
Ideological and propaganda warfare

Below are some extracts from an article written by a Russian philosopher Andre Vitchek on the damages done to Russia and China by western propaganda over the last 200 years. It has come to a state that anything Russian and Chinese is bad, and Russians and Chinese are bad people, only the Americans and Europeans are the good people.

These days you may get hugs from many common people in the Middle East or Latin America when you say that you are Russian, but such emotional outbursts are mainly intuitive. After being bombarded by extremely effective and negative Western propaganda for years and decades, people of the world still know very little, if anything, about two enormous countries that have been proudly resisting the Western imperialism – Russia and China.

I recently spent five weeks in Latin America, where the West openly supports the entire wide spectrum of counter-revolutionary movements, literally overthrowing one progressive government after another. I worked alongside the left-wing intellectuals there, helping to define the way forward, to rescue the Process.

But I was shocked by how little is known there about both Russia and China – for decades two natural allies of the patriotic Latin American Left…

. It is easy to understand the reasons behind all this. Even in some of the most revolutionary nations of Latin America, the Western mass media outlets have been managing to retain their presence, often through the right-wing big business cable TV and satellite distributors….

And so the negative and misleading messages about Russia and China are spread constantly. People are bombarded with them from the television screens, from the pages of mass-circulation newspapers, and from the imported (Western) films….

And the situation is much worse in Asia.

There, the Empire has truly and fully mobilized all available resources, in order to discredit its two main adversaries.’

Speaking to my friends and colleagues in such places like Indonesia and Philippines, I was told that most of the people there know little, even close to nothing about Russia. It is still perceived through the Cold War and post-Cold-War stereotypes. The Western propaganda apparatus has been portraying Russians as cold, aggressive, brainwashed and dangerous….

China is being targeted with an even greater and more malicious force than Russia. Successful and Communist China is the worst nightmare for the West and for the local, Asian ‘elites’.

The entire propaganda apparatus is now in overdrive, spreading ideological attacks and negative messages. The most peaceful major country on Earth is being portrayed as an aggressor and threat to regional and world peace. In the Philippines and elsewhere, the global Western regime is arousing the cheapest and extremely dangerous bellicose forms of nationalism.

The local Chinese diaspora of Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the anti-Communist elements, descendants of the people who left China after the revolution, are playing an extremely important and destructive role.

Nobody seems to notice that the United States/NATO is encircling both Russia and China with its military bases, while deploying new offensive missile systems. Nobody talks about those tens of millions of people who were massacred during the Western invasions of Asia during the 20th century.

And the situation is not much different in Africa and elsewhere….

The war against imperialism should be fought not only on the battlefields; it should be fought on the airwaves, at the printing presses, in the concert halls and theatres. Kindness, humanism, internationalism and knowledge can often serve as weapons much more powerful than missiles, strategic bombers and submarines.’

I just want to point out this statement to the Chinese diaspora, particularly the bananas to take note of. This is an observation by a Russian philosopher from far away. He could see how silly and destructive the bananas are to China under the heavy influence of American and western media. Here is the statement:

‘The local Chinese diaspora of Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the anti-Communist elements, descendants of the people who left China after the revolution, are playing an extremely important and destructive role.’

Well done bananas, for blindly betraying your roots and civilization. The Americans will be laughing themselves silly at the silly Chinese hating anything Chinese. And they will say, ‘Good boy’, you learn well, to hate yourself.


  1. The "battle of ideas" is essentially rooted in a fight between post-renaissance "western" individual free thought, and the ability to challenge authority, and old-school statism where the state and the govt is the supreme command, and all humans and their "rights" are subjugated to what the top-dogs of the state decree.

    It's not as simple as "western propaganda" vs certain cuntrees, although there are elements of that occurring, especially in the western liberal media.

    To be sure, there are ways individual "sovereignty", civil and personal liberties, privacy, anonymity and freedom are USURPED even in the freest western-styled democracies. The US govt through various agencies like the NSA is EXPERT in SPYING on any individual or group at will, as revealed by "heros" like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, and has the "authority" and the means to legally execute ANYONE on the planet, if they are deemed to be a threat to the USA....

    ....so one can make the argument that western-style "liberty" might becoming more of a myth these days, unless the lazy, overfed, stupid, Facebook-addicted, shopaholic, pleasure-addicted citizens in western-democracies get off their collective couch-potatoe fat arses and start fighting their dirty-governments, which they so rightly deserve because the Sheeple are too concerned with "fun" and "happiness" all the time.

    I couldn't be bothered attacking China or Russia for their political systems. Their own people choose what the fuck they deserve.

