
Trump's America versus Old America and the Establishment

Trump's America is all about American First, about shutting off illegal immigrants and about terrorists arriving in America to turn America into turmoil. The initial impression of Trump is that he is the 'Just do it' man, the man that fixed things. And the banning of 7 Arab Muslim countries is just the right thing to do, the right solution to protect and save America and American lives.

The commentators in mysingaporenews have rightly pointed out that Trump is missing the target by a mile and looking a bit silly, or did not know what he is doing. This is a very fundamental problem, to identify the problem, I mean the real problem, not wishy washy fabricated or self deluded problems like setting up your own strawman for target practice. If one does not want to look at the real problems, if one is silly not to know the real problem, and identify fake problems, then the solutions would be farcical and laughable to be kind. Can apply this to the CFE context. Ok, what are the real issues on terrorists attacking America? The guys here have rightly pointed out that the real terrorists or at least proven during the 911 bombing of WTO towers did not come from the 7 countries or at least the majority were confirmed to be from Saudi Arabia or Egypt. And the immigrants from these two countries were not banned! What is happening? Is Trump dumb, wayanging and not really wanting to solve the terrorist problem? Why the 7 countries and not those countries that are producing the terrorists? Not knowing the real problem means not knowing the real solution.

Then there is this US$21.6 billion wall to be built along the borders of Mexico. Can the wall really keep the illegals out? Can they come in by air or by sea? How deep is the wall to prevent them from tunnelling along the 2000 mile border? The relatively short border around Israel is already a huge hole to plug. Would Trump be building a Trump shield over the air and a marine net in the seas and hardening the grounds to prevent tunnelling? And the very open and big holes in the immigration check points, how to plaster them? The consolation is that building the wall is another way of creating jobs for the Americans.

Another big issue raised is the real ruler of the US. Who is running the country, the elected President Trump with executive authority or the judges in the judiciary? It is looking like the judges are running the country or at least ruling over Trump the President. Yes, should not the judges be dealing with legal and constitutional issues, on whether what Trump did were legal or constitutional and not about morally right or wrong. These are beyond the courts of law.

Trump was elected by the majority of the Americans just to do what he promised to do. That is democracy, the will of the people, but the judges are saying no to the American people. This is a strange development in democratic America. The judges are acting against the wishes of the people vested upon the president they elected. And it was rightly pointed out that the judges are not going to be responsible or to answer should terrorists blow up America. Trump will be held responsible. What an irony!

Another strange contradiction raised in the discussion is that the Americans voted for a President that wanted to champion American First. In Singapore, the people voted out a politician that wanted to champion Singaporean First. A logical conclusion is that a politician that contested on a platform calling for Foreigners First would likely to have a higher chance of winning an election in Singapore than one calling for Singaporean First.

This is turning into a mad mad world, or mad America and mad Singapore.


  1. /// In Singapore, the people voted out a politician that wanted to champion Singaporean First. ///

    Nothing new lah.
    Jean-Marie Le Pen, National Front, in France.
    Took about 25 years for him to gain acceptance.
    Not sure if Hainan Ah Kor willing to do the same amount of work.



  2. Not sure if Hainan Ah Kor willing to do the same amount of work.
    9:50 am

    Hahahaha. I think Hainan Ah Kor may even give up as a politician, if he cannot make his Sing First Party stronger and ready to be govt by next election.

    Because if he is a smart but not opportunistic Sinkie, why would he want to contest elections with 93% chance of losing, tio bo?

    In GE 2015, he may have good reasons (because if you never try, you will never know) to be opportunistic, but after trying and Sinkies taught him a lesson, I think he will become smarter. And being an Oxford graduate (majoring in politics, economics and philosophy) he is unlikely to be stupid lah.

  3. PAP's Singapore-Singaporeans remind me of the song from the Lego movie.
    - "Everything is awesome"

    - the song is a parody of creeping fascism
    - same, same in Singapore ... "everything is awesome"


    Take a look at the lyrics below
    - a lot of it applies to Singaporeans


  4. CFE report maps out blueprint for Singapore's future: What you need to know
    After a year of deliberations, the Committee on the Future Economy has unveiled its report on how Singapore can be reshaped for the future. Channel NewsAsia looks at what the recommendations mean for the average Singaporean worker, local businesses and the broader economy.


