
Young men favourable to Police BMWs

Over heard some young men talking about their intent to apply to join the Traffic Police for the simple reason to be able to drive around in BMWs.  Driving such nice and high performance cars in this island when car ownership is increasing becoming a dream, the opportunity to drive BMWs is definitely very attractive and alluring. The Police should capitalise on this new acquisition in their recruitment drive for more traffic police officers. They used to be content to drive around in high performance but relatively cheaper Subarus which were great cars to drive. Now with BMWs, it would be ooh la la. And the officers would be very on the ball, driving the BMWs 24/7 on the road. It is like it is a pleasure to work. The person who recommended the BMWs must be rewarded for such a great idea, work with pleasure and pride. But don't get carried away and ask for Ferraris or Lambos.

This is a positive trend for a super rich city state with all the best superstructure and carefully crafted environment. The BMWs, like the expensive office chairs and Brompton bikes costing thousands of dollars would fit in nicely to give a classy and expensive image of economic progress and success.

Just a few decades ago, govt offices were the rundown buildings left behind by the colonial masters and with iron cabinets and aged wooden furniture. Today all govt offices are not only modern and well designed but also sensibly furnished to complete the picture of a first world country. The only outlandish or out of place 'furniture' in this first world city state is the walking populace from the third world and their third world behaviour that are fast catching on with the locals. Many parts of the manicured city states are taking a likeness to third world neglected corners of their countries.

Would they be thinking of Harley Davidson to replace the current batch of Japanese bikes for the mobile traffic police? If they do that, the Police Recruitment office would have a long queue of applicants waiting to join the force.

Nice. Singapore is living up to it as a rich nation. Got money must spend. If not like CPF, keep long long for what, keep until mati? Luckily got smart govt to teach the people to spend by having more compulsory insurance schemes. Don't spend also cannot.


  1. Rb, Knn Lor hope my kids won't join

  2. Can foreigners join the police force ?

  3. When you have huge amount of Somebody's else Monies to splurge, Just so it. No pains to you.

    Those with silver and golden spoons well fed parasites who do not have eat what's plain broken rice and watery porridge with just sauce will just simply splurged what's they thought piles of cash that will never end.

    They are blinded to the very poor in our existence who some do not even have one meal a day.

    And these poor fellow citizens had even had to pay taxes like the GST for their luxurious and unnecessary expensive play toys.

    In our early days as civil servants not nowadays called serpents, we sat on bug infested rickety chairs.

    Our Leaders at that time even our Honourable Finance Minister at Fullerton Building just have an Rounded sort of Wooden Chair with ventilated rattan seat and they even have to bring their own cushion for extra comfort.

    Seen too many downfalls of Companies when their Managements became obsessed with their socalled "profits" started to squander unnecessarily and each man for themselves started ploughing the mine goes kaput.

    This, hopefully be not the beginning of Sinkieland's demise.

    The young of Sinkieland been cushioned from the harsh realty of going hungry has developed the same attitude and mirage lifestyles of those parasites.

    So, sometimes we have to feel no sympathy for them when in time to come, many will join the Ranks of Grand Papuers like their Westernized Counterparts who have too much Good leaching on the Natives.

    Now, most are like the Mats, style more, Kala tiapa or like the current crop of stylish Brazilians Soccer players. They only have style but No substances.

    Most are just living for today.Just seen to be stylish and thinking someone will be there to take care of their tomorrows.

    Little do they know that when the time comes, they be like our Fore Fathers and some of us have to eat plain broken rice or porridge with sauce for their existence.

    Anyway, NO EYES See.

  4. Looks like more money needed and more taxes needed with more justifications needed. And when the returns of GIC/Temasek just gets lower and lower over the years, you know who is going to suffer. Can do nothing because of the 70%, say nothing because of the 70%. So, how?

  5. Singapore is rich - can splash $16.3 million on the summit between Trump and Kim even though the matter is between US and North Korea.

  6. Hi Virgo

    Like me, you also see 'no up' those soccer stars of Brazil. And not only Brazil. Lots of funny styles but no more substance, unlike the days of Pele, Zico or Socrates. Lots of play acting with the slightest contact and they fall like bowling pins. And they had the cheek to say that others are doing the same thing. Two wrongs does not make a right. Soccer is now a farce and the world cup is just an occasion to inflate egos rather than playing soccer. Nothing more nothing less.

