
MH370 wild goose chase coming to an empty ending

More than two years of ghost chasing, hundreds of millions spent, hundreds of thousands of manhours wasted, the ridiculous mad hunt for MH370 in the Antarctic Ocean is finally coming to a dead end. All the stupid theories were just that, stupid theories. Now they are all exposed, as the biggest wicked fraud of the century, when evil people hatched a scheme to mislead the desperate victims and their govt to go in search of the aircraft in a God forsaken place when they should be searching at other more likely places.

The evidences of the fraud are appearing in bits and drapes but taken with all sincerity and hope by the Malaysian and Chinese search parties. From the early days when the Australian PM was thoughtless enough to announce he knew where the aircraft was, and the flimsy signs, to the bits and pieces of flotsams in the African coast with their little signs and markings showing that they came from the lost aircraft, the coincidences are not strange or funny. Not many parts of an aircraft are imprinted or etched with markings and numberings to tell they belonged to an aircraft. But the few pieces coincidentally had all the markings and numberings that gave clues that they were carefully selected and scattered to be found to tell a false story.

Haven’t there enough fake and nonsensical evidences and signs and circumstantial evidence to prove that there is a conspiracy to misdirect the search parties to look at the wrong places of all places?

Should Malaysia and China start to take up legal actions against the hoaxers and fake information providers to prolong this tragedy and the lost of 239 innocent lives? This is an evil crime against humanity and the perpetrators and their conspirators would hope that no one would remember their crimes and time will erase all memories and the case be forgotten.

This case must not be forgotten and justice must be brought to the evil men and women behind the crime.


  1. This case must not be forgotten and justice must be brought to the evil men and women behind the crime.

    Very difficult for justice to be brought to the evil men and women behind the crime lah, if indeed there is a crime.

    How difficult? As difficult as the Sinkie opposition to become ready to be govt. This gives you an idea how difficult it is.

  2. MH370 is not a political ball to be kicked around. It involved 239 lives, many chinese and australians.

    The search from report was never easy because the waves could be has high as 8 storey. Crew sleep was never easy on board.

    We are disappointed with the results. However, pieces found in Reunion island and Mozambique objectively suggested the plane was broken up. The pieces of debris were drifted around following the ocean currents flow. To find the pieces of heavy metal was the target. But they had no luck.

    I guess the search might end at Australia and Malaysia side. The continue search might come from China alone. The chinese has the sea dragon, a deep sea man handle little sub with search lights all over the body might do the search when the sea is calm. According to report, the sea is rough now. The Australians have ceased operations.

  3. ... wild goose chase coming to an empty ending
    More than two years of ghost chasing, hundreds of millions spent, hundreds of thousands of man ...

    For a minute I thought you were talking about the "Constitutional Commission on Elected Presidency"
    - my mistake


  4. The Disppearance of MH370 Aircraft and it's Passengers is the Beginning.
    It could be the Most Complex Case in espionage. Not a single passenger of the Flight has been found; dead or alive though parts of the Aircraft are supposedly found.

    Much could unfold over time, however, most informations are likely top secret materials.
    As such, MH370 shall remain very much a mystery and a guessing game.


  5. We could find a cellphone but could not locate a 200 ft by 200 ft monster?

    All the air defence radar did not detect that huge object flling from the sky?

    India, with its strategic information control of the Indian Ocean and airspace, did not detect that huge flying object?

    On, Diego Garcia had its air defence crew asleep with the radar switched off?

    Autralia, with an Over The Horizon radar of 3,000 km range, was also off at that time?

    Thosew who know don't say and those who say don't know?

  6. If you dont have technology,skills, money. All can go home and suck thumb. Switch on aircon and TV in comfort and watch news.

    What can China do even with its deep sea ROV. In the beginning, which location to drop the ROV to sweep the seabed and with what?

  7. What can China do even with its deep sea ROV. In the beginning, which location to drop the ROV to sweep the seabed and with what?
    June 08, 2016 11:21 am

    This goes to show white man's technology is still superior to Chinese technology.
    I am a pro China banana.
    But I do not allow myself to be fooled into thinking a 5,000 year old Chinese slave culture can compete against a culture of free and willing people (which is the white man's culture).

  8. Anon11.29

    Then you have to wait for another 5000 years to compare and compete. I

  9. Hi Redbean, please let this matter rest. No need you bringing this matter up again and again.

  10. Its not an accident. Its about some guys on board with very high tech technology information that can blow up the world and want to sell them to china. Someone powerful kidnapped the plane and housed them somewhere secret. Welcome to 21st century conspiracy theory best seller.

  11. ''But I do not allow myself to be fooled into thinking a 5,000 year old Chinese slave culture can compete against a culture of free and willing people (which is the white man's culture).''

    - at least white men introduced one man one wife (and no underage wife) system - that have bring a lot of goodness into this world. If one man can have many wives, other men will have no wife and that will bring many jealousy, troubles, fightings, wars etc.
