
Committee for Future Economy – CFE

It is very easy to make comments about the CFE reports. Just sit down and put a comb over it to pick put the white hair and the fleas and dust. It is also just as easy to make 7 or 10 motherhood statements about what should be done in the future. Just gather a few heads and within a day or two you could get all the motherhood statements you want. The big question, how real and how useful are these motherhood statements?

To gaze at a crystal ball, to foresee the trends, developments and challenges, is not the normal cup of tea for anyone not armed with the width and depth of intellect to look into the future. You need very serious thinkers and dreamers to make out something from nothing or from what we have today. Who would be up to it to make such great insights into the future and come out with workable recommendations to benefit from the changes? If only you can find someone who could make the right intellectual and educated guesses, this guy would be as good as God.

As a small little country with limited resources and limited aspirations, we need to be real and practical about what we want to do and what we can do. No doubt having big and wild dreams and wet dreams are ok, as these are just dreams. It is better to look at more realistic and practical targets and solutions like capitalising on our strength and how to fit into the changing world, and make the best of it. We have several good starts but due to the lack of foresight, the lack of dreamers, the lack of support, we let them passe. Sim Wong Hoo's sound card was at the fore front of the computer industry. Hyflux's water purification system too was well ahead of its time. Now they are just ordinary, one among many and fading away. If only the govt had invested and supported them in bigger ways, they could be the Samsung or the Xiaomi today. Samsung and Xiaomi did not have any proprietory products to start with. They simply copied and improved on what others have done and make it big time. We were the leading transportation hub for many decades but now going to be eclipsed too.

A more down to earth and more mundane model to understand how we have gone wrong and missed the opportunities, and missed the boat is public transportation, the train. When we laid the ground work for the first MRT, China was still an impoverished country. Transportation in China was Second WW train system, running like tortoises on coal. Today China is the front runner in high speed train system, an authority and a big mover in building international train network and infrastructure. They have developed many in house expertise and patents in every aspect of the train system, from design to manufacturing, turnkey projects to operations. They are building the train infrastructure for the future and for the world.

What have we achieved in managing our train network? What have we achieved for having a head start in mass rapid transport? Nothing. We are still struggling to make sure the train runs without fault daily. We did not have any expertise in anything concerning mass rapid transport. When a fault occurs, we start looking out for outside expertise for help, even stupid enough to pay for expertise from third world dysfunctional train systems calling themselves experts in modern train technology. We have not acquired any expertise in mass rapid transportation to turn it into a business except as an operator. After 50 years in the business, no experts in the business.

This example applies to practically every industry. Should not Singapore be exporting our expertise with our own experts in areas of air and sea port management and development? No, we are dependent on foreigners to run our ports, to manage our ports, to find new directions for our ports. We have zero expertise to talk about when we have been big operators for decades ahead of other countries. We are top air and sea ports but have no expert in these fields.

Look at the banking and finance industry. This is another joke. We are the financial centre of Southeast Asia and competing with Tokyo and Hongkong to be the top financial centre of Asia. Ask what kind of expertise we have, what kind of local experts and professionals we have that are sought after by other financial centres? It is a joke that we have to import all our top financial talents from abroad, even from the third world countries with rudimentary financial system and village banks. Soon there will be no local bankers left in the finance industry and all the top bankers would be foreigners. And I remember someone saying we are starting to develop our top bankers that would come on stream in 50 years time. No need to talk about the IT industry.

What is this CFE all about? Should we be bothered with gazing at the crystal ball of the future? How could such an exercise benefit the country and people when there are very serious challenges facing the country that no one could see or want to talk about? We may not have a thriving Singapore in another 30 years if we don't address the serious fundamental problems of the country and the shallow mindset that is supposed to be driving the country forward. We have happily awarded the contract to build the HSR terminal to foreign contractors when we should be building it ourselves and bidding for such contracts overseas like the Korean companies. Maybe we should start to bid in a big way for contracts in other countries to build hawker centres. This is about the last area of expertise we still have, but not for long. Is there anything that we are good at today to compete with the rest of the world?


  1. I do agree that more should be done to help our local companies. When awarding contracts, some considerations must be made to give local companies a chance. Even if government thinks local companies have no specific know-how, make it a must to joint venture when awarding successful bids. It is ok to include in the tender that joint venture companies will have added advantage. Unfortunately, government treat local companies like any other players and award contracts to the cheapest bidders. How can local companies fight with big MNCs who have humongous capital muscles.

  2. A Sec 4 normal stream student could have written those CFE (Come, Fxxx, Enjoy, as one blogger commented wittily) Recommendations produced by the Heng Swee Keat team over a year. South China Morning Post published an article yesterday lamenting at that utter lack of ideas. Disgraceful.

    You are FIRED. Not just Heng, whoever at top of the heap, whoever approves those recommendations . Get more capable economists and politicians to replace the incompetent leadership.

  3. Angkor pessimistic rb: //Maybe we should start to bid in a big way for contracts in other countries to build hawker centres.//

    Ha ha ha

    To be fair, "peesai" could have done much better in many areas in the past 27 years from 1990 when the baton was passed to a "chatao" (wooden in English, old man said de during a NDR) for 14 yrs?

    On the other hand, if u observed carefully (overseas especially neighbouring countries), there are many areas "peesai" exported ....... so not fair to say hawker ctrs only areas "peesai" strong in?

  4. Uncle RB, there is no use lamenting the useless CFE Liao. All these r gahmen wayang to tell the masses that they already run out of ideas...( minionster Heng has all his powers taken away by the Superior Being from up there)..if we keep complaining, & if u think back it's all our fault bcos we dun have a strong opposition team to form & run the gahmen & its agencies...part of the problem is created by the miws gahmen, too much emphasis on FTrashes so much so that the talented ones leave our shores..Sinkies also has low TFR due to some of miws bad policies & poor planning & the problem will be there even foreigners aren't reproducing...

