
Questions for Hsien Loong and the voters

Hsien Loong said these in his conversation with Heng Chee.

“It is our job to think of these issues and to make the best decisions which we can, in our judgment, on your behalf and to account to you, and say to the best of my ability this is what I have decided I have to do,” he said.

“And you may agree with it, you may not agree with it, but I can tell you in complete honesty that I am trying my best to do this on your behalf. And I cannot avoid doing this because otherwise I think I will be letting you down.”

In the above comments it gives the impression that his govt is given unlimited and unrestrained power to decide everything he thinks is right for Singaporeans. It does not matter if Singaporeans agree with him or not.  Heard of the deaf frog ideology?

Does Hsien Loong think he can change the demographic profile of Singapore by flooding the country with foreigners resulting in a changed polity with a different Singaporean identity without the consent of the Singaporeans? Does any elected govt have this authority to do so without going back to the people, going for a referendum? Does anyone really think that anyone who is a PM has a logic  and mind that is so superior to the masses that his thinking is so supreme, that what he thinks is right must be right or so what, I think so and I did it for people, no need to consult the people, happy or not is not important? This kind of thinking is understandable in a monarchy or dictatorship, but in a democracy?

Does his govt has the right to do what it wants with the people’s savings in the CPF just because he thinks it is the right thing to do? Does the govt respect the right of the people to their money?

Does his govt have the right to spend billions to provide thousands of foreigners with scholarships and living allowances without the Singaporeans agreeing to it while Singaporeans have to pay with their own money and many struggling to pay for it?

These decisions have very serious implications on the life and welfare of Singaporeans that are beyond an individual even if he is the PM of the country. How is he to account to the Singaporeans for the harm the policies and decisions could cause them? Would a, ‘I am sorry, let’s move on’ be enough?  We are talking about the lives and well beings of the 3 million odd Singaporean citizens and their children that will come after them.

How is he to account to the Singaporeans when the Singaporeans are telling him ‘No’ to these policies? The consequences of these policies would affect generations of Singaporeans to come when his mandate is only for 5 years and to be renewed again? Or is he saying, if Singaporeans do not like his policies, vote him out? Or is he saying that the majority of the Singaporeans agree to his policies that is why they continue to vote him to form the govt. So it is ok?

I can agree with the last point. If Singaporeans were to vote his party to form the govt again in the next GE, it is an endorsement of his policies and those Singaporeans who disagree, the minority, should just shut up for good. It is the mandate that the Singaporeans gave to him to do as he likes, and approved of them.

The GE is to decide if you approve of the govt’s policies or to stop the govt from continuing with policies that you disagree with and you think are harmful to you and your children’s future. Vote for the PAP if you want more of the same policies. Vote for the opposition if you have had enough of these policies. It is a Yes or No issue, no buts or to regret later and to kpkb and to be ignored after the GE.


Anonymous said...

The PAP government was voted into power by the majority of Singaporeans. The have been place in a position to make decision they deem to be good for Singapore and also good for you. Therefore they have the right to make any decision they reckon to be good for Singapore. If you disagree with their policies, then protest through the ballot box. The policy of inviting FTs and other workers into Singapore has, in the government's opinion, been good for the country. You may not agree with this and KPKB on your blog would not change anything. The ballot box is the only way. Convince the 60.1% of Singaporeans to switch side would do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Tiok, tiok. Singaporeans must vote wisely. Their future is at stake.

Anonymous said...

There comes a time when a considerate voter will need to make decision for the good of the nation, NOT his constituency any longer, and this is unfortunately the time. Because we gave waited too long to wake up fromthe slumber. I's about national policies that affect our well being, and no longer about local cleanliness, upgrade and facilities.

Time for first world electorate. Or forever hold your peace as a second class electorate.

Anonymous said...

There comes a time when a considerate voter will need to make decision for the good of the nation, NOT his constituency any longer, and this is unfortunately the time. Because we gave waited too long to wake up fromthe slumber. I's about national policies that affect our well being, and no longer about local cleanliness, upgrade and facilities.

Time for first world electorate. Or forever hold your peace as a second class electorate.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ refuse to accept reality, bang head against wall instead, Redbean:

>> In the above comments it gives the impression that his govt is given unlimited and unrestrained power to decide everything he thinks is right for Singaporeans. <<

It is not an "impression". In Singapore unlimited govt power is REALITY. PAP is govt, and govt is PAP. So far, so good. Singapore is awesome and rocks like champion.

>> It does not matter if Singaporeans agree with him or not. <<

Once you have a mandate, and keep getting the mandate over and over again, you really DON'T have to pay any attention to the "noise". Most of the opinion which comes from the voters is NOISE.

