
UN Security Council Meeting on North Korean missile test

The US led a charge to hold an urgent UN Security Council meeting ‘seen as a challenge to President Donald Trump’. What hogwash, a missile test to build a country’s defence capability is a challenge to a newly elected American president? Can you believe this American shit? Tomorrow if Kim Jung Un celebrated his birthday and drink cognac it would be an insult to the Americans for not drinking whisky and a reason to call for a UN Security Council Meeting?

How dangerous are the North Koreans versus the Americans? The North Koreans still have no capability to strike the US, no second strike capability and could be decimated should they dare to press the button first. North Korea would be blown up in smoke if they dare to launch a nuclear attack on anyone. Are the North Koreans really mad, to want to attack anyone, for what reason, and to bring about their own destruction?

Look at what the Americans have, more than 7,000 nuclear warheads that can be launched by land, air, sea and space. They could strike any country with impunity or absolute superiority and could guarantee the complete destruction of even China and Russia. It is this overwhelming superiority that allows the Americans to threaten everyone with nuclear strike. It is this overwhelming superiority that makes the arrogant American to refuse to commit to no first strike, meaning it is willing to strike first, knowing that no one would or could strike back and get a way with it. It is the Americans that had used Atomic bombs on Japan, used all kinds of chemical warfare on their enemies. The Americans have a scintillating track record of bellicosity, to strike and have shown the intention to want to use nuclear weapons many times.

Who is the more dangerous one, the Americans or North Koreans? Why is the UN being made to impose all kinds of sanctions against a small country that did not have much capability and nuclear weapons and has a greater fear of being attacked by the Americans? Why is the UN not imposing sanctions on the Americans for building the biggest arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction and refusing to commit to a no first to use principle?

The biggest bad wolf is the USA and it is pointing its fingers at everyone and pulling the UN by the nose to do its dirty job of demonizing every country except themselves, the one that is conducting incessant warfare and killing millions of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East. And this is not enough, the US is going to spend more trillions of dollars to build mor e destructive weapons of mass destruction that would put what the North Koreans have to shame.
What a silly world. This is what Donald Trump said of the USA. ‘“Lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. Boy, you think our country’s so innocent? You think our country’s so innocent?” We have carnage and we have irony.’

This is the big bad wolf in the classroom and no one wants to see or say that it is there. Point the finger at North Korea, at Iran, at Iraq, at China, at Russia…! And the stupid around the world believe in these lies, and the UN being made to look silly over and over again. Some clowns even said USA is a benign super power, invited to be the policeman of South China Sea, to maintain peace!


  1. North Korea, which terrorist country can infiltrate without difficulties??

    India, Pakistan, any terrorists or rebels can took over the Arsenals without difficulties.

    Who is more vulnerable and dangerous????

  2. When one crazy American general mutiny and takes over a nuclear base or a nuclear submarine, you can imagine what it is going to be like with so many nuclear bases and ship armed with nuclear weapons.

  3. Why is the UN not imposing sanctions on the Americans for building the biggest arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction and refusing to commit to a no first to use principle?


    For the same reasons why the Sinkie opposition is not able to effectively challenge, let alone replace PAP as govt for giving jobs to foreigners and NS for male Sinkies lah.

  4. The Americans are setting the agenda and western media will join in to blow their trumpets. Media biases to push the American agenda like what Kishore was saying.

  5. No country is totally good and so is it totally bad. NK is deemed as bad because of its isolation and insecurity. Its leader is trying to contain its people just like keeping them as frogs in a well. With no contact with the world, rebellion is becoming less possible. As NK Leader, he has no much choice but to project a tough image same as Saddam in early days. This is to cow his people to full submission. Assignation, purging of top officials, killing of his own kin are some example of emboldening his image.

    Other countries may not do the same but they run along the similar lines albeit less brutal.

  6. When would the UNSC put up a resolution to demand the Americans to reduce their nuclear stockpile and arsenal? Why so many WMD, to destroy who?

  7. Gaddafi was a good leader to his people. He took very good care of his people except his enemies. Read his policies to make life better for his people. Many people would be envious of what Gaddafi was giving to his people.

    But the Americans painted him as a monster and killed him and no one think it was wrong. So sad. Many still adore his murderers especially the silly muslims and arabs.

  8. " If north korea had no nuclear arms, usa would have stir shit there and caused another Aleppo style disaster, and south east asia in big trouble. In this respect we should be quite consoled that nkorea is now very well equipped to defend themselves . Do you agree?
    February 15, 2017 11:15 am"

    Agree 100%. US goes to UN for show. Scared of getting military retaliation from NK. US n SK are planning a large scale "exercise". NK Kim is watching if NK will be Next Syria.

    There was a planning exercise to invade South China Sea in US. The exercise plan was: fleets stay 600km away to avoid attack of China HitHawk18. Invading forces act fast. China sent its 052D/C to do similar live firing on landing at island near Philippines.

