
Singapore Education – There is nothing wrong with it

There is a wise saying, don’t fix it if there is nothing wrong. And that is exactly what is happening to our education system. What is so wrong with our education system that needs fixing? The only thing I can see is that they are trying to do too much with our students, wanting every child to be a superman. Actually more than superman, they want them to be man of steel, can sing and can dance, can be artist, can be engineers or scientists or what not, all rolled into one. And that this not all, they want to be mountain climbers, adventurers, humanitarians and entrepreneurs.  Come off it, ask yourself if you can even be good in two of the items mentioned. What happens is that a child would not have time to be good in anything. But then that is not true either. Our children, the best of the best, are extremely talented in their pursuit of excellence. They know what they want and what matters and would not be made a fool and be misled into doing the unnecessary. Their straight As are not flukes and confirmed by all the best universities in the world.

What then is wrong with our education system and policies? No, there is nothing wrong. It is the reckless and irresponsible policies of hiring rubbish from around the world and calling them talents and treating our children as no talents. How silly can they be? We have the best universities and a no nonsense examination system that would not allow cheatings or buying of fake certificates and degrees, and we go around the world, into little villages and slum cities to dig into their dustbins to pick up the craps, bring them home and call them talents. And we replaced our own talents, strong in the hard disciplines with cheap talkers with fake degrees?

Now there is this myth that is circulating like a bad joke. Singaporeans have no talents, no skill sets, unemployable, not good enough for top management. The best are from unknown village universities. The big question is that no one, not a single turkey in authority, in the govt, in business, in the academia, not a single educator, is brave enough or sensible enough to talk back. No one thinks this nonsensical myth needs to be debunked. No one thinks it is his duty and responsibility to defend our education system, that the products of our education system are genuine, the real mccoys, no bluff, that they are really good stuff. They choose to believe in this myth, that the products of our education system are rubbish, unusable, unemployable.

When the sick jokers from the 3rd World come here to insult and rubbish our talents, calling the products of our world class education system as duds, while the fakes are brought in to replace them, everyone nods his head like a donkey, like hearing a gospel truth.

Would there be anyone standing up to defend our education system? Would the govt put this right by new policies to ensure our best are employed in good jobs and not be turned into temporary staff or be underemployed?  If the govt also believes in this myth, that we have no talents and the products of our world best education system are duds, no amount of tweaking and magic will be able to make our students better. They are already the best of the best. But we allowed others to put a dounce hat on them and called them no talents.

Did anyone get what I am saying? Did anyone see anything wrong with our education system and policies and the stupidity of our employment policies? If they cannot see anything wrong, they would be barking up the wrong tree, blaming our education system, that the products of our education system are a waste of time and resources.

Who is responsible for this mess and to perpetuate this silly myth at the expense of our citizens and their well being?


Anonymous said...

Our education system is designed for the children of the aristocrats and millionaires, the scions of the rich and famous. They need to know a bit of everything to look cultured, to go to theatres, read novels, paint, go for holidays.

Who needs an education to get a job. A job? What is that?

Anonymous said...

/// Who is responsible for this mess and to perpetuate this silly myth at the expense of our citizens and their well being? ///

Is it true?
Is the PAP government responsible for this mess?
What about the 70% who voted PAP?
Are they responsible too?

Anonymous said...

PAP Government - There is nothing wrong with it.

Anonymous said...

We have the best universities and a non nonsense examination system that would not allow cheatings or buying of fake certificates and degrees, and we go around the world, into little villages and slum cities to dig into their dustbins to pick up the craps, bring them home and call them talents.

But 70% are OK with it, so how?

Anonymous said...

Nobody is wrong lah.

Only Rb is not correct.

Sin prospers cos it is using
the cheapest to get the best.
Stinkies are top class, no doubt
and dispute abt it, but they arr
expensive and demanding. If the
cheaper ones can fulfill the
objective, why and where is the
need to employ expensive and
demanding candidates ?

There is a dire need to change
the mindset of Stinkie that refuses
to understand the wisdoms of Sin Leaders, be they politicians or
If Stinkies are indeed as good as
claimed to be, they will be sort
after anywhere. After all how many
Stinkies are there to supply to
the World ?