For Singapore, the best system (backed up by decades of HARD EVIDENCE is a benign or benevolent DICTATORSHIP which has total control and long-term "staying power".

That's why the longer term vision for the future of the CUNTRY is far more important than the immediate "needs" of the The Entitled Assholes ("gimme this, gimme that!") who won't be around in 25-50 years anyway.

Singapore is socially engineered, politically controlled and future-planned. Bottom line: It works GREAT!

Anyway, whine all you like---it won't make a difference. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The GE is to decide if you approve of the govt’s policies or to stop the govt from continuing with policies that you disagree with and you think are harmful to you and your children’s future.

Not really lah. For majority (aka 60%) voters, the GE is to choose a party, although quite screw-up, but at least is ready to be govt lah. Because how can a party or parties which are not even ready to be govt be better, u tell me lah?

So the choice is obvious. Choose the lesser of 2 evils. Because not choosing is also not an option.

Anonymous said...

To survive in this very very crowded, very very expensive
and very very stressful tiny city state, your deep pockets
MUST have money ready to pay and pay and pay and pay and
pay and pay and pay and pay and pay!

The trouble is too many people follow the crowds and fell deep
into the financial loan traps in property, car, etc etc etc.

What to do?


Anonymous said...

It is indeed good news to PAP that WP is only contesting 28 out of 89 seats.

This means that PAP is more or less assured of at least a 2/3 majority in Parliament, and hence can continue to do as they wish like before, and also WP cannot do anything about it like as before, even if WP were to win all 28 seats contested, which is also very unlikely.

So other than PAP and WP, the rest for sure can forget about winning, or else PAP may be accidentally voted out of govt, which was what the 60% fear most in 2011, and also fear the same this time round.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10.08am pls note.....

You are correct WP is only contesting 28 out of 89 seats,
assuring PAP at least a 2/3 majority.

Fear not, fear not.

I think WP is not selfish lah!

They are hoping that other opposition parties can take
another 8 seats making a total of 36 seats, denying PAP
a 2/3 majority.

We must be optimistic lah!

Life will then be very exciting and interesting.

This is what life is all about. Very Colourful!


Anonymous said...

Even the hope of securing the "high chance " 5 seats that they are aiming for may "evaporate" in front of their eyes.

Without "old goat", it is almost "in the bag". Now with "old goat" almost deciding "to cancel his retirement " and continue to "carry a BG" on his shoulder and "piggyback" him, now the odds are probably in their favour again ......

So to even go beyond and day dream about securing all 28 seats and others bringing in a few more to tip above the 1/3 level could be pure self delusion. ....

If the incumbent need to worry where to place their big guns strategically to maximise their odds, how many big guns there are in the non-incumbent camp who are potential game changer and where to place them?

To spread their "big guns" even between 2 GRCs is already a stretch, to even think of securing all 28 or somewhere close is pure daydream. ....

Who knows the incumbent is "purposely " setting "a bait" or "several baits" to lead the non-incumbent to spread their "big guns and limited machinery " too thin and thus not making a consequential difference in the end ......

The incumbent already occupied 2 of the 3 important factors to win any war namely 天时, 地利 。。。。。 In terms of their "cunning maneuvering of their big guns" , they are also trying to usurp the non-incumbent advantage and gain supremacy in the 人和 aspect ......

Any non-incumbents who are not "200% prepared " or more are unlikely to stand "realistic chance" against the meticulously well-honed incumbent's formidable machinery.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, heard that Tin Pei Ling has just become a happy mother of a boy.

Anonymous said...

Can there still be a surprise coming from Low Thia Khiang, the present day Kong Ming in local politics?
RB 11:55 a.m.

Hahahahaha. Kong Ming indeed, or else he would not have astutely noted and publicly tell all Sinkies that majority (aka 60%) Sinkies are very scared to accidentally vote PAP out because WP is not ready to be govt.

And this is worth repeating, especially to non WP Sinkie opposition leaders like Hainan Ah Ko, Aung Juan Soon Chee, Kenneth (son of JBJ), "Madcow" Goh and Botak Benjamin (or is there more to Madcow and Botak than meets the eye?), scholar Hazel, Ah Chiam's wife and so on.

Anonymous said...

And this is worth repeating, especially to non WP Sinkie opposition leaders ...
Anon 12:12 p.m.

Tiok. And if they are listening, they should stop wasting their time and resources contesting the elections, unless their party is ready to contest 100% seats. Or unless they want to tikam tikam lah, which will be as good as winning at the casinos.

Anonymous said...


Wah seh, like that ah, how to vote for the opposition to be govt? Already fighting even before the election. Looks like PAP may even do better than in GE 2011, maybe making a clean sweep of all the seats.

No wonder 60% die die want to vote PAP every election.

