
Tharman’s comment on freedom

Actually I wanted to use the title Tharman – Once a dissident, but some may misunderstood its meaning. Like Once a Rebel being used on Ho Kwon Ping, both titles are actually badges of honour for someone who had crossed the line as young idealist and survived and became successful in their own right. They had been there, done it and lived to tell their story. When Tharman told the students that he was once a dissident, it was in this context, had been a youthful idealist and went through the baptism of fire.

Why is that important and what has that got to do with his comment on freedom? Let me repost his comment here, ‘Society has to find the right balance and some freedoms have to be curbed for it to evolve in a way that advances other freedoms, he said. “Every society faces this. We haven’t found the perfect balance, and we have to keep evolving.’’

I first misquoted Tharman by saying ‘We have found the perfect balance’ which has a totally different meaning. Now let’s look at his statement once again. His two key phrases, ‘we haven’t found the perfect balance’ and ‘to keep evolving’. The ‘haven’t found it’ is like saying it could be better and the ‘evolving’ can only be evolving for the better. This is what an idealistic dissident mindset and a govt critic, a bit like me, would be like. It is not there yet and can be better. And hopefully it will evolve over time, maybe not in this regime but some time down the road.

It is also important to understand what Tharman is thinking, what are his values and whether they are going to be more pro people, more freedom or otherwise. If it is his destiny, and if Singapore is going to have a non Chinese PM, no other non Chinese minister can stand near to him. Tharman’s view is therefore important as he could possibly be the One. There is some silver lining in his, ‘We haven’t found the perfect balance, and we have to keep evolving.’ Having been in a position when his freedom was curbed, he would have a better appreciation of what freedom is all about and what is the better or perfect balance to be.

What do you think? How would the perfect balance be like under his watch if that day becomes a reality? How much of his youthful idealism as a dissident is still with him and how would this impact the freedom of the day some time in the future?


  1. Yes! I m a fan of Tharman!

    Yes! Tharman can be the PM! Tharman can be the PM!

    Yes! No one dares to challenge him! No one! No one!

    Yes! Tharman is the man! Tharman is the one!

    Yes! Tharman! Tharman! Tharman! PM! PM! PM!


  2. Do you think Tharman is just another seat warmer Prime Minister?
    While a you know who 5G Prime Minister-in-waiting is being groomed in the shadows?

    How do we know Tharman is really his own man?
    When there is no Senior Minister and Mentor Minister looking over his shoulder?

  3. Political Joke
    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Singaporean answers: "Government say can cross the road meh?"

    Prime Minister answers: "Senior Minister say can cross the road meh?"


  4. the chief must be very very careful in selecting next pm and his "gang" members

    any wrong "sizing" between the military and non-military members can be disastrous

    internal split is not impossible

    we shall see

    ha ha ha........


  5. Somehow me just has this idiotic
    feeling that any dissidents who get bought over or surrender to the Establishment and Power, are just unprincipled and hence NOT RELIABLE.
    INTEGRITY could be a problem with those that go along with the Flow.

    Sinkies are still with the Seattle Warmer Theory; it is unlikely for the Aristocrat and Elite to want to be in Sin politic.
    Living luxuriously abroad is a far more enjoyable and pragmatic way to spend ones huge fortune.

    Who will want to stay to manage a sinking Sampan?



    1. My apology.

      'Seattle warmer' to be
      corrected to
      Seat warmer.


  6. Who will want to stay to manage a sinking Sampan?
    June 08, 2016 10:30 am

    Is the following true or false?

    If you are not an elite;
    Singapore is a sinking sampan.

    If you are an elite;
    Singapore is a 100% guaranteed, very profitable money-making business.
    Must protect at all cost ... including multi-million dollar salaries for all current and former army chiefs.

  7. I used to see young men with hair bends shouting on van in Japanese right at the main station at Tokyo. I asked a Jap colleague how did the police responded: what? he said, that s legal. I also asked the Japs what reason the yakuza could survive with prostitution and gambling as their main businesses. The colleagues said: its in constitution freedom.

    Politics have 2 kinds, in my mind. In charge or not in charge. In charge has responsibility for the overall well being. Not in charge can talk anything to point to oppression of opposition.

