
CPF savings – Tyranny of the minority

Why are a few million CPF members being held at ransom and at the mercy of a few individuals? Who or how many people are involved in deciding the fate of the money of the millions of CPF members, current and many to come? Why should these few individuals, an absolute minority that is too small to be meaningful, and assuming so much power to micro manage the life savings of the people?

After all the kpkb at Hong Lim and the social media, the Govt is taking notice and knows that if nothing is done, something is going to give way. And in the recent NDR, Hsien Loong did made a few changes and concessions, which to many were far from enough or meaningful.

In today’s ST, it was reported that the unionists are showing concern that allowing the poor CPF members to take a little more of them money out at 55 or 65 would do harm to their little savings. That if done, the little savings will be even more little for their retirements. I say, thank you very much for your concern and we all know you all have a very good heart.

Everyone is talking about those who are living to 90 or 100 and as if CPF is their only means to live their lives. Many have other forms or ways to survive their retirements. But most crucial, many will die without seeing their CPF savings, without having a chance to enjoy a little bit of them. Things are not so simple and straight forward like everyone is irresponsible and will go to Batam.

And who gives these bleeding hearts the authority to meddle with the lives and life savings of the people, a few millions of them? Who do they think they are? God? My God, if they are the Gods, the people must kneel down to beg for mercy as their kindness are deadly and could lead to tragedies to many.

If they think they are that kind and compassionate and wanting to help, open your pocket and take out your own money to give to those who need. Stop taking the money from those in need and stop telling them you are helping them. You are not helping them. You are meddling with their lives and causing pain and sufferings.

Good grief! What about those who die without benefiting from their life savings? What are you going to do about it? What is your solution?

Kopi Level - Blue. Thank you.


  1. The PAP government thinks that what they have proposed and implemented is the best for the welfare of the Singaporeans. Maybe they are right in most cases and in a small minority there may be those who would fall through the cracks. Singaporeans have live the last 50 years being nannied and this is one situation where the government feels that being a nanny to the Singaporeans is necessary. Who knows they may be right. Speed here.

  2. Did Goh Chok Tong said Sinkies asked to be nannied?

  3. @ RB asks a salient question for once:

    »» What is your solution? ««

    1. Stop deluding myself into believing that CPF is my money. This is the first, most important and HARDEST step which most people fail to take.

    2. Do not proceed to Step 2 if you cannot deal with Step 1. Step 2: Try to grab as much "benefit" from the CPF scheme as possible. Mindset: EXTREME self-interest.

    3. Get on with rest of my life, and ENJOY it!

    4. Enjoy the "entertainment" and Laugh at the dumb suckers who are still suffering (self imposed) from delusions about CPF.

    5. Laugh even harder at their excruciating and futile attempts to change what is solidly written INTO LAW.

  4. If only Sinkies are as dumb as you then all their life savings would be for nothing.

    No, Sinkies are not as dumb as you and would want their money back.

  5. Who gave those few individuals the authority to control our CPF?

    The answer to this question is the answer to your question.

  6. I,too, am puzzled at ST's report that unionists are worried about new cpf option to let workers who retire withdraw part of their CPF savings in a lump sum.

    The good hearted union leaders fear that low-wage earners will come to grief if they squander away the lump sum of cpf withdrawn and therefore have less to retire on.

    Worse they may have to depend or rely on their unions for the rest of their lives post retirement.

    I can't help feeling that the union leaders thinks just like the pap leaders.

    Are they from the same mould?

  7. All politicians are humans and not saints so they are self serving or else they will become philanthropists instead. They are not there in the first place to help the people, they are there to increase their own wealth and serve their own goals. Just like any humans, once they collected the monies, they do not want to give back. Its human nature lah. If the peasants do not like this, they can stop voting for them. That is the only way out but many will still vote for them due to being held hostages for other stuffs..

  8. "I can't help feeling that the union leaders thinks just like the pap leaders."

    - one cannot become a union leaders in sg if he does not sing along with the papists.

  9. /// Good grief! What about those who die without benefiting from their life savings? What are you going to do about it? What is your solution? ///

    My solution?
    This is the only way to get your CPF money back when you turn 55 years old.

