
Robotic pets as companions

‘During the APEC TEL Workshop & 9th IAC forum held at NUS today (16 Jun), the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) told the media on the sidelines it is exploring high-tech gadgets like robotic pets to keep the elderly company.

IDA said that it is looking into using high-tech gadgets like wearable monitoring devices, robotic legs and pets to help Singaporeans cope with ageing.

The forum aims to use technology to improve daily living for seniors….

Paro is modeled on a baby seal and has been listed by Guinness World Records as the most effective therapeutic pet of its kind. It has an array of sensors, and is said to be capable of developing a personality over time that corresponds with how people interact with it. It is priced at close to US$6,000 per unit.

However, not everyone is agreeable to using robotic pets as company for the elderly. Thw Wall Street Journal reported that Paro is being used in some nursing homes in the US [Link].

“If you give me a robot that helps perform mundane tasks associated with care giving, such as vacuuming or doing the dishes, I’m all for that,” says Dr. Thomas, founder of the Green House Project, a campaign to make nursing homes smaller and more like regular houses. But “if we wind up with nursing homes full of baby-seal robots, the robots will be trying to fulfill the relationship piece of care giving, while the humans are running around changing the beds and cooking the food.”

Sherry Turkle, a professor in the Science, Technology and Society program at MIT, warns against regarding it as a companion. “Why are we so willing to provide our parents, then ourselves, with faux relationships?” she asked.

Lakewood Manor, a continuing-care retirement community in Virginia state, borrowed a Paro from the distributor but sent it back after 3 months. A spokesperson said, “I think the staff took to him more than the residents did.”’

My simple comments would be to design human like robots for the seniors to keep them company. If we as humans, or children, could not be near them, give them some realistic humanoids to keep them company, to amuse them. I am sure hugging a male/female humanoid to sleep beats hugging silly robotic seals or pet dogs?

Are we that crazy or naïve to think of spending $6,000 on a robotic seal toy?

Oops, my apologies, this whole thing is meant to be a joke. Don’t take it seriously. Those who are serious need to visit the IMH.

I heard that this robotic pet idea came from Japan. But I think they prefer real comfort women but selling expensive robotic pets to the daft in exchange for their money.

PS. Sunday is time to relax and be dumb for a while.

Kopi Level - Yellow


  1. Living things relating to lifeless machines.
    Where is the spirit of beings?

  2. Matilar, knn sprouting nonsense again. Go write your books lar u motherfucker!

    ) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
    14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
    15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!
    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.

  3. @1117:

    >> Living things relating to lifeless machines.

    Rest assured, the definition of the word "life" is changing to embrace the advancement of technology. For e.g. is a virus a living thing or non-living thing? Not such an easy question to answer.

    Robots are becoming more sophisticated and autonomous. I belong to the camp that believes that in time these machines will become "self-aware" and have consciousness and "mind" such that they will evolve as independent individuals -- like humans -- with language, the ability to abstract ideas, the ability to choose freely, evolve some kind of ethics and morality etc.

    Also there have been great strides in SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY, creating new things like artificial DNA and non-carbon and carbon based organic molecules, such that a whole new "organic chemistry" will come into existence. Who can say what the future holds?

    $6k for a cute Japanese baby seal 'bot?

    How about USD 7k for a 'bot "girlfriend"? If I'm in a nursing home, clinging onto life, neglected by family...the baby seal can go to hell lah, gimme a sex bot so I can die a happy man :-)

  4. Haha...hehe

    Coming fr matilah, the spiritless man, nothing matters. A dildo is as good as a vagina, a hole in the wall is just as good.

  5. 11.45 am I agreed with your post. That is why I think matilar is even willing to write his experience on book 16 which is. High risk move. I am not sure whether his little pecker is still with him or not.

    I think angkonkia will love the idea of hugging a real mei mei than a robot cause he can always go to batam and 6000 goes a long way there

  6. @ old-fashined assholes who can't expand their thinking to embrace the future:

    It's early days yet. But what you can get fr around USD7k is not bad.

    The sex bot -- who's look you choose and takes 2-3 months to make -- has multiple "personalities" which you can change, or SWAP online with other sex bot owners. i.e. you can "borrow" someone's girlfriend by loading up their personality algorithm into your sex bot. How cool is that?

    Plus these hi-end sexbots have HEARTBEAT and CIRCULATORY SYSTEM which keeps them warm at body temperature. They can hold "conversations" with you, and even ORGASM.

    I don't think at this point in time, sex bots will replace the "real thing", but hey, if you are stuck in a wheel chair or bed ridden in a nursing home, having a robot come suck your cock and lick your balls, and on top of that TALK SEXY TALK is a fucking GOOD DEAL as far as I'm concerned.

