
University Rankings, be the best

Behind the success of Singapore universities
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Posted by Abhijit Nag in pressrun.net

Congratulations, Nanyang Technological University. NTU is now No 1 among all the universities in the world that are less than 50 years old, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings. The question now: Will the university have more Singaporean postgraduates?

We should aim to be the best in the whole world. Maybe we will get there if we change all the teaching staff to foreigners. If that does not work, we can fill the universities with foreign students. That should do it.

Come on, let's get it done. Be Number One, be better than the Harvards, Stanfords, Yales, Cambridges and Oxfords. Aspire to be the best like aiming for the World Cup.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. Rb // Come on, let's get it done. Be Number One, be better than the Harvards, Stanfords, Yales, Cambridges and Oxfords. Aspire to be the best like aiming for the World Cup. //

    Tiok rb.

    Create in SINKIELAND Ai-Vee Leelick Universities.

    That's a job for Char Tao and MobokTan, GOAL 2010, oops, salah date already came and gone but sinkie soccer sank further into abyss since 1998 when GOAL 2010 announced by CHAR TAO AND FRONTED BY MOBOKTAN.

    Now must shift goal posts again.

    How about GOAL 2030?

    Or YEW prefer GOAL 2300?

  2. of course in a few yrs time,
    NTU will be the Number One U,
    much loved and betterer than
    the Harvards, Stanfords, Yales, Cambridges and Oxfords.......


  3. "Maybe we will get there if we change all the teaching staff to foreigners. If that does not work, we can fill the universities with foreign students. That should do it."

    100% Tiok.


    For the simple reason that we don't even have enough ordinary Sinkies, let alone talented ones to make the university rank No 1 in the whole, wide world!

  4. There are not even enough Sinkies to form a party and ready to be govt, let alone a better govt than the PAP govt.

    As a result, there are also not enough Sinkies who want to vote PAP out.

  5. "As a result, there are also not enough Sinkies who want to vote PAP out."
    Anon 10:09 am

    I think this one PM Lee also know.

    If not, why he dare to say Sinkieland belongs to all and make Sinkies so angry and frustrated with PAP, u tell me lah?

  6. What is the use when NTU takes in more foreigners than Sinkies. When graduated, Sinkies find out that they are less competitive than their foreign counterpart because they do not need to serve NS and that jobs are secured for them as a scholarship package. Phui

  7. SINKIELAND LEEDERS should face the realities on the ground.

    Pretending like deaf frogs or blind like ostriches with head in sand likely is LOSE-LOSE-LOSE for SINKIELAND, Sinkies and the LEEDERS themselves.

    A lot of repairs and sincere, genuine, concerted efforts are highly likely required to put the PEOPLE-GARMENT relationship back on track while there are still sufficient political capital left to do so.

  8. After TCC and GKS stepped down especially after GKS relinquished his Education portfolio, sinkieland education system in terms of creativeness and innovation never look likely to be world beater or able to produce world beaters.

    CSJ's proposed educational reform definitely deserves a close scrutiny to weigh its merits and possibly integrate those proposals that can remedy the serious shortcomings in an education system that went through the hands of the much touted KFC, ROOSTER, BOTAK and now the "substanceless" ornamental GOLD FISH?

    Whoever takes over ( this 烂摊子 ) in the future is likely to face the most daunting task to overhaul it?

    No wonder Teochew Ah Hia said he is not ready?

    Who want volunteer clean up after a "tsunami-like diarrhea shit" left behind pls kee chiu?

    Teochew Ah Hia already categorically stated on 26th Jan 2013 that he is NOT READY ( "not prepared to clean shit left by others" ) ?

    Is there anyone willing to go near, even holding his nose tightly and with a 100-foot pole, to clean the shit?
