
The Americans coercing the UN to do its biddings

In this little red dot, China is being singled out, identified and accused as if it is the only country that is influencing, manipulating and coercing Singapore to be more friendly in its policies towards China. Now read this on how the USA is coercing and influencing the whole world, the UN, to do its bidding.

"UNITED NATIONS: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday (Jul 20) urged UN member-states to keep tough economic sanctions fully in place on North Korea and maintain pressure on Kim Jong Un to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear program.

"We need to see Chairman Kim do what he promised the world he would do," Pompeo told reporters after meeting with the Security Council.

The United States believes that North Korea can shed its "pariah" status from its nuclear and missile programs, but "it will take full enforcement of sanctions for us to get there," he said...." CNA

The Americans are using all its powers to influence and coerce the UN to impose economic sanctions on North Korea, Iran and its enemies openly, blatantly as the biggest bully in the world. No condemnation. In the North Korean case, having a few missiles and nuclear bombs is bad, a pariah state. But owning thousands of such bombs and missiles is regarded as a super power, with respect or in fear. No one dares to breathe a word about how violently wrong for a country to possess such an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. It is a given that the Americans can have all the weapons of mass destruction they want but others especially small states, cannot do so.

What irony, what injustice and abuse of military might! And the whole world is being coerced to accept this fait acompli, this status quo. No one shall be allowed to challenge the American dominance in nuclear might. It is ok for the Americans to have all the weapons of mass destruction to coerce and bully small and big states. And the Americans are not stopping at that. They are going to develop more weapons of mass destruction with more destructive powers. How's that for insanity and stupidity?

No, the Americans are not simply manipulating or trying to influence other states, it threatens everyone with wars and destruction if anyone dares to oppose the Americans.

Why should the whole world, the UN, do the biddings of the Americans to bully smaller states. The UN should say no to the Americans and ignore the American sanctions on North Korea and Iran. The whole world and the UN must rise up against this world menace from bullying small states. The Americans have no moral high grounds to stop other countries from posssesing WMD when they are the biggest culprit and daily threatening to use them to destroy smaller states.

Say No to the evil Americans and their hypocrisy. Do not agree to their sanctions against any state. The real pariah state is the USA, the biggest bully and murderer of human beans.  Russia and China should take the lead to stop the Americans in the UN. Put a stop to this world menace. The sanctions must be on the Americans instead.

When would the UN tell the Americans to denuclearise? Why the Americans no need to denuclearise?

PS. Open your eyes and see which country has been fighting wars non stop all over the world, killing hundreds of thousands, millions of innocent civilians, not counting those maimed and the destruction of their countries. Which country is threatening wars, provoking wars, inciting wars and bullying countries all over the world?


  1. United States of America population is small compared to China or India - just 325.7 million versus 1.379 billion and 1.324 billion respectively.

    The USA can exert global hegemony only because it has the largest nuclear arsenal.

    China yesterday said it will reconsider the “sufficient” size of its nuclear weapons stockpile, pointing at the US' “aggressive attitude” in the South China Sea and the Taiwan issue.

  2. S'pore also got nuclear deterrent on 24/7 standby in western oz. That's why for 50 years north & south don't dare invade.

  3. RB, leave tat Evil Empire of the Americuns alone, they wud meet their own karmic forces sooner or later as the Chinese sayings - 如是因 感如是果, 人在做天在看, 不是不报, 是时晨未到.

  4. Titiana Ann XavierJuly 22, 2018 9:39 am

    Uncle Sam makes use of the UN to rubber stamp its imperialist campaigns. It began with the Korean War. The USSR was the sole voice against Uncle Sam in the early years of the UN. China's membership was usurped by Taiwan until 1971. Uncle Sam has been abusing its power. It made use of the UN as a tool to sanction its illegal violations of international law and order. The Security Council has been rendered ineffective as Uncle Sam vetoed any attempt to punish Israel. Uncle Sam has no respect for the UN. It invaded Iraq despite UN finding no WMD. The UN is in danger of becoming superfluous.


  5. China and Russia should be the first to ignore the Americunts and what's lame duck U.N. Resolutions and defiled them to trade openly with the North Koreans.

    Since, this Dotard had also openly do not follow what's the WTO regulations and have open trade wars with so many countries.

    This Dotard is now trying to befriend Putin to his side but Russia knew the Americunts odour and will still preferred China and Kim.

    Why follow the AMERICUNTS wimps and fancies???

    Just do it and the rest will follow suit.

    The South Koreans are still slaves to the Americunts like running skunks and dogs.

  6. Now that the Americans are closing its door for trade with the rest of the world, EU, Russia, China, Japan, India and the rest of the world should ignore all the sanctions imposed by the Americans and go trading with Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and everyone else.