  5. // As a small little country with limited resources and limited aspirations, we need to be real and practical about what we want to do and what we can do. //

    Our Mental Masturbators have "unlimited delusions" about their own capabilities.
    They are not realistic and they are not practical about what they want to do and what they can do.
    And Singaporeans are too scared to change government.

  6. /// We have not acquired any expertise in mass rapid transportation to turn it into a business except as an operator. After 50 years in the business, no experts in the business. ///

    Why is this so?
    Is it because our 4G PAP Ministers are champion mental masturbators?

  7. This example applies to practically every industry.

    Tiok. Even in the politics industry, where is little or no technology involved.

    After more than 50 years of independence, the Sinkie opposition is still not strong and ready to be govt.

    And if this cannot even be achieved, how to have a Sinkie Samsung or Xiaomi, or to have made in Sinkieland MRT trains and transport systems, u tell me lah?

    Oh I forgot, we have developed the Sinkie Terrex brand armour vehicles. But before got chance to use in a real war, already kena detained. How to fight?

  8. /// Maybe we should start to bid in a big way for contracts in other countries to build hawker centres. This is about the last area of expertise we still have, but not for long. ///

    Who is this "we" that is going to bid for big contracts?
    Hasn't PAP government already collected most of our money?
    This is why it's wrong to collect more money than is needed to operate a government.
    The old fart was dead wrong about collecting more money.

    /// Is there anything that we are good at today to compete with the rest of the world? ///
    - Do you think our PAP Mental Masturbators are good at:

    a) collecting more money from Singaporeans?
    b) bench-marking their salaries to justify even more salary increase for themselves?
    c) promoting and maintaining the highest per capita concentration of Generals even though we have the smallest professional army in the world.

  9. Angkor hit the nail on the head:
    // It is also just as easy to make 7 or 10 motherhood statements about what should be done in the future. Just gather a few heads and within a day or two you could get all the motherhood statements you want. The big question, how real and how useful are these motherhood statements?//


    CFE REPORT 2017 PG: 4, (under "Executive Summary" section)



    12. We call upon the Singaporeans of today, young and old, to be the pioneers of the next generation. We shall progress by embracing new realities and creating new opportunities.

    13. In the future economy, our people should have deep skills and be inspired to learn throughout their lives; our businesses should be innovative and nimble; our city connected and vibrant, continually renewing itself; and our Government coordinated, inclusive, and responsive.///


    In the executive summary (of such an important report) after some introduction on the backgrounds of current external situations etc from Point (1) to (12), the strategies section started with pts (13) and (14) quoted above .......

    Based on some "hearsay", many oldies "were admitted to hospitals" after they read those 2 points?

    How cum?

    Many "didn't fell but crashed from their chairs, suffering broken bones and multiple fractures" .......?

    1. ///We call upon the Singaporeans of today, young and old, to be the pioneers of the next generation. We shall progress by embracing new realities and creating new opportunities.///

      Knn ......

      Mee dun swear vulgar words ...... but cannot help it liao ......?

      Aren't such statements often originating from students at JC level Pre-U seminars (over the footking donkey years)?

      And JC students can often even put out much better (motherhood statements) than these?

      After reading such statements that day, mee (in a moment of "extreme fury and disgust") "smashed the printed copy on the floor (what a boss would in front of their staff at a piece of "atrocious low standard report/ work" .......)?

      Ha ha ha .....

      Just kidding ..... (din do that lah, not so siao, as if i care [so much] ..... ha ha ha actually a bit have lah but nowadays waning and lesser and lesser liao ....... dunno why oso?)

      But this is no laughing matter for majority sinkies (especially the masses/ heartlanders) ......?

      //We call upon the Singaporeans of today, young and old, to be the pioneers of the next generation.//

      What kind of strategy is this when JC students can make far better motherhood statements especially during pre-u seminars?

      //We shall progress by embracing new realities and creating new opportunities.//


      U mean when "peesai" was kicked out in 1965, LKY cried for nothing and "didn't embrace the new realities"?

      GKS, TCC, HSS, EWB, and all the other old guards didn't "create new opportunites" then?

      U need more than 12 months, 30 members, countless tea and makan sessions (costing tens or even hundreds of millions taxpayers dollar$$$$) involving more than 9,000 sinkies to make motherhood statements that JC students could have done better during pre-u seminars?

      Does anybolee need proof to list out many similar statements made in the past donkey years by JC students during pre-u seminars?

      And many were even better?

      Nonetheless, there were some good points raised overall (in the report) but far and few in between that can raise the game or being game changer?

      Sinkies in for hard time cos there are many unsaid/ not mentioned implications over next few years and beyond?

  10. After suffering stroke, Minister Heng should have retired lah, even though recovered. The job being in charge of CFE is bad for his already poor health.

    But he did not. This says a lot about the ministerial talents Ah Loong has that he still need Minister Heng to do the job.

  11. /// 13. In the future economy, our people should have deep skills and be inspired to learn throughout their lives; our businesses should be innovative and nimble; our city connected and vibrant, continually renewing itself; and our Government coordinated, inclusive, and responsive. ///

    Please lah.
    Take a look at what you did to:
    - Amos Yee
    - Roy Ngerng
    - Han Hui Hui
    - Ai Takagi & Yang Kai Heng

    Who are you trying to bluff?

  12. This says a lot about the ministerial talents Ah Loong has that he still need Minister Heng to do the job.
    9:34 am

    Why not? Even potential liver transplant patients can and also want to be PAP candidate and even won to become MP some more.

    This shows that in the eyes of majority Sinkies, the Sinkie opposition is even worse, tio bo? Or else how could they lose to even such PAP candidates and ministers, u tell me lah?

