
No need to be an MP or be in Parliament to ask questions

The SDP is asking questions and demanding answers from the govt on the series of lift breakdown accidents injuring several citizens. This is part of the press release by the SDP posted in the TOC.

‘SDP calls for MND to give a full account of lift mishaps

By onlinecitizen on June 13, 2016 Politics

In a media statement issued by Mr John Tan, Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), the party calls for the Ministry of National Development to give a full account of lift mishaps at HDB blocks.

The party notes that even after Deputy Prime Minister, Tharman's promise to improve lift safety in response to a lift incident where an elderly woman's hand was severed, there still have been lift malfunctions which have led to injuries and even one death.’

And these are the things that the SDP are askings and wanting the govt to take actions. Not ice the difference? They are not just asking questions but demanding answers and actions. Not just to ask questions for asking questions’ sake and be happy with whatever answers provided by the ministers. Read these,

‘Why did it take so long for Mr (Lawrence)Wong to tell the public of the measures his Ministry was taking to resolve the problem? Could more stringent and urgent steps have been taken? Could the injuries and death have been prevented?

The SDP calls on the MND to take immediate steps to prevent further mishaps from occurring. The Ministry should also publish a full account of the jobs done in the areas of maintenance and repairs of lifts throughout the island without further delay. The report should include the names of the manufacturers of the lifts and their countries of origin.’

The above questions are backed up by 7 incidents of breakdowns, dates and places and people injured or died.  They don’t simply ask questions or make a statement and claimed to have done their job, end of matter, subject closed. Those MPs in Parliament, elected, nominated, NCMPs, should take a lesson on how to ask questions in Parliament from the SDP. SDP should conduct a course on how to ask questions in Parliament and the MPs, NMPs, NCMPs can use their Skills Future fund to attend and pay for it.

What do you think?


  1. Political parties or even citizens can request for answers from the Servants of the People on matters that concerned their lives and liviehoods.

    Rather than have elected MPs or Representatives who are deaf, dumb and.mute in Parliament.

  2. No need the jiat Liao bee course Lah..after the recent G course on how to do a so call appropriate retrenchment..the G still has not hit the G spot yet...only when many ppl start to be angry or demands an answer then the G will just only give a "pacifier" & case close...& it's very sad here becos the 70% already said so...

  3. Swearing in as minister n mp

    N reciting the oath must b done

    Regularly.i think.

  4. What do you think?

    Chee Soon Juan already said in his FB that a political party does not exist just to win elections.

    So the SDP asking questions and demanding answers from the govt is in line with what Chee Soon Juan said.

    That's why majority voters think what's the point of SDP just asking questions in Parliament when they can do it just as well outside Parliament? And some more their appeal letters written by PAP MPs to govt agencies will also have better chances of success, tio bo? So why vote SDP?

  5. The chow kuan govt is not oblige to answer to any interests groups which they view are circumventing parliament and may contribute to unruliness

  6. When HDB was in charge of housing estates, HDB staff were responsible for the maintenance of all lifts.
    Now, this is under the town councils.
    But funny how almost all the lifts have been upgraded and we suddenly face new problems with such rudimentary equipment as "elevators".
    The MRT has aged while the lifts have matured?

  7. Do you think we should wait for the usual PAP drama?
    - a massive country-wide HDB lift breakdown
    - just like SMRT
    - followed by COI
    - foreign consultants
    and etc.

    Which HDB estates have safer lifts?
    - PAP estates or WP estates?

    If PAP is unable to manage MRT and lift operations;
    - can they manage Singapore well?

  8. Some think in yrs

    Some in seconds.eg.usane bolt.


  9. It is not "No need to be an MP or be in Parliament to ask questions"!

    Of course, you can ask all the questions you want outside parliament!

    Of course, you can kpkb and kpkb all that you want outside parliament!

    But will those decisions makers listen to you and have the political will to implement!

    Will they? Will they?

  10. Ask questions in parliament.
    - It is officially recorded in Hansard.
    - Part of Singapore history
    - which MP ask stupid questions ... can show to the MP's children to teach them what a jiak liao bee his father/mother was

    - Minister give stupid answers
    can also show to the Minister's children to teach them what a jiak liao bee his father/mother was

  11. The govt's feet need to held to the fire for them to account for stuff they are responsible for.

    That is how credible opposition-hopefuls build up their "street-cred". If they're effective at their efforts, and the public notice it, perhaps in the next GE the particular opposition party will smell the victory which has eluded them.

    Good luck!

  12. 'Of course, you can kpkb and kpkb all that you want outside parliament!

    But will those decisions makers listen to you and have the political will to implement!

    Will they? Will they?'

    May I also ask the same question to those who asked questions in parliament? Will they, will they listen and implement just because the questions were asked in parliament?

    What's the difference?

  13. Aiyoh, our MPs will ask questions that the Government wants them to ask, not what the people wants them to ask. In this way, the questions will be answered 'swee swee' and doubtless things will move and change.

    If Aung Juan Soon Chee were to enter Parliament, or any other opposition MPs were to ask the questions that we the people want them to ask in Parliament, they will surely be branded as 'psychopaths' or other unsavoury titles and beaten to a pulp by weight of overwhelming numbers.

    Just ask all the question you like to ask on this blog, no need to be an MP for sure.

  14. "If Aung Juan Soon Chee were to enter Parliament, or any other opposition MPs were to ask the questions that we the people want them to ask in Parliament, they will surely be branded as 'psychopaths' or other unsavoury titles and beaten to a pulp by weight of overwhelming numbers."
    Anon 3:18 pm

    Sibeh tiok. I think that's what 61% of Bukit Batok was thinking between 8am-8pm on 7 May 2016, despite being only a by election.