    By the way, red dot is still trying to flog a dead horse by continuing the support of the S-League when they know that 'goal 2010' has already gone past us and left us far far behind. Even Laos and Cambodia are better than us. What a joke with all the sponsorship and tax payer's money poured into supporting the game over the decades.

  7. Speed thrills but kills!
    You either kill someone or kill yourself. Or, both.

    Traffic Police should buy Ferraris.

  8. https://www.temasekreview.com.sg/institution/long-term-alignment.html

    According to the charts, during the 10-year 2009-2018 period, "wealth added" was negative in 5 out of the 10 years as in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2016.

    How could they still have "paid-out portion of WA Bonus" to the sovereign wealth fund employees??

    If every other year during a 10-year year you lose money, how can u still be paid any profit bonuses???

    Do Norway and Japan pay profit bonuses to employees managing their sovereign wealth public funds? If yes, how large are the payments?

  9. Decadence government usually rips off public coffer for individual gains.

  10. Hi Anon 10.12

    Now that France with her nearly 100% Foreign now Franche won the WC, our Great Leaders would once again use this example to con the Sinkies that open immigration to the Foreign Trash is correct.

    Just like Lau Goh when France won it in 1998. He used the same reasoning and that's where all these trashes came in.

    But we have Socceroos like Abbas who fixed matches. Another, Vanda escaped through also bribery or whatsoever charges and I think his escape is deliberate so as not to humiliate the Ones who brought them in.

    Likewise, now all the upheavals and disturbances, the slashing and the pawnshops robberies are been done by these trashes and Sinkies are been blamed for them.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Singapore traffic police still cheapskate cos the govt only spend enough to buy cheapskate BMWs. Singapore government is not spending enough of Other People's Money. They need to wake up their idea and take the lead from a place like DUBAI.

    Our young petrol-headed dudes (and gals) who like to serve and protect the community should apply to join the Dubai Police Special Car Unit---they even have a Bugatti Veyron ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    SG.Gov, sorry lah, you are not "the best" in this area. If our local fellas have Mclarens, Lambos, Ferraris etc...how the fuck are you going to chase them in your "toy car" "chau kar" BMW's? Think lah, koteks...YOu need to EMPOWER our police so that they can do their job and keep the community safe.

    Oso, ah..please dun make me lau qui in front of my foreigner friends...I everytime say ah, "We Singapore very rich leh, very successful"...wah kani nah, you make me lose face by showing SPF so poor thing in their toy cars? Kaninah lur! ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ

    C'mon, dun shy shy... ☛ SPEND MORE Other People's ๐•ธ๐–”๐–“๐–Š๐–ž❢❢ ☚

  13. Papies/Leeches/Civil Serpents only know how to rob the poor and give to the rich. Without them, smalland will be part of Oz like xmas island and no shortage of land and food and can have proper houses and cars.

  14. More about Dubai:

    ➤ โ„ค๐”ผโ„๐•† income tax (i.e. what you earn, you keep)

    ➤ Fully funded ๐”ฝโ„๐”ผ๐”ผ education and healthcare

    ➤ ๐”ฝโ„๐”ผ๐”ผ food (excellent quality, not scraps) for people who cannot afford to eat

    Singapore needs to lift her game, to remain ๐“๐“พ๐“ถ๐“ซ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ž๐“ท๐“ฎ. If this fucking PAP is so damn cheapskate, vote them out next election, and bring in a government which can really fucking deliver the goods.

    No wonder some of my friends prefer to stop-over in Dubai instead of Singapore when travelling from Aust/ NZ to Europe.

  15. Rb, bad news for me, my kids interested to apply Liao ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ that I s after I have shown them your article lor

  16. Traffic Police is under LTA, not SPF any more.

  17. In reality, no need to chase people driving fast Ferraris or Lamborghinis.

    Mahathir said many years ago that Sinkieland is so small, just stepping on the accelerator of a Ferrari and you land in the sea.

    In Sinkieland, those fast cars are just for boosting egos and showing off, not for racing with police cars. Some are driven by rich old ladies trying to attract attention. Lately we have reports of Ferraris on fire for no reason, and some drivers of such cars even trying to block traffic?

  18. Q2.50pm anon, u are right man! Knn so far almost all the Drivers I have seen are old guys or ladies as they have money.knn lor๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

  19. @ 250

    Dr Mat is talking nonsense.
    On more that one occasion Singapore owners of hyper and super cars drive in bursts of over 200 kph. Not uncommon lah.