  10. /// Singaporeans have live the last 50 years being nannied and this is one situation where the government feels that being a nanny to the Singaporeans is necessary. Who knows they may be right. Speed here. ///
    August 29, 2014 11:27 am

    I have been parking at HDB carparks without paying for the past 50 years.
    Who knows I may be right.
    Shit for brains here.

    This is the only way to get your CPF money back when you turn 55 years old."

    - really?

    I think the only way is to have a referendum.

  12. Hi Anon 4.19

    You really have Shit for brains. We are all talking about CPF. Why are you going on about parking in HDB car parks??

    Really have Shit for brains,

  13. "I think the only way is to have a referendum."
    August 29, 2014 4:22 pm

    What do you think General Elections are?
    General Elections are a referendum on the leadership and policies (including CPF) of a country.

    If you want a referendum on just the CPF issue alone.
    Do you know what parts of the Singapore Constitution would allow you to do so?
    Do you know the Constitutional process that will allow for a referendum to proceed?
    Do you know how to do it?

  14. A few ah peks having a good time fucking in batam then whole population kena screwed. The few ah peks should be ashamed of themselves kena used as an excuse.

  15. I am worried.
    Should we pay a high salary to men over 90 years old?
    + go Batam and spend all their money then how?
    + bring shame to their legacy then how?
    + disgrace their family then how?

    Men over 90 years old should not be paid more than $1,000/month to protect them.

  16. All you need is ONE mad servant to turn your house upside down.

  17. Rb. : And who gives these bleeding hearts the authority to meddle with the lives and life savings of the people, a few millions of them? Who do they think they are? God? My God, if they are the Gods, the people must kneel down to beg for mercy as their kindness are deadly and could lead to tragedies to many.

    Rb, YEW said they think they are God?

    Do YEW know that the "TOH PENG" spelling is "DOG" ?

    Did it occur to YEW that those who thought they are "God" actually could be the "toh peng " spelling which IS "DOG" ?

  18. Rb " Good grief! What about those who die without benefiting from their life savings? What are you going to do about it? What is your solution? "

    1) Do nothing. Let them continue "shooting " their own feet "until they cannot walk ".

    2) What YEW are doing! KPKB!

    3) Migrate! Give up the citizenship like what many did and even many new citizens doing it. Withdraw the CPF in one lump sum.

    4) Sell away everything including all property(ies). Buy a nice landed house in neighbouring countries with seaview at the price of a 2 rm flat in SINKIELAND. Use the balance to retire well. Get some work in the mean time to kill time for those who want to.

    5) Vote in 43 opposition members in the future to "bang table " with the garment for "野蛮" governance? " Fight poison with poison " as in the Chinese phrase " 以毒攻毒".

    6) ......................................................................

    7) .....................................................................

    8) .....................................................................




    As the Chinese say:


    1. I like the Digits 36 as it is my feeling that it will be the Likely Winning Percentage of the Alternative Parties combined in the Next General Election.

      However, if more than 2 Alternative Parties abstain from the GE, the Alternative Parties could score over 40%.


  19. And who gives these bleeding hearts the authority to meddle with the lives and life savings of the people, a few millions of them? Who do they think they are?

    They think they are the only and strongest political party able to contest 100% seats and ready to be govt. That's who they think they are.

    And indeed they are, tio bo? And what is most crucial, 60% Sinkies will only respect and vote for such a party in a GE.

    So u think u can be a leader of another such party? If yes, u have a 93% chance of becoming PM after the next GE.

  20. "So u think u can be a leader of another such party? If yes, u have a 93% chance of becoming PM after the next GE."

    Oh, like that ah? But then did Hainan Ah Ko said that his newly formed party is ready to be govt?

    If not, then how can he, or anyone else, have the power to make the necessary changes for the suffering, CPF no enough Sinkies who cannot take out their CPF?

  21. huat ha papigs

    thanks to hsien loong, kuan yew, dead gecko

    stinkapore is a affluent, stable, racially harmonise cuntry

    long live old fart kuan yew

    so all daft .. be grateful to papigs, vote 4 papigs

    leemember only papigs deliver

    dum believe .. go to aljunied grc, look around; well maintained surrounding under papigs are becuming like grassland for animals and secondary forests

    vote for alternative parties if you like going back to kampong

    vote papigs for first world standard of living ... huat ah

  22. WOW, 20 or so comments later...and people are STILL DELUDED into believing that CPF is their money.

    Oh well...you can't change stupid, I suppose!