    I still vote for the opposition. I do not bother to see what happen to rallies in HL park. Its similar to watching the Japs young men shouting through his throat. Yakuza is something i feared when walking in Tokyo at night. I learned the correct way: do not look at their eyes as u walk pass, then they would ignore u.

    However, the singapore govt is encouraging another kind of irritants: the gay right behaviors. In men s toilet, men can stand next to u and get near to watch u pee. Is this freedom singapore is encouraging?

    I tend to agree with Thaman, there is freedom, but must be legal. Stranger men watching my cock is legal, because of freedom. Why should i pee at toilet? I can pee at the street because of freedom? No because i dont want my cock to be displayed to stranger. So what is freedom the singapore govt is talking about? What balance is right balance?


  8. Some Sinkies have 100s of million Sin Dollars which they can make others to slave for them to make more.
    Why would these folks remain in the Sinking Sampan when they can Sail the Oceans with their luxury liners?


  9. I tend to agree with Thaman, there is freedom, but must be legal. Stranger men watching my cock is legal, because of freedom. Why should i pee at toilet? I can pee at the street because of freedom? No because i dont want my cock to be displayed to stranger. So what is freedom the singapore govt is talking about? What balance is right balance?
    June 08, 2016 10:52 am

    In a democracy, you must challenge the laws lah!
    When a man looks at your cock while you pee ... is that an outrage of your modesty?

    In western democracy, it's common for the laws to be challenged.
    Demonstrations to highlight a problem is also common.
    No need police permit.

    But in Singapore .... you are not permitted to use your own initiative without a police permit.
    That's why Singaporeans have no initiative.
    Your only initiative left is to vote Opposition.
    But even then, 70% don't know how to do.

    Do you think you can change a 5,000 year old slave mentality with 50 years of half-baked PAP style democracy?

  10. Some Sinkies have 100s of million Sin Dollars which they can make others to slave for them to make more.
    Why would these folks remain in the Sinking Sampan when they can Sail the Oceans with their luxury liners?

    Because in other parts of the world;
    The poor people are not so stupid and obedient like Singaporeans.
    And our Singaporean elite find that it's not so easy to make money outside of Singapore.

    Just look at Suzhou Industrial Park.
    Even the old fart had problems.
    Easy to make money there or not?
    PRC people easy to manage in China or not?

    It will be the same story in India.
    The losses are likely to be higher.

  11. If the Singaporean elite want to make money;
    they have to remain in Singapore.
    Because they don't have ability to make money overseas.

    Look at our bestest MRT talent.
    Whether it's Khaw or Desmond Kuek.
    Overseas - Who will employ them to manage an MRT train system you tell me lah?

  12. Anon 11:38pm
    U are not sure of the local laws. "outrage of modesty" s354 requires "use of criminal force", staring at cock when u pee is not "outrage of modesty". U are the court? Still cannot bent the laws. Only vote for opposition can change the laws.

    The present govt is promoting same sex activities at HL. I saw report the company which a MP is a director is also a sponsor to this HL activity. Its is a US firms. There are 18 foreign companies pouring freebies to this activity to attract and educate young locals about same sex marriage and sex.

    U must vote for opposition which are not so on same sex marriage attitude.

    On outrage of modesty, even u star at a nude woman u may not be sued, staring at a man peeing is illegal to u, u can try out to see anyone can sue u. I dont need to try as i believe what i knew.
    Vote opposition may save someone to be same sex tendency. It is disastrous policy to next generations. Provided again, u have children. Gay or lesbian cannot have children lah.

  13. Until Singaporeans satrt behaving like and treating each other like ADULTS, there can be no freedom, and the govt. will have to step in and arrest people from time to time to "maintain the peace".

    I cite 3 examples from recent history:

    1. Amos, whom we're all familiar with (never physically harmed anyone, fucked religion which is based on myth anyway...i.e. religion just ISN'T REAL!)

    2. Alvin Tan, Malaysian scholarship student who uploaded a sex video of himself and his girlfriend (no one was harmed. In fact, many of us enjoyed the show! Free movie)

    3. Anton Casey fired from job and run out of town, the Brit who ridiculed Singaporeans (but never physically harmed them).

