
MH370 - Can you believe this?

Aircraft Resembling MH370 Found in Warehouse Belonging to CNN

CASA GRANDE, Az. – DEA agents and sheriff’s deputies with the Pinal County Narcotics Task Force made a startling discovery Tuesday while serving a drug warrant that ended in a botched raid. County officials say a typo on the official search warrant lead law enforcement officers to the wrong location, a warehouse in Casa Grande, where, instead of a methamphetamine operation, they found a Boeing 777 commercial airliner and a sedan.

“Upon entering the premises, Pinal County Sheriff’s deputies observed a large commercial airliner parked in the center of the warehouse,” Pinal County’s Chief Investigator Adam Hutch told reporters. “The aircraft in question is white, with a gray underbelly and features red and blue stripes down the middle of fuselage.” Hutch said the plane’s tail prominently displays the all-too-familiar red and blue logo of Malaysian Airlines. Additionally, its registration number, 9M-MRO, matches that of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 which is believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.

“Right now we are trying to determine the origin of this aircraft,” Hutch said, adding that airliner was carrying “less than a quarter tank” of fuel. Public records show the warehouse in question is located on privately owned land in the outskirts of Casa Grande and has been on lease to CNN since March 6, 2014. The twenty-four hour cable news channel declined a request to comment from this reporter but Ted Turner, owner of Turner Broadcasting System Inc, the parent company of CNN, told The New York Times that he found the discovery “very peculiar,” and added, “I have no idea why that would be there.”

During CNN’s The Situation Room Tuesday, Wolf Blitzer was pointedly asked by a guest what his thoughts on the aircraft were. Mr. Blitzer blinked several times while staring into the camera before saying, “I’m sorry, could you repeat that? We seem to be having some issues with the mic.” Blitzer, citing “technical difficulties,” began to tap on his earpiece before removing it entirely to inspect it. He began to blow on the earpiece, presumably to remove dust or hardened ear wax, as the segment cut to an unusually long commercial break....

Full text of the above news can be found at:  http://realnewsrightnow.com/2015/08/05/aircraft-resembling-mh370-found-in-warehouse-belonging-to-cnn/


Anonymous said...

I would take this news with caution. Have you wondered why Malaysia is not jumping on such a discovery? I have doubts over the authenticity of this news.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yep, take it with a pinch of salt. Malaysia is now boiling with the prospect of Najib losing his job. No time for such trivials.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Hoax lah. I'm surprised they didn't also mention that alien-looking artifacts and technology were found there as well. As well as Santa Claus. And Jesus. And Elvis, singing and playing his guitar, whilst Big Foot dances to the beat.

Enjoy! Human beings are very easily fooled!

Anonymous said...

I think it is as real as the smell under your mama's skirt.

Anonymous said...

RB. Such a news is not trivial since Malaysia and other countries had been searching for this aircraft more than a year ago. Such news, if true, would not be kept so quiet by China and next of kins. Do you smell the fish here?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

At the moment the mystery is still unsolved. This is not a simple case of accident but highly organised crime, espionage.

Anonymous said...

First thing is to see if it's missing a wing flap...

Anonymous said...

Could be a hoax. If it is then some people have very poor taste. the relatives and friends of the passengers of MH370 must be so hurt by the flipfloping. Blame the Yanks.

Anonymous said...

Truth can be wilder than fiction.

Anonymous said...

That article was posted on 5-Aug-15. A more recent article in that site, posted 29-Aug-15, reported that the Pope has announced that The Vatican has successfully detonated 3 nuclear bombs around Christmas Island. No doubt, 3 weeks from now, they would issue an article saying that PAP has lost GE2015.