  13. Take a look at what you did to:
    - Amos Yee
    - Roy Ngerng
    - Han Hui Hui
    - Ai Takagi & Yang Kai Heng
    9:42 am

    But then seriously lah, u think these people can form a better govt than PAP?

    Because smart and talented Sinkies won't behave like them.


  14. We are very very good with words!

    We are equally very very good in talks!

    But when come to implemention........we are down down!

    Are our economy in trouble now.....next few years?

  15. Are our economy in trouble now.....
    9:50 am

    So? Didn't PAP won 70% votes?

    And where are the protests (legal some more) at Hong Lim Park?


  16. Liver Patient GM of SATs Still want to have 16k
    MPs allowances.

    Ask him whether his organisation give another liver patient employee

    to be in service. ???

    Announced only when he is in by the daft voters and the rest of his gang praise him to be a brave man and give him standing ovation.

    Now they wanted to have a rail academy and what logistic college.

    Shipping as number one in Asia and now got to study to catch up.

    MRT manintance staff not have common sense to prevent unnecessary deaths.

  17. seriously, we don't like each other. rather save rats in Bukit Batok than save sinkies and their sing song talk cock idiotic leaders, tio bo?
    You see, sing song talk cock over rated and over educated idiotic leaders need to have their cocks massaged first before you can get things done. And hey teach you to do that with each other. After a while, when you massage each other cocks, every one become cock heads. You like meh, think like cocks and look like cocks?

    Pls lah. Amos says...fuck you bunch of idiots. See, how to progress for people like him because he refused to massage the cocks.

    Well, for those who willing to massage and serve cocks, how many like them? Seriously...so seriously, with millions of cock sucking foreigners adding to the pretensciouness.

    All cock sucking idiots in Sin milking each other for what? Money making Innovation and creativity? You believe? Pls...lol

  18. Cock suckers can come up with only cock sucking idieas, understand? At the end of the day, cock heads can only enslave everyone to be cock suckers. So your primarily role must be to obey the laws of cockheads there after, massage cock head with your ideas if you want to be richly rewarded.

    In that case, might as well go foreign country and suck cocks lah. At least, you get bigger space there to have sex lah

  19. Rb //Just gather a few heads and within a day or two you could get all the motherhood statements you want.//

    This is the sad part ........ ?

    Sigh pie :( .......?

    When there is nothing really new, just broad-based policies, many things sinkies would have expected the scholars to have in their SOPs (and policies templates), the fact that it took so LO(OOOOOOOOO)NG to even come out with it SPEAKS VOLUME (the likely outcomes and) what lies ahead?

    1. How LO(OOOOOOOOOO.....OOOOOO)NG would each motherhood statment takes to reach its goals?

      And by how much does it affect the growth?

      And by how LO(OOOOOOOOOO.....OOOOOOO)NG does it affect the growth?

      All these are unanswered questions?

      Also many other unanswered questions?

      How much will it costs ($$$$$$$$$.......$$$$$$$$$)?

      $$$ ($$$$$$$$.........$$$$$$$) come from where (poor sinkies? Backsides gg to "tear" le?)?

      Meanwhile, growth comes from where?

      How much would the short run policies cost ($$$$$$ ........$$$$$$$$) over the next few years while waiting for all these mostly motherhood statements to (be implemented and) work?

      Again (short run policies) $$$$$ come from where and what are the MEC (marginal efficiency of capital) spent?

      Dun say going to be 2 to 3 year old (newly) renovated hawker centres going tear down (again) and rebuild?

      And oso "PUB-type" dig one road( causing so much traffic obstructions, downtime, loss of economic output, jams and sometimes even traffic accidents ....), then put cables, covered back, then few weeks ( and sometimes mths) later dig again, same things happened all over again?

      This is what the so called motherhood statements "deepen capabilities ......", " strengthen enterprise innovate ......" ....... omg ......?

      Totally mismatch with realities and ground leh?

      No wonder some say "scholars" are best with "fooling around with 5 gu niangs" ...... u know ....... the 5 on each hand ........ "masturbation champions"?

  20. Pay people to write few good stories to bluff the nation they are expert.

  21. You like sinkies? Get real. It is painful to live and work together let alone create anything meaningful except making use of each other for money. What future? Go send your kids to hell better


  22. Think Sin is not that bad as painted.
    lt has at least 2 to 4 decades to survive albeit it shall be very challenging for the Average Sinkies.
    Sinkies themselves are very aware and they empathize with their leeders, at least about 70% currently do and by the Next General Election it could be well over 80%.

    As for the Current Regime planning for the Development of Sin, rest assure they will do their very best. ln a decade or two, the Sin Rulers themselves shall have plenty of investments abroad and many of their offsprings would have being foreign citizens.

    Like what Commenter b had said many times; the Sin Government is in a way showing Sinkies the Way subtly to leave Sin. lt os up to Sinkies to take their initiative.



  23. "Go send your kids to hell better"
    The rich send their kids overseas to better hell. There is the hope they are selling you.

  24. Love is the key. There is no love in Sin. Only hypocrisy, your major weakness. When you dabble in religion, and unite them with your laws, you are playing with fire.

    Welcome to the religion of Sin.

  25. Where is your source of creativity if not from the pit of hell?

  26. CFE Report Executive Summary Pg: 5

    ///20. In our next phase of internationalisation, our people will need to acquire deeper knowledge of regional markets. They can only do so by spending time in these markets. We should use the SkillsFuture Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) to expose potential corporate leaders to quality overseas assignments. We can also do better to ease the concerns of Singaporean parents over their children’s education when taking on overseas assignments. For instance, online platforms such as the Student Learning Space can be used to help their children stay in touch with the national curriculum. We can also smooth the transition when these children return to Singapore – for example, by facilitating their enrolment in the International Baccalaureate programme – to ensure continuity of learning.///

    Knn .......

