
Anwar lecturing Singapore

Anwar was invited to give a lecture at the Singapore Summit on 15 Sep.  It was  reported that the who's who of Singapore were there. The live broadcast showed ex President Tony Tan, ex PM Goh Chok Tong, ex Foreign Minister George Yeo and ex MP Zainul Abidin among the VIPs presence. No serving minister or MP were present, other than MP Goh Chok Tong. I am wondering why like dat. Maybe it is protocol that serving ministers and MPs need not be present to listen to an ex PM of Malaysia who is now not even an MP. Maybe they will all be present when Anwar becomes the PM.

In his response to a touchy question raised by moderator Ho Kwon Ping, Anwar said if and when he becomes the next PM. Everyone is asking about if and when and whether he would be played out by Mahathir a second time. Maybe this is another important point why no serving minister or MP think it is necessary to attend to get to know Anwar better to prepare for his next role as PM.

Here are some of the key points of Anwar's lecture to a Singapore audience. Anwar stressed that the main goals of the new govt is to ensure there is judicial independence and a free media. Under Najib's govt, there was corruption and abuse of power. Too much power rested in the executive and this must be checked. The new govt has given independence to the judiciary and allowing the media to speak the truth. No more fake news or half truths as under the previous regime. Even the anti corruption agency, MACC, is now answerable not to the PM but direct to Parliament To protect judiciary independence, the auditor general will not report to the PM.

What Mahathir's govt has done is to curb the arrogance of power, mismanagement of the country and crimes against the country and people and rooting out corruption. The other points raised was to stop govt intervention and political patronage in the economy. And also the parliament would not become just a rubber stamp for the govt.

Are there any relevance in what Anwar was saying about Malaysia and Singapore?


  1. Anwar said Stong Realtions NOT always based on S$$$$$ and cents.

    Sinkieland must not always be so businesses like and said this is the curry laws and this is chap chye laws.

    Must give and take. Just because you slaughtered your own Sinkies must not always think that you can do the shame or same to others.

    You ho lai, I ho kee. Must have more EQ rather than your screwed up IQ.

    You are just like a small one man or two women kuching kurap small kachang puteh company Boss who also wants to Boss around others Big Big Organisations.

    Many in Sinkieland small so called two $$$ Pay Up Start-Ups or Goes Down companies.

  2. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 16, 2018 10:17 am

    Anwar put on a politically correct act. Dr M is the present PM. He cannot afford to undermine Dr M and compromised his political future. The PAP government knows that Dr M is one tough nut to crack. The PAP government can only adopt a wait-and-see stance for 2 years. Every issue between the 2 countries will be put on hold till Anwar succeeds Dr M. Otherwise it is back to square one.

  3. Interesting! Who invited Anwar and why?

    And why were those presently in power, besides Woody, not there and only all the ex are there?

    Fear of backlash by Mahathir?

    The storyline in Malaysia is that the power struggle is not over yet. The big question is why is Anwar not asking his wife to resign to let him contest her seat, and yet Anwar is telling everyone that his wife will resign once he gets into Parliament? Is there a motive for keeping his wife as DPM to safeguard his return? Does he not rust the old man? I think there is more to it being said than unsaid.

    I better not say too much, lest I be demonised as jealous, ignorant and a bigot.

  4. Correction - 'I think there is more to it unsaid than being said'

    Anon 11.19

  5. When in Rome, do as the Romanatic do. When in Singapore, don't need to do as Singaporeans do but do as what the Millionaire Aristocrats and Emperor without clothes say. What have the Millionaire Aristocrats and No-Clothes Emperor said? "Not paid by the $Millions means No Dignity to talk to Other Countries' Leaders."

    Perhaps, it is because Anwar has not been paid by the $Millions, that's why Aristocrats never want to attend?

  6. Reading Anwar's mind will let them drop their spectacle "another round"? because their brain is filled with $$$$.... can not function any more.

  7. Ya lor! Anwar makes less than $500,000, so is not up to class. In fact, no world leaders are up to class to lecture to our million dollar earning leaders.

  8. @ "don't be so gullible"

    Judicial independence , a free media...and the "grand prix"...a check on executive power?

    Sure, why not? Afterall we live in magical heaven, where it is all sunshine, rainbows, happy-happy everywhere, and unicorns fly around shitting cupcakes out their arses.

    Even if I saw it, I would still harbour disbelief...maybe it's a smokescreen, a fucking con job (oh no! not another one!) on the gullible masses. Can't blame the masses though. They've taken bullshit for so long they're tired, vulnerable and their defences worn down...so now, they're ready to believe anything which sounds reasonable plausible.

    Are these ideas relevant to Singapore's political system? Again, sure, why not?

    Wouldn't it be great to have: The separation of powers, a free media, and presumably the freedom for every Individual to speak their mind without the threat of prosecution or violence---speaking Truth to Power, openly, without the slightest concern for one's "safety". (like I can fucking do here in Australia...I can π”½π•¦π•”π•œ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π”Ύπ• π•§π•–π•Ÿπ•žπ•–π•Ÿπ•₯ and any politician, anytime I like...without fear. For many Aussies, it's their "national pastime" πŸ˜‚...you know the democracy is ROBUST---5 years, 5 different Prime Ministers...Bitchez! 🀑)

    Sorry to dash all your hopes: not likely. Highly improbable. Singapore culture doesn't allow for unfettered freedom of speech. When enough people disagree with what you say, you are summarily silenced...by the usual culprit: the iron fist of authority...smash your fucking head....