    TRANSLATION for the Singaporean slave (Joke)
    - no pay increase for you
    - lucky if you still have a job
    - work harder
    - be more efficient
    - vote PAP

    In other words ... MORE OF THE SAME ... NOTHING NEW SINCE 1965

    Million dollar salary for them.
    Peanuts for you.

  5. Million dollar salary for them.
    Peanuts for you.
    10:30 am

    To add one more line: But 70% still voted for them.


  6. Million dollar salary for them.
    Peanuts for you.
    (TRANSLATION: Everything is awesome)

    February 12, 2017 10:30 am

    Lyrics - Everything is Awesome Song

    Everything is awesome
    Everything is cool when you're part of a team
    Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

    Everything is better when we stick together
    Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party forever
    We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony

    Don't forget to vote PAP hor.
    "Everything is awesome."

  7. Trump s wall is not a joke. The wall can stop illegal immigrants from central america and south america to enter US through Mexica. Obama had a plan: allowed illegal immigrants to stay to work, but not application for citizenship. Trump will take all these off from Obama.

    Why? There are immigrants last count in US (2014??)42,400,000. Look at that. It s similar to one little dot on immigration. The result in US now is: many indigenous citizens are jobless.
    The 2016 Nobel Prize in economic s recent research said: US white people had the highest tendency of suicides since years of globalization under Hillary Obama s no border concept.

    Does Trump reacted rashly on the Wall? I do not support this idea. People can point fingers saying Trump is stupid, mad, whatever. I think Trump is very pragmatic. Do not ask me if his IQ is better than yours, so that you can say he is dumb. Just 2014 count: illegal immigrants are 11,710,000 in US. How to deal with such a big group of 12 billions illegal immigrants?

    Without a wall to stop the inflow, this illegal immigrants cannot be solved.

    How to solve the jobless problem with 42 billions immigrants looking for jobs in US? That is Trump s election problem #1: jobs for americans.

    May be only Pap s 10 millions population plan will benefit sinkies and make sinkies so orgasm they will intercourse with pap candidates whenever pap put up whoever they are. In US this will be suicidal for the white if they continue to let in immigrants to snatch away their income.

    There is a difference in intelligence and IQ. US are dumb, and Trump is dumb according to sinkie s definitions. Sinkies are the most high IQ and bright for openning up both hands and legs wide wide to let immigrants screw them. They love it and they vote for the masters in charge to let in more and they ask more immigrants. I must say sinkies are suicidal by nature, that s why they only have reproduction at 1.2 rate. That is the highest in the world, from the bottom count up. The results under pap is so obvious that sinkies must vote for the current masters to be smart and not dumb.


  8. Whether CFE or no CFE,
    the Day of Reckoning shall
    arrive earlier than anticipated.

    Consolation is that there
    is a decade or two of Great
    Sin Sales to go. So desperation and woes are about at least 25 years away unless unexpected befalls earlier.



    1. ....unless unexpected CALAMITY befalls earlier on Sin.

      My apology.



  9. Yes! This is indeed a mad mad mad world!

    It had been a mad mad world before Trump!

    With Trump, yes it has now been the mad mad mad world!

    Let it be! More interesting! More exciting!


  10. /// I must say sinkies are suicidal by nature, that s why they only have reproduction at 1.2 rate. That is the highest in the world, from the bottom count up. The results under pap is so obvious that sinkies must vote for the current masters to be smart and not dumb. ///
    February 12, 2017 10:53 am



  11. dont say say singaporeans so useless and stupid leh......

    many are from world's top top universities here......

    so how can singaporeans be useless and stupid......


  12. 10:53am
    I must make corrections: figures should be 4.2 billions total immigrants and 1.2 billion illegal immigrants.

  13. 11:34am
    0.042billion should be 42.4millions, and 11.17 millions.

  14. Can the Wall work? Redbean asked.
    Yes. The Great Wall of China worked too, generally. Kept out the HsiungNus centuries past. Nothing is perfect, but given the situation in USA, a wall will definitely help. Comeon redbean, you think the Mexican and central American illegals will be swarming air and sea ports if they cannot penetrate the wall? Air and sea ports are very specific entry points between which it is impossible to slip through for physical reason. Therefore air and sea immigration control can easily block immigrants already, unlike a borderless 2000 mile usa mexico physical, walkable terrain. Even woman and child can easily slip past the border if there is no border. Analogy. You can walk overvto bishan from angmkio! A wall will certainly work together with a reduced budget patrolling resource (electronics plus physical manpower deployments).