    Anyway, you can always go up to Malaysia to drive your fast expensive Big Boy Toy on their racing circuits... for the appropriate fee of course. Many of our fast driving boys and girls frequent Sepang International Circuit to test their hardware and skills.

    So please stop the shit about owning a fast car in Singapore lah. Plus, it makes you look cool. And has significant "social signalling" advantages. ,๐Ÿค‘

  20. Matilar, Knn talk nonsense. Where got old men go there? They just boom boom in sg to show off only. They do not even speed. Wake up lar or you need to be sodomize to wake up man!


  21. Driving a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche with Soup Up Engines does not always makes you Kings of the Roads.

    In Matland, even Hondas and whats that Korean cars with what's Turbo engines on PLUS Beats these cars wholesales.

    It's the skills and courage of the drivers that counts.

    Matland drivers can just simply overtakes and cut into your lanes with just two to three inches of let up spaces. Red Lights in their home towns, you cuckoos wait in line with no traffic on either sides, you will gets a blasting from them.

    Anyway, you see Matland Traffice cops in their ordinary patrol cars just simply catches those with less powerful cars as they are much easier to counter and booked.

    So, if you have your Hondas or Swifts at over 120 to 130 passed them and the BMWs, Ferraris and Porches at 200 to 250 also same time whizzed them, their sirens blaring will only come for your Hondas and Swifts and not them.

    They just leave them to their Fates. Further up you may later see them overturned in ditches or across their lanes hitting other innocent motorists with their mangled bodies of many parts spread across the lanes and ditches.

    Drive like LIGHTNING crashed like THUNDER.

    That's the sad episodes and also their dispersed EGO.


  22. They only napped those over 200 to 250 Kph at Speed Traps cameras or their kind at Overhead junctions and bridges.

    When you are slowed down at any Blocked Traffic Checkpoints by them or at the Toll Booths where they set up camps.

    No need to have Ferrari and chased after them.They have their own tricks. Legal or illegal.

  23. Hahaha

    Virgo you are right on funny. Let them drive like lightning and crash like thunder. It is their life to mangle with.


  24. Singapore Traffic Cops just want to how lian their fast BMWs to race and catch these fast cars.

    Sirens blaring and whizzing down the Expressways just to show their prowess.

    How fast the Sinkieland fast cars can race down our expressways with not their gears even into second When they have to stop for a car in front who kept to his trained disciplined speed limit or overtake a slow coach??

    The BMWs at the sides will have the rest of the traffic giving way to them for fears of being booked and they easily nabbed you.

    Just follow the Mats which they always thinks are stupid than them and not necessarily wasted funds for these toys.

    We have a thousand and one speed cameras both manually and auto mode to nab these speedsters.

    Why risks your 2.5 to 3K a month remuneration just for Glory Ego. You never know one fine day you be hit by a Ghost Accident.

    Also, have seen most of these BMWs just parked at side and waiting only to nab those slow moving commercial vehicles with limited speed drive and are easy targets.

    Most goes over their ridiculously low speed allowance which their vehicles can go double the speeds in other countries.

    The Mats no need BMWs to nab the speedsters. Just have their what's true or false speed evidence that you speed. Also in their threatening tones that most of the fastcars drivers knew that they sped one way or another.

    Just station at some vulnerable spots or toll booths and collect their daily commissions.

    Fines for the Govt and kopi duit for themselves.

  25. Don't know don't care about what BMW or motorbikes. Only know that PAP, SAF & SPF buying lots of toys ..... my war stocks keep cheonging! Shiokanathan!!!

  26. They must be very impressed how the 2 Israeli assassins who killed the Hamas man in Malaysia got away on their powerful BMW motor bikes! BMW must have !!

  27. How come with so many CCTV cameras all over the island they still haven't catch the turban-wearing Boon Lay MRT station pawnshop robber ???

  28. K. Shanmugaratnam dies aged 97.

    What a long life! 3 more years to reach 100.

    Must have done a lot of good deeds.

  29. 5.50 am anon, who are u referring to? U are not referring to the current minister are u?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @646

    No, it's his dad. One of the truly great people not only in S'pore, but the world of science-based medicine.

    Plus he was a really nice chap. LHL (and many,many others) owes his life to this great man.
