
Belt tightening versus belt loosening

Hsien Loong’s key speech during the National Day Rally was to teach the people how to change their habits to save some money given the high cost of living in this most expensive city in the world. To the masses, it is belt tightening time and this has been going on for the last few decades. Their lives have been a serial of downgrading and downgrading, from the 5Cs to smaller flats or even selling part of their leases, from country clubs to community clubs, from car ownership to riding bicycles, from eating in restaurants to foodcourts to hawker centres. And to make eating in hawker centres more palatable, without being undignified, like the best thing in the world, Singapore is going to apply for UNESCO recognition that hawker centre is Singapore’s treasured way of life.

minister has come out in support of this belt tightening exercise. “The Government will do its part – that is our commitment … But at the same time, we hope that people will also think through what they are able to afford and manage and also to make the right choices”: Second Minister for Finance Indranee Rajah on the cost of living in Singapore. Channel NewsAsia

On the other side of the rich poor divide, Chok Tong is telling the people that the ministers are underpaid. Is this the first hint that minister’s exorbitant salary, out of this world’s salary, is going to be raised and is he hinting that the ministers are not happy with their high salary? Are the belts of the ministers too tight and need loosening so that they could fatten themselves more? Looking at everyone one them, ruby and oily cheeks, they really look very well fed. And one MP is driving a Bentley, only an MP and can afford the luxury of a Bentley. Still salary not enough?

The people are told to tighten their belts and the ministers are thinking of loosening their belts, to consume more with higher salary? We are in it together, in the same boat? Anyone hallucinating?


  1. Halimah Yacob's S$1.5 million salary is too low.

    The $16 million splashed on the recent Kim-Trump summit could cover her salary for more than 10 years . . .

  2. Austerity for common Singaporeans; bliss and prosperity for the elite - a tale of 2 classes.

    One eat canned sardines, the other eat Sashimi delicacies.

    Junior Lee seems to think that many Sinkies can afford frequently to go for overseas holidays, telling them to cut down holidaying to lower their costs of living!

  3. Goodmorning RB.. wah piang.. our dirty plates piled so high.. our food centres especially the heritage -aged ones like bt. Timah food centre n chomp chomp so poorly ventilated .. what about Albert st food centre.. go there on 15 or 30th when the Chinese temple is in full celebration.. be aghast at the sight of uncleared dishes n unattended toilets.. this is certainly not the monuments that Singapore should be remembered for.. if this is all the fat cats can think of why are we paying them the obscene money.. or perhaps.. there is actually nothing that the country is noteworthy of..perhaps we should nominate the CABINET.. the most expensive government in the whole UNIVERSE.. nobody can take that away from us!!

  4. @ RB,

    Despite my broadly favourable assessment of the PAP's performance in running the cuntry for fans meritocracy like myself, it is when these "managers" decide to give out "free advice" (worth exactly zero) in telling the average, non-elite taxpaying folks how to live their lives, that really grinds my gears.

    As an "outsider" reading their homilies on how to live (as if people want to emulate them, the High and Mighty legends in their own lunchtime) it is downright EMBARRASING. We pay these cunts not enough money (so they claim), but never mind; out of the goodness of their hearts they're all too willingly to share "financial tips". Fucking just shut the fuck up already 😡🤬

    As if people don't already respond to cost of living price movements. What the fucking fuckity fuck? Who do the PAP finger-waggers think they are addressing? Children who are devoid of financial sense?

    It is this brand of Singaporean Confuncianism that has got to change.

    I don't mind a hard-charging govt who despite implementing unpopular policy does so to the overall benefit of the nation. Leadership against popular opinion---making hard decisions---for the long-term security of the commonwealth is required when it is required.

    However bad leadership is trying to "virtue signal" to people---the subtext being that they are "lesser mortals" who "need coaxing and hand-holding" or else they just collapse into oblivion.

    This is INSULTING. The 2 classes in Singapore are:

    1. The tax payers
    2. The tax eaters

    We pay them, they say it isn't enough, they hint at higher taxes...and then they insult our intelligence.

    Motherfuckers. If you're not angry, you should be.

  5. Hi jjgg, that's a better suggestion. Recommend the world's most expensive cabinet for the 21st century as a UNESCO monument.