  15. Can the Wall work? Redbean asked.
    Yes. The Great Wall of China worked too, generally. Kept out the HsiungNus centuries past.
    February 12, 2017 11:41 am

    If I remember correctly.
    The Great Wall of China (Longest Cemetery) bankrupted the Ming Dynasty.

    The Wall like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


  16. While inside US, there are protesters supporting immigrants from the 7 suspect countries, one must remember Trump s position was won by claims on stopping immigrants, and the WALL to be built was most talk about symbol.
    Trump will personally involve in reducing the total cost, he said. It means the WALL will erect up, no matter how.

    This WALL is a symbol of free border crossing s end. Merket is the only one ang mor left to openly claim free border crossing and immigration is the prime policy.

    Schulz of Germany SDP has caught up with Merkel in opinion poll. Similar to Sarkosky, these Hillary similar policians will be down in history forever except one in the far east near south china sea. Immigration of 10 millions in on the card and well supported by voters who are suicidal in their blood.

  17. This WALL is a symbol of free border crossing s end. Merket is the only one ang mor left to openly claim free border crossing and immigration is the prime policy.

    But here in Singapore.
    There are still a lot of Millionaire pseudo ang mor who believes in free border crossing.
    "Singapore belongs to everybody"

  18. Seven strategies were recommended by the 30-member committee, with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong accepting the strategies proposed on behalf of the government.

    However, PM Lee said that “developing the strategies is the first step”, because “what counts is how well we implement them to transform our economy”.


    You see how clever and astute is our PM Lee.
    "“developing the strategies is the first step”, because “what counts is how well we implement them to transform our economy”.

    - give the man another Tiger Beer.
    - give the man another million dollars in salary.
    - only natural aristocrats are capable of making such profound observations

  19. 12:35pm
    "Millionaire pseudo ang mor who believes in free border crossing."

    These people took instructions from Hillary Obama directly or indirectly, inferred or implied, free border crossing is politically correct.

    "Singapore belongs to everybody" is a slogan to tell citizens to love foreigners opening legs wide wide beside the hands.

    If citizens love this policy, they should vote for these pseudo ang mor. Give the support higher than Sadum Hussien 99.99% in 2020GE. Most important they must not cry having no jobs and no income to pay installments of high flat prices.

    The trick in open door free immigration policy is to achieve: low buying power among citizens, and jobless citizens are part of the plan to be replaced by immigrants.
    No dumb citizens will not support this great policy having implemented for 20 over years.

    "Everybody has 2 cars. My wife and me are professional. We each drives a car." Sinkies typical family model, 2 cars one landed property. Agree?

  20. Great Wall bankrupted Ming Dynasty? Nonsense. The great wall originally was build with forced labour zero cost. By the time of Ming Dynasty things have changed considerably. Even if the Great Wall impacted the Ming coffers, you cannot compare ancent China with 21st century USA financial system, fiscal system and political system. Obama dug billions of dollars to bomb innocent people in iraq, libya, syria. And spent enormous amount of money on war. And trump build a wall for everybody good, why are protestors holding placards "NO WALL!" THINK lah!! These anti WALL PEOPLE ARE NOT CAUCASIAN AMERICANS. You know the mayor of sante fe near the border is also spanish Mexican origin? Sure support "welcome immigrants! Welcome refugee!" Analogy. One day,you will have a philipine MP in Singapore.. Naturalised after many years. He's going to be pro immigrants! USA internal illegal immigrants had gotten so out of hand, that legislation alone is not enough to block the exodus of people there in such of better job. The WALL OF TRUMP is a positive step, unless you happen to be related to the immigrants race, paid by them, or you are George Soro's secret puppets all out to destabilise the world!


  21. "This is turning into a mad mad world, or mad America and mad Singapore." - RB

    Yes, you are absolutely right, RB. Our world is now a MAD, MAD World. Don't need to look far. Just look into the comments of your articles at MYSINGAPORENEWS.

    I will be writing about this MAD, MAD World later, in several instalments.

  22. Who has died but still has a heavy influence over public policy in Singapore?

    How does he continue to exert his influence long after he has died?




    Bush and Clinton had it; Obama needed it; Trump is experiencing it. What is it? Madness!

    Definition of madness, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

    1: the quality or state of being mad: such as

    a : a state of severe mental illness;

    b : behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous : extreme folly;

    c : ecstasy, enthusiasm;

    d : intense anger : rage.

    2: any of several ailments of animals marked by frenzied behavior; specifically rabies.

    Madness in the United States of America.