    I would rather attack the (so-called) "free society" I live in, and its stupid fucking Sheeple who are essentially asleep at the switch---overfed, over-medicated and only concerned for what "widget" or "gadget" to buy next, on credit, of course....and thus they get the fucking governments they deserve!

  2. Nowdays, we have social media so the control the western MSM has lost its monopoly of information. RT, Al Jeerera and CCTV are also good ways in which other countries can get their narrative across.

    The overseas Chinese elite are a bunch of race traitors that we must purge, they have no loyalty to their people. I respect the Malaysian Malay leadership much more, they care about their culture people. And do not buy into the lie of western values.

  3. @ living in the past, 1246:

    >> The overseas Chinese elite are a bunch of race traitors that we must purge, they have no loyalty to their people. <<

    Right. Their loyalty is chosen by free choice, not foisted on them by culture.

    E.g. Senator Penny Wong Yin Yen--- lesbian, mother of 2, Chinese from Kota Kinabalu. If Penny allowed her culture to dictate her choices, she wouldn't be living free as she is now.

    Your culture could be holding you back. One of the main abstracts of western-renaissance philosophy is the use of REASON to figure out the world, and to blast away at silly things from any "authority"---be it culture, the state, religion, tradition etc.

  4. "Your culture could be holding you back. One of the main abstracts of western-renaissance philosophy is the use of REASON to figure out the world, and to blast away at silly things from any "authority"---be it culture, the state, religion, tradition etc."

    This view of the world views humans as atomised individuals, with individual autonomy as a guiding principle. In truth, humans do not behave this way we act in groups and have strong in group preference. Because we evolved in an environment where there is competition between related kin groups. Culture is just a extension of beliefs that bind a group together. It creates cohesiveness which enables the group to stick together.

    Cultural practices do not exist in a vacuum, culture comes about by our ancestors trying out different things. Patriachal family values are what enabled my ancestors, the Chinese to spread their genes from the yellow river to south of China, and then to parts of south east Asia. Modern thinking, such as the primacy of the individual has cost Chinese birth rates to drop to sub replacement levels in much of the world. 1.0 in Singapore.

    Blood and soil.

  5. Cultures compete with each other. Sometimes they integrate. All this occurs in the minds of individuals, and when expressed as a "known fact", we see it in the collective sense.

    Overseas Chinese (immigrants) who integrate into western society, have integrated some of their culture with western ideas, and discarded abstracts from both sides. Even if there is "cognitive dissonance", people simply get on with their lives.

    However, 2 or 3 generations later, the "ABC" (American/ Aussie Born Chinese) is essentially 99.999% westernised.

    It is easy to understand why western culture is preferred. It's just fucking AWESOME---even with all its "faults" taken into account.

    You can fight like hell to "preserve" your ancient culture. Chances are, you'll eventually LOSE.

  6. "It is easy to understand why western culture is preferred. It's just fucking AWESOME"

    Modern western culture will not survive more then 100 years. If you look at demographics westerners and ABC all have below replacement fertility, about 1.6 average. That is why they have to import migrants from Africa and the middle east. To sustain the ratio of labor force participation to dependents. It is not because they are altruistic, they are virtue signalling while trying to boost the economy. Western liberalism will give way to a more traditional worldview.

    "You can fight like hell to "preserve" your ancient culture. Chances are, you'll eventually LOSE."

    If you look at black culture in US, they try their best to be different from the white man. Even to the extend of creating their own language called ebonics. Hip hop culture is essentially black culture in opposition to main stream culture. Hispanics speak Spanish to have their own group identity etc.

    No culture can be the same after a long time period,south east Asian Chinese culture is different from mainland Chinese culture in many ways. Most probably Chinese culture will be something very different in the future, but so will western culture. The idea that only traditional Chinese culture can change but western liberalism is somehow eternal is wrong.

    We should try as much to preserve what we have so as to give our selves a form of identity.

  7. Wah..a lot of hypocrites on this thread.

    Seems like the only glaring Sin

  8. No one is a saint. All the elites up there just want more and more whether they are east or west or whatever. The americans people know that so they eat themselves fat fat which made them not capable of fighting for any wars. Everyone fat fat, lazy, spoilt and entitlement thinking only mean no one can fight any wars and that only means peace.