    Someone should put this down in the Guinness World Record. No fight, no one can challenge this feat for the next 100 years.

  6. The PM should tell his own Ministers to tighten their belts if Multi-Million Dollars pay still not enough. Especially the gagi-buta ESM GCT.

  7. ''Their lives have been a serial of downgrading and downgrading, ''

    - unfortunately most sinkies do not want change. they like staus quo. thus papies think they are doing a f*cking good jobs all these years. they will roll out more tiny flats and shared bikes to further exhibit their abilities for generations to come. want change? got courage or not?

  8. - most sinkies are just too timid. they cannot convert complaints into actions.

  9. - maybe most are just plain lazy, prefer others to do the job for them. most do not even dare to migrate. its this mentality that is so toxic. papies saw their weakness and continue to screw them. so easy.

  10. @ how a great democracy occasionally fails:

    Austrlia (like Canada) is arguably one of the most robust democracies and immigration-successful cuntries in modern times. Not without the occasional policy cock-up, but overall, pretty darn good. Sure, there are people who will always find a bone to pick,and in a robust democracy, you need the crazies, the loud-mouths, the out of left fielders, the dissidents, trolls and "trouble-makers" to keep it nice and messy and churning over. Dialogue and conversation, no matter how boisterous is preferable to a docile, obedient, voice-less taxpaying electorate. When you have that, you have a strong, functioning democracy.

    However over the last week or so, factional in-fighting in the ruling Liberal Party of Australia---between the hard-right conservatives and the classical liberals (fiscal conservative, socially libertarian)---resulted in a dirty, back-stabbing leadership spill which tossed out PM elect Turnbull and had ex treasurer "new blood" Scott Morrison as the new PM, along with ex Deutchbank head of global banking Josh Frydenberg as the new Treasurer.

    The voting public are OUTRAGED at the conduct of the parliament, especially the Liberal Party, who has done a good job in keeping the cuntry going despite all the financial woes in the world.

    Julie Bishop was The Peoples' Favourite for preferred PM. Oh no, the Boys Club tossed her out, and they engineered their own choices for the top job.

    A few days on and the public is still FUMING...they're expecting a higher standard of conduct from their tax-funded representatives, and to have their preference for Prime Minister just tossed aside has really pissed off everyone. They didn't want Morrison, nor that crazy hard-right conservative Peter Dutton. They wanted JULIE, goddamnit!!

    The last time Rudd and Gillard pulled a "change the PM stunt", it cost the Labor Party the election. One thing I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ABOUT THE AUSSIE VOTERS is that THEY TAKE NO SHIT FROM THEIR REPRESENTATIVES.

    When Australia was pumped up on steroids under John Howard and Peter Costello's helmanship (10 budget surpluses!!), the Aussie electorate threw them out of office FOR BEING ARROGANT and DISMISSIVE despite their resounding success as financial and economic managers.

    The message from taxpaying voters is clear:
    We voted you in to do a job, and to treat us with respect. If you do your job but disrespect us, that is a DEAL BREAKER. We don't want a govt of CUNTS. We have the private sector for those 😂

    If Singapore wants to change its political culture, people have to step up and be willing to take an economic haircut. Throw out the ARROGANT incumbents, and vote in someone else---even if they are not that good to begin with...and might even harm the economy for awhile.

    Do you think Singapore is up to it?

  11. ms>>

    Austlia needs someone that Trump likes. Turnpig was ousted because Trump does not like him at all. Look at Trump, he is everything a leader should be. Believe in change and take courage. Not afraid of fake news, threats, stupid people etc. Fight till the end! He is not perfect but he is a top leader.

  12. Btw, Julie may be a top dog but never the top leader. Austlia needs a top leader!

  13. All I can say is that PAPies & their running dogs deserve their multi-million dollars pay because Sinkies are too stupid & they voted for it.

  14. These pampered arrogant supposed super talents PAP ministers & civil servants please go to the private sector and earn their supposed sacrificed millions, outside of Temasek, GIC & GLCs.
    Please go!
    Most of these yes-men all their lives have hardly any relevant skills outside the bloody very very expensive non-competitive political MONOPOLY in Singapore.
    Show us please go and see whether you can earn those millions?