    Bill Clinton used his Presidency for sexual perversion, starting with a White House intern known as Monica Lewinsky. George W Bush used his Presidency for sheer anger of 9-11 incident and for revenge on Saddam Hussein for trying to assassinate his father George HW Bush and for Weapons of Mass Destruction, both excuses have been proven false. Barack Hussein Obama has tried his very best to be mad too; he created a monster called ISIS, which now the US and the World have to live with it. Donald John Trump, before entering into the Mad World of US Presidency, was asked if he had wanted to become the US President, said he would not want if somebody can do it, because it is a very dirty job, is now experiencing the initial dose of Madness that his predecessors experienced, exercised and extricated.

    Now, certain US Judges have taken upon themselves to be more powerful than the Most Powerful Man in the World, the US President. This is insanity, madness. They are fed-up of living!

    They simply over-ruled President Trump on his very First Executive Orders to ban people of 7 countries (plus one) from entering USA, while his predecessor, President Obama has been issuing Executive Orders like nobody's business, half of them were either illegal, unconstitutional or morally wrong. It is constitutional right for the US President to decide who can or cannot enter the country. He is the only one vested with such powers. Nobody else!

    Why is it now, some of the Federal Judges have the audacity, gumption, the right and the power to over-rule a President, which even the US Congress cannot do so without an overwhelming vote against him, like what they had to do against President Obama?

    The simple answer is:

    There is a Secret Shadow Government running the USA. Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton and others after John F Kennedy's assassination, have been running the US as a PUPPET of the Secret Shadow Government. Trump has been elected to do just the opposite

    1. To bring the Government to the People of USA.
    2. To "drain the Swamp".
    3. To prevent lobbyists from influencing Government decisions and policies.
    4. To emphasize "America First" against the backdrop of Globalists' Benefits and Control.
    5. To get things done fast and efficiently, with the lowest costs but most benefits; against the politicians' No-Actions-Talk-Cock-Only approach.

    At first Trump fired the Acting Attorney General, who has been part of the Obama's Administration, and therefore, most probably a member of the Secret Shadow Government.

    Now, more and more members of the Secret Shadow Government are showing their hidden tortoises' heads, legs and tails. These immoral tortoises have suddenly been transformed themselves into Moralistic Wolves-in-Sheep-Skins, with titles such as Judges, Lawyers, Legal Consultant and Law Professors.

  24. Seven strategies were recommended by the 30-member committee, with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong accepting the strategies proposed on behalf of the government.

    However, PM Lee said that “developing the strategies is the first step”, because “what counts is how well we implement them to transform our economy”.


    Fuck lah.
    Do you think the CFE is working hard to benefit Singaporeans?
    Do you think these 7 strategies is just to benefit the government linked companies?

    So what if CFE is successful?
    It's not as if Singaporeans are going to benefit tio bo?

    Transform Singapore's economy to benefit who?
    Singaporeans or the PAP-linked companies?

  25. Do you think the CFE has only one strategy for Singaporeans?
    - work harder
    - work faster
    - work cheaper

    Is this the only future Singaporeans have under a PAP government?

  26. Anon 5.51pm
    //Transform Singapore's economy to benefit who?
    Singaporeans or the PAP-linked companies?//

    From an economic perspective, u need to give evidence (to ur assertion) ......?


    Look here:

    GDP per pax consists of 4 types of income namely:

    i. Wages, ii. Rent, iii. Interests, & iv. Profits

    Strip out (ii) to (iv) from GDP per pax would roughly show (i) wages per pax (roughly what benefits sinkies, in layman term)?

    How then?

    Compute the consumption spending per pax over a certain period, say 2013 to 2016, on y-o-y basis?

    If this number has been declining, then ur point

    "Transform Singapore's economy to benefit who?
    Singaporeans or the PAP-linked companies?"


    Sounds good?

    Makes sense?

    (Sound) Economic analysis (applied in msn) can benefit sinkies?

    Who said all these are fake [which AH(s)], pls kee chiu?

  27. The CFE assumes that ONLY the PAP government can generate economic growth.
    Singaporeans are not able to do anything to create economic value.

    So must suck or collect as much money from Singaporeans as possible ... and transfer all the money to the PAP government.

    This is killing Singaporeans.
    The Total Fertility Rate of Singaporeans is 1.2
    What more proof do you need that this is killing Singaporeans?

    1. Aiyo angkor .......?

      Got say u bor tiok?

      TFR is another proof lah?