  9. Rb // Well done bananas, for blindly betraying your roots and civilization. The Americans will be laughing themselves silly at the silly Chinese hating anything Chinese. And they will say, ‘Good boy’, you learn well, to hate yourself.//

    曾经沧海难为水, 好倚青山与翠溪。
    井底点灯深嘱伊, 狂夫富贵在青春。
    城中相识尽繁华, 月落乌啼霜满天。
    浊酒一杯家万里, 塞下秋来风景异

  10. Rb //I just want to point out this statement to the Chinese diaspora, particularly the bananas to take note of. This is an observation by a Russian philosopher from far away. He could see how silly and destructive the bananas are to China under the heavy influence of American and western media. Here is the statement:

    ‘The local Chinese diaspora of Southeast Asia that consists mainly of the anti-Communist elements, descendants of the people who left China after the revolution, are playing an extremely important and destructive role.’//

    天若有情天亦老, 尽忠到老爱祖国。
    月若无情月长圆, 昼夜心中唯祖国。

  11. You are perpetuating black and white thinking. Might as well go commit suicide

  12. Culture is not politic or ideoloy.
    Culture is the Collective Character of tribe and locality.

  13. All culture will eventually discard the bad part of their culture and adapt the good from other culture for practical and pragmatic reasons. But some cultures will insist on retaining their own culture for good or for bad just because it is their culture.

    Some will look for progress, some will not want to progress.

    Culture will evolve all the time.

  14. New religion got invisible man control nonsense or not?

  15. Call out your invisible man or pack your bags and go to h e l l

  16. God tell me this god tell me that god tell me to tell you this god tell me to tell you that what the heck. Multiply that voices in the head by thousands of times your earth will become AV maddening place and covered in blood lah. You stupid or what?

  17. @ all the "culture warriors"

    A culture doesn't have to "last forever". Or even 100 years. Because the people in the culture, who practice the ideas and values of that culture every day of their lives don't give a fuck how long their culture will last, if they're having a jolly good time.

    Why bother? You only need to "feel good" as long as you can experience life. Once your mind is gone (due to things like dementia) or you're in a coma or dead, nothing matters any more.

    But anyway, some people who don't feel that great get to "feel good" when they say "such and such a culture will die out."

    Good lah. Feel shiok. Enjoy your anachronistic irrelevant culture. The rest of us will be making merry doing whatever the fuck we like.

    We won't be changing anytime soon so you can be "happy" ;-)

  18. A human being without culture

    is a person without bearing,

    much akin to a rudderless boat.

  19. A very pregnant Ali Wong on comedy and babies

    ...and here again on marriage and racism

    As you can tell, Ms Wong---2nd generation ABC---not a noticeable shred of "Chinese culture". Pure western individualism at the very core.

    Looks Chinese. 100% American.

    Got banana?

  20. Hi Lycurgus80ofsparta, apologies for the belated welcome.
    Was a bit busy and lost track of the discussion and newcomer.



  21. "Hi Lycurgus80ofsparta, apologies for the belated welcome.
    Was a bit busy and lost track of the discussion and newcomer.

    Pleasure is all mine, you run a very red pilled blog. A lot better then the usual "gimme more human rights" stuff i read about at other dissident forums.


  22. (because whites are too often labelled as "racists" and white liberals carry the burden of "white guilt" ---i.e. by being white, you come from a lineage of horrible people who did terrible things)

    But you seem to suffer from yellow guilt, just as the white person is cucked into having guilt about his history. You seem ashamed to admit your Asian culture.

    I used to be a libertarian myself. then i discovered the alt right, neo reaction, the dark enlightenment. If white people can be proud of their past should not Chinese people be proud of their culture ?


  23. Culture is tradition and custom synonymous with individual tribes and races.
    It's behaviours unique and typical unto a particular tribe or race.

    Please do notlook down on the Sea Gypsies, Pygmies and Sakai etc on their ways of livings.
    Do not think You are more advanced or clever for You can't be any wiser for sure.

  24. Can a real Chinese learn his true culture in other languages?

    Just like can a Russian learn his true culture say in Hebrew?

    Or a German learn his culture say in Japanese?

    1. Can a banana pretend to be an orange or think it is orange?

  25. 曾经华夏难为明 除却祖国不是国
    老吴富贵扔骨头 红点雾霾六月寒

    1. Google Translate:

      // China can not do anything except out once the country is not a country
      Old Wu Fugui throw bones red dot haze cold in June//

    2. Bing Translate:
      "Once China hard on out beyond a country not
      Old point of rich bone the Red haze June Wu Han"

    3. //曾经华夏难为明 除却祖国不是国
      老吴富贵扔骨头 红点雾霾六月寒//

      Layman Interpretation:

      " Once anyone has trespassed China, no other places feel like a real civilization with rich culture;

      Except the motherland, no other places feel like homeland;

      Living in opulence and overflowing wealth, one Lao Goa throw bones and bread crumbs at the peasantry;

      Even in the hot summer month of June, one feels extreme chills and freezing coldness in a red dot shrouded in ( ownselves check ownselves, utter and heartless selfishness and self-serving ) darkness."

