
What the world would be like like without the USA or China?

Many people would have taken sides to praise or curse at the USA and China, being the two super powers on earth and influencing and affecting every country when they sneezed. Let's take a look at the world if one of these powers is not around.

What would the world be like without the USA?

Take the case of the world without the USA. The Red Indians or native Indians would still be the owners of North America and the buffaloes would roam the prairies. There would be no nuclear bombs, no air planes, no automobiles, no electricity, no apples or computers and mobile phones and many modern inventions and conveniences.

There would also be no wars of the scale the Americans are committing, no genocides of Red Indians and Arabs, no mass murders of the Koreans and Vietnamese, no Korea War or Vietnam war, no invasion of Iraq and Libya. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi would still be alive. And no CIA to finance, train, finance and support terrorist movements. The Americans are desperately trying to save their terrorists holed up in Idlib, Syria, to avert them from being wiped out by the Russians. And likely no drug syndicates supported by the CIA to provide funds for the CIAs do commit more war crimes and crimes against humanity.

There will be no little USAs trying to punch above their weights, challenging and provoking China and Russia.

And there will be no democracy to talk about. The world would be a little more primitive, but more peaceful, without wars and all the sophisticated war machine for killing more people.

What would the world be like without China?

There would be no Belt and Road Initiative, no big infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa. There would be no rude Chinese tourists throwing their money everywhere and demanding attention. There would be no cheap consumer products for the poor and not so rich. Consumers would still be buying super expensive IBMs and Apple products, expensive computers and mobile phones, no cheap and good Xiaomis or Huaweis or Oppos and household appliances.

The third world countries would have no access to cheap financing to develop their countries. The raw material rich countries would not have big buyers like China to buy their raw materials, or according to the western narrative, to exploit their natural resources for cash or developments. The bulk of Australian natural resources in 480 bulk carriers now circulating outside Chinese ports is a good example of not just having the natural resources, you must have a willing buyer or else your natural resources would be as good as dirt if no one wants to buy them. Australia can try to sell to Europe, Japan and USA and see if there are takers. In this case, obviously no takers.

Without China, the Americans would continue to rule the world and bully everyone with regime change and military threats. I think there would be no wars as the Americans would over power every country and rule over them. There would be no resistance to the American fire power. There is another view to this. Wars would continue as the Americans need to create wars to sell their war machine or else their military war complexes and industries would close down, no buyers, no need for weapons and war machines.

Would the world be more blessed, a better place, without China or the USA?

PS. Without the Americans, there would be peace in the Middle East. Israel would be history. There would be several million Arabs still alive and populating the area instead of being war collateral, American's modern day version of genocide. If the Arabs are still fighting among themselves, they would be using knives and riding on camels.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. The US is imposing new tariffs on $200bn (£150bn) worth of Chinese goods as it escalates its trade war with Beijing.

    The higher import taxes will apply to almost 6,000 items, marking the biggest round of US tariffs so far.

    Handbags, rice and textiles will be included, but some items expected to be targeted such as smart watches and high chairs have been excluded.

    China has previously vowed to retaliate against any further US tariffs.

    The taxes will take effect from 24 September, starting at 10% and increasing to 25% from the start of next year unless the two countries agree a deal.

  3. The world will be more peaceful without these superpowderful. It will also be a dull place or boring place la. Probably when Gods created this place He never know that He has made a mistake. In creating Adam, he made Eve , in so doing he could have made a Steven LGBT ( oops can't criticize the Higher Up as it sinful), Gods opponents r the Satans, probably had descended Earth in the many forms, the forces of Yin & Yang from primodial times & since creation of Universe. No places r peaceful here on earth due to Humans & end of days r closing nearer each day. Universal rebirth ..destroyed ..reborn, restart its a vicious cycle..It goes on & on till aeons & aeans...repeat & repeats in a samasra cycles.

  4. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 18, 2018 8:53 am

    Whether the world will be a better place without Uncle Sam or China is debatable. Based on past records, Uncle Sam is better dead than alive. Since 1776, it has been at war 225 out of 242 years. Compared to 5000 years of Chinese history, China was more a dove than an imperialist except for periods under Mongol and Manchu rule.

  5. If there isn't US and China, there will definately be no Singapore Lang lah. There will still be Singapore or Temasick but most will be Malays, Indians, Pinoys or other southeast Asia nations migrated to Singapore. There will be no Lim Yew Hock & LKY to gain independence for Singapura & there will be no Pioner Gen, Medeka gen & also no RB here to write this blog lah..