    Since late 1980s/ early 1990s, LKY already talked LO(OOOOOOO .....OOO)NG ago about DEVELOPING 2ND WING?

    "Next phase of internationislation ....."?

    Yew mean after developing 2nd wing for almost 30 years, "our people knowledge of regional markets" still haven't graduate from "kindergarten phase"?

    And need a "new" verLEE OLD "strategy" to do that?

    Now u know why mee wanted to "smash the printed copy on the floor" (in a "moment of extreme anguish, disgust and disbelief")?

    1. Frankly, sinkies need to think deeper how, under what context, who, how long, what entities ........ etc are going to be involved and ..... how to get it done, to implement it?

      The whole motherhoods statements sound "deep" till u dissect them and ask how to get it done, how to implement it, .......then u realised ...... omg?

      Got make sense or not?

      Meanwhile, some parts of sinkies lives are "burning" and who/what "putting out the fires" .......?

      Talk, talk, talk really cheap leh ......?

      Also about sinkies' children education ......?

      That one already quite jiak lat now if u are a parent in sinkieland and count every month your kids spent on private tuition in $$$ and hours?

      So now they are so "far-sighted" and going to help u and ur kids when the parents are based overseas in the kids education?

      Any takers?

      Goooooo....oooood "LUCK"!

  27. The pimps are wearing white. They are constantly saying...you how much? And you are saying...how much you want?

  28. Hey! Hey! This year is the TALK COCK YEAR leh!:D

    1. @ Anonymous February 14, 2017 12:38 pm
      //Hey! Hey! This year is the TALK COCK YEAR leh!:D//

      What "THING(S)" (they) talked cock u referring to?

      Btw, just a gentle reminder of of the title of this post by Uncle RB:

      Committee for Future Economy – CFE//

  29. 2. Acquire and utilise deep skills

    When you first appoint a retail manager to be the CEO of MRT.
    And then after the screwups, you appoint an army general to be CEO of MRT.
    - how are you going to acquire and utilize deep skills?
    - the CEOs themselves are got no skills ... how will the rest of MRT acquire deep skills?

  30. 3. Strengthen enterprise capabilities to innovate and scale up
    - Please ask Dr Ting Choon Meng whether the PAP government is serious about strengthening enterprise capabilities to innovate and scale up.

    Mindef patent case: Dr Ting Choon Meng and TOC website 'made false claims'


  31. 7. Partner each other to enable innovation and growth

    Was the PAP government and MINDEF willing to partner with Dr Ting Choon Meng to enable innovation and growth?


  32. It is all pivoted on the quality of people.

    If they are cocks, call them what they are..cocks.

    What good can come out of cock people? Better lives? For who? Cock people?

    So we are on point...Cock for Fucking Ediots

  33. CFE or not, at the end of the day, the reins are in garment hands?

    And many functions of governance already long ago institutionalised?

    So good or bad, the institutions act as stabilizers (and even/ weed out "fluctuations")?

    But frankly hor, this report like everything oso want to improve or change?

    Like that kind of remind of those students in exam regurgitate (/"vomit") all the points then let teachers choose what points are relevant?

    As far as marking are concerned, usually such answers cannot get high marks de cos never answer to the question (but just "vomit" everything the students know in their answers)?

    Frankly, for a patient, how to operate from head to toe and make the patient recover?

    And how to coordinate all the surgeons and nurses from like 20+ to 30+ areas of specialties?

    When, what, how much medicationa to take for each operation done almost at the same time?

    Got such thing in real world meh?

    Also, while waiting for the patient to "survive such an ordeal", common sinkies eat grass or what?

    Don't make sense right?

    So, the only hope now (for sinkies) is rely on the institutions built by old guards (to withstand the turbulence if any)?

  34. /// 13. In the future economy, our people should have deep skills and be inspired to learn throughout their lives; our businesses should be innovative and nimble; our city connected and vibrant, continually renewing itself; and our Government coordinated, inclusive, and responsive. ///

    Take a look at what happened to:
    - Tan Cheng Bock
    - Chee Soon Juan
    - JB Jeyaretnam
    - Francis Seow

    On the one hand, we have their vision through their rose tinted glasses
    And on the other hand, there is OUR reality based upon historical examples.

  35. Singapore is the smallest cuntry in the world.
    It also has the largest echo chamber in the world.

  36. Live in Sin, dies in Sin, period.

  37. 72. At the same time, our approach is an inclusive one, for we want the fruits of our
    growth to be enjoyed by all Singaporeans. We want an economy that offers ample
    opportunities, with all Singaporeans enjoying sustainable wage growth and
    meaningful careers.

    I don't know what to say.
    Million dollar salaries for Mental Masturbators.
    Peanuts for Singaporeans.

    Inclusive enough or not?

  38. 68. The CFE sets out the broad strategy. What matters is to
    put these strategies to work
    . We are confident we can execute our plans, for we are resourceful as a
    nation and determined as a people. During implementation, we will take an
    adaptive approach, continuing strategies which are successful, discontinuing those which are
    not, and making major changes where necessary.

    I don't know what the fuck the Mental Masturbators have been doing for the last 10 years ... but it sure does not feel like they have been working
    eg MRT has been breaking down regularly for the last 10 years
    - and the solution is to put an Army General there as CEO ??!!!

  39. "The pimps are wearing white. They are constantly saying...you how much? And you are saying...how much you want?"