    No lah. Singapore is not ready for "freedom" yet. They are too sensitive and take umbrage at the tiniest slight, and they are all too keen to make police reports if they claim they've been "offended".

    When you finally grow up Singapore, then you can have freedom. But not until then. You need a dictaor to keep you in line. Just like a belligerent, spoilt, tantrum-throwing, whiney child.

  14. What if the dictator is the one that needs to grow up?

  15. @ June 08, 2016 12:31 pm
    ""outrage of modesty" s354 requires "use of criminal force"

    I refer you to:

    ‘Upskirt’ offenders
    Although the provision requires the involvement of assault or the use of criminal force in the act, this does not mean that other perverted acts that do not require physical contact will go unpunished.

    For example, section 509 of the Penal Code criminalises words or gestures intended to “insult the modesty” of women. The Singapore Courts have interpreted this section to include the taking of upskirt photographs.

  16. Wrong choice of words used in this article or with intentional misleading an argument

    The Word free or freedom conjures in the minds of ah peks and ah mahs of contaminating Sin's air with venereal diseases or the family unit will disintegrate because of misplacement of tools etc etc.

    Remember, these are sinkies you are talking about. The type that still support religious frauds, an army of voting idiots, despite widespread mockery and freely available education of their moronic teachings and practices on all levels of media platforms.

    The other word used in the article is "evolve"

    Evolve gives a sense of false hope. Whatever the snakes are doing, it will get better in your learning process so long as you keep snakes in power.

    Well, did the religious nutcases learn anything from common sense education?


    Choose your words carefully when you write

  17. Their leader is called... You Lying Snake. These type of animal usually come from a certain profession that's fond of using the hammer.

    A wayang party also anointed someone from that profession

  18. Ano 3:55pm and 4:02pm
    Can write English but cannot express clearly. No one understand who and what you are targeting on.

    Have courage to write straight. Pinpoint with plain words.

  19. There are three curses you are to surmount. Failing to identify them, you will rock and roll until Kingdom comes

  20. @ "arrow of causality", 1:11

    >> What if the dictator is the one that needs to grow up? <<

    He was given a mandate by the majority of the population. No dictators and their coteries are always the minority.

    Unless they get majority support, they won't have any power whatsoever.

    Look at how the dictators in history failed. It was almost always due to lack of "support" from the majority in the population...i.e. the people changed their minds and turned against the dictator: Qaddafi, Marcos, Suharto, Pinochet, Mubarak.

    If Singaporeans want "freedom", they just have grow the fuck up and become ADULTS---hopefully with personal responsibility, reliance and confidence .

    There's no other way. So in the meantime, the govt will set the bar and tell you what is "free" and what is not.

    Fuck you. You deserve it.

  21. P.S. Singaporeans want to blame their govt for everything. If they have shallow shitty lives---blame the govt. If they cannot get the job of their choice---blame the govt. No money? Blame the govt....

    But come to elections...vote the same-o same-o govt. back into office. If you didn't know the "backstory" of Singapore, you would readily conclude that this population is batshit insane.

    Like that, how to be "free"??

    1. Sinkies are daft lah.
      However, some are happy
      with 'benign' dictator, whatever that means.
      Sin is a nice hotel and a haven
      for keeping fortune and loot.

  22. @ patriotJune 08, 2016 10:30 am
    //Somehow me just has this idiotic
    feeling that any dissidents who get bought over or surrender to the Establishment and Power, are just unprincipled and hence NOT RELIABLE.
    INTEGRITY could be a problem with those that go along with the Flow.//



  23. Only "ong8egg"?

    He is a "smelly ayam 蛋"?

    And a "besar混egg"?

  24. Sinkieland 卖 people "贼"?

    Betrayal of the highest pedigree?

    Cupboard 里面 tons of 骨偸

  25. Tan Chuan Hand

    Jaya Chun Frog

    Kee Chiu Clown

    Wong Balan 五寸丁

    Yeo Fu Traitor

    Koon Tay Whore

    Mura Sing Shark

    Chan Chiu Clown

    Chee Tat Badass

    Jin Chun Exercise
