
Chan Chun Sing – Preparing our workers for tomorrow’s jobs

Leong Sze Hian raised some concerns about what the govt is doing to provide jobs to the present lot of PMETs that have lost their jobs to foreigners that came as tourists and ended up happily employed while the PMETs ended up jobless or underemployed. Here is what Leong Sze Hian wrote in his article posted in TRE.

‘I refer to the article “Adult education system has to evolve to ‘get tomorrow’s jobs for today’s Singaporeans’: Chan Chun Sing” (Straits Times, Aug 26).

It states that “Singapore has to keep evolving its adult education system, so that its people are one step ahead of others in this rapidly changing economy, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Chan Chun Sing on Saturday (Aug 26)….

“There is no point for us to get yesterday’s jobs, or even today’s jobs, for today’s Singaporeans,” he added. “The question is whether we can get tomorrow’s jobs for today’s Singaporeans.””
Tourists come to compete for jobs?

Arguably, what’s the point of being “equipped with the skill sets for tomorrow’s jobs, rather than just today’s jobs”, when practically everyday – we may be the only developed country in the world that allows practically every Tom, Dick and Harry, to come as tourists to look for jobs, and stay when they find one?’

I must say I agree with both Chan Chun Sing and Leong Sze Hian’s comments. What is the point of preparing Singaporean for today’s jobs when they have already gone to the foreigners and also they were not prepared for these jobs? Either way the Singaporeans are the losers.

And, in Leong’s comment, what is the point of equipping Singaporeans with tomorrow’s job skills when foreigners could walk in as tourists to steal their jobs?

My conclusion is that both knew that it is a serious problems and both solutions are no solutions to the problems of the PMETs. It is as good as doing for the sake of doing but ending up doing nothing or no result. My recommendation, to save the time and effort of everyone, don’t do anything. Just let it be since both situations did not solve anything.

Unless they are going to stop foreigners coming here as tourists and happily applying for jobs. Unless they are going to be serious and start to apply some control and quota on the number of foreigners being approved for jobs here, everything else is nonsense.

Saying this is easy, but implementing it is difficult unless they are going to make companies and HR professionals doing the hiring, responsible for hiring Singaporeans first and not going through the motion with no intention of hiring Singaporeans but to hire more foreigners.

How to do it? The MOM must be serious and hands on and put in policies and people to manage the situation like making sure HR professionals are Singaporeans and answerable to MOM. The details could be a bit more complicated than just these. Worth the trouble to do it? Worth the trouble to look after Singaporeans or never mind, foreigners are more important? Singaporeans you die your business?

Just look at these numbers put up by Leong and ask what the fuck is happening.
‘…from 2015 to 2016 – it is estimated that almost none of the 11,400 jobs growth (37,300 foreigners’ jobs growth) to locals – actually went to Singapore born true-blue Singaporeans (61,005 new PRs and 42,917 new citizens granted in the same two-year period)?’

Even if this is 50% correct it is a serious problem. But more likely this is nearly 100% correct as Leong’s data are from official sources.

PS. Today's Singaporeans not getting today's jobs is never mind.


  1. The Absurdity of Preparing For Tomorrow's Jobs

    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when one does not even know about today's jobs?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when one does not know whether one will live tom morrow or die today?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when one does not have a crystal ball?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when one is not even a witch or wizard?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's job when one want to bluff also do not know how to bluff?

  2. I forgot to add:

    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when ministers are in favour of foreign talents?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when local universities and polytechnics are intentionally producing misfits and unfits to enter the job markets?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when talking cock will not bring bread to the table?
    How to prepare for tomorrow's jobs when one's ministers simply talk cock like sing song?


  3. Have more Adult Education to prepare new lot of promising young adults to take over the running of a new government.

    The current incompetent lot need to replace fast if they do not tune the brains with the realities of today

    They needed more upgrading than the citizens.

    Singing songs like broken records.

    Chuu Kong lampar song

  4. https://youtu.be/QTTX8Ph14uI

    This is what CCS been yelping!!


  5. ...CCS can only NATO to his boss & the 70% daft Sinkies.. Old fart talked bout chasing the rainbow, Lau goh bout asset enhancement, Ah Long bout diebetes & Smart Nation initiative, look like Ah Sing wan to outshine all of them by saying Sinkies to get Tommorrow Jobs,..is there such thing as 2molo job?..probably CCS need to specify wat r those 2molo jobs to the dafts Sinkies else many will drive private hire cars, cleaners, screwty, food panda Uber makan delivery, sell tissues...

  6. If today job also don't have and can not get, what is the point of talking about tomorrow's job? Knn Tio bo?

  7. This is like the CPF. Today you no money you die your business.
    Look, tomorrow is so bright, the future is so bright, you got so much money in your CPF for the future.

    The future of getting good jobs is so bright, like a rainbow, or is it a mirage? Can keep kicking the can further down the root and keep talking about the bright future or not?

  8. State media is very very quiet on the ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, where there's freedom of labor movement between ASEAN countries.

    Freedom of ASEAN nationals + CECA India nationals to come to Singapore to look for jobs = no more good jobs for Singaporeans !

    That's why Khaw told young Singaporeans not to study for University degree, as jobs going to foreigners means no good jobs awaiting young Singaporeans when they graduate.

  9. What is "yesterday's" jobs?
    What is "today's" jobs?
    What is "tomorrow's" jobs?

    Is this true?
    Mental masturbation by Singapore's champion mental masturbator.

  10. But more likely this is nearly 100% correct as Leong’s data are from official sources.
    RB 10:11 am

    Tiok. It is nearly 100% correct. My personal experience confirms it.

    Because from 2015 to 2016, my high tech SME company hired about 40 new technical staff, and 95% of them are foreigners. And their salaries ranged from $2.5K to $5K pm, so they are not that cheap.

    Why? Simply because not enough suitable local Sinkies apply for the jobs, not that my company don't want to hire them. So how?

    That's why I voted for PAP which allow my company to hire foreigners to do business and make money.

  11. @ September 02, 2017 11:06 am

    Examples of Monkey Masturbation or Mental Masturbation ???



  12. Sure got those Hi-Tech OMO or TMO socalled SME companies with pompous self centred wah HR Managers or Two dollars companies bosses lamented thatSingaporeans don't want the jobs.

    They only want Multi-Nstional companies jobs ranging at least 10K. You called 2 to 2.5K jobs not cheap you know.???

    Wah piang even Frisco 3 sold at RM 115 per tin. You want our grads to earn 2K???

    HDB Flat mortgage at 1K plus a month. Better be delivery food and no need crack brains and somemore can look see look see. Passed time very fast.

    All these excuses just to justify employing Foreign Trashes for bottomline.

    Only top management and their kakis get the meat. Rest bones.

    PAP philosophy.


  13. no point tcss

    every new leader who comes in will have new tcss

    enough of tcss

    very simple

    just Singaporeans first

    yes, everything Singaporeans first

    do it now, stop tcss now


  14. You want our grads to earn 2K???
    virgo49 11:23 am

    Wah piang virgo, I think u getting senile lah.

    Do u know that Sinkie grads are willing to work for $2K as technicians? I mean the young and fresh ones lah and even middle age PMETs retrenched ones currently Uber drivers.

    But we reject them because we also don't want to employ underpaid, over-qualified(by paper) and technically not suitable people. It is bad on our conscience and also not good for their self esteem and morale, and they will also likely not perform.

    U talking about $10K pm for graduates? How many graduates and how many $10K jobs r there? I think u r a bit senile lah. I stop here and will not waste time argue and explain to u anymore.


  15. The Evil Employers in collaboration with their PAP Masters and those who declared openly Thats why I voted the PAP to employ tgese foreign workers are pushing the wages of working class Singaporeans Rock bottom.

    Of their GREED. They so proud of it..There be Ten accompanying coffins loaded with their blood cash when they Sayo Nara.

    I had paid my not even PSLE container truck driver over 5K a month with their trips allowances.

    You must paid accordingly to the hard work as performed by fellow Singaporeans. Not sting on them and have them not hungry not full.

    This is the Evil Tactic by the PAPies and you traitors followed them.

    In time of War, the country will be famished as they also will show no loyalty to you and.The Nation.

    You want a Grad study for nearly half their life as some die young to earn 2 K a month??

  16. You want a Grad study for nearly half their life as some die young to earn 2 K a month??
    Virgo49 12:38 pm

    It's not a matter of u want or I want but that's what actually happened.

    I don't want PAP to win 70% votes and Halimah to be President but that's what happened and confirm will happen.


