
60 year old sacked by FT

Below is a letter by a Wei Yi to TRS.

‘My father was terminated last week as a senior waiter by his Pinoy supervisor for no apparent reason. He had been working for the hotel restaurant since the 1990s and is well-regarded by both his colleagues and bosses....

The worst part is that this was only 2 months after the new Pinoy joined the hotel as the F&B manager. My father had complained to HR which then did an investigation but then the supervisor said that he was too slow and this did not give the hotel a good image….

Although I have long heard of middle-aged Singaporeans getting replaced by foreigners, I cannot actually believe how suay that it would happen to my own dad. Worse, I work for the HR industry and an increasing number of Pinoys have joined the industry.

With a target of 6.9 million, it seems that less than 50% of our population will be native Singaporeans and the only jobs for them are in the government sector, NS as well as taxi drivers. It would really be damn disastrous if we don’t act fast and kick the PAP out.’

This is the new normal. But fret not. My advice is for the sacked employee to go for upgrading training. Then he can get a new job as a table cleaner in the foodcourts or hawker centres. And the upgrading training is heavily subsidised, maybe free some more. '

The 60 year old uncle can then work with dignity until 80 or maybe 90. Be grateful and say thank you for being a citizen. The Govt will take care of him all the way.

If not happy, can go and see Gilbert Goh for some pep talks. Sinkies are really so lucky.

Kopi Level Yellow


  1. The Heat Is On!

    No one is going to give you chances. You have to make your own "lucky" breaks.

    Those of you still sleeping, enjoy your dreams of a "perfect and fair" world ;-)

    Got reality?

    Kopi for redbean, otherwise he migh fall asleep...

  2. singaporeisforsingaporean.blogspot.sg

    where mom? where tan chuan jin? tot he say google take down hate fill blog is correct. so what is this? diff story? he will say the old uncle old, useless, inexperienced, do other things when working. who never do other things when working.

    tan chuan-jin u telling me u never use your handphone at all to sms ur wife or ur loved one or whoever. ur pay so high, 1 second u eat snake also cannot.

    donate charity for what. donate red bean better. immediate help. maybe he will help others also. donate charity to high pay workers in VWO? or later money gone like nkf. what for. and this high pay worker in msf, is it local first? like ntuc lady who complain malay wedding. what nonsense. no pink ic qualify for her job?

    if there is no fair and perfect world, why are u here?

  3. Pioneer Generation Package or no, one more sixty year old and his daughter and perhaps the whole family voting with their heart instead of their brain.

    Sad really. All because for some reason or other, this sink hole is so obsessed with cheap labour from India, PRC and Pinoyland.

    Well, like they say, the winds of change are blowing and that duffer in the hot seat better do something fast.

  4. Vote PAP and have a Pinoy sack your father.
    Well done PAP!
    Come, I clap for you!

  5. We better start teaching our children to vote Opposition when they are young.
    Or else our children will have to look after us when we get sacked by Pinoys.

  6. As election comes nearer, we will see more and more such sob stories appear in the internet.

    It doesn't take much effort to write one.

    1. There will be happy stories too, like free abalone porridge in Hougang & Aljunied.

  7. Alternatively, take up swimming lesson in Bedok Reservoir.

  8. later u haven swim nea catch u ah

    tell me why vote wp is useful. have u talk to people with problems that they approach wp but never help. how many companies wp have network with? fm solutions is it one of them? who their network. when u are jobless, do u think they will create jobs for u? in this aspect, i think pap create a much more safer environment to let us stay.

  9. Canoeing also can, fishing, picnic also can etc, but if die die want to swim in Bedok Reservoir even when people warn the water got dangerand old people cannot take up strenuous sports, then go swim lah at your own risk.

  10. "If not happy, can go and see Gilbert Goh for some pep talks."


    I think Gilbert himself need some pep talks. I mean for the sake of his own career lah.

    If u can't even take care of yourself, how can u take care of others, u tell me lah?

    1. Gilbert will be earning $16k a month after the GE. So you better stop talking cock

  11. /// As election comes nearer, we will see more and more such sob stories appear in the internet.
    It doesn't take much effort to write one. ///
    June 26, 2014 11:52 am

    Wait until after GE 2016.
    Even more sob stories.
    Will more PAPig Ministers become unemployed?
    Will there be cronies also become unemployed?
    What about the $2 companies?

    You make Singaporeans cry.
    Singaporeans also make you cry.

  12. Sg gov should set up an organisation to help sinkies find work irregardless of age instead they spend money on helping foreigners find work here, processing their visas and their entire clan visas, training them, giving medical care to them, rewarding them etc. I am not anti foreigners, I just think that the gov should spend their money more wisely.

  13. >>1019am

    Of course this world is not fair but making it more unfair is not going to help this world gets better.

  14. anonymous at June 26, 2014 12:19 pm



    sound very logical

  15. To protect us Singaporeans, we must choose the opposition. We tell opposition to pass a law that FT must never sack a Singaporean, regardless how capable or how hard working the Singaporean is, until he konk off or he choose to retire. If he don't want to retire, then he can continue work as long as he can walk, like take walking stick go work.

    FT of course, cannot sack 60 year old local. Like that where got law ? Local can sack FT but it must never be the other way. Wait till 2016 then they know.

  16. /// Wait till 2016 then they know. ///

    Traitors & Aliens make Singaporeans cry.
    It's time Singaporeans make Traitors & Aliens cry.

  17. Sacking a 60 yr old man is more reasonable than sacking a 50 yr one.
    Army generals are seldom beyond 50 yr old in sg.

  18. Why not sack a 90 year old MP?
    - Jiak Liao Bee

  19. "how suay that it would happen to my own dad"

    It is blessing in disguise, at least, your father now know who he should get even with.

    Yes, survive and living well is the priority.

  20. There are not enough "60 year old sacked by FT" to vote PAP out.

  21. but if u no job, wp never find for u.

    at least pap give u job. till now. alot of things cant control like this 60 yr old. look at other poor country. what if when wp run, ur kids suffer more? dont even have playground let u play. dont forget we are small country. at least now red bean still can write blog earn money when pap is running.

    what happen when u vote wp, and your child don't even have a 2 room flat to stay?

  22. I guess many PAP Ministers must be sending their resume to George Yeo by now.

  23. Send resume to George Yeo no use, must send to George Yeo's boss.

    George Yeo, although Chairman of a company, was also appointed as chairman by a boss or group of bosses, tio bo?


  25. >>1131 -"dont forget we are small country."

    Many smaller countries are richer than bigger countries or resource rich countries. It does not matter whether the country is big or small, all is in the hands, mind and will.

  26. b you are very clever. It does matter whether country is big or small.

    If country is big, politics screw up still never mind because still got big private businesses, small country screw up then where u go?