Anonymous said...

Rb // Well, heard that Nicol would not be contesting this round. What a pity. Can there still be a surprise coming from Low Thia Khiang, the present day Kong Ming in local politics? //

For one weekend, think can "throw talking politics" into the back burner lah ......

How many chance one have to celebrate a golden jubilee? The next jubilee ( centennial ) is SG100, another 50 years away ......

Unless one believes in karma and "come back as your own great grand children", means one reborn as the grand children of your children ...... if fated ..... to be reborn and in the same cuntry .......

If not and kena in other cuntry like ah nehland then Bo pian, go do face palm and live with the fate lor ....

Meanwhile everyboLEE including oldies should relax, let the hairs down for those ah Ma and have a good time this weekend celebrating this once in a lifetime golden jubilee for many unless you are the strawbelly or "tap generation" ( millennium generation ).

Next time when eventually u go meet your ancestors, at least can tell them how you spent the golden jubilee with so many free this free that almost everywhere , gimme this gimme that until so paiseh ......

So many places free, free, free.

For once FTs not eligible for the many of the offers this weekend ...... and no need go fight with them in the jam or crowded public places with hardly any room to move the elbows. .... hopefully. ...... otherwise for many, another reason to .....

Also dunno .....

Let yew feel in the blank bah ......


Happy SG50 weekend celebration!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Looks like Chok Tong is going to run on his terms with the weakest link in the chain removed, the Marine Parade team will be much stronger than before.

Would WP be able to do another giant killer act and take Marine Parade under its wing? Retiring George Yeo and Lim Hwee Hwa was a big victory. To remove Chuan Jin and this big piece of history is going to require big effort from the WP. It would be much easier if they could convince Nicol to be part of the WP team. If Nicol is in, this time it will be blooded on the ground. The trial run in the last GE would give the voters a good idea of what they need to do to have Nicol as their MP.

Well, heard that Nicol would not be contesting this round. What a pity. Can there still be a surprise coming from Low Thia Khiang, the present day Kong Ming in local politics?

Anonymous said...

Ang Tau " Would WP be able to do another giant killer act and take Marine Parade under its wing? Retiring George Yeo and Lim Hwee Hwa was a big victory. To remove Chuan Jin and this big piece of history is going to require big effort from the WP."

To see how much influence ESM GCT has, those oldies who are free on any day of these 4-day long weekend should make a trip to MP especially the part between MP CC and Parkway Parade.

The HDB flats and the landscaping there after upgrade feels and looks like new Condos except without perimeter fencing ..... many frens when they saw the place kpkb non-stop and said their own place hdb upgrading kns especially those staying in the west. Can't imagine how ESM GCT can turn all these 1970s built flat into gleaming and almost brand new condo lookalike apartments and coupled with the tropical theme landscaping, probably the residents there everyday return home also feel like returning to a resort home .....

Ang Tau is likely right. To supplant ESM GCT in an election in MP GRC is like 难如登天 if he continues to helm the team there .....

In 1992, ESM GCT easily trounced Aung Juan Soon Chee led SDP team in a by election by about 79% to 21%, one of the highest percentage victory margin in GRC electoral ward history, if not the highest.

Aung Juan Soon Chee, when introduced in 1992 by Chiam was supposedly the 炮弹 ( big cannon ) but unfortunately history was not made and he became 炮灰 in that "epic" battle which also saw DPM TCH elected.

It was reported tgat another NUS lecturer is also eyeing ESM GCT's GRC. Hope this second NUS lecturer, also touted as another 炮弹 dun end up the next 炮灰 like Aung Juan Soon Chee in 1992 BE and bombed out in another "forgettable mis-matched battle" ....

Anyway, for any walkabouts, probably a waste of time and likely yielding the lowest returns for any non-incumbents to spend their precious and limited resources in MP ward under ESM GCT cos it is like an impregnable fortress out of the 5 wards in MP GRC.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
@ Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanAugust 05, 2015 11:55 a.m.
//Looks like Chok Tong is going to run on his terms, with the weakest link in the chain removed, the Marine Parade team will be much stronger than before.//


Mb lau goa should push one step further .....

Suggest put this young mother in 屁山打爸妖 GRC since people suggested she very connected to the oldies in her ward .... make some people walk their talk, tiok bor? They can always try to prove lau goa "wrong" ......

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Chok Tong's nemesis is Nicole Seah.
Put her there one more time and she will send Chok Tong packing.

Anonymous said...


Of course Woody will run because he is the only person in this world that can feel with his old wooden bones that victory is assured. Don't fool around with old goose.

Anonymous said...

Chio girl like Nicole will appeal to uncles like RB and ti kor peks. I heard the opposition is fielding another chio girl, cant remember which opposition party and which constituency she is standing. She looks like those sell Anchor and Tiger beer types. If she stands in Hougang I am sure even LTK is no match for her, let alone PAP.
But I hope she stands in RB's constituency so that RB can see her and seek her help everyday.

patriot said...

Any surprises if Nicole Seah becomes a comrade-in-arm with Goh Chok Tong in the PAP Team ?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans get the government they deserved.
PAP tricks are not new and had and have been repeated many times.

Singaporeans are being replaced by FTs.
Singaporean PMETs are and will steadily be replaced by FTs.

Between the PAP and its dealings with Singaporeans, Singaporeans should know by now only the BALLOT BOX talks.

If enough Singaporeans vote against the PAP, then maybe the flow of FTs will slow down and give you some breathing space and you and families don't have to eat grass so soon.

You (We) get the government you (we) vote for. Period.

Anonymous said...

After GE2015, my wish is......

天天会更好! Yes 天天会更好!

希望 希望 希望...............

Anonymous said...

If the PAP govt gets booted out, the opposition may have no choice but to implement incest to boost economic growth, if all else fails.

Disclaimer: Ex-Singaporean living in luxury overseas with lots of employment opportunities, clean air, cheap cars and cheap housing !

Anonymous said...

This is the easiest voting decision I have ever made in my life.
Vote Opposition all the way.

Yours Sincerely
A Former PAP voter-supporter
- used to buy and read a lot of LKY books
- until I lost my job to an Alien and I had time to reflect in my new job as taxi driver

Anonymous said...

to Anon of August 05, 2015 5:22 p.m.

Only now you realise the folly of you ways in the past. When it did not touch your life you were oblivion of the suffering of others. You voted PAP and even read books written by you-know-who. Too late for you to come to the real world. Now a taxi driver and earning a modest living and with time to reflect on what lies you swallowed, hook, line and sinkers. I think it is too late now. The flood gates have been opened and the flow of FTs cannot be stopped. Your old PMET job is probably occupied by some FT from India or PRC. PAP WILL win more than 2/3 seats in parliament and nothing you or anyone can do to close the free flow of FTs from foreign lands. You voted them in and now you reap what you sowed. I do not pity you at all. You deserve whatever hardship you get driving a taxi. No sympathy from me mate. Period.

Anonymous said...

@ August 05, 2015 5:03 p.m.

Repent by voting Opposition.
It's too late for you.
But maybe there is still hope for your children.
Remember to confess your sins to your children.
So that they don't repeat the mistake you made by supporting PAP.

Goh said...

You know what is the difference between chio n hiau? I m a tikopek n ever propose for chio candidates but she must be matured and super intelligent type.
Putting that miniskirt half ball kevryn in my constituency will give me a good reason to vote against her party.
I do not want my future daughter to be influence or dress like a karaoke or disco hostess or geh angmo.
I rather see ah tin stomping her foot than to see half ball.

Goh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't understand this blog. Is this a Harry Potter blog or is it about Singapore politics. When you cast about names like the Horrible Person or You know who are you referring to Voldemort as in He who shall not be named?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon August 05, 2015 5:22 p.m

All is not lost.
Revenge is near and sweet.
You have my sympathy.
Just Do It.
VTO 2015.

Anonymous said...

@ AnonymousAugust 05, 2015 4:19 p.m.
// Don't fool around with old goose.//

You could be right.

From the body language of the BG when 老鹅 shows up to present the new potential member ( the ya ya pa pa ya 4 ft 11.5 "midget" ), things probably are far more complicated than on the surface.

Only the Geylang area doc and the "Seah Lan Peng" "pretending" everything is fine but their plastic smiles "gave themselves away" ......

The non-incumbents probably are being "baited" to waste their energy and cohesiveness "fighting" for something that is so near yet so far and likely eventually almost there but not there.

Kong Ming or not, based on Game Theory and thus the likely probabilities, the 2 bigger guns are likely to stay back and defend their position. It is possible for the incumbent to spring a nasty surprise and field several ex-heavy weights to pin them down in their own territories. To leave their 老巢would make them 首尾不能相顾 and risk their entire campaign. .....

If Mr Teochew "阴沟里翻船" in other battle ground, they will "陷入群龙无首的危境"。Thus Teochew has to stay put and so too his the other "big gun" running mate Silvering. The other 3 are "not so consequential" this time and can be "easily rotated" with some others .......

There is "no easy battle" this round and Teochew has to 使出all his "法宝" to go beyond his current team of 7.

On polling nite, 孔明or not, 答案或许会揭晓。

The "poker game" has just "started" ......

The "battle" is shaping up and there could be plenty to support for both sides but in the end, not much might change ......

The original 孔明 might have "waged this battle differently " ......