  7. Usofa probably already understood that un and the rest of the world are ganging up with redman and redbook to destroy her. Me think eu will end up like south american - another failed socialist continent.

  8. US has nuclear allies in UK, France and Israel.

    My advice to President Xi is that he should bring North Korea and Pakistan into a nuclear alliance to counter the US-led gang, while helping Iran to attain the nuclear bomb.

  9. China MUST increase her Nuclear Warheads capabilities to match or even exceed the US's Nuclear Arsenal.

    At the same time, China should also develop a Space Force, large, fast and deadly, in response to the US's Space Force. A Moon Base and a Two Space Stations should also be created as fast as possible.

    From the way the US is flexing its muscles and the aggressive stand it takes, China will not be able to avoid War with the US. It is not a matter of time.

    Therefore, China must not be caught with pants down again.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The US has never "gone along to get along" wiht the UN. There's no more argument about this---America stands alone to act in only the USA's interest first. Since the USA is the biggest and baddest, and performs the role of Global Cop, the UN has no clout whatsoever.

    America won't denuclearise because it is "the good guy". If you're not America's friend you are a bad guy. Israel is America's friend---good guy. Iran is America's "not-a-friend"---bad guy.

    America doesn't have to denuclearise because to be a nuclear power is in the interest of America, which they keep telling everyone is how they role: USA first. American Exceptionalism bro. 😂

    America can tell N Korea to denuclearise because N Korea is a small cuntry. China has stated that it will not protect N Korea if they started shit with the US, but it will protect them if the US started shooting first.

    Russia just wishes N Korea would go the fuck away as it is an embarrassment and a pain in Putin's ass. N Korea has been playing on the "comradeship" of Russia and China for so long...it's like 2 big and successful brothers looking after their irresponsible, ne'er-do-well , useless spoilt brat of a younger brother. They look after him out of "familial duty", but they don't fucking like it. 😂 This is comedy-gold SitCom material...hey NetFlix, are you interested? 🤑

    Notice that the US doesn't coerce the UN to pressure Russia or China to denuclearise. Why? Because Russia and China are BIG CUNTRIES. But small-fart cuntry like N Korea...fair game lah. Tekan them until drop.

    I lke Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN. She is an American kaur (Americanised Sikh woman), and they are some of the fiercest arse-kicking women on the planet. She loves guns, she's one helluva Republican, and she brings the curry and chilli to the UN, and speaks to them like a BOSS! 😜

    Donald Trump made a good choice there choosing her.

    BTW, real politik is how the global game is played. You have to have power, and use it...or you will be pushed around. That's how sovereign states have ALWAYS operated, since the beginning of sovereign states.

    The "nation state" was one of THE WORST inventions of mankind. It concentrates THE WORST aspects of human nature. I have long been an opponent of the Nation State...which is why I always say FUCK THE GOVEDRNMENT...all of them, in every motherfucking cuntry.

  12. Leaders who want absolute power cannot be trusted. Absolute power always corrupts absolutely. Commie leaders should become democratic and let the people have a choice/voice/vote.

  13. Titiana Ann XavierJuly 22, 2018 1:17 pm

    The balance of power is tilting. Uncle Sam is struggling in its role as the world's self-appointed gendarme. The rising influence of China is making Uncle Sam uneasy. The clout it used to wield on nations that refused to kowtow to Uncle Sam is diminishing. Small communist nations like North Korea and Cuba are now safe as China and Russia remain powerful. The Evil Empire shrinking influence will make the world a better place for mankind. The untold misery that Uncle Sam inflicted on innocent children and women in every nation experiencing regime change forced upon them is beyond description. North Korea's nuclear arsenal is an effective deterrence against invasion and will ensure its survival.

  14. Democracy is a BIG BULSHIT. People making choices is also a BIG BULSHIT.

    In the first place, there is no such a thing as Democracy in the world. There is only a skin-thick semblance of Democracy. Deep down, there is Dictatorship at work in every country. Not a single country is spared. Otherwise, how can the top leader control his deputies and ministers? Otherwise, how do the ministers control the military and police, i intelligence agencies and security forces, the masses?

    Without command and control, and the proper chain of command, there is no way anyone can govern the country. Command and control means the ability to give orders, instructions, etc. and expect they are carried out accordingly. That means the ability to dictate terms, to give orders that will not be defied, rejected or neglected. That is Dictatorship at work.

    All systems have to abide by a central core (the brain). Without the central core to direct activities, thete will be chaos. If every individual is allowed to go his or her own way, according to his or her whims and fancies, there will be lawlessness. People will start killing one another, like barbarians.

  15. The hack and theft of personal data of 1.5 million Sg patients is a consequence of trying to punch above one's weight in the international geopolitical arena.

    Not happy to be head of a tiny nation of just 3.4 million Sinkies and want to have more face by expanding the resident population to 5.7 million and tell people "we are 5.7 million", with all the concomitant problems that 2 extra million foreigners bring along.

