
Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank – China and the USA

The ugly Americans have been complaining that China is not doing its part in contributing to the world order. China now comes out with a huge sum of cash to set up the AIIB but the ugly Americans are crying foul again. What the Americans are demanding is for China to help the Americans to continue as the big bully against small nations. What the Americans are demanding is for China to be out of the way so that the Americans continue to exert control of the world through the World Bank and the IMF.

The Americans’ complaint against China is that China would be the major player in the AIIB without the Americans and that is bad. The AIIB can only be good if the major player is the American and with them pulling the string. So World Bank and IMF are good, AIIB bad.

21 Asian countries hungry for cheap loans that they often could not get from the American controlled World Bank and IMF have agreed to join the AIIB. They know where their interests lie and what is good for them. China may be the major contributor of funds to the AIIB, but if it takes the organisation and run it in a high handed manner against the interest of the participating nations, it would not last and AIIB would be a non starter.

This is the 21st Century and there is no place for colonialism and imperialism and gunboat diplomacy. China would have to treat every country in the AIIB as equals. There is no other option. AIIB can only exist with the support of all the participating countries with equal rights. Bull to the Americans.

Good riddance to the American semi colonies for not joining. It is a blessing that they, especially Japan and Australia have been left out. Their participation would only be as spoilers and as proxy to the Americans.

The intent and purpose of the ugly Americans are all about world domination and control and the exclusion of China from the World Order of the Americans. The TPP is another American creation to exclude China from the system. Many countries have been victims of the Pax Americana and the time is ripe for an alternative platform and system for the victims of the American empire to offer them a better deal.

Asia, Africa and Latin America must strike out a new path on their own where they can manage and determine their own good and future with the Americans pulling all the strings. The AIIB is only the beginning to the dwindling influence of the Americans. And they are protesting loudly and even twisting the arms of their allies and semi colonies not to join. The World Order is shifting.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. @redbean:

    >> This is the 21st Century and there is no place for colonialism and imperialism and gunboat diplomacy.

    Says who? Plenty of that shit going on right now between China and Japan, China and Vietnam etc.

    >> Asia, Africa and Latin America must strike out a new path on their own where they can manage and determine their own good and future with the Americans pulling all the strings

    Good luck on that.

    >> The World Order is shifting.

    It appears to be. But I don't buy all the hullabaloo. Here's why: The time frame for comparisons is too short. The trend could reverse -- it would take JUST ONE CATASTROPHIC EVENT in global finance and economics and govts all over will be yelling at US Fed Chairwoman Yellen to inflate and bail them out. Exorbidant Privilege to the rescue...again, and again..and again.

    Want to cut off America's balls? Then get rid of the Federal Reserve and fuck the toilet-paper USD off as the (laughable) "global reserve currency".

    America boasts that it is "home of the brave, land of the free". Freedom, freedom, freedom---that's all you hear within 1 or 2 seconds when "USA" is mentioned. And to be fair, it is, to this date, in general the freest cuntry in human history.

    BUT: The US Federal Reserve Global Reserve Currency system is CENTRALLY CONTROLLED PURE COMMUNISM at the core.

    Got irony?

  2. 21 countries except the Uncle Sam's lapdog Australia, even though China has given them the best deal in the FTA.
    Clearly that down and under nation is dancing to American tunes.

  3. It used to be 21 countries or more with China out in the cold. Let the pseudo whites remain out of Asia. The Asian countries should isolate this European country in their midst and trying to act like a western power.

  4. First confirmed case of Ebola in India, one of the most populated land which is not advanced in medical expertise.
    Pray hard and brace for a outbreak in Asia.
    Sinkies will be vulnerable as we have many visitors from india and China.

  5. What do you mean not advanced in medical practice? So many of our doctors are from India and they are the best we can find.

  6. 200 years of US military interventions:

  7. Mr Bean, enjoyed your blog and the great unwashed that leave their grubby comments. Moi included.

  8. This is the asian century and the last century is the angmo century. Maybe the next century will be the eskimo century since we will all be killed by ebola. Change is the only constant.