  6. Without USA, Hitler Germany would have destroyed UK and established the The Reich Empire throughout Europe, Africa and together with Japan, invaded and captured Russia, China, India and South-east Asia.

    Once the Continents of Asia, Europe and Africa are under the German-Japan World Rile, it would only be a matter of time the North, Central and South Americas, Australia and New Zealand surrendered.

    The whole world would be under Hitler and Emperor Hiroshito of Japan. Without a doubt Hitler would have developed the Atomic Bomb and Japan would have been bombed not at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but at Tokyo, Kyoto and all its military bases overseas. Singapore and Malaya would be one of the targets.

    Therefore, there would be only one Central Government under Hitler. And Germany would rule the whole world.

    World Peace accomplished!

  7. What Singapore would be like without the 2.5 million foreigners ?

    - no more need to drink recycled toilet/urine water, like before 2004 when population below 4 million
    - no more crowded MRT trains with frequent breakdowns
    - no more super-long queues at Polyclinics n hospitals
    - no more highest costs of living in the world
    - mo more lack of job opportunities
    - no more increase in molest cases on public transport
    - no more etc etc etc etc etc . . . . . .

  8. @ RB

    Without either the US or China?

    Keeping everything else "as is", it is my opinion that the world would be fucked.

    Historically speaking, the ordering of territorial ownership and the spread of culture was due a lot in part to CONQUEST and OCCUPATION. Native people's who failed to steward their nations and tribes were soon CONQUERED, and either enslaved or wiped out.

    We have always been a species that competes for dominance, because that is how we muster resources and move our respective civilizations forward. Cultures which fail to do so are eventually rendered extinct. Competition and cooperation are hardwired into our species. We cooperate to ppol resources so that we become stronger which enhances our chances of COMPETING for more resources by beating rival groups who also have those resources in their minds, and have made plans to acquire those resources.

    In the 21st century this cooperation-competition mechanism is plyed out more "peacefully". Because we (and everyone else) have far superior and devastating weapons, we tend to be more judicious into armed conflict with each other.

    In previous times, rulers would not hesitate to send hundreds of thousands into battle accepting the risk that they would lose tens of thousands in one day's fierce fighting alone.
    Such carnage would be unthinkable in our selfie-Facebook-iPhone world, even though enough modern industrialised cuntries (even "backward" ones like N Korea) have weapons that can destroy the planet and all its inhabitants several times over. Armed conflicts now tend to be concentrated in specific areas...like the Middle East (the "Gold Standard" for ongoing combat for thousands of years)

    And so we trade "peacefully". The Japanese consider doing business as "civilized warfare". So once in awhile, peaceful trade degenerates into "trade wars"...almost always for the same reason: one side accuses the other of not "playing by the rules". 😂

    Both the US and China have proud military histories. There would not be a modern China today if the Han were unsuccessful in their expansion and great military campaigns which secured those territories for expansion.

    Therefore the world needs the US and China---and they need to be rivals. That rivalry has to be preserved.

    Consider the alternative: the US and China as close allies. IMO that would be a terrible idea---2 Big Dogs forming an close alliance. 😨🤬 That would be truly horrible if you were not an American or China Chinese.

  9. What would Singapore be now, if the Chief Minister
    David Marshall had put Lee Con You and his gang under ISA detention without trial?

  10. "War...What is it good for?"

    ...as it turns out, a lot of great things which make for a much better world. Sorry, the song is just plain wrong.

    These "counterintuitive" and seemingly horrible ideas which result in massive loss of human life and property is the main point of this book by Ben Ginsberg

    The Worth Of War

  11. Hurrican Florence just killed only 32 Americunts.

    Whereas the Americunts had killed millions of Arabs, Vietnamese, Koreans and Blacks.

    Let the World combined in Unison and Once And For All exterminate the Evil Empire.

    Better for Mankind.

    Chinese may be selfish to have everything to themsleves and benefits but at least they are still subconsciously lived by their Conscience of years of civilisation.

    Unless those Bananas western influenced imbeciles who lived on their Hypocritisy.

  12. China used to import 170,000 tonnes of pork from the USA. The trade war has forced China to sign an agreement to import 240,000 tonnes of pork from Russia and no longer importing pork from the USA.

    The US pig farmers would now have to find a market to absorb the 170,000 tonnes that would have gone to China. Which country need to buy so much pork from the USA?

    Thank you Trump.

  13. Without Uncle Sam and China, we would probably end up with Germany and Japan. It may be even worse because they have very bad history of treating humans.

    Without Uncle Sam but with china, we would probably end up in a dictatorship world, all equally poor, tiny flats, no cars, pig tails, 3 inch foot and full clan execution.

    Without China but with Uncle Sam, we would probably end up bashing up all the dictators and make sure they become democratic, open up their markets for uncle sam bankers to make more money, everyone has big house and big cars.

  14. Without China I would be forced to buy expensive shit & basic handphone would cost $2K.

    Without USA I would be much poorer due to no tech stocks & war stocks -- at least those that really produce shit loads of profits.

    Without both USA & China, I would be a tapioca farmer speaking nipponese & bowing in the direction of Tokyo.


  15. "What the world would be like like without the USA or China?"

    "What the Sg would be like like without the PAP or pap?"
    "What the Sg would be like like without the PAP or pap?"


  16. “I’ve heard colleagues say that we need immigration because the population of Europe is getting older, but I have a completely different viewpoint,” said Salvini.

    “I believe that I’m in government in order to see that our young people have the number of children that they used to a few years ago and not to transplant the best of Africa’s youth to Europe."

    Dear Singaporeans.
    If you agree with Mr Salvini,
    Do you know how you should vote in GE 2019?

  17. "What the Sg would be like like without the PAP or pap?"

    September 18, 2018 1:49 pm

    Maybe our HDB flats would finally belong to us?
    Maybe our children can inherit our HDB flats?

  18. What if Singapore is without the PAP?


  19. Mr RB, November Mid Term Elections, The Republicans gonna lose BIG,BIG.

    Dotard Trump had in his Ego fought Trade Wars with China. His Farmers and Others Manufacturing Industries gonna suffered immensely.

    Gonna backfired on him.

  20. I have written about it and will post in the next few days.

    It is good for the Americans. Very familiar. In reality it is taxing the people, especially the lower income Americans and screwing up the farmers.

  21. Dotard Trump is in a precarious situation now.

    In the Senate, Republicans have only two seats majority (51 vs 49).

    Democrats will easily get two more seats in the Mid-Yerm election in November.

    Instead of draining the Swamp, he himself has become the Swamp. Hillary and Obama people are still well entrenched within the Administration.

    And Trump's left and right wings have been clipped. Instead of Hilliary and Obama under investigation, he himself is under investigation. Two of his men have be investigated and charged. Yet none of Hillary's and Obama's people have been charged. The FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and Homeland Security are all against him.

    I think he may not last 8 years.

  22. Recently, US Army Colonel Hanson made a statement in Australia which the Pentagon stated wasn't official policy. Colonel Hanson made the statement - Australia must decide between the Chinese and the Americans. I take exception to the Pentagon and this nation not supporting Colonel Hanson.

    The Obama strategy was called the “Pivot”. It was a plan to redeploy military assets and strategic focus from the Middle East to the Pacific. It has been a resounding failure. The Chinese conducted psychological warfare operations to counter the Obama “Pivot”. These operations have been highly productive at countering US deployment of strategic assets to Australia.

    Over the last five years, the Chinese propped up the Australian real estate market with $35 billion in direct real estate investment. Strategic infrastructure vital to the defense of Australia was leased to the Chinese. Natural resources investment and partnerships with resource firms caught in the commodity economic downturn were served up on a platter for Chinese capital.

    The Chinese bribed the Australians and now the Australians stall US strategic asset deployments. The Chinese economic policy is to stop capital outflow, but in the case of Australia, investment of all types were officially sanctioned and encouraged.


    The US must conduct a mind warfare operation in Australia. We must plant a seed in the mind of the Australian people. Colonel Hanson must be supported by our nation.

    Colonel Hanson requires technical support to assist him in the education of the Australian people. The above is CIA data, it needs be said the above is CIA data and is the war plan of the Headquarters of the Northern Front Commander.

    Colonel Hanson and his team create a spectacle to gain the attention of the people. A group of Australians will be designated supporters and opposition. Military, Political, Clergy and Business leaders must work in unison to prepare the Australian people for war.

    The technical team and Colonel Hanson use the media system, civic, church, and business group meetings to increase awareness. The opposition, who are working with us, make demands with legitimate factual claims. The supporters work to discredit the opposition with legitimate factual data. Over time the opposition softens and compromises with full acceptance.

    Colonel Hanson is the external foreign input which through spectacle brings attention to his cause. The nation focuses on Colonel Hanson because it is new data, unusual, and an angle which must be explored. The opposition attempts to thwart the spectacle. The supporters work to discredit the opposition. The opposition folds and the new narrative of the importance of US strategic asset deployment becomes the mind of the people.(the will of the people)

    It is an educational awareness operation designed to plant a seed in the mind of the people. The seed will grow.