Anonymous said...

Need to have a Coordinating Minister for Education and Manpower so that after schooling they can get a job. Now education does what it thinks best while manpower says all no good. Cannot use. Must go overseas to get good workers.

Anonymous said...

Good one.
A Coordinating Minister for Education and Manpower.

I think our Opposition Parties also need a "Coordinating Opposition Politician".

jjgg said...

RB not so smart..our education system must be tinkered so that undue influences from the internet cannot be allowed to cloud the minds of our nurturing students.singapore Education is not to ensure future employment for our young but more so ..education is to ensure that graduating adults have learnt to adhere to the Singapore system which is to join pap..vote pap..revere pap ,support pap....GLC is greatest, unions are working for you and SPH tells it all. Once you have learnt all the above...the keys to the kingdom is yours...hehe

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha, I still got a lot to learn.

Anonymous said...

Minister Ong Ye Kung: 70% landslide win means Singaporeans support PAP policies

70% supports PAP policies.
But that does not mean 70% stops asking questions.

Hepatitis C.
Do you think that 70% of SGH patients do not want to ask question?

Anonymous said...

Haha, I still got a lot to learn.
RB 11:51 a.m.

Haha, but learn already got use or not?

Anonymous said...

What about you, wasting time here got use or not?

Anonymous said...

What kind of questions does the 70% ask?

Re: Education
Question: Our education system keep getting high ranking in survey. What's your problem?
Question: Our economy is slowing down because the workers are not productive enough. This affects the jobs available and is a world-wide trend. With fewer jobs, more students will have problem getting full-time employment. They should be more flexible and be contented with part-time or contract employment. This is the new normal. Do you get it?

Re: Hep C
Question: MOH has already convened an inquiry committee to look into it. Why you keep insisting on COI?
Question: Already said there is nothing unusual about the long lapse of time before this incident was brought to the attention of the minister. Why you keep asking?

Anonymous said...

@ November 05, 2015 1:44 p.m.
"Why you keep asking?"

If two thousand years ago.
There was a university full of PAP scientists.
They will tell Galileo.

Our Committee of Inquiry has already established the world is flat.
Why you keep asking?

Our COI already established that the sun revolves around the earth.
Why you keep asking?

Anonymous said...

Our LKY has already established all the truths there is to know about Singapore in the book called "The Hard Truths".

Why you keep asking?

Anonymous said...

Listen to Agongkia, get a job, any job, work hard and long at it as there is no choice. Do not be choosy, screwty, table or toilet cleaning, never mind. Better if you can be cabby or pimp, easier and higher income. If can, be remisier, financial adviser or set up ngo, there is plenty of money in Sin. It all depend on how good you are.
Another way is to be emperor in somewhere far away or at cool cool place like gotong raya.
Better if you can set up businesses in Sin, Oz, Malaysia, Thailand and make the best out of them. Set up families in Indo, ROC, Vietnam and everywhere and propagate your genes. Who knows some of them may become VIPs or successful entrepreneurs.
Be smart like the political and business leaders.
Stupid to worry abt the country and people who treat you as complaint king and say you kpkb for nothong.

Veritas said...

Before the education system was created to serve the fucking peranakan banana, conducting every single lesson in English so that Chinese, Malay and Tamil speaker fail like crazy. The banana are all talent and the rest are call dalits or stupid or lazy, or mother fuckers.

As the society catch up and more vernacular speaker are able to coach their own kids, the banana tribe have move on further. Today rich kids have a head start through numerous enrichment programs and tuition and oversea trips that poor man son cannot afford.

Recently RI principal say RI is a incest den where everyone are same background.

Singapore education is never a place for meritocracy but a hindu temple promoting caste system.

Unknown said...

No system is perfect. The aim is to beat the system.