    I want to see how US fleets receive the missiles like DF41 or whatever, and how US fleets avoid China subs under water. China should be the #1 familiar with sea beds in South China Sea.

    If US SK invade NK, can China watch the fire without helping NK? Sinkies will have a best chance to show its forces when US invade NK and Scs. Its the best time to teach China to follow international laws with sinkies mighty forces.

  9. Sinkies will have a best chance to show its forces when US invade NK and Scs. Its the best time to teach China to follow international laws with sinkies mighty forces.
    12:01 pm

    I will rather Sinkies will have a best chance to vote PAP out and elect the Sinkie opposition as govt. Its the best time to teach PAP not to give jobs and citizenship to foreigners and NS only to male Sinkies.

  10. The Philippines Hague tribunal judgement is the laws sinkies recognised. China was found illegally owning the South China seas islands. Sinkies support this stand.

    The rightful owner is Japan for these islands. US is going to recognize Japan s rights. Tilleson had said in Congress US will prohibit China using those islands.

    The history must be respected. Sinkies has this Syonan’ at the Former Ford Factory museum is to tell young sinkies to history they actually are Syonanies, at least their grand parents would agree. The island is Japanese ownership. Sinkies must be grateful to the Japanese for not asking to return and fight China to help Japanese Abe.

  11. I will rather Sinkies will have a best chance to vote PAP out and elect the Sinkie opposition as govt. Its the best time to teach PAP not to give jobs and citizenship to foreigners and NS only to male Sinkies.
    February 15, 2017 1:19 pm

    I think we need a memorial of LKY to remind you not to do this.


    The Madness of the United Nations

    North Korea, or any other nations, has every right to produce defensive weapons and test them for their efficiency and effectiveness.

    The United Nations should be more worried about the US's and Russia's Huge arsenal of Nukes of all sorts - their combined abilities and capabilities can easily annihilate the whole world withing minutes.

    The United Nations should also be more worried about Fukushima's nuclear radioactive spread throughout the whole world because it is now in a critical condition - the level of radiation has risen to a significantly dangerous level and Japan is now unable to control or limit its spread through the Pacific Ocean.

    The United States of America, with its huge arsenal of Nuclear Weapons and with its 900 over military bases throughout the world, with the clear intention to dominate and intimidate other countries, should be the one that the United Nations must condemn and impose sanctions against.

    Obviously, the United Nations, or leaders sitting at the United Nations, are MAD and beyond rationality, reasoning and common sense. Most of the past resolutions passed were either unfair, unjust or insane!

  13. "memorial of LKY to remind you not to do this.
    February 15, 2017 2:47 pm"

    Voters vote opposition for their jobs and children s education places in schools and universities.

    There should be a LKY churchtemple all in one for people who want to be associated with this name lky. These people can stay in and do chanting haleluya lky haleluya lky or ahkong come back ah kong come back haleluya.

    There rest of us can do away with this old fart its new life we have to face not old life.

  14. No one, place or country is perfect. If usa does not police the world, we may end up with worst ones who send killers everywhere to poison opponents. If pap is bad, no one will be able to migrate and find a better life in au, nz, usa, ca where they can own house, cars and good jobs. Life is never easy for ordinary people but also for extraordinary people. Watch more ''wanted down under'' on youtube instead of complaining.

  15. The unity and nationalistic cohesion of North Koreans are much stronger than that of Singaporeans, as the pro-foreigner policies of the PAP sowed despair on many Singaporeans.

    Read in Today newspaper : http://www.todayonline.com/commentary/time-singapore-embrace-freelance-contract-workforce

    Contract jobs for Singaporeans, but permanent jobs for foreigners in Singapore !

    Note the foreign couple in the Botanic garden tree tragedy held good-paying jobs in Singapore that can easily be filled by Singaporeans.

  16. /// The unity and nationalistic cohesion of North Koreans are much stronger than that of Singaporeans, as the pro-foreigner policies of the PAP sowed despair on many Singaporeans. ///
    February 15, 2017 4:29 pm

    The despair is only limited to 30% of Singaporeans.
    Or maybe
    100% of Singaporeans are in despair.
    But 70% are still to scared to change government.

  17. /// Contract jobs for Singaporeans, but permanent jobs for foreigners in Singapore ! ///
    February 15, 2017 4:29 pm

    This is what happens if 70% of Singaporeans are too scared to change government.
    Cowards do not deserve permanent jobs in Singapore.

    1. D Bye-Law-Chee of the daft are of low quality?

  18. Heavens got eyes

    Those trees are true blue Singaporean Trees planted since the times of our forefathers

    These trashes displaced our grandchildren of their ricebows so they collapsed to replace them sending them to Hell

    1. Angkor,

      Karma is a bitch?

      The news said last Sat the wind condition was not abnormal?

      Usually trees won't topple unless heavy rain or super wind?

      Today in town area coffeeshop during coffee break heard some taxi uncles talking .......

      One said very weird ......

      Another said he passed by Clemenceau Ave in the morning .......

