
The Silver Brigade – There are works to be done

The Silver Brigade is back, all 1m of them, and growing. Yes, there are 600,000 seniors in the age group 55 to 75, taking 30,000 for each cohort. And the 45 to 55 would soon join the ranks of the Silver Hair to add another 300,000 of them. There are 1 million seniors out there.

The Silver Brigade will not go away and are digging in, and coming back to roost. Many have been sidelined, fired, sacked, retrenched, retired, by a dysfunctional social economic system that is still sleeping. Today, with modern medicine, good living environment, health and wealth, a 60 year old is as good as a 40 year old of yesteryears. A 60 year old is still as sexy and gorgeous and physically able to run the marathon. Their predecessors would have not seen the light anymore, but a 60 year old today could expect to live another 20 or more years in healthy condition.

And if you look at 91 year old LKY still strutting around as the undisputed leader of this island, and still calling the shot, you know that a 60 or 70 year old is still young and has many good years to strut around.

On the other end you have the boys and girls brigades bitching around in the internet like little ignorant asses attacking the Silver Brigade as useless fools, ignorant, stupid and good riddance, time to kick the bucket. These little flies are behaving like what George Yeo said, ‘boh tua boh suay’ or disrecpectful of the elders. Wonder what kind of upbringings they have or who are the evil ones encourageing these unruly tarts to act and behave as such. It is unlikely that their parents and grandparents, all members of the Silver Brigade, would let them misbehave in these ways.

It is time that the Silver Brigade, all 1 million of them, to reassert themselves not only for their own good but more for the good of their children and grand children. The misguided boys and girls and the misguided policies must be put right for our children. There are many very intellectuals and wise ones out there, full of knowledge, experience and wisdom, and feeling very frustrated at the way things are happening to the country they built, and feeling quite helpless, with their wings clipped, told to be out of sight, and stayed as spectators but knowing fully well that they could contribute their worth for many tens of years. I called upon them to come back to the main stream of activities, to right the wrongs. Tell the boys and girls that you have enough of their stupidity and misguided policies. You have many good years to contribute for the good of country and future generations. Do not let misguided little kids run this country to the ground and to tell you off, that they know best.

Things are bad but still reparable. There is still some time to re chart the course and avoid going over the cliff. The boys and girls have run out of ideas. They are the real lost sheep and pretending to lead, to know the way. This is the moment of truth, a very serious crisis in the making demanding great minds, men and women from the Silver Brigade to come forward to do their parts. You have done it, been there, and sure you know that things are not right. You cannot afford not to do anything, to be on the side lines and let the vacuum heads and the irresponsible destroy this country that you played a big part to build.

It is very apparent that the young of today are deluded. How could they be allowed to wipe out a good generation of Singaporean talents from the 40s to the 70s, to call them obsolete and to be replaced by 3rd world bums and fakes? They could not see their wrongs, could not see anything wrong, and continue to go down the wrong path but believing that it is the right path. The Silver Brigade must resist this condemnation of our local talents into the waste bins.

The Silver Brigade has the responsibility to save this country from destruction, for the well being of their children and grandchildren. Staying out or doing nothing is to give up the future of the children by default. And at the very least, they must regain their dignity, not be abused and dismissed by little boys and girls as has beens, dried orange skins when the kids are lost themselves. How can the Silver Brigade allow the boys and girls who are empty in between their ears to lead everyone over the cliff?

It is time for the Silver Brigade to fight back, for their dignity and for the sake of country and people before it is too late, before this country is lost to the foreigners. Little boys and girls, please step aside and make way for the Silver Brigade. You have been given enough time and strings to hang yourselves. The Silver Brigades are your papa and mama and your Ah Kong and Ah Mah and will come out to teach you a thing or two, and are doing it for your own good. And if you choose to remain naughty and silly, they will use the cane on you.

Those that can lead must come out and lead. They must not allow the disabled and deluded to mislead. You have no choice. It is a fight for the life and death of a people and their children and grand children. The country needs you. Your children and grand children need you. Do not opt out for their sake. Do not wait until it is too late.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. All humans are welcome to join the Silver Brigade.
    But Pigs are not welcome.
    If your Ah Ma & Ah Kong too old to walk never mind.
    Just teach them how to vote wisely.

  2. Many of them deserve it as they did not teach their children well in the past.They brought up a generation of phua kays,abuse power and use filthy money to exploit and bully the less educated or poor.They only know how to demand high salary but fail to do job well.
    I am curious why young Lor Nerng still want to fight for their cpf,a tax that is rightfully and safer to be kept with the garmen.
    Majority of these elderly have children who are bullies.
    You reap what you sow.Except for those poor elderly,i dun see why they should deserve anything better for producing such bullies.
    And now you still give them title of Silver Brigade.Rotten wood are good only for the furnaces.

  3. Leave our youngs alone, they are victims of the silver brigade as pointed out by Agongkia. The leaders are also victims of the silver brigade too. Old sinkies are very happy and impressed by the leadership, they worship lky and his family. Not surprisingly, some are hoping that lhl be succeeded by his son.
    Redbean himself is likely very respectful of lky and many of his ministers.
    Silver brigade must be responsible to undo their mistakes and not blame their children. The youngs are trying to help and save the ignorant silver brigade. R Ngerng and H HH are fine examples.

  4. "How could they be allowed to wipe out a good generation of Singaporean talents from the 40s to the 70s, to call them obsolete and to be replaced by 3rd world bums and fakes?"

    Whether or not they were bums and fakes, that's for their employers to judge them. If they cannot do the job, for sure their employers will not hire them even if they are cheaper, tio bo?

    By the same logic, whether or not PAP deserve to be the govt, that's for the majority (aka 60%) to judge them. If PAP cannot do a better job, for sure majority voters will have voted opposition, tio bo?

    Tio bo, u tell me lah?

    1. Tiok, tiok, if fellow singaporeans employers would not employ their own kind then the singaporeans citizens employees servicemen in turn would not be able to protect them, their families and assets in time of need. If they made calculations of no fellowship if being fellow comrades citizens on monetary value.

      like wise the ruling government as elected by the masses. No absolute loyalty to die for the country if you are not also dying for us.

      Me, pioneer generation first batch to join the SAF and not PDF as equivalent to the now volunteers
      corps have never vote the PAP in my life time do not agree that we are the ones who are to be blamed for the current mess.

      The PAP is voted in by all strata of self serving sinkies who benefited from their same goals of greed and power. They prefer status quo so as now to disrupt their still unaffected comfortable lives.

      MOT, they be in the same league of the affected unfortunate Singaporeans who has to be the first in line before them if the deaf and dumb government is re elected another term.

  5. When the top management and HR are foreigners you can bet all Sinkies would not be good enough, don't look right, can't fit in to the culture and must be replacedby their own kinds.

    Wake up daft sinkies.

  6. Actually hor.
    If you look at the PAPigs.
    They are not good enough to be our leaders;
    they don't look right;
    they can't fit in to our Sinkie culture;
    and must be replaced by our own kind.

  7. We see many first world economies going to be bankrupted by oldies in the coming years. The oldies go on exotic holidays but the working young cannot even afford to pay the rent. The oldies going for chemo beyond 80 years old but the young ones have to died even when carrying the same kind of cancer. This world will become anti oldies.