    We don't call them prostitutes...we call them professionals now

  40. Rb //What is this CFE all about? Should we be bothered with gazing at the crystal ball of the future? How could such an exercise benefit the country and people when there are very serious challenges facing the country that no one could see or want to talk about? We may not have a thriving Singapore in another 30 years if we don't address the serious fundamental problems of the country and the shallow mindset that is supposed to be driving the country forward. //

    If this CFE tinkie turned out (eventually) to be "a wild goose chase" (and a "dud"), 5 or 10 years of (precious) time, (precious) $$$, (precious) manpower, (unaffordable) opportunity costs ....... etc could be "down the chute"?

    After that somboLEE else comes out with "CFE 2" .......(to solve CFE [1] "problems)?

    Oh dear ........?

  41. Develop an economy to facilitate legal prostitution. How much are you willing to sell your women and children to pimps?

    Your people are old, assets are sagging and what do you do? Go overseas and source for prostitutes lah

    A land full of prostitutes got future meh?

  42. Good for fucking each other...tio bo?

  43. Big countries are looking at how to close their doors to prostitutes and Sin is shouting at the top of the tower....cum cum...open up your pu55ie5...we welcome you

  44. //17. We need to strengthen trade cooperation, and reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, such as through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community (AEC) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
    (RCEP). //

    Tmr (15 Feb 2017) onwards matland cars enter "peesai" need pay equivalent Rm20 leh?

    And sinkie cars enter matland also same since Nov 2016?

    So "talk cock sing song" abt "We need to strengthen trade cooperation, and reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, such as through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community (AEC)"
    can lah ...... but in reality, reverse happen leh?


    Go ask "Mr Hari Kiri" what he said last month lor .......?

    So all these ("tkss") motherhood statements can work in reality or not?

    Why sinkies paying people millions per year to "tkss"?

  45. Sin's leaders expert in talking mammon because you are prostitutes.

  46. I thought I saw Moses coming down from Mt Sinai armed with the 10 commandments to solve the problems of the world.

    These men are acting like they have the solutions to a great and prosperous Singapore. How I wish that this is true. Please make my dream come true, that this is what Singapore needs.

  47. Moses is what you got..laws that made you go round and round the wilderness until you beg to return to slavery. Moses, the old man, died in dry land

  48. //AnonymousFebruary 14, 2017 2:49 pm
    Sin's leaders expert in talking mammon because you are prostitutes.//

    Did u mean the other way?

    When u nid prostitutes, no nid go geylang?

    Scholars are verLEE "with handjobs"?

    Cos there are 5 "beautiful gu niangs" on their hands?

    They are "masters of M"(aka handjobs)?

  49. What mental masturbation? They don't masturbate. The leaders have their flies down all the time when they walk around public area and the board rooms because they are proud of their fat cocks. They know because the laws guarantee their cocks will be sucked by your women and children.

    Life is good in Sin for big fat cocks. That's why the committee is set up for cock people to fill your mouths!

  50. Heng ah, Sinkies can look forward to SG100 with this CPE recommendations. Someone shout 'eureka' please.

  51. It is the year of he cock to remind you that thou shall worship the cock.

    Suck it well and the devil may even deliver the nations into your hands

    The Chinese cock score card looks pretty impressive now

  52. ///Recommendation 3.1: Strengthen our innovation ecosystem
    32. The Government has invested significantly in research and development (R&D). The CFE recommends establishing commercially-oriented entities that have the technical expertise, business networks, and instincts to better commercialise the
    research findings and intellectual property (IP) of our research institutions. We also recommend developing a standardised IP protocol for all public agencies and
    publicly-funded research performers, to simplify the commercialisation process.///

    After more than 2 decades of splurging billions and billions, now then realised?

    What (rooster) strategy is this?

    "Invested significantly ......"?

    How many trillions huh (down the drain)?

    Care to make it transparent?

    Is the sampan "l3aking"?

  53. Dear oldi3s (in msn),

    If u aspire to live longer, mb should not touch the report with 1 gazillion-foot pole ........?

    Heard from "hearsay" some vomitted blood after reading it?

  54. Redbean, Spore is excellent at stupidity, boasting,
    refusing to hear contradictory views and criticism,
    building up a culture of yes men, twisting facts and
    figures, giving up our businesses/jobs to foreigners,
    offering unbelieveable reasons for policies, fear,
    raising prices, useless construction to raise the GDP.
    Lots more when you sit down and think about it. Sad!


    The Madness of the US-Engineered Coup That Toppled, Raped and Murdered Muammar Qaddafi!

    For whatever intents or purposes, the Mad US Media has successfully painted Muammar Qaddafi as a cruel dictator, a tyrant or whatever they called him. They failed to show the kind, caring and giving aspects of Qaddafi to his people.

    These are the facts about the Libyan Leader, Muammar Qaddafi:

    1. There is no electricity bill in Libya - electricity is free for all its citizens.

    2. There is no interest on loans - banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.

    3. Housing is considered a human right in Libya – Qaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Qaddafi's father died while he, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent.

    4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$50,000) from the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

    5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya - before Qaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate; today 83% of Libyans are literate. 25% of Libyan Citizens have a University degree.

    6. Should Libyans want to take up farming careers, they would receive a piece of farm land, a farm house, farming equipment, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms – all provided free by the government.

    7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to go abroad for it – not only free, but they also get a US$2,300 per month allowance for accommodation and transportation.

    8. If a Libyan buys a new car from Libya, the government subsidized 50% of the price.

    9. The price of petrol in Libya is only US$0.14 per liter.

    10. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now frozen globally.

    11. If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation, the State would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed, until employment is found.

    12. A portion of Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of ALL Libyan citizens. Under Qaddafi's Oil-Revenue-Sharing Program, each Libyan gets US$500 dumped into his or her bank account every month.

