
Gunther Oettinger – You ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’….

This is the 21st Century, and the world is getting smaller, but such racist remarks are still coming out from the mouth of not ordinary westerners but a Vice President of the EU, a German that thought it was ok to call Chinese ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’. The Chinese would definitely be offended. Singaporean Chinese would not, I supposed, since they are Singaporeans and not Chinese, and definitely the bananas would nod in agreement with Oettinger, that Chinese are ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’, bananas don’t have slit eyes and are not sly dogs.

Though under pressure from the threat of losing his promotion, he made an apology for his rude and racist remarks, his explanation actually made things worst. He said his remarks were ‘free from the liver’ or gut feel, not intentional to insult the Chinese, but just gut feel, if you know what gut feel meant. It is inside him, part of him, how he actually, really felt about the Chinese, a second nature reaction, nothing more, nothing less.

And he is not alone, he said, ‘his remarks merely reflected the colourful language typical of his home state, Baden Wuerttemburg’. Yes, he confessed and revealed that those were what his home state Germans are calling the Chinese, ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’. He and his German did not intent to offend, just saying what they are saying all the time when referring to the Chinese.

This is his apology, appearing in the ST. ‘This was not my intention and I would like to apologise for any remark that was not as respectful as it should have been.’ How many Chinese would accept this as a sincere apology? Or would the Chinese said it is ok, he did not intend to insult, he was just saying things from his gut, all the Germans in his home town said it, it is common, normal, the Chinese are ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’?

You fucking racist Germans. Please go to China and see how they would return the favour. But not to worry when you are in Singapore, we have no Chinese, only Singaporeans and they would not be offended, some may like it even.


  1. Do you think Gunther Oettinger is calling LHL a slit eyed sly dog?

  2. "But not to worry when you are in Singapore, we have no Chinese, only Singaporeans and they would not be offended, some may like it even."

    But majority of Singaporean appeared to have 'slit eyes" too. Whether they are ‘sly dogs is up to your interpretation.

    It's just stupid people from Hong Kong will say, "We are not Chinese but Hongkies".

    To any Hongkies, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and some South East Asian people on the street, before they can open their mouth, they are being painted as having 'slit eyes'. So don't pretend they are not offended.

  3. Our parliament got slit eyes and sly dogs or not? You tell me lah.

    I want to tell Sixtus Leung and Yau Wai Ching to go to Germany and ask the Germans if they got slit eyes and are also sly dogs.

  4. I think many Sinkies would proudly put their arms around the Germans, drink with them and say, see, we got no slit eyes and we are not dogs right. Our hair is also blond like Germans. Some may also have blue eyes.

  5. Hi Banlas Way, welcome to the blog. Agree with your comments.

  6. I bet many silly sinkies would go and ask the Germans, see, see, I got no slit eyes right, I no sly dog right?

  7. There are good and bad people in every race. Just like there are good and bad apples in every apple tree. He belongs to the bad apples type and that is why he ended up in politics. The establishment needs puppets there to bully/rob/steal from their own people.

  8. My colleagues got posted to Germany and he often went to fuck the paid German girls and said very shiok. They probably behind his back call him slit eyes and dog customer lor

  9. These racists remarks are not exceptions but a prevalent thing among the whites. Some may appeared polite and say the politically correct things in your presence, but behind your back, they all said the same things. You slit eyes and sly dogs.

    Calling you slit eyes is insulting but out of a natural physical feature. calling you sly dogs is a deeper hate against the Chinese and Asians. It is more than such rude and careless remark. It is what they think you are, not only dogs, but sly dogs.

  10. These whites will say different things in different places. They are like snakes, with no backbones. The fuck their own relatives and call them blue blood.

    When the slit eyes were enjoying life in the early days of mankind, these people are still eating animals raw. They are nothing but savages...!

  11. ''These whites will say different things in different places. ''

    -it applies to almost every race. people are all born kind but the environment made them strange.