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, there is nothing wrong with the education system in Singapore. In fact, the Singapore education system IMHO is very good. As a foreigner I must say that the only downside in the way the Singaporean children are educated comes from the kiasu-ness of the parents. My Singaporean grandchild of 11 goes to one of the more prestigious schools in Singapore. She leaves home at 6.15 am and most weekdays she does not come home until 5.00 pm after all the CCAs. When she gets home she has to do all the homework from school and from her tuition classes. Over the weekends she has violin and one other activity. I believe she is missing out on many simple childhood experiences. On the other hand, I have 3 children all in their 30s, educated under the UK system. They enjoyed their childhood and never attended a tuition class. During their school days they played football, rugby, join music bands, go out and have fun and work during weekends at supermarkets. All my 3 children now working in London and are all successful in their chosen professions.

So RB, with all the kiasu-ness in Singapore regarding the education for children, why do you think that the Singapore education system need to change? By right it should be perfect and needs no improvement. The government should be very proud of the status quo. Singaporeans are so lucky.

Anonymous said...

@ November 05, 2015 7:12 p.m

"When she gets home she has to do all the homework from school and from her tuition classes."

If the education system is adequate and not broken, why is there any need for tuition classes?
- you have become as daft as the 70% of Singaporeans that live here
- suggest you go back to UK and get your head screwed back on correctly.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I agree with Anon 7:12. My position is the same, we have one of the best and compact education system for our children. Anything that needs to be taught they have thought it out and included in the system.

Why are the children of 7:12 and the British system still doing so well in Britain? Because they believe in their system. Our idiots did not believe in our education system, did not think our children from the system are good. They believe that the unknown rubbish are better.

No matter how good an education system is, if the idiots making the policies did not believe in them and have contrary policies to dismiss the products of the education system, have policies against them getting employed, then we will see our children be treated as waste and shit. This is the tragedy of our education and employment policies.

And the idiots are still unaware of their stupidity and crime against our children. And not only that they blame it on our children, they are blaming on the education system and thinking that they should keep on tweaking and tingling with it.

I hope you get my point 7:12.

Anonymous said...

Shud Rb becomes an employer or minister 1 day, wonder if he will engage more expensive and demanding workers albeit their qualifications are perceived to
be better and not fr degree mills.
Bear in mind that the cheaper foreigners and local educated are equally competent.

Anonymous said...

The root cause of the problem is that 70% of Singaporeans voted for a Pro Alien Political Party.
70% of Singaporeans support the education policies of the Pro Alien Party.

And this 70% Singaporeans are the product of 50 years of PAP Education policies.

"And the idiots are still unaware of their stupidity and crime against our children."
- who are you calling idiots?
- the PAP Millionaires or the 70% Sinkies?

Anonymous said...

The harm done to our PMEs and the young graduates are immense and psychologically crippling. It is destroying their self esteem, their self worth and confidence. No govt in the world do these to their own citizens except this red dot. Some of the damages have very long and lasting effects on the victims.

How would millionaire ministers understand the plight of the affected citizens who are desperate and embarrassed when they are unemployed for a long time?

Only inhuman asses could not feel any empathy for their fellow citizens. Some are here gloating and even trying to challenge RB for his compassion for the suffering unemployed or underemployed citizens.

But what can you expect when a country is no longer a country but a prostitute den?

Anonymous said...

" No govt in the world do these to their own citizens except this red dot. Some of the damages have very long and lasting effects on the victims. "
November 05, 2015 10:13 p.m.

And yet 70% of Singaporeans vote for PAP.
How do you explain this?
70% Singaporeans hate their fellow Singaporeans.

"Only inhuman asses could not feel any empathy for their fellow citizens."
But who are these inhuman asses?
PAP Millionaires or the 70% Singaporeans who voted PAP?

70% Singaporeans include your friends and relatives.

Goh said...

Thank you anon 3.03
Glad that I manage to catch your attention. Must buy you kopi one day.

Anonymous said...

I work for a company that thrives on marketing and "selling" the Singapore education system in Thailand. For all that is said about the SG education system, at the end of the day, it may be a little hard for people to believe that, outside of SG, while SG parents KPKB about the stresses of PSLE, parents in Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines etc are willing to fork out 3 to 4x the amount paid for national schools in these countries, just so to give their children a little bit of that "Singaporean advantage".

Should we be proud in this instance? Is it all but perspective?