    Discarding the non-aligned stance of Singapore's founding fathers and siding with the hegemonistic US - thus inviting cyber attacks - geopolitical follies have serious consequences.

    Last year, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decided to break off diplomatic relations and closed all transport links by air, land and sea with Qatar after the latter meddled in regional politics.

    "I would like to emphasise as strongly as I can that this Qatar episode holds many lessons for Singapore. We ignore them at our peril," said Kishore Mahbubani in his article "Qatar: Big lessons from a small country" [PUBLISHED JUL 1, 2017 in the Straits Times].



    "This was one big mistake that Qatar made. Because it sits on mounds of money, it believed that it could act as a middle power and interfere in affairs beyond its borders. I recall that I was truly shocked when Qatar decided to interfere in the affairs of Syria in 2011. I was even more shocked when Qatar decided to join in a United States-led bombing mission against Syria in September 2014. I told myself then that Qatar would pay a price some day for not acting prudently like a small state should."

    "Qatar believed that its mounds of money and its close relations with the US would protect it from consequences. In so doing, Qatar ignored an eternal rule of geopolitics: small states must behave like small states. Why? The answer was given by the famous historian, Thucydides, when writing about the war between Athens and Sparta: "Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.""

    "Mr Lee Kuan Yew never acted as a leader of a small state. He would comment openly and liberally on great powers, including America and Russia, China and India. However, he had earned the right to do so because the great powers treated him with great respect as a global statesman. We are now in the post-Lee Kuan Yew era. Sadly, we will probably never again have another globally respected statesman like Mr Lee. As a result, we should change our behaviour significantly."

    "What's the first thing we should do? Exercise discretion. We should be very restrained in commenting on matters involving great powers."

    "One of my future books will be about our three geopolitical gurus: Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Goh Keng Swee and Mr S. Rajaratnam. I learnt a lot from them. Above all, I learnt from them that a small state needs to be truly Machiavellian in international affairs. Being ethical and principled are important in diplomacy. We should be viewed as credible and trustworthy negotiators. But it is an undeniable "hard truth" of geopolitics that sometimes, principle and ethics must take a back seat to the pragmatic path of prudence. The best time to speak up for our principles is not necessarily in the heat of a row between bigger powers."

    "In the jungle, no small animal would stand in front of a charging elephant, no matter who has the right of way, so long as the elephant is not charging over the small animal's home territory. Let us, therefore, use the Qatar episode to ask ourselves whether we have been Machiavellian enough in recent years."

  16. @142 (1)

    Democracy works well in small groups with pre-defined limits. For e.g.:

    1. A group of 15+ friends deciding on where to go for dinner. The vote is limited to where to go for dinner, not whether person A can force person B to do certain things against their will.

    2. A small club or organisation: where to spend the money? On a new bar or upgrade the gym? The vote is limited to those options, and does not allow anything beyond that.

    In a nation's political system, democracy has a mixed track record. Sometimes it works great. At other times, the people fuck themselves up. The people of a cuntry deserves the government it gets.

    Part of the mechanism of the social nature of humans, is that in large groups they can lose their identity and be tricked out of their autonomy. As social animals, they have to "belong" to a TRIBE, whereby as a member, they sacrifice individuality for "group-think" and (I hate this one!) "shared values". Even as an individual you disagree, you will accept it as a Tribe (or Cult) Member to go along to get along. This is where all the shit starts...and it doesn't end until the Rival Tribes are completely wiped out. So..in this case a cuntry's political democracy causes:


    @ 142 (2)

    Okay, you have to drop this "Singaporean thing", it is UNHEALTHY.

    No one has the authority to give you "the right to speak". No one needs "permission" to speak. You just fucking SPEAK your mind...in the way YOU YOURSELF think how it should be Only in Singapore (I'm sure in other places too, but let's focus on our cuntry) is this belief that "speaking is a GRANTED right". And that you can say certain things, and other things are strictly forbidden and illegal.

    Please, stop believing this. This is the BULLSHIT the govt wants you to believe so that you live in fear of speaking up, when you fucking know damn well, you HAVE TO speak up.

    Any state can behave in any which way it darn well pleases, to receiving a "perceived benefit" for that cuntry or to it's corrupt leaders.

    Which means your leaders can lead your nation into a war...and there's nothing you can do except flee the cuntree as a refugee. Bro, that is the grim reality of realpolitik. Just a quick reminder: Realpolitik is how The Game is played. It has no "moral considerations" or respect for any "political science" theory. It is AMORAL, and PRAGMTIC---the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Anything, can be JUSTIFIED.

