
Japanese brutal atrocities against the Chinese. It is time for revenge. The Japanese led by Abe and back by US will commit the same crime against we Chinese people. A are


国家再怎么发展,也别忘国耻,我们要爱自己的国家,爱我们的人民,有了稳定的国家,强大的国家,有一颗爱国的心,我们就永远不会被别人欺负,看看我们一些先辈们被欺负的惨境,激励我们中国人永远努力奋斗,前进,让我们祖国强大,再也不要让我们中国人受到别人的欺负 .


bayoneting of 3 year old baby
Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier
The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment
What crime had the children committed?!
What else could I say? They were all innocent children!
Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake
Another female martyr
Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues
I am also a human being!!
So proud of his work!
I cannot understand why young Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays!
The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier!
They never realized they were to be used as life targets!
Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets!
Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century
Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life
What are you thinking, soldier?
Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money
Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!


  1. In the past the Japanese and the West including America and Russia hated and despised we Chinese people because we were weak and disunited and they hated us for that. Now they hate us for a different reason. Now they hate us because we Chinese are now rich, strong, powerful and united and China is now the factory of the world as well as the world financial dragon. In the past our sin was being poor, weak and disunited and now our sin is because we are rich, powerful and united.So it is obvious we Chinese must destroy our self proclaimed enemies before they are allowed to destroy us again.

    Eagles Eyes

  2. just see yesterday Australia Badminton Open semi-final women double between China and Denmark and you can see even the chow ang moh umpiregiving many points to Denamrk and ignoring China"s protests.

    This happened not only yesterday but most of the time held at the ang moh cuntrees,

    See how they hated the Chinese,

    Luckily as they said god IS GREAT China even won theb finals against Japan

  3. // Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, Lee said unless Japan can put WWII behind it, including the issues of comfort women, aggression and “whether bad things were done during the war, I think this is going to be a continuing sore” for Japan. //

    A faux pas? It's not Japan that does not want to put these issues behind it, it is China and Korea. Japan wants to re-write the history of it's aggression and atrocities in WWII if it can, and he is encouraging Japan to do it. How convenient for Japan and the traitors and scallywags who collaborated with it in the war to have this page in their history put behind.

  4. WTF is this offensive posting allowed here?

    "It is time for revenge."

    "The Japanese led by Abe and back by US will commit the same crime against we Chinese people."

    Enough said.

  5. I do not buy anonae products since I know history.Lau Pok car also China made.
    But younger Chinese nowadays even call themselves Yamabuto Tan or Ishizaki Lee,Nabae knn,I rather they become geh angmo and call themselves Dony Tan or Patrick Lee .
    Tell your children that.
    If I can afford,will book a deserted bungalow and pay their women geisha or whatever to do pervert act.Never pity those old men sleeping on their street.They could be the one that torture our ancestors.

  6. Hi Southernglory, there are too much gore and pain in the photos. I have deleted some of them to keep in still in PG category.

    The pictures brought back too much painful memories of a poor and weak nation that suffered in the hands of brutal and barbaric people.

    Now these people are trying to erase them from history and to tell the world they are peace loving people. No such things. Shinzo Abe is a man of peace and deserves to get the Nobel Peace Prize if he can keep all the history of Japanese atrocities and barbarity from the books.

  7. Young Singaporeans and those under 50s are not much interested in history. As for WW II Japanese atrocities committed on the Chinese, the local(Singaporean) Chinese have totally and long ignored and forgotten them. THIS SELF-EXPLAINS FOR WHY THOSE WHO WORKED FOR THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL ARMY IN WW II WERE CHOSEN BY SINGAPOREANS AS LEADERS OF SIN. SINKIES EVEN CLAIM THEM TO BE FOUNDING FATHERS OF SIN.


  8. Re June 30,2014, 4.17am

    This is just a strong warning to Chinese people wherever they may be not to be complacent for history will repeat itself unless they are careful and be completely prepared to confront an unrepentant bellicose JAPAN led by savage Abe whose ancestors like his grandfather and father were soaked with Chinese blood.Worst still and most fearing a war mongering Japan is now openly backed and supported by USA , the Evil Empire and thus it is now conducting with impunity its vicious and aggressive war posturing in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

    Millions of innocent Chinese were wantonly killed or maimed by the Japanese in the past. If you are a Chinese how do you feel and not be scary of a repeating of Japanese atrocities and heinous crimes against Chinese people.

    4.17am , the posting is just a wake up call to the Chinese. It is nothing and immaterial compare to the open aggressive bellicosity of Abe and his warlike followers.

    The Chinese people will not allow the vicious Japanese war of aggression and past criminal acts against the Chinese to repeat itself.

    4.17am, you must be a Japanese mole planted by Abe in Singapore.

    A victim of Japanese aggression in Singapore.

  9. @June 30, 2014 9:15 am

    will the graves of the founding father and the prataman be a state secret?

    hope to have the opportunity to water the graves if open to public

  10. 4:17 cannot be a Japanese mole for sure. Very likely a banana that thinks he is European but got this sickening look of a Chinese.

    1. Right, chiap cheng, people said bastard, japanesse bargaoooo!!!!

      Many chinese are traitors to their own kind and looked down on their own kind thinking they are atas.

      They are a disgrace to the chinese race and their descendents.

  11. Japan under Abe is pushing ahead with the amendment of the post war constitution this coming week
    by next Tuesday

    A man set himself on fire in central Tokyo in protest of the proposed change

    it allows Japan to deploy its military overseas

  12. Japanese very nice people, very polite, very civilised. These pictures must be fakes. Abe said so. Bananas also said so.

    1. What's lee kuan yew views on these atrocities? Did they happened or lies by China, Korea n western journalists?

  13. Many of those fighting in the Imperial Japanese Army were KOREANS.

    According to some reports, they were even more cruel than their Jap masters.

    Anyway, the horrific shit was in the past. People do brutal and sadistic things during war. The "enemy" is dehumanised -- he belongs to "the other" group. So it is just and right to treat him like a piece of meat -- including the women and children.

  14. "Many of those fighting in the Imperial Japanese Army were KOREANS."

    - many also taiwanese but still the majority were the japs themselves. do not twist the facts. this bunch of assholes need to be bring to justice starting with the jap head of state. an insult to the world, and especially china, that the asshole is termed emperor instead of king. even head of state of uk is king or queen only.

    The Chinese were weak because it was ruled by the Manchurians. The Manchurians were able to rule Chinese because some assholes opened the gates and let them in. Traitors are everywhere.

    Ever wonder why the sg gov made us buy those japs products? Guess who are the traitors.

    Only can depend on China to bring forth this justice to address the death of millions of yellow and white people who died.

    Those pics are real. I have read such a book before and it was produced long before photoshop ever was invented.

  15. The only way not to be bully again is to stay powerful and united. There is no other way.

  16. Abe will say no such things. Chinese fabrications. Who can believe in such a man?

  17. Ancient Japan was called Wa, which had a primitive culture when compared to Tang culture. The Tang folks referred to Wa as 東夷 (Eastern barbarians).

    From 630 onward, Wa sent large groups of monks, students and government officials, up to 600 each time, to the Tang capital of Chang'an to learn the then advanced production technology, social system, history, philosophy, arts and architecture. Among many items adopted by Wa:

    Tang political system

    Heian-kyō, the new Japanese capital established in 794, and was a laid out in a grid similar to that of Chang'an, the Tang capital.[16]

    Culture, many Han Chinese characters (漢字) were borrowed from Tang civilization to build the Japanese culture.

    Tang dress codes (known today as Wafuku 和服), eating habits were the fashion which was imitated and popularized.--wiki
