
Tharman is making me nervous

This is quoted from a post in TRE on what Tharman had said about the CPF money. ‘…Temasek Holdings, TH, need a source of cheap funds, Tharman had said there are many other sources of cheap funds besides CPF.’ Now you see why I am nervous?

Think, why would a fund manager borrow from a more expensive source when other cheaper sources are available? And he is like saying he is doing CPF members a favour. Is he a philantrophist? If one is to know how generous a philantrophist is in giving, would you want a philantrophist to manage your money? Frightening or not?

I would rather Tharman go and borrow from a cheaper source that has better terms than from CPF. I can’t say he is stupid to die die must borrow from CPF when it is more costly.

Now you see what I am driving at? If I were to put money in a fund, I would not want to put into one where the fund manager stupidly go and borrow from a more expensive source when they is no need to. Or is he hiding something, that overall this more expensive source is providing many many advantages that he is not telling us, like pay back only when you want to, can afford to, or take your time, for as long as you like, no need collateral or track records?

Is CPF members getting a good deal or the Govt?

What do you think?

Kopi Level - Yellow again


  1. Anonymous said...
    RBI, I think your last paragraph said it all. While it may be true that it's not cheapest but then hey, this source has no conditions Tio Bo.

    And before matilar posting a comment longer than your post, I have an idea for matilar to write another new book from one of the earlier post few days ago.

    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.

    1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
    14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
    15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!
    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.

  2. 放心吧。你CPF的钱永远是你的。你人在天堂,钱在CPF Board。很安全的。

  3. Tharman is part of the problem.

    Stop looking at PAPigs for solutions.
    Start looking at Opposition leaders for solutions.

  4. Did anyone notice how comfortable everyone of them were when they talked about how safe CPF money is?

    To you it is your money. To them it is OPM but their good life depends on it.

  5. asking loaded question @RB:

    >> Is CPF members getting a good deal or the Govt?

    Yes and No. CPF + HDB has been successfully used to manipulate the voting preferences of the Gullible Sheeple. Whether you think that is "good" or "bad" deal is how you see the world.

    I think it is a good deal. It is even a better deal that Singaporeans fall into being manipulated so darn easily.

    If you allow yourself to be exploited, then you deserve to be exploited.

  6. "How to make very sure CPF is really your money?"

    Vote Opposition lah!
    This question you also need to ask.

  7. Yah lah, what's so difficult, everyday talk and talk, just vote opposition lah. Whatever they say we will not hear. We only want our money back and the only way is vote Opposition. When we vote opposition our children will have a better future.

  8. Tharman make you nervous ? Only him meh ? I think all of them make us nervous. When they talk, I close my ears, and eyes.

    When opposition talk, I feel shiok, even when they talk rubbish, especially Sylvia, she is so stylish lawyer. I can really feel their passion, their love for fellow citizens. Even CSM, he is a hidden talent, if he speaks, I will open both my ears and eyes and try and understand what he says, because he got so much experience and talent to help all of us. When can we give them the opportunity ?

  9. TCSS is the new normal.

  10. As a FM, this Tharman is a joke. If he borrows from the 'cheap fund' and more stupid people like him borrow from that 'cheap fund' and one day that 'cheap fund' will become expensive. Most companies started off cheap, kill off competition and then raise prices. Its demand and supply. China even gives away free funds but everyone knows nothing is really "free". Devil is in the details.

  11. Joke is a understatement when compared to the WP members.

    Look at CSM, LTK, Sylvia, and others, every one of them is so talented. They are our very own hidden talents. I m very sure CSM one person can handle 10 of our ministers at half the costs, and I m also quite sure he will volunteer many of his time to help the citizens. People like him is a rare gem. It is really a prize that the opposition manage to catch him. That people like CSM choose WP says a lot about what he thinks of the ruling party. In fact, every one of the opposition party member is worthy to be a full fledge minister. Now they are just being humble, not like some ruling party people.

  12. Since the high court here has awlays been sleeping with the current ruling party, anyone dare to be opposition is highly remarkable and risk being made a bankrupt. People must show their support or appreciation in return.

  13. Plse plse, many sinkies are saying Tharman is much more capable than the incumbent pm. Some said that if only sg allows any race to be pm, Tharman or Shanmugan is best suited for the post. The former holds an international appointment in imf and is probably the only singaporean ever appointed at such level. None of the pm of sg has ever got selected by the international community for a job in a world body.
    If there is anyone in pap that gets the trust of sinkies, Tharman is the only one.

  14. Anon @ 6:25 pm

    "Tharman is the only one."

    Don't be so gullible. Know what is a good cop bad cop routine? Sinkies cannot trust any papig. LOL.

  15. If there are no other choices,

    the less evil one is preferable.