  15. 70% of Singaporeans love to be lectured by their academically inclined and book-worm paper generals, who have the luck to be born with silver spoons and golden plates, or who managed to get top scholarships at taxpayers' expense.

  16. @ The more self-reliant you are, the less chance of losing your soul to a neurotic fixation about money and security

    We all are well aware about the importance of money and financial/ economic security in our lives. Civilizations fall apart, states fail and cuntries collapse for one fundamental reason: BIG, CATASTROPHIC MONEY PROBLEMS.
    Sure there might be civil unrest, coups, invasions by foreigners or neighbours, but the thing which eventually takes out a nation is FINANCIAL and ECONOMIC collapse.

    The PAP play this card to ramp up the "fear and greed" factor in the hearts and minds of Singaporeans. They've been doing this forever and it is their most successful "social engineering/ brain washing" stratergy. Singaporeans certainly chose the appropriate "elites" to govern them. These folks are the best of the WORST aspects of our materialistic culture.

    Whilst making money and being productive is important and necessary if you want stability and security, there has to be "signals" to inform you when you are allowing dark emotions to take over rationality. I'm referring to a toxic, neurotic, almost animalistic and predatory FIXATION over material things, and money to the detriment of "the better angels of human nature" like being level-headed and good natured.

    Meritocracy has aspects of "dog-eat-dog" competition. But it also is founded on a rock which says the way to wealth is to help others get wealthy too...aka "getting as many customers and serving them so well they keep on returning...to you".

    When so-called "meritocracy" degenerates into a game where people just want to grab as much for themselves, and resort to "dirty tricks" to prevent others from doing so, you know your culture is SICK, and something better be done QUICKLY or it will end very badly.

    ...but, sometimes a "bad ending" is the only effective solution. The whole deck of cards has to collapse, and everyone has to feel the pain. Perhaps then the soul-searching can begin, and perhaps processes will follow as The Cuntry learns valuble lessons from their errors.

    The PAP has said time and again that if the "wrong people get in", your HDB values will crash, our women will end up as maids and whores for foreign masters, our kids will be illiterate, foreign investors will flee...everything under the sun which is really fucking horrible will befall Singaporeans for their folly.

    To beat the PAP,call their bluff. Fuck them. Vote in a buffoon. "To teach you a lesson, I am going to take some necessary pain...for awhile. However, I make sure you kena terok terbokok. I make sure my sacrifice means something". 😡😠

    The more self reliant you are, the less chance you will have of being pushed around by a smart-operator who is a Maestro at playing on your negative emotions like fear and greed.

  17. @ 1010

    This is why Singapore is not ready for democracy. This example proves it:

    >> Btw, Julie may be a top dog but never the top leader. Austlia needs a top leader! <<

    Great. You have clearly misunderstood what "democracy" is in it's truest sense: The will and the preferences of the PEOPLE. Not the foreign press, not the academics, not any special interest group. Pure and simple: THE PEOPLE.

    It doesn't matter that you or the politicians in power have a different opinion. The People choose---rightly or wrongly---their CHOICE is paramount.

    The People preferred Julia. The "old boy's club" fucked off the people's choice, and suka suka (PAP STYLE!! re: the Malay president saga) made a unilateral decision.

    Judging by Aust electoral history, the party which does this will lose the next election.

    Singapore, are you listening?

  18. @1044

    Democracy is only a smoke curtain. Election is controlled by powerful entities to pretend that the PEOPLE made the choice so they will not likely to rebel. They will get a pm that Trump likes at the next election. It does not matter whether left or right.

  19. Julia is too soft. THe tradies cannot stand her.

  20. @ 1009:

    You misunderstand. Aussies are very skeptical of their leaders. "Anti authorianism" is a hallmark and a safety-valve in this cuntry. Sure the electorate gets it wrong occasionally, but despite the many political fights and leadership challenges in the govt and shadow govt (aka the opposition), Australia does ok. We've had bushfires and natural disasters, recessions and property bubble bursts, occasional high unemployment...etc etc, but Australia has always pulled through---kicking and screaming if neccessary. (They are a rowdy bunch and although tolerant "live and let live" attitude, they take no shit when their limit is reached. Their limit is now reached).