  17. When Soldier Boy appeared with the Late Monster frequently before he passed on; speculations were rife that he shall be the Next Prime Minister in waiting.
    As time goes, Heng Swee Kiat was preferred by many netizens though many claimed that Tharman is the Most Qualified.
    I think All the Foresaid are no fight with Lawrence Wong. Not that Lawrence Wong has proven quality, it is just that he carries himself much better than the Other Boy and Sweet Talkers that have not delivered anything.
    L Wong is much smarter and clever, someone the Others may not be able to match up.

    Chan Chun Sing cant get much adoration from Sinkies nor the Foreign Dignitaries. He carries no weight and all that he had spoken before were pretty empty.

    Above are my personal observations.
    Do correct me if anyone thinks I am off the Mark.


  18. L Wong is much smarter and clever, someone the Others may not be able to match up.
    patriot 1:35 pm

    Doesn't matter who become PM lah, because PAP will still win the next election as long as the Sinkie opposition is not strong, united and ready to be govt.

    And with PAP winning the election, whoever become PM will not be any better than Hsien Loong, in terms of performance in serving the nation for the betterment of Sinkies.

    Simply because if he can do better, he would not have accepted Hsien Loong as his boss, let alone remain as minister in Hsien Loong's cabinet. Just look at the recent debate in Parliament regarding Hsien Loong's quarrel with his siblings. They are simply a bunch of yesmen and women, and for obvious reasons. Like that how to do better than Hsien Loong?

  19. Do correct me if anyone thinks I am off the Mark.
    Septmber 02, 2017 1:35 pm

    Better pray LW does not become PM.
    Did he not already say all our HDB flats belong to HDB and will go back to HDB after 99 years?
    True or not?

    Better pray PAP gets voted out.
    Before all our HDB flats get taken back by PAP after 99 years.
    True or not?


  20. I shall repeat.

    OF SIN.

    Worker Party is WISE
    to contest many Wards.
    THAN 50% OF ANY

    Kudos to Workers
    Party for their


  21. Did he not already say all our HDB flats belong to HDB and will go back to HDB after 99 years?
    2:04 pm

    At least LW is honest with Sinkies on that, never mind he screw up other things. He did not treat Sinkies as fools like harakiri Khaw or keechiu joker CCS.


  22. 'At least LW is honest......'.

    Think LW is frank.
    Honesty denotes integrity, too wholesome a word to use on Pappies. Most are ruthless and clever, too clever for wholesomeness.
    Listen to their sweet talks that delivered nothing.
    Look at their smiles, sneer and jeer.
    Know their insatiable appetites for wealth and power.

    Simply sinful.


  23. In politics, where got honesty and integrity? Even if a man has been very honest, straight forward and never tell lies in private or in public, the moment he joins the group of vampires that suck your blood and sweat day and night, they very quickly turn into blood-suckers too.

    Therefore, the famous slogan which is going round nowadays:

    "What is wrong with making more money?"

    What does that statement connotes?

    It means as long as I can make more money out of you, to hell with Integrity, Principles, Ethics. Morals, Honesty, Truthfulness, Laws, Constitutions, Friends, Relatives, Citizens who I am supposed to take care of ......

    And that statement also means "Grow the GDP AT ALL COSTS!"

  24. Shakespeare said: "No legacy is so rich as honesty."
    And I add: "A dishonourable son will have no legacy,
    except that of dishonouring his own father and mother."

    Shakespeare said: "We know what we are, but know not what we will be."
    And I add: "We know present jobs are difficult to come by, but know not what tomorrow's jobs will be."

    Shakespeare said: "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."
    And I add: "A minister thinks himself to be wise, but commoners know he is a fool."

    Shakespeare said: "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but ourselves."
    And I add: "It is not the Mini-stars who hold our destiny but our own labour, flavour and fervour."

  25. Shakespeare said: "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but ourselves."
    And I add: "It is not the Mini-stars who hold our destiny but our own labour, flavour and fervour."
    September 03, 2017 2:38 am

    But Singapore is a cuntry of 70% slaves.

    If a guy called "Abuse of Power" slaps a Singaporean in the face.
    There is a 70% chance the Singaporean would not know who slapped him.

    The above is Political Satire
    It's not true.
    No human being on earth can be this stupid .... correct?

  26. I know if today's rubbish is not being cleared, by tomorrow its surrounding will be stink.

  27. Politics is self interest. He is only interested in enriching himself thru learning institutions.