      Actually ur point (abt TFR) can be further bolstered (with more numbers)?

      Look here:

      When LKY handed over in 1990, TFR was abt 1.83 ........?

      By 2004, when the baton next changed hand, TFR was (already at a miserable) 1.25 ......?

      Between 2004 to 2017, TFR hovered between 1.20 to 1.29?

      So can u see where the fault lies?

      Before 1990?

      Between 1990 to 2004?

      Or between 2004 to 2016?

      Think about it?

      Did Laogoa-nomics (predominantly) "kill" the TFR in "peesai"?

      Botak-nomics added a few more nails to (the ..... of) the TFR numbers?

      So "peesai" now in 2017 staring at TFR 1.2 in 2016 ......?

      What now?

      HSK-nomics or CFE-nomics lor?

      But u guys keep kpkb and put (relentless) pressure, later ...... kena ...... again ..... then no more HSK-nomics le?

      Then if becum TuaKang-nomics or WahLan-nomics, siao lo?

      More Jiak Lat?

      Unless u think SalivaLum-nomics or Teochew-LauKokok-nomics can save "peesai" from the "jaws of abyss"?

      Are they trained in economics, btw?

      Or they (oso) are (economic) ignoramus?

      How come past 20 years or 10 years nvr hear TeoChew Ah Pek or Saliva Lum table or present any economics strategy for "peesai"?

      Is is bcos they (oso) dunno?

      So "peesai-nites" back to sq one?

      Kpkb only?

      Now the only hope is HSK-nomics or CFE-nomics liao?

      HENG ah!

  28. As S’pore grows closer to Japan amidst the demise of TPP, naming of WW2 museum to ‘Syonan’ draws flak


    Do you think PAP is a pro Japanese government?

  29. @ February 12, 2017 8:03 pm

    Lu kong simi PAP lan cheow?

  30. Temasek chee bye.

  31. What is CFE? I am very ignorant. Can enlighten me, anyone?

    Let me guess, to someone, it would mean COME, FUCK and ENJOY. Quite straight forward. Need no explanation.

    To me, it probably means CON, FRIGHTEN and ELIMINATE. Need to explain a little bit.

    First they con you, a standard practice procedure, or SOP. They try to impress upon you how capable they are and what they are going to do for you (but actually for themselves more than for you, with you, by you, to you, all that shits) and they dish out to you a few pieces of crumbs from under their dining tables, or a few lollipops from their children's junks in the waste-baskets.

    If conning does not work, they will frighten you with security problems, economic uncertainties, external factors such as a Mad US President who is unpredictable and against small countries like Singapore for no reasons and for no faults of yours. Or they will tell you that China will boycott Singapore and take punitive actions against Singapore for punching above its weights. Or you will have to train and train, and upgrade and upgrade, otherwise foreigners will take away your jobs (as if they care?), and so on and so forth.

    If conning and frightening do not work, then they will EXTERMINATE YOU! This can be done in many ways. One way is to get the Fumigation Team to exterminate you like destroying pests. Another way is to sue you bankrupt. A third way to to send you the a mental hospital either for good or to destroy your credibility, credentials and career. There are many more ways to skin a chicken, a cat, a mongoose but there is only one way to skin a stubborn unrepentant recalcitrant maverick - and that is to imprison him indefinitely under the Internal Security Act, like what they did to the Honorable Late Mr Lim Chin Siong and still living Nobel Prize Candidate (2015) Dr Chia Thye Poh.

    Am I right or wrong. If wrong, please correct me kindly.

  32. More important question is:
    Who is the CFE suppose to benefit?

    PAP government?
    PAP Government linked companies?

    I think if Singaporeans benefit at all, it will just be by accident.

  33. Singapore is just a lite-version of Libya under Gadafi, Iraq under SadamH or Syria under Assad. These dictators are actually nice guys, their countries are actually quite sophisticated and livable (prior to USA bombing) - so long as you dont cross their path.

  34. Istana por lam par

  35. aneh xi beh guailan,

    molest girl in hk mrt, slap her companion,
    kena hantam by hk uncle,

    in sg, there'r worshipped like god :-(


  36. They can only do it in Sin City and walk away at most with a slap on the wrist. In any country where the people have some pride in themselves, they are lucky not to have their legs broken.

  37. There are foes in the WH installed by the predecessor. DT needs to know who they are and drain the swamp. Those executive orders probably gave very good clues already. Adversity only makes great people stronger.