    Trump's history of dirty tricks are going to be his undoing. However, Trump was the neccessary reponse to America losing its way in global leadership, the cabals of Washington, and the PC-neurotic culture emanating from american academia. Even if he's impeached and tossed out, the next person is likely to be similar. Why?

    Because Politics is DOWNSTREAM (a result of) the pervading CULTURE of a cuntry. American culture is at war with itself. And so, they're going to get a non-PC president. If not Trump, then someone else.

    Again, pay attention Singapore: The will of the people will prevail in a robust, open democracy. They will toss out the old, even ifit is tried and proven...if the people have "had enough" of the bullshit they tolerated for awhile, but won't anymore because it just got to be too much to take.

  21. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

    @ how a great democracy occasionally fails:

    Austrlia (like Canada) is arguably one of the most robust democracies and immigration-successful cuntries in modern times. Not without the occasional policy cock-up, but overall, pretty darn good. Sure, there are people who will always find a bone to pick,and in a robust democracy, you need the crazies, the loud-mouths, the out of left fielders, the dissidents, trolls and "trouble-makers" to keep it nice and messy and churning over. Dialogue and conversation, no matter how boisterous is preferable to a docile, obedient, voice-less taxpaying electorate. When you have that, you have a strong, functioning democracy.

    You are right about democracy. But Singapore cannot have such privileges and luxury of instability. That is the golden rule of the ruling elite. What Singapore needs is a dictatorship disguised as democracy. Get it?

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    These pampered arrogant supposed super talents PAP ministers & civil servants please go to the private sector and earn their supposed sacrificed millions, outside of Temasek, GIC & GLCs.
    Please go!
    Most of these yes-men all their lives have hardly any relevant skills outside the bloody very very expensive non-competitive political MONOPOLY in Singapore.
    Show us please go and see whether you can earn those millions?

    August 27, 2018 10:32 am

    When they submit their resumes to the headhunters the latter would throw them into the dustbin. No relevant skills, no relevant working experience, no relevant qualifications. Try taxi driving or security guards.

  23. @ 1049

    >> Democracy is only a smoke curtain. Election is controlled by powerful entities to pretend that the PEOPLE made the choice so they will not likely to rebel. <<

    It most certainly can turn out that way. Every smart career politician needs to "sell their ideas" to the voters, and often they are disingenuous harbouring furtive self-interests and personal agendas.

    Yeah, we know that story lah. Nothing new.

    Which is why democracy in its truest form needs to be "taken back" by the people and only for the people as their one and only imperfect tool for deciding who is to govern them, for how long and where the limits of that honourific authority are.

    The "limits" idea is especially important, because that ultimately defines how much power the people can wield. The fate of the nation must be returned to the will of the people and nothing else. If they make a mistake, they bear the consequences. If they get it right, they reap the benefits.

    It doesn't get clearer or simpler than that.

    Even LKY said it, as clear as day without any excuses, ambiguity or apology:
    "You either have a democracy, or you DON'T.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @ spokesperson for all of us:

    >> You are right about democracy. But Singapore cannot have such privileges and luxury of instability. <<

    Oh, so you know what is best for the other 5+ million people? Should we all bow at your feet and listen to your wise words of i-dunno-wat philosophy?

    @ RB

    Sorry for taking up so much bandswith mate. This article really pissed me off, yeah bro you got me.

    I'm dropping my libertarian stance and now a solid fucking democrat. Enough is enough. IMO, these fuckers have got to go ASAP. OK, they're good at the finance etc. But their head is not in our game, they are increasingly arrogant, dismissive, shit-talking...

    My "risk management" spidey senses are signalling to me that these folks who have no skin in the game have the wrong values in their heads. Somehow the thnking is CORRUPTED, even though no criminality has been committed.

    The People Get The Government They Deserve It is time we raised the bar on ourselves, and got ourselves the government we not only deserve, but want, according to our and ONLY our standards.😠

    No more excuses!

  26. The priority now is to throw out this bunch of most inefficient and most incompetent self interest and self aggrandizement cabal of extreme greedy and voracious money grabbing monsters who legalise themselves to take whatever money they want from the nation's coffers without constrains.

    Many countries have a public panel to decide on the pay and salaries of governments ministers and MPs. Likewise we must not allow any new coming government or future government to decide on their own salaries. An independent panel of diverse qualified personnels must be formed to decide on the pay of ministers and the allowance of MPs. This will go to ensure that no capricious characters will just make use of entering politics as a short cut to riches, wealth and fake glory by paying themselves sinful unatural astronomical salaries to become instant millionaires or billionaires.

    Next any new government must investigate all the wrong doings of previous governments and take necessary actions or else the people will not be satisfied. Also no ministers or MPs or their wives will in future be allowed to act as CEOs, Chairman or directors of any private or government linked companies.

    For Fair Play and Love of the Country

  27. @ August 27, 2018 12:03 pm:

    "The priority now is to throw out this bunch of most inefficient and most incompetent self interest and self aggrandizement cabal of extreme greedy and voracious money grabbing monsters who legalise themselves to take whatever money they want from the nation's coffers without constrains.

    Many countries have a public panel to decide on the pay and salaries of governments ministers and MPs. Likewise we must not allow any new coming government or future government to decide on their own salaries. An independent panel of diverse qualified personnels must be formed to decide on the pay of ministers and the allowance of MPs. This will go to ensure that no capricious characters will just make use of entering politics as a short cut to riches, wealth and fake glory by paying themselves sinful unatural astronomical salaries to become instant millionaires or billionaires.

    Next any new government must investigate all the wrong doings of previous governments and take necessary actions or else the people will not be satisfied. Also no ministers or MPs or their wives will in future be allowed to act as CEOs, Chairman or directors of any private or government linked companies.

    For Fair Play and Love of the Country."


    I love it. 1000% agreed!

  28. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

    @ spokesperson for all of us:

    >> You are right about democracy. But Singapore cannot have such privileges and luxury of instability. <<

    Oh, so you know what is best for the other 5+ million people? Should we all bow at your feet and listen to your wise words of i-dunno-wat philosophy?

    Eh asshole, when you read, you read the complete sentence or paragraph lah. This is what I wrote.

    'You are right about democracy. But Singapore cannot have such privileges and luxury of instability. That is the golden rule of the ruling elite. What Singapore needs is a dictatorship disguised as democracy. Get it?'

    KNN anyhow gasak buta. Now where was I, oh, ya, if I can you Matilah to be worked up, I have achieved what I set out to do. Thank you very much.

  29. Mr Prime Minister,

    If we, the citizens pay you and your ministers by the $Millions, the World's HIGHEST SALARY, and we are being told by you that we have to tighten our belts, then what are you and your ministers good for?

  30. RB, the best way to describe how I am feeling is like u are the sugar cane and the government is the sugar cane machine. As sinkies u have been fed into machine to extract every bit of your Juice over and over again. What do u think of this description?😰 As far as I am concern, I already dried Liao.

  31. 1:27 pm.

    Sugar-cane cannot fight back. When squeezed and dried, they are thrown away into the rubbish bins.

    Singaporeans, no matter how meek and docile, they can fight back. They have been trained to fight in the NS. The only thing is that they must now recognise who is the enemy, who is the REAL THREAT to our livelihoods and existence.

    It is not Malaysia.

    It is not Indonesia.

    It is the imported foreigners.

    And who are the ones who imported the foreigners to come and take away our rice bowls, our livelihoods and now threatening our existence?

  32. 'And who are the ones who imported the foreigners to come and take away our rice bowls, our livelihoods and now threatening our existence?'

    - actually happening every advance countries - au, eu, ca, usa. only third world countries no one wants to go there to be imported. too little jobs, too many monks.

  33. ''we have to tighten our belts''

    - in western australia, there is lots of bankruptcy this moment.

  34. b

    I don't stay in many countries. I only stay in Singapore. So I don't care what the fucks happening in other countries. I can only care for what is happening to my country. Are you are foreigner?

  35. b @ August 27, 2018 1:59 pm:

    'And who are the ones who imported the foreigners to come and take away our rice bowls, our livelihoods and now threatening our existence?'

    "- actually happening every advance countries - au, eu, ca, usa. only third world countries no one wants to go there to be imported. too little jobs, too many monks."

    b @ August 27, 2018 2:04 pm:

    ''we have to tighten our belts''

    - in western australia, there is lots of bankruptcy this moment."

    - Totally irrelevant! Trying to distract attention?

  36. 當然,我們通常公民知道誰在說公雞.

  37. 3.32 pm is the English translation is " of course, we the normal citizen know who is talking cock"😀

  38. Matilar, I see you have changed your view somewhat. So no need to sodomize u anymore

  39. Matilah,

    Welcome to the CLUB!

  40. What club? U mean Matilar is in the sodomy club?

  41. CLUB stands for
    Citizens Leading to Unseat Blood-suckers.

  42. if i no x.sleeping beauty slept for
    a century then woken by a prince.100yrs.

  43. @ RB

    OK, I stand corrected. aiyoh relac lah...

    @ b

    Yes, there have been record number of mortgage defaults in certain suburbs. Anyway, it isn't hard to go bankrupt in Australia, especially WA where the cost of living is way higher. Everything is expensive here. And there's no mining boom to sustain people's over-leveraged lifestyles. So... bankrupt lah!

    @ 447

    Yah, view changed. Fuck these people lah.

    If Singaporeans are going to tighten their belts anyway, that's great... take some pain, tahan a bit more day by day.

    Then... throw these ARROGANT CUNTS OUT. Get them the fuck out. Maybe your HDB drop, stock market drop, maybe business fly away (and foreigners...yay!), maybe transport, healthcare and other govt "services" drop in standard, maybe Changi airport not so happening, maybe SIA koyak.... maybe all BAD THINGS that the PAP said consistently to SCARE people into voting them again and again comes true...

    ...so what? We already tighten the belts, self reliant...can tahan the pain especially if we stick it out together.

    What will be achieved (at great personal cost to everyone) is that NO POLITICIAN can ever again use fear of poverty and privation to MANIPULATE the voters.

    To get a good govt well deserved, The People need to do the soul searching and change first... namely their culture.

    You can never get a govt which is "better than" (in character and morality) the people, if the cultural values of the people require a ”long overdue UPGRADE”.

  44. In what ways has the addition of 2 million foreigners to Singapore since 2004 benefited ordinary Sinkies?

    What aspects of ordinary Sinkies' lives are adversely impacted by this huge influx of foreigners, courtesy of the PAP elites?

    The extra 2 million foreigners has pushed up the costs of living in Singapore to the highest in the world and greatly aggravated the scarcity of water resources.

    Ordinary Sinkies are now told to tighten their belts, while the PAP elites are laughing all the way to the bank.

  45. "if i no x.sleeping beauty slept for
    a century then woken by a prince.100yrs."

    @ August 27, 2018 9:00 pm

    You are in kindergarten, still believe in fairy tales?
    This is the real world, the adult world.
    If there is a need to slay the dragon, conjured out by an evil witch
    a prince must be found, no matter what, and sleeping beauty
    will have to wake up any time, the sooner the better.

  46. If you have the money, invest in gold and silver now.
    The franc is going to spark a bull run in gold and silver prices.
    Best wishes and good luck.

  47. The Dynasty Must CrumpleAugust 28, 2018 12:44 am

    KNN, what kind of a leader, who pays himself 20 months bonuses plus 13 months pay, totalling 33 months pay for 12 months wishy-washy work?

    KNN, what kind of a leader so clueless and incapable that he is unable to seize the opportunity to join China's Belt and Road, but has no qualms to tell his fellow countrymen to tighten their belts?

    KNN, what kind of a leader pay his his ministers out-of-the-world salary so that they can feed themselves with expensive finest ginseng and special herbs until their faces look so reddish and plumb and their waists blooted out?

    KNN, what kind of a leader keeps sabotaging his own countrymen and kowtow to foreigners?

    KNN, what kind of a leader keeps scheming to deplete his fellow countrymen's life-long hard-earned CPF savings?

    KNN, what sort of fucking idiot voters keep voting in the same bunch of self-gratifying, self-glorifying, self-praising, self-enriching, self-protecting, money-minded incompetent mediocre ministers with unquenchable greed?

  48. 12.44am, Knn u asked me I ask who. Knn I also don't know.

  49. I agree the self serving party & dynasty must crumble. Out with this incompetent & very very expensive monopoly.