    BTW, there are male sexbots too for the ladies or the gay guys.

    Now all that is needed is to convince MediShield and CPF to release funds for nursing home and hospice apeks to buy sex bots.

    IMO, that is being very decent to these old folks. One day, if we're lucky, we're going to get old and sick, and then die.

    I think if you die fucking and/or CUMMING, it is a very good death.

    Dying with Jezzus or Ah Lah on your mind is a very fucked-up death.

  7. P.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MeQcI77dTQ

  8. Is it true that we have robotic Ministers which are carbon copies of LKY.
    If true, then why not robotic pets as companions?

    Is there any difference between the two?
    - Both have no real balls and also no feelings of loyalty towards Singaporeans.
    - True or not?

  9. Matilar, another way is to put u and angkonkia together, no need to spend a single cent mah or buy a small pig or sheep also can

  10. Haha matilar, don't be a cheapskate so spend some money to pull out the teeth of the small pig or sheep first!

  11. Not true that ministers are like robots. If they are, matilar would have bought them and screwed them. If not satisfied, smashed them.

  12. So 8 years of report with $8000 mthly salary to a few scientist. Plus $6000 per unit and still got those operator cost. And sell to old man. This is call saving money? Where is MSF?

  13. @ cock talkers:

    Robots in time will evolve to be better than humans in many areas. So many jobs now that require humans, will be done BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER AND *SAFER* by intelligent, probably "conscious" robots. i.e.if you think you have a job "forever", you will be replaced by machines or algorithmic processes-- and they will do a much better job than you can even on your best days.

    My "advice" to the smart-arsey chee-bye mouthed, chicken-backside fuckers out there:

    1. Start learning and playing with Arduiono and Raspberry Pi, (or suchlike) and Lego Mindstorms

    2. Learn how to code (everyone should know how to code)

    3. Start making things, especially things that have mechetronic components in them.

    All 3 above categories are DOMINATED BY ASIANS -- especially Chinese and Indians, although the original tech and code is from the USA and Europe.

    And BTW, Singapore is a great place to learn robotics. You don't have to go to NUS or Nan Tech -- you can do it yourself. There are so many online local suppliers of robot parts and stuff for Arduino and Raspberry.

    In other words: there is NO EXCUSE not to jump in and stake your claim on the future. So go out and treat yourself to an AR Drone. or similar. All made in Taiwan and China. I see SO MANY SINGAPOREANS playing with these all over the place.

    Get off your lazy stingy arses lah and learn some new shit!

  14. China's Maker Movement

    Beware. These fuckers are going to beat you, and it will be your own fucking fault!

    The "spur" in your side is going to become a very sharp multi-pronged FORK and it will poke and poke you disregarding your screams for mercy.

    Docco: The Maker Movement

  15. Matilar,
    Go write your books lar. This one cannot be done by robots as it needs creative ideas on what to write. U can write well as u posted nonsense all the time so u might as well entertain others and make a bundle in your process.

    I have a new idea for cheapskate like u.

    17) the matilar way. How to satisfy your lust with minimal outlay. Keep a little pig, pull all it's teeth and enjoy oral sex each day till the pig grows then sell it to slaughter house as food to make money.

  16. why would people want to buy jap products? why would gov here flood the market with jap products? this people are threatening the security and lives of asia using the monies they earned from everyone here. they are spreading the jap imperialism. people must stop buying jap stuff.

  17. 1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
    14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
    15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!
    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.
    17) The matilar way. how to satisfy your lust with minimal outlay.keep a little pig, pull all it's teeth and enjoy oral sex each day thill the pig grows then sell it to slaughter house as food to make money.

  18. Why would a spiritual being wants to relate to machine?

    And why so many hoard money
    they have no time and life to spend? Spiritually depraved?

    No wonder the World gets crazier by the days.

  19. Matilar, knn sprouting nonsense again. Go write your books lar u motherfucker!

    ) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
    2) the art of incest
    3) the guide on how to bull shits
    4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
    5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
    6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
    7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
    8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
    9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
    10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
    11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
    12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
    13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.
    14) How to inflate two flat tyres when the holes in the tires have not been mended!
    15) How to boast to women you have a rolls Royce when you only have a Mini Cooper with four flat tires and running out of petrol!
    16) The matilar secret. How do you stick your little pecker into a donkey's mouth and don't ended up the donkey chew off your little pecker and two tiny.

  20. In front of you, they bow to you, they terminate you when you turn around.

    Do you want to follow blindly jumping into the cliff?
