
Kenneth Jeyaretnam – Gaining acceptance and credibility

After the fiasco in the Punggol East by election when Kenneth and Desmond both lost their deposits, the political fortune of Kenneth was at its lowest. I could not imagine how miserable he must have felt in that 4 corner fight. His dismal performance was not totally due to his fault, the voters there were just too sophisticated to allow their votes to be splitted. It was crucial to send an opposition candidate into Parliament. They simply made a decision on who they wanted to win against the PAP candidate and threw all their votes at him. It was a case of since the opposition parties could not avoid a 3 corner fight, it was a 4 corner fight, the voters would have to make sure that it was not. They made it into a 2 corner fight with only one opposition candidate against the PAP.

Kenneth should not take it too hard that he was not the chosen one. The voters could not have decided on two opposition candidates and ended like the Presidential Election with all the opposition parties ended the losers. Kenneth must take the lesson from Punggol East and move on. It is good to see him still standing and fighting and not losing that fighting spirit and the will to want to be in Parliament. Just make sure that it is not going to be another 3 corner fight.

Since then, I have been hearing many good words about Kenneth. His façade as a bit aloof, his Englishman accented English that made Singaporeans uncomfortable used to be an issue. Today, the people seem to have accepted what he is and also appreciate him better, as someone of substance and deserving of a place in Parliament. And from the people whom I spoke and interacted with, and from what I have heard in the kopitiams, they wanted someone like Kenneth that can stand up and fire away on his feet with good, factual and relevant arguments to be in Parliament.

Kenneth’s appearances with Roy at Hong Lim and at Hri Kumar’s honest conversation at Thomson-Toa Payoh were well received. He made Hri looked very uneasy in his presence. His forceful articulation of the IMF loan issue was well researched and detailed and his effort did not go unnoticed. All I can say is for Kenneth to keep pounding the streets and keep fighting for what he believes in and what is good for the people. Many are quietly wishing that he should stand in a single seat constituency to raise his chances of winning a seat in the next GE.

Well Kenneth, you listening, keep it up.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. We do not need leaders simply just because they can speak good English .
    We need leaders with brain and can see far.Not one who anyhow langgar.

    Only those constituency with more Babatai voters like Serangoon garden,Thomson or maybe Marine parade who only enjoy listening to good English will cast their vote to candidate who speak good English.

    Go learn Hokkien,Teochew and some dialects if one wish to secure more votes.
    Hylam Ah Kor should also start learning Hokkien .

  2. Hi agongkia, Hylam Ah Kor, no need learn the Hokkien lah!!

    Hokkien is the universal dialect even the Tamils can speak fluently.

    Only those WOGs who think that they are atas sirikit do not speak the Hokkien lah!

    No worry, Hylam Ah Kor will speak the Hokkien.

  3. If Tin Pei Ling is a deserving Member of Parliament;
    Then I think Kenneth Jeyaretnam is even more deserving.

  4. de-theorised the speech

  5. I concur, KJ has been more outspoken and articulate on national issues than most of the WP MPs we have,
    Imagine if those questions he has posted on the web were pose to the Minsters in Parliament, they will have to come out with a reply.
    I hope to see him and CSJ in the next Parliament.

  6. "Many are quietly wishing that he should stand in a single seat constituency to raise his chances of winning a seat in the next GE."

    - problem with 60% sinkies are they are too kiasi to vote any other party except the pigs.

  7. So long as this kiasi problem is not addressed, pigs will continue to rule.

    "The pigs rule Animal Farm as masters, just as Mr. Jones once did. However, they control language and thought on their farm so completely that their animals still consider themselves free citizens."

  8. knnccb ....

    this mama think he angmoh pai? machiam those gragok kias in stinkapornang think white-hair monkey blood flow in their boby?

    but ... old uncle admit i will lan lan vote for him if he the only alternative candidate against the fucking bastard poobor kia papigs running dogs n bitches

    knnccb .... WANT FREEDOM (not those kotak new freedom) ... gEt rid of those goddam ridden tyrants in power

    but these need a reVolution not the rights thru voting .. long live marxism ... heh heh, 3am knocks at the door???? dui gow li