  23. Trade War - China's Grip on Rare Earths Too Strong for Trump

    China supplies 80% to 90% of America’s requirements of Rare Earths every year.

    The U.S. has not levy tariffs on Rare Earths, a critical collection of minerals, used in everything from electronic gadgets, hybrid vehicles, military hardware, advanced weapons and space crafts. Rare earths, including scandium and yttrium, are absent from the latest list of about $200 billion of Chinese goods on which the Trump administration plans to impost duties from next week. They were among a number of items scrubbed from the preliminary target list released in July, along with car seats and Bluetooth devices. Why were they included in the first place?

    The US also imports Rare Earths from Estonia, France and Japan but these imports from Estonia, France, and Japan are actually derived from mineral concentrates produced in China.

    China produced more than 80 percent of the world’s Rare Earth metals and compounds in 2017, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It has about 37 percent of global reserves and supplied 78 percent of America’s imports.

    Other niche but important materials were also missing from the revised list. These included graphite flakes, as well as some forms of silicon and magnesium.

    China’s grip on Rare Earths supply is so strong that the U.S. joined with other nations earlier this decade in a World Trade Organization case to force China to export more of the materials, not less, after prices spiked amid a global shortage. The WTO ruled in favor of the US. Now that Trump has totally disregarded WTO's rules and regulations, China is free to call the shots.


  24. Trade War - Trump's Tariffs Won’t Derail Global Growth

    Wall Street arrived Tuesday to an escalating trade war and a market that doesn’t seem to care all that much. Yes, there was the now- common knee-jerk reaction to last evening’s announcement that the U.S. will slap tariffs of 10 percent on $200 billion in Chinese goods. But in short order the Japanese yen rebounded, S&P 500 futures erased losses and Asian stocks rallied and China stock markets lead gains with more than 1% jump.

    And even after China vowed to retaliate, US investors showed little signs of angst, with futures briefly paring gains before staying higher.


    There are several reasons investors kept their cool:

    1. With Asian equities near the cheapest valuations in more than two years, emerging-market stocks in a bear market and the Shanghai Composite Index closing at the lowest since 2014 on Monday, some trade fallout has already been accounted for.

    2. Trump’s plan to lift the levy to 25 percent next year means there’s room for negotiation between now and then, including the chance of a more conciliatory stance after the U.S. mid-term elections.

    3. While the tariffs may kick in next week, the economic impact will take a lot longer to be felt. That means there’s time to think about other things, like bumper Japanese profits.

    4. Chinese officials announced measures to help build transport networks, which sent industrial companies higher and reassured investors the authorities will support the economy.

    5. The market had already largely priced in this round of tariffs,

    6. The debate was about whether it would be 10 percent or 25 percent. The fact that it was just 10 percent is a relatively good outcome at this point, and suggests the more moderate members of the White House team are still functional.

    7. The 10-year Treasury yield pushed above 3 percent, but its move of two basis points was muted.

    Emerging-market stocks advanced.Japan’s Rally

    Japanese stocks surged after a holiday on Monday. The Topix index closed 1.8 percent higher, the biggest gain since March.

    “The market had anticipated the U.S. would impose additional tariffs by the end of the month,” said Hiroaki Mino, a senior strategist at Mizuho Securities Co. in Tokyo. “Trade frictions remain as a weight on the equity market, but the market is in the middle of digesting trade concerns and increasing expectations over Japanese corporate earnings.”

    South Korea

    South Korean equities were modestly higher as President Moon Jae-In arrived in Pyongyang for talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.


    The Australian dollar, a risk barometer that reversed its 0.5 percent decline, sits at 72.16 U.S. cents.


    Chinese equities fluctuated in morning trading and then jumped amid expectations the government will take steps to offset the negative effect of U.S. tariffs.

    What Next?

    While China plans to match escalating US tariffs tit for tat, what happens once the list is exhausted? China can turn to other measures to counteract this move from the US. One could be to allow the currency to depreciate further and faster.

    Plans to send Vice-Premier Liu He to Washington for talks may be cancelled. There is no point talking. The war will go full swing from now on even until Trump is no more President. It may last for more than 20 years. China has taken a long-term view on the conflict, while Trump is only thinking about his own Presidency, under the guise of Making America Great Again.

    When the whole thing is over in 20 years' time, America will be worse off. Thanks to Trump, China will become Great Again!