    13. A mother who gives birth to a child receives US$5,000 immediately.

    14. Price of daily common-need commodities, e.g. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs only US$0.15.

    15. Qaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country. The water is free of charge to All Libyan Citizens.

    16. Women in Libya have equal rights, not only as a philosophy, but also in practice.

    17. Libyans have a direct participatory democracy based on People’s Conferences that puts other “democracies” to shame.

    18. One thing is certain: the Libyans never knew the meaning of poverty under Qaddafi.

    19. Prior to the international sanctions placed on Qaddafi & Libya in the 1980s, the country was one of the richest in the world by GDP per capita – with a living standard higher than Japan. It was the richest in Africa, before the US-Engineered Coup to topple, rape and murder Qaddafi.

    20. The living standard – GDP per capita is $11,314 for Libya. One cannot claim the Libyans are poor if they live better than many of the Western citizens. Qaddafi always looked after the average Libyan.

    21. A country’s wealth used to depend on how much gold it had in the treasury, not how many dollars it traded. Libya also has 144 tons of gold. The UK, for example, has twice as much, but ten times the population.

    22. Regarding the terrorist label branded upon Qaddafi: Libya is the only country in North Africa where terrorists do not exist. Fundamentalists have no voice whatsoever in Libya. Not a single terror-incident has been recorded in Libya during Qaddafi's regime.

    Was the US mad to want to destabilize a peaceful country just because she does not suck up to the madness of USA?

  56. I think people come to realize that this small island is only a good stopover. When doing well, the elites took all the credits and gave the people high immigrats from third world and high costs. When doing poor, the elites blamed the people and gave them increase transport, parking, healthcare costs to continue to milk them. Every smart youngsters want to get out. The system is broken long time ago. The fault lies on the elites. They are selfish and greedy but that applies everywhere.

  57. February 14, 2017 5:00 pm>>

    Actually GDF do not need to die if he knows how to play his cards well. Unfortunately, he thinks he is above the chief inspector. He should learn more from Japan Abe.

  58. Moses Heng has come down from the ivory tower with 7 strategies given to him by the Dragon God.
    These 7 strategies will guide Singaporeans as we wander in the desert for the next 40 years in search of the Promised Land.

  59. SINGAPORE — As a two-time convict, Ms Moon, 28, whose name has been changed for privacy reasons, did not think she would get a job or a community that would accept her drug-related criminal past.

    However, after she landed a job at Nando’s Chickenland Singapore, Ms Moon found herself surrounded by supportive and encouraging colleagues at the restaurant. In one year, she has been promoted from being a service crew member to a “buddy” trainer. She hopes she will be able to become an assistant manager one day.

    These are the kind of stories Sin likes to preach. She once was lost but now she has found life and life. And life is a new course of slavery in the form of a a job which offers her hope to work for the rich and be rich.

    But many never become rich but instead, if lucky, suspended between hell and heaven which is as good as dead. You see many of these pioneers rotting away in housing estates.

    Many young now will join them soon.

    Lieutenant Adnan Saidi, commander of Platoon No. 7 of C Company, 1st Battalion, was one of those who perished during the Battle of Pasir Panjang.

    Although he was seriously wounded during the attack, Adnan and his troops refused to surrender, and fought the Japanese to the very end. When he was captured by the Japanese, Adnan was shot, bayoneted and his body hung by his legs from a tree.



    Let us honour a forgotten war hero.
    Do you think he is more deserving of a memorial than LKY ??
    Why not a memorial to him at the place where he and his Platoon has fallen defending Singapore?

  61. The Mental Masturbation
    72. At the same time, our approach is an inclusive one, for we want the fruits of our
    growth to be enjoyed by all Singaporeans. We want an economy that offers ample
    opportunities, with all Singaporeans enjoying sustainable wage growth and
    meaningful careers.

    The Reality


  62. Rules For Rulers (Or How The World Really Works)
    Suggest you watch this video before you criticize the CFE.


  63. Both oppositions and the incumbent are talking crap for years and basically rehashing crap by repackaging it in fancier speeches.

    The problem still is..how to prostitute yourself to the highest bidder, their solution, and still money not enough for many(your problem),

  64. What is CFE?

    Earlier on, I asked, "What is CFE?" Because I was very ignorant, I could not comprehend what it was all about. I read so many commentators, obviously trying their best to draw attention to it, kept repeating the evergreen 7 "strategies", which could have been lifted from some thesis, dissertations or college students' essays.

    After I read the explanation above, thanks to RB, I am now a little bit enlightened. But I couldn't help but kept laughing my guts out. Future Economy! I asked myself, "Is there such a thing as "Future Economy"? How do you define "Future Economy"? Based on what parameters, what criteria? How do you predict the outcome of the "Economy" in the next five or ten years?
    How can you see into the "Future"?

    You simply can't! Nobody, not even the Genius of Geniuses, can see what the "Future" will be. Maybe a group of top Singapore Scholars can? Then we should all give them the title "Gods".

    Whoever is trying to tell others what to do for the "Future Economy" - whether 7 strategies or 14 strategies - would have to know what the "Future" will be. Can he? Even if he had the best vision with super intelligence, he simply CANNOT! This is common sense. So, please don't try to bluff the commoners with flowery words by pouring old wine into new bottles. Not only China-Bashing MUST stop. All Bull-Shitting MUST stop.

    I am now more convinced that CFE means CON, FRIGHTEN and ELIMINATE.

    Let me repeat what I explained earlier on:

    1. They CON you, as a matter of Standard Operating Procedures. They will do their best to impress upon you how capable they are, even to the extent of paying CON-sultans to rename Marina Bay, Marina Bay after wasting taxpayers' money $750,000. They will try their utmost to convince you what they will be doing for you, with you and stand-by you. Then they will "bribe" you by dishing out a few pieces of sweeteners and goodies from what has been left over in the previous year inside their waste-baskets.