    One must appreciate our political system's Confucian roots: Everyone has a specific place in society. If you start speaking "truth to power" like those vulgar and insolent westerners and western-educated Asians, you DISRUPT the social order. Stay in your lane. Everybody has to stay in their lane. Drive safe and have a nice day...

    Anwar might be serious about reforming Malaysia's political and social cultures. But if he is going to address a Singapore audience, he had better DEMOLISH the Confucian philosophy of ordering society, because it is TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with his objectives of a free press, an independent judiciary and a check on executive power.

    Give me a fucking break.

  9. No no to say Lao Goo will see Ah Wa no up la, as his salary is below a million bucks, these white demons stooges will treat his speech as mediocre & without substance only, kiv him as his lecture carry no weigh & no dollar impact as they wayang lah.

  10. I think in sg, pm appoints everyone leh

  11. Yes, even the president, president's advisory committee, attorneys, judges, speaker of house of parliament, ministers, SAF Chiefs, Police Chief, Civil Defence Chief, CPIB Chief, PA Chief, NTUC Chief, ALL Statutory Board Chiefs, Universities Chiefs, etc. Some he appoints directly. Some he recommends to President to appoint (sure passed, so far have you heard if anyone being turned down by President? None.)

  12. Wow, such a high concentration of power & risk(s) in one person. Not very clever at all, especially when that person has cancer, not experience in many areas, cannot walk straight without swaying, cannot get along with own brother & sister, etc. Jialuck.

  13. The most crucial are these Chiefs:

    1. Chief Justice.
    2. Chief of Civil Service.
    3. Chief of Elections Department.
    4. Chief of CPIB.
    5. Chief of Police.
    6. Chief of Armed Forces.
    7. Chief of People's Association.
    8. Chief Attorney General.
    9. Chief of CPF Board.
    10. Chief of Temasek Holdings.
    11. Chief of GIC.
    12. Presidential Advisory Committee.
    13. President.

    These 13 appointments should be independent. To be really independent, they should never come under the PM or appointed on the advice of the PM

    Otherwise, the separation of three branches of government actually make no sense. Effectively, it is everything under one person, not even under the Cabinet

    Teamwork is illusory. In reality, for all intents and purposes, it is only ONE-MAN-RULE.

    That is called ABSOLUTE DICTATORSHIP. (Not Parliamentary Democracy. Parliamentary Democracy is just an illusory gesture to fool the dafts.)

  14. Just to add off tropic.

    Singaporeans were be unemployed by 21% by 2028.

    Their reason or excuse: Due to technological change. Singaporeans lacked technological expertise than the Rest of ASEAN countries???

    REAL reason is been displaced by the Foreign Trashes.

    Stifle off salaries so they can enjoy their million bonuses and salaries.


  15. "Singaporeans were be unemployed by 21% by 2028.

    Their reason or excuse: Due to technological change. Singaporeans lacked technological expertise than the Rest of ASEAN countries???"

    Nobody plans to fail but only failed to plan.

    They boast of planning for 30 years ahead. If so, this 21% (or even 100%) of unemployment in year 2028 should never happen (unless it is fear-mongering for the purpose of getting votes because GE is around the corner, probably in 2019).

    If it happens, that means it is a deliberate move to inflict more hardship on Singaporeans for some heinious reasons only known to them.

    If it is not deliverately planned, then it means the following ministries have failed in their roles, functions and responsibilities:

    1. PMO for failing to coordinate, monitor and supervise.

    2. Ministry of Education - failure to project ahead and cater for courses to prepare the students for future jobs.

    3. Ministry of Manpower - failure to plan, monitor, prepare, train and supervise (follow-up) the manpower and workfore requirements five to ten years ahead. Looks like it is in the habit of fire-fighting - reactive instead of proactive.

    4. Ministry for Trade and Industry - failure to control, coordinate, executive and supervise the medium and long-term plans for the country.

    5. All other ministries, Stat Boards and GLCs - failure to create, secure and provide majority of jobs for Singaporeans.

    6. NTUC - failed miserably as the only labour movement to champion for the workforce. Instead, it has become part and parcel of employers who are always aiming for annual growth in profits.

  16. So funny leh, all the third world universities are able to produce graduates for the future technological disruption but our world class universities failed to do so and Singaporeans becoming unemployed.

    Why pay millions for this kind of mistake?

  17. @ 906

    Actually the world has "education inflation"....i.e. too many institutions awarding "qualifications" for a scarce global job market.

    If youOre getting a degree, make sure you can do barista work and flip burgers (until the robots take over those jobs)

    The sooner people face up to the reality that they are probably going to be unemployed in the future, the sooner we get LESS tertiary education and MORE entrepreneurship---i.e startups.

  18. The global leap towards artificial intelligence, super-robotics, quantum automation and super-computers will mean the loss of millions and millions of jobs in the next 10 to 15 years. This trend is irreversible and the earlier the Governments around the world take action to train and equip their own people the better for their countries.

    Massive unemployment will cause social unrests and upheavals. Many governments will be toppled if they do not act now.

    Incompetence in governing and resting on past glories cannot be tolerated by the New-Age Cyber-linked and well-informed millennial generation. Archaic dictatorships that continues to use the old tried-and-succeed modus operandi will not work anymore because their inadequacy and incompetency will be easily exposed. No amount of psychological operations will help them to survive the avalanche of unhappiness and mass dissents.

    The days of overly paid yet incompetent governments are numbered. It will be similar to the days of the global industrial revolution.

    Be prepared!
