available free via the web. The other playboy playmate even more pretty also can not tahan so can u blame him? He at least got better taste than Clinton who got it free and he paid for them.😰

  19. The dude has just been confirmed as they do not want FBI to investigate.

  20. DT is not perfect lah. But he also did not look down on strippers or prostitutes and even slept with them, have sex with them and pay them handsomely. Compare to the holiers than thou popes or papies, he is like a saint.

    Under DT, at least people have a feeling of freedom. Under Xi or Li, freedom is only an illusion.

  21. Dt only paid up to cover the girls mouths...hahaha