    2. Next, they FRIGHTEN you with internal and external security problems, internal economic difficulties, external Geo-politico-economic factors, and/or terrorists threats, and so on and so forth. Or, they will keep telling you, you are not good enough, even scoring 97 marks out of 100 marks is not good enough; even having acquired with a MBA form World Best University called NTU, is a mismatch in the local job market. They keep reminding you that foreigners from 3rd World Countries like India, Philippines, Vietnam are better than you. And when you are doing well in your own little private business, they disrupt you by calling you up for In-Camp Training Overseas for 3 to 4 weeks, in order to screw you good and proper, so that you cannot even compete with foreign trash. Finally, you have to give up your little private business and go and become a taxi driver or security officer (guard).

    3. Then they will ELIMINATE you, if you still do not succumb to all the above! This can be done in many ways. One way is to get the Tax Collectors to dig into your tax returns. Another way is to get the CPIB to go after you. Yet another is to sue you till bankrupt; or send you the a mental hospital either for good or to destroy your credibility, credentials and career. Or, they will character-assassinate you, if you are attempting to become an Opposition member in the Parliament. Finally, the most cruel and ruthless way, of course, is to imprison you without trial for as long as they want, through the use of the ISA.

    Talk is cheap. Let us see how the seven "strategies" are translated into practical actions that can benefit not only the Instant Multi-Millionaire Ministers and the Chosen Elites, Cronies, Temasek Holdings, GIC, NTUC and GLCs, but EACH AND EVERY SINGAPOREAN, even those Pioneers who are on Pension without annual adjustment for inflation!

  65. @ February 14, 2017 9:09 pm

    Whenever we hear PAP talk about building a future with Singaporeans;
    I suggest you better run in the opposite direction.

    PAP's shared future with us is:
    Million dollar salaries for them.
    Peanuts for us Singaporeans.

    Is this fair?
    Is this true?
    You tell me.

  66. Sex sells. The economy is sexy. The 7 deadly Sins are what they are peddling. Being human, you can't resist and naturally are exploited for profit. They then use the profit and seduce you with more sex.

    You approvingly submit to more sexual exploitation. You can't get enough so you went overseas to recruit more into your sex ring for orgy session.

    You are a productive sex slave in denial so don't blame the pimps.

  67. Rb //Maybe we should start to bid in a big way for contracts in other countries to build hawker centres.//

    Uncle RB,

    U r wrong?

    There is an even more "special" commodity found only in the "peesai" .......?

    Skin, very thick ones?

    When human can "twist" motherhood statements that many run contrary to realities into "strategies" which are supposed to lead slaves out of the wilderness, who could do that if they dun have skins thicker than crocodile hides?

    7 "strategies" that tell the slaves they can "turn stones in the deserts into bread"?

    Sand into "water"?

    By reciting these "magical" motherhood statements in the middle of no where?

    Do u think the slaves can walk out of the deserts alive?

    So, dun forget sinkieland has comparative advantage in another commodity, skins, very thick ones that can be used to replace those latest inpenetrable armour tank plates?

    Faster market to the tank manufacturers worldwide in Germany, US, Russia etc abt this latest thick skins stronger than the best armour plates the tank manufacturers have in their arsenal?

  68. Singapore does have talent, but they choose to serve foreign masters(unwillingly) because the serving local towkay is even worse.

  69. @ February 14, 2017 5:04 pm

    Qaddafi play his cards very well. Now we know, through CIA's revelation, that he was willing to cooperate with the US fully. But Hillary Clinton wanted him dead! Heard of the famous quote from Hillary Clinton?

    "We came, we saw, he died!"

    Watch this:


  70. About gadafi, i had spend at least 10 hours getting information about him. Of course he looks evil. But remember the story Beauty and the Beast. So here are my views.
    1. Gdf overthrown king Idris in 1967. Priorly, it was seen that Idris was a coward, when italians attacked, he ran away. Then idris pakat with british.who helped drive away the cruel italians army. Idris was installed as king, but he is a puppet of the british. After oil was discovered, idris allowed british to siphon off all the oil money to british. Gdf got fedup with this nonsense, so he staged a bloodless coupdetat.
    2. Gdf reformed n mordernise libya in the first 15 years or so. Libya became the envy of the muslim world. This is true, not fake. Ask any muslim.
    3. The 1988 lockerbie bomb was done by an individual Libyan but evidence on his guilt is not conclusive. Gdf offered $1 billion to the west because he cannot tahan the economic sanctions against him. So the world assumed he ordered lockerbie bomb. He had always maintained he was not the mastermind.
    4. Gadafi soon became friend of usa, uk as well, because he denounced terrorism. Hillary even shook hand with him, and he visited Washington.
    5. Gadf was brutal to his enemies. But libya, it has the most oil in africa. So those in bengahzi always want to break away.., some foreigners pretended to be libyans. they eventually got CIA support.
    6. Gadf was almost succeding to built United States of Africa, he led numerous difficult Afro countries . His concept of using gold to sell oil was too much for the west,
    7. Gadf always claim a lot of the "rebels" were from non Libyans, so he has a right to respond and solve the rebels, who were armed by Hillary.
    8. Hillary and obama lied and said gdf will bomb many many libyan civilians, so without congress approval, NATO use military force.
    9. After gdf was gone, the devil was released, there were afro mercenaries, and isis, and al-Qaida all grab the Libyan weapons and pretend to be rebels, because American is supporting "rebels" to install "democracy"
    10. President putin has condemned numerous times obama lies that led to gadafi murder.
    Don't believe? Never mind. Gdf unfortunately has an evil face, not like pretty hillary clinton. Do not judge a person by his looks.

  71. how many committees does it take to realise that even a small 1% reduction ..across the board..in government charges will lead to an uplifting of the economy...look at the increased charges over the past 4months alone...car park charges..power & gas..water coming..look at the charges over the past years..gst..fwl..Erp....how not to get angry???