      The branches on some small trees many "changed" shapes le ......

      He said first time saw trees like that ......

      Last nite rain also not that strong .....

      He said there were ever much stronger rains and winds and much smaller trees also nothing happen ......

      Why some of the smaller trees branches along Clemenceau Ave kena bent until like that .......?

      He said looked quite "scary" .....

      Like only see in "horror movie" .......


      Another taxi driver interrupted said a geomancer told him about the secret birth code of ....... "xxxsai" .......

      What he said after that ......

      Aiyo .....

      Quite "scary" .......

      Actually the taxi uncles kept saying these few days they driving on the road the weather "very weird" ......

      Rain ...... sunny ...... rain ...... sunny ...... rain ....... sunny ......

      They said past few days like that le ......

      First time also they drove so many years never so "strange" leh .......

      They left shortly after but nit before keep telling each other to be careful and stay in touch .......

      Any weird "situation" on the road update each other ......


  19. The US Government is a despicable, parasitic, brutal, brass knuckled, crass, callous, amoral, ruthless and totally totalitarian imperialist power that reigns over the world's leading cancer factory, its most prolific propaganda mills and the biggest police state and prison on the face of earth.

  20. Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's President, Kim Jong-un, died at KL's International Airport.

    South Korean Intelligence Chief and the US's Propaganda Machinery Agency was quick to speculate that Jong-nam was assassinated by two female assassins.

    Some reported that Jong-nam was poisoned by a needle injected through his neck. Some said he was poisoned by a piece of cloth held over his face.

    Some said he could have died of a heart-attack!

    Malaysian police are investigating and performing an autopsy to determine what was the cause of his death.

    North Korean Government has asked Malaysian Government for the return of Jong-nam's body but Malaysian Authorities said they will not succumb to the demand and would carry out the proper procedures. (Why Malaysia did not carry out the proper procedures regarding the disappearance of Malaysian Airline's MH 370. It went missing on 8th March, 2014. This coming March will be three years, yet the truth has not been divulged, despite Malaysia's "proper procedures"!)

    As usual, misinformation and disinformation started to be generated to confuse the whole issue. At first, Malaysia state news agency Bernama reported that a woman from Myanmar was detained at the airport.

    Later, a grainy image broadcast in South Korea and Malaysia shows a woman wearing a white T-shirt with the letters "LOL" written on the front. Her name in the passport was ascertained to be that of a 28-year-old Vietnamese woman by the name Doan Thi Huong.

    So, if North Korea has sent assassins to kill Kim Jong-nam, then the two female assassins must be a Myanmese and a Vietnamese? Really confusing, is it not?

  21. Think the older bro is not interested in his country's affairs.

    So why must the younger bro killed him??

    He, in a way in on his own exile.

    This may be the plan of the western imperialists who wants to frame our Handsome Boy.

    Elder Kim been round the world or region especially Cambodia with immunity.

    He is a free soul which no one in this World is happier than he.


  22. Whatever the Theories about the Murder of Kim Jong Nam, the Only motive or purpose is to create suspicion and trouble for his Brother Kim Jong Un, the lncumbent North Korean Leader.

    anyone thinks that President
    Trump of the US knew that Kim Jong Nam was targetted
    for death?


    Surprisingly, the Suspected Assassin is reported to he Vietnamese or Nyanmese and not Korean, from South or North.

  23. I wrote a piece about this assassination yesterday but it looks like you are all repeating what I have written without seeing the post. : )

  24. @ "widen your scope lah", redbean:

    » The North Koreans still have no capability to strike the US, no second strike capability and could be decimated should they dare to press the button first. «

    True. But even their shitty "sometimes work, sometimes don't work" Turd Whirled champalang tech poses a threat to Asian neighbours---whose already small balls shrink even smaller, whose kiamsiap tight assholes clamp even tighter, and are shuddering in fear, as you'd expect Asians to do.

    Also, Kim * ☚☚ wildcard character (Whichever "Kim" happens to be in power) could form alliances with other American "enemies" like Iran and Pakistan, both which have nukes---Iran for Israel and to celebrate the cumming of the the 12th Imam, and the Pakis for killing those stinking infidel Hindus in India. So fuck America....form a joint-venture---Oriental Madman plus Goatfuckers and Towel Heads.

    Allah Akbar! Die American scum! 🤡

    ** Actually, you don't have to dig real deep. Many people (especially the jealous, emotionally insecure leaders of East and West Asia) resent Trump for becoming president. He is a billionaire, bangged hot women all his life even with his "average" looks, has his own jet liner, hotels and golf courses all over the world, is converting Trump Tower NY and Mar-a-Lago into his own privately owned palaces with security setail...and now he's the most powerful man in the world.

    In other words, DJ Trump can tell anyone on the planet to suck his dick, especially those jealous, entitled, needy Asian tin-pot regimes.

  25. I believe Kim is saner than you.

  26. @1138

    I believe you're right. I take that as a compliment. 🤣