    If the Chinese hacked MoH (I'm beginning to doubt my original hypothesis), it probably did so because that's what the (estimated) 200,000 or so Chinese state hackers DO. (it's their job lah) (What about the non-state hackers? That's a huge number too in China. And they are excellent. Many of them have gone "clean" and work for 10 cent, Baidu etc...all killer GLOBAL high tech giants). China wouldn't have hacked Singapore just because someone like Billy HairyCunt fired salvo after salvo at China as well as the local Singapore China-fanclub.

    Immediately, the best rejoinder these Tribal idiots could raise was a hefty barrage of racist epithets aimed at Billy HairyCunt, instead of attacking his arguments (which largely went misunderstood, misinterpreted and massively misquoted).

    BTW, has anyone checked DarkWeb for any "offers to sell Data"? Maybe the data from the MoH hack? Data is BIG BUX. Dun forget it!

  17. Guys, for fuck's sake...if you're going to talk about China, find out more lah. Whilst there are many resources and vids, and WeChat, Baidu etc..I find these folks excellent:

    Point your phone/ computer's audio to:

    CHINA FILE. These Sino-Ang Mohs do one helluva job. And for you fellow bananas and our swarthy coconut cousins, the motherfucking thing is in ENGLISH. 🍌🥥 👊🏼

  18. Loong said his data also accessed, Lau Goh also said his data kena accessed. So since so many senior people's data also kena accessed, there's nothing to worry about, izzit ??

    Well, according to Singapore banks the combination of name and address "Low Sensitivity", date of birth "Medium Sensitivity", and NRIC number "High Sensitivity" kena stolen has made the ones affected vulnerable to ID theft.

    "It is important to note that criminals just need low sensitivity information and 1 - 2 medium/high sensitivity to commit fraud," a information sensitivity table provided by UOB says.

    So now we are very worried that one day we will receive an invoice in our mailbox demanding a high monetary payment for transactions we never made!

  19. "I would like to emphasise as strongly as I can that this Qatar episode holds many lessons for Singapore. We ignore them at our peril," said Kishore Mahbubani in his article "Qatar: Big lessons from a small country" [PUBLISHED JUL 1, 2017 in the Straits Times].



    "This was one big mistake that Qatar made. Because it sits on mounds of money, it believed that it could act as a middle power and interfere in affairs beyond its borders. I recall that I was truly shocked when Qatar decided to interfere in the affairs of Syria in 2011. I was even more shocked when Qatar decided to join in a United States-led bombing mission against Syria in September 2014. I told myself then that Qatar would pay a price some day for not acting prudently like a small state should."

    Qatar cannot compare with red dot lah. Not only red dot leaders got big mouths but also big cocks. Just ask them to strip and you will faint. That's why they are so cock.

  20. The non-medical data stolen comprised:

    1. NRIC/FIN number.
    2. Name
    3. Date od Birth
    4. Address
    5. Phone number
    6. Email Adress
    7. Gender
    8. Married/Single/Divorced
    9. Next-of-Kin or Spouse Name
    10. Next-of-Kin or Spouse contact information.

  21. The gravity of the risks of stolen ID and fraudulent transactions that we are being exposed to from our accessed personal data is beginning to sink in . . .

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The Ones with the Data can create havoc by sending frictious invoices and whosoever debts that you owe legally or illegally and many Sinkies in panic states would flooded the respective agencies with uncontrolled scenario.

    You know many Sinkies been daft, even the socalled Electrocuted Ones being swindled by scams.

    What's more the uncles, aunties like me??


  24. Only those with a lot of money or things to lose would have to worry lah. If you have no money and nothing to lose, why care so much, why so frighten of losing your data?

  25. Anon 8.48

    The Rich can pay or consult their liars

    Only idiots like you have to run round in circles when you receive scam fictitious bills which you neither know whether you owe them a lot and have to walk into the Changi Beach waters.

    Nowadays, fictitious electronic or paper invoices and bills can be created with the similarities of lairs, government or commercial entities easily that you cannot even differentiate.

    Good luck to you if you have no these headches.

  26. Iran told Dotard Trump on Jul 22, "War with Iran is the mother of all wars, peace with Iran is the mother of all peace!"

    Dotard Trump replied with a furious tweet in capital letters telling Iran not to threaten the US or suffer like few ever suffer on earth before. Similar threat he had threw at North Korea before shaking hands with Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12.

    Both countries send empty threats. Both cannot afford to go to war at this juncture. Just like small children playing with fire.

  27. @ scared-scared:

    Using threats and bully tactics, backed up with a massive wack now and then---so people know that you are really "on point"---can be very effective.

    Singapore, yes our pride of achievement in all of human history, was essentially built by a man and his govt who weren't hesitant to use threats and bullying on the citizens to build this great nation.

    Using "knuckledusters" and "hatchets" is sometimes required, because violence is the only option to "motivate" some types of people.

    So don't discount bullying and threats. THEY'VE WORKED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS as an effective political tool.

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