  72. How to pay the millionaires their salary if don't increase tax?

  73. CFE Report Page 62:
    ///147. The Government can use lead demand to drive innovation and build capabilities in a few ways:
    a. Issue public sector challenges to encourage companies to explore, pilot and co-develop innovative solutions to specific problems. ///

    Many in "peesai" would probably agree that the best example is frequent MRT breakdown in the past 10 years .......?

    With millions and billions in monetary and manpower thrown in, the MRT has not stopped breakdowning even in the past week?

    Innovative solutions to solve MRT breakdown problems?

    After 10 years, with billions spent and almost unlimited manpower thrown at the problem, noboLEE is nearer to any solution to solve the problem?

    What are the chances of all the talk, talk, talk (cock) motherhood (chest thumping) statements materialising?

    Can see the BIG DISCONNECT between all the motherhood statements and realities?

  74. CFE Report, Executive Summary, Page 15:

    ///72. At the same time, our approach is an inclusive one, for we want the fruits of our growth to be enjoyed by all Singaporeans. We want an economy that offers ample
    opportunities, with all Singaporeans enjoying sustainable wage growth and meaningful careers.///

    " ..... with all Singaporeans enjoying sustainable wage growth and meaningful careers."


    What COCK yewall TALKING?

    All the current retrenched PMETs driving taxis, working as security guards "enjoying sustainable wage growth and meaningful careers"?

    What kind of COCK language yew talking?

    Dun think the common men on the street understand such TKSS except the PIMPS And Prostitutes (in the immortal world of cloud surrounded 10,000th storey iTowers)?

    " At the same time, our approach is an inclusive one, for we want the fruits of our growth to be enjoyed by all Singaporeans. ........"

    In the face of one of the highest GINI Coefficient in the developed economies of almost 0.5 (as compared to 0.20+ in many European countries), some super thick skin people dare to print publicly their growth approach is "an inclusive one, for we want the fruits of our growth to be enjoyed by all Singaporeans ......."???

    Can anyone in msn believe their eyes?

    Read those ridiculous claims?

    Will make oldies (in msn) vomit blood or not?

  75. The following are the glaring threats to the Singapore economy, yet those who pride themselves to be world best leaders have embarked upon shoulder-rubbing highfalutin rhetoric to make themselves feel good, instead of seriously coming out with concrete measures to tackle these imminent threats:

    1. The Anti-Globalization Movement of the West.
    2. The challenges to Singapore's positions as the Air-Hub in the Region.
    3. The increasing threats to Singapore as an Entrepot Port.
    4. The advancement of clean energy technologies to replace fossil fuels.
    5. The increased utilization of robotics and artificial intelligence.

    The CFE report is nothing but a re-bottling of reports painted by the Economic Strategies Committee in 2010 and the Economic Review Committee in 2003. A sampling comparison of these reports shows the similarity:

    1. Innovation and growth
    CFE: Partner each other to enable innovation and growth.
    ESC: Make skills, innovation and productivity the basis for sustaining Singapore’s economic growth.
    ERC: [Bank] on creativity and innovation to power the economy.

    2. Helping incubators and startups
    CFE: Research in universities...adds buzz to university incubators.
    ESC: Introduce...incubator spaces for creative industries and start-ups.
    ERC: Continue to nurture local...incubators and startups.

    3. Manufacturing and services
    CFE: Build on our strengths in key manufacturing and services sectors.
    ESC: Be a key global center for high value manufacturing and services.
    ERC: Remake Singapore into a diversified economy powered by...manufacturing and services.

    4. Aviation and shipping connectivity
    CFE: Strengthen [our] status as a global aviation and shipping hub...and enhance [our] digital connectivity.
    ESC: Strengthen our [aviation and maritime] trade linkages and enhance our connectivity.
    ERC: Maximize air and sea connectivity to strengthen supply-chain offering to manufacturers.

    5. MNC-SME collaboration
    CFE: Foster collaboration between larger corporations and Singapore-based SMEs.
    ESC: Provide incentives for MNCs to co-develop innovative products and services with SMEs.
    ERC: Remake Singapore...where vibrant Singapore companies complement MNCs.

    6. Foreign workers
    CFE: Ensure that our local workforce is complemented by skilled foreign workers.
    ESC: Give employers incentive to retain experienced and skilled foreign workers.
    ERC: Ensure that our foreign worker policies...allow companies to employ the workers they need.

    7. Intellectual Property development
    CFE: Commercialise the research findings and IP of our research institutions.
    ESC: Grow...headquarter-related activities, R&D, IP management
    ERC: Strengthen R&D efforts...so as to create and exploit IP.

    8. Developing workers
    CFE: Companies should play a bigger role in developing their workers.
    ESC: Maximise the potential and performance of every worker.
    ERC: Assist companies with preparation, training and upgrading of their Singaporean workers

    9. Global city
    CFE: A globally-oriented people with deep and relevant skills, in a smart city that encourages vibrancy, sustainability and connectivity.
    ESC: The best quality education, advanced skills, research capabilities, and the infrastructure and connectivity of a global city.
    ERC: A globalised economy where Singapore is the key node in the global network, linked to all the major economies.

    10. Risk-taking, entrepreneurship and innovation
    CFE: Develop an innovative society, where our enterprises and people...are adept at creativity and risk-taking.
    ESC: Make enterprise innovation pervasive.
    ERC: Evolve new social values which celebrate entrepreneurship and risk-taking.

    After two long years of research and study by a huge group of "experts", what has the CFE offered? Zilch! Nothing that is new! It could only be madness that the CFE has failed to make concrete, workable recommendations to really transform the Singapore economy.