      PS: Interpretation may be wrong, pls advise?

  26. @ L of Sparta 944

    >> You seem ashamed to admit your Asian culture. <<

    Well, I can't help it if you happen to interpret it that way. But the fact remains, I don't. Even if I wanted to, it would be impossible. I LOOK 100% Asian. Even after 40 years of living in western democracies, I speak English with Singaporean/ peranakan inflections.

    I am extremely comfortable in my own (yellowish-brownish) skin, and it happens to be rather THICK.

    When you say "I used to be a libertarian", that is a very large tent you're taking about. Me? I'm partial to anarcho-capitalism in the vein of Murray Rothbard.

    >> If white people can be proud of their past should not Chinese people be proud of their culture ? <<

    No wonder you're not a libertarian anymore. ;-)

    A libertarian would have probably said: "I don't need a 'qualifier' from other people choosing what they want to be proud of. I can think, and choose for myself. I CHOOSE to be proud of my culture, and it is no one else's business". End of fucking story.

  27. "No wonder you're not a libertarian anymore. ;-)"

    The problem with libertarian belief is that people are individuals and culture does not matter by that definition, the PAP can import thousands of North Indians and Pinoys into Singapore and it would not problem since culture does not matter. Libertarians also have this insane belief in open borders even for people who are biologically and culturally anti free market and anti N.A.P. For this reason many white people against Muslim migration who used to be right libertarian have left the movement.

    Hans Hermann hoppe is one such person who gone from libertarian to reactionary.


  28. Neocons’ Hegelian-Style War against the Post-9/11 World - War against Islam, Russia, China and Iran

    crisis, reaction, solution.
    rinse and repeat.
    works like a charm since 1875


    Authoritarian Control and Mass Murder in America the Hegelian Dialectic Way

    hey murcunts, u've met the enemy and its YOU !!!


  29. Looks likes the Russians and Chinese need to spend more money on propaganda on top of weapons. Maybe to create a Chinese or Russian Superman as the hero who saves the world?

  30. @ L of Sparta:

    Hans Hoppe is only one libertarian...i.e. in the "big tent" of libertarianism he is only ONE INDIVIDUAL. It would be irrational to judge ALL libertarians just because of HHH.

    Because of his strident anti-democracy, anti-state stance, he's always been a target.

    Well, you can't please everyone, and HHH is also human with emotions. I still admire him, as I have since the 1990s when the Mises Institute went online. His work on "argumentation" as applied to ethics and liberty is simply brilliant. The more you argue against it, the stronger his case becomes.

    Libertarians are divided on the nature of Singapore. I'm on the side of most "paleo" libertarians: Singapore IS NOT a libertarian "utopia"---for many reasons which I won't get into here.

    However with its so-called, what "appears to be" a "laissez faire economy", low taxes and essentially high degree of economic freedom, many simply conclude that "Singapore is libertarian". NO. IT IS NOT.

    No mature and rational person who identifies as "libertarian" would claim that "libertarianism is PERFECT". Of course not. With any body of ideas (except religion), it is always in various states of flux.

    There are still many areas where libertarians (remember: big tent) disagree, and the arguments get hostile and personal at times. Some of these areas are:

    1. Abortion
    2. Copyright, patents and trademarks
    3. Internet freedom
    4. War
    5. Self defense
    6. Death penalty

    ....and so on.

  31. @Matilah Singapura

    heh, i actually agree with HHH on many issues, that is why i classify myself as a reactionary.

    There has to be a differentiation on economic libertarianism like the Austrian school and cultural libertarisnism. Singapore has a high degree of economic freedom, but the concept of government linked companies is not a free market concept. Rather it is state intervention.

  32. @ L of Sparta:

    >> There has to be a differentiation on economic libertarianism like the Austrian school and cultural libertarisnism. <<

    That was just "made up" by non-libertarian "intellectuals". Being a libertarian is fundamentally about being a non-agressor (don't start physical interference or violence) individual LIBERTY (freedom from force and coercion from others). That's it. Simple. Direct. Non ambiguous.

    Singapore's "high degree of economic freedom" is only on the surface. With GLCs dominating the stockmarket capitalisation, you know the state it there with all it's force, influence and control.

    That won't be changing anytime